Confessions of A Wannabe It Girl

How To be the Boss Everyone Wants: Top Tips for Effective Leadership

Season 3 Episode 190

What makes a boss truly great?  Olivia from Just Live Social joins us to share her journey from budding entrepreneur to leading a thriving marketing agency in Toronto. Olivia discusses managing rapid growth, balancing personal relationships and professional duties, and the essential qualities new leaders need.

We dive into the "Girl Boss" culture, addressing the misleading portrayals of entrepreneurship on social media. Olivia and I explore maintaining professional boundaries, the pressures of being liked by colleagues, and the unglamorous realities. We also tackle the emotional challenges of leadership, from handling feedback to the difficult task of firing employees. We are here to empower you to lead with clarity, confidence, and emotional balance!

Olivia's IG:@livi.ferney

Just Liv Socials IGl: @justlivsocial
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Liv Mangement: @livmgmt

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to Confessions of a Wannabe it Girl, the podcast helping you filter out the BS in pursuit of becoming the next it Girl, and in very it Girl fashion, I think a lot of us have, maybe, aspirations to be the leader in the group, the gal in charge, whatever that may look like for you. Yet I didn't know a lot about what it takes to really be a good boss. I mean, the most people I have maybe been in charge of are the two people at one point I have had hired for the podcast and occasionally working on film sets and in projects where I've gotten to act as an associate producer or, you know, just a member of the team. So I really wanted to dive into what it takes to be a good boss. What does being a good boss look like? But I had no personal experience of being a boss of like a major amount of people, like, say, even over two or three.

Speaker 2:

So, that being said, I am joined by Olivia from Just Live Socials to dive into what really makes a good boss. So let's do it. Welcome to Confessions of a Wannabe it Girl. I'm your host, marley Fregging, and I'm here to help you filter out all the bullshit and become the next it Girl. This podcast explores the reality of what it really takes to make it out there. As it turns out, it is way less Instagrammable than I thought it was going to be. I'm still very much a work in progress, but there's simply nothing else I'd rather be doing than chasing my dreams. So let's learn from my mistakes and work together to achieve our dreams with more confidence, clarity and direction. Let's get after it.

Speaker 1:

Hi guys, and welcome back to Confessions of a Wannabe it Girl. I am joined by the lovely Olivia from Just Live Social, a premier marketing agency in Toronto specializing in influencers as well as UGC, and today we are diving in to talking about qualities of making a good boss. So, olivia, thank you so much for joining us. Hi, I'm so happy to be here. Thanks for having me. I'm very excited to be here. I mean, I think, if you listen to this podcast know we have a deep obsession with social media and the world of social media, so I don't only think that you are very close, I just talk about being a boss, as you are the boss of your own company and founder correct, correct, yes but also have a cool job that we probably all like. So, amisa, I want to start off really quickly telling us how you became a boss?

Speaker 3:

Yeah for sure. So this is the girlies are going to love this story. I will be very candid with you.

Speaker 3:

I am a bit of a cheapskate when it comes to getting things done. I've always been one of those people that will reach out and try and do promotions. When I was 14, I was texting nail salons saying, hey, can I come in and make a video on my nails for free? And there was this spa in Hamilton, ontario, that did lip injections and I was obsessed with getting my lips done. But, as we all know, it's expensive. So I reached out and was like, hey, I have a marketing degree, let me run a campaign for you guys. And you know I had no real experience in the social media space other than doing a little bit of influencer work here and there, and I ran an extremely successful campaign with them. They called me back and, yes, just answer that question.

Speaker 3:

I did get the lip injections for free, of course. And they called me back and wanted me to kind of come and work for them full time. So I took them on as a client and things really exploded for the business and I was just so blessed. Things just started really rolling after that campaign ran and after a few months we had a massive client roster and I had to scale the business very quickly. Which we will get into is a nightmare for a lot of people. So I'm happy that I can share some kind of some tips and tricks on how to scale and not be a crazy boss, although I'm not sure all of my employees would agree with that. But yeah, that's kind of how I got into things and I've just yeah, I've been really lucky to have a really good team around me and we've grown so fast. It's been awesome.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's insane. How many employees do you?

Speaker 3:

currently have. So currently we work with over 35 contracted workers. Yes, yeah, which is no little feat, no, little feat.

Speaker 3:

Yes, it's so crazy. There's a lot of people underneath me at all times and a lot of different personalities, and I would say about 90% of them are women. We try to keep everybody that's working full time as female. We are fully like female owned and operated, but in the contracted workers. Sometimes our videographers will be male, which, of course, I want to be inclusive of everybody, but I really like us. We're in the tech space. They really try and make sure we're providing opportunities for females that aren't really represented in a lot of those areas.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and my view on that is when it's equal, let me know. Until then, I'm cool with it. You know, Until then we're good. Yeah, exactly so. Did you ever have like a shit boss? Yeah?

Speaker 3:

Oh my God, of course Everybody's had that horrible, horrible boss, the worst one. I go to my first job so I was working for like cash under the table as an infant at Dairy Queen and it was really really tough because we were friends and it was like family friend and I love her to death. I hope if she hears this I love you. You're amazing, but it is so difficult to balance friendship or especially family friendships, and being a boss like that is the worst line. To kind of it's such a blurred line and going from like screw you, you mess this up, you're late, you're gonna get fired, to like hey, you want to go see a show later is so confusing for employees and I remember that was just really really difficult for me I know we definitely all had a shit boss.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I got everybody like also just like very mid bosses along the way like not great not good. What do you think makes a good boss?

Speaker 3:

I think that that is. That's a question that every single person is going to answer so differently. I mean, I have a lot of family members and that are involved in business and they are tyrants and they think I am the worst boss on the planet. You're not screaming at your employees every single day. I think it comes down to a feminine thing, so I think females will answer this so differently than men will.

Speaker 3:

But a lot of men are tyrants at work and they get the numbers. They're going to see millions more dollars in their business than I will see in my lifetime Like that's just. They're going to build those conglomerate businesses because they're robots and I don't like to run my business like that. And if that means that I'm not going to be the billionaire, I'm not gonna be the Jeff Bezos, I'm fully okay with that. So I think what makes a good boss for me is a lot of like. You know you've got to be really charismatic, you've got to have a lot of empathy for your people, but you have to be able to still have that like authoritative confidence stance around all of your employees, because if you're all best friends, unfortunately it's not going to work out.

Speaker 1:

So how do you run the team then, or the contractors and all the people? How do you enable people to go do their thing, trust them to do it, not be a tyrant about it? And then like what happens when you get into some swimming?

Speaker 3:

I used to cry a lot. Managing people is a freaking nightmare and nobody talks about it. It is like babysitting adults constantly and it's just so difficult to manage people. But over time you know, after making mistake after mistake after mistake, you're going to start to realize how to do it.

Speaker 3:

For me, I am the least micromanaging boss on the planet. I let my employees like free range all the time and I'm sure a lot of them will work a three-hour day one day and then a 20-hour day the next day. I have a really rigorous interview process and I also do three months of probation for everybody that comes out to the team. So during that I'm on your butt for those three months to make sure are you filling it? Every day those people have to be filling out exactly what they're doing during the day and after the day, what they got done, what they didn't get done, why they didn't get done it. And if you can survive those three months then, like that's our kind of our trust lock of go, do your thing. But if I start to feel people falling behind them, we have to kind of move you back into that probation space. But that seemed to be something that really worked well for me.

Speaker 1:

Wow, Okay. So at first I was like wow, she's really chill. And then I'm like wait, no, but it's not, it's hard, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you really have to, cause people would just. I used to be so chillaxed with everybody that came on to the team and it was. It was great. We had really great company culture. Everybody's really happy right off the get-go, which is awesome. But people will not respect you and they will walk all over you and they will time steal and even when people are your friends, they will. You know they'll come for free money and free time and all the free resources that come with having a chill boss. So, yeah, I definitely I try to be a chill boss, but there's lots of things you have to be careful about, for sure.

Speaker 1:

I'm so curious because I feel like it's already come up a few times how do you manage if you're working with friends or people you become friends with, even in the workspace? You know you seem like a lovely gal we just met. You know we just hopped on the podcast, thank you. Wait, how do you keep that authority figure at the same time and like really slam the book down while still like keeping company culture?

Speaker 3:

positive. That's a really good question. Yeah, I do bring it up all the time because it's been such a sore spot for me and, I think, every young woman. When we're trying to build these kick-ass female founded and run organizations, we want to hire our friends. It's natural. It would be really weird if you didn't want to hire your friends, especially if you're making all this money all of a sudden but you've got all these opportunities and you've got great girls around you. You assume, of course, like let's all let's, let's kill it together, but it just does not work that way.

Speaker 3:

I've hired a lot of friends and it's worked out very poorly. Luckily, most of us are still friends, but we but I made a really kind of strict rule with myself just to not hire friends anymore, and that's super important. And when I feel that's also an interview question for me when I'm interviewing new people is like what do you see? I think this is a question everybody should have in their interview process is what do you see our relationship being like when we work together? Because people will so often say oh, like, I expect us to be best friends and that is a huge business red flag that run, run for the hills. Don't hire that person because they're going to be so upset every time you try and give them constructive criticism. They will feel like they can't come to you, they won't respect you and then that whole hiring a friend circle happens again. So yeah, I just really try and make it clear and I don't go out drinking with the girls, I don't go out partying with the girls.

Speaker 1:

It's yeah, that was literally my next question, because I do think, you know, in our culture of you know posting everything on, you know, there's a little bit of I've seen it as particularly with, like, the accounting, it's like the next sorority of your life is, you know, going out to drink with the co-workers. So you remove yourself obviously from that situation.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah, you have to. I think it works a little bit differently when you're working in a Fortune 500 company that has you in every single day eight to five. But for me I've done it before, I've definitely done it before We'll go out for bottle service with the team if we had a really good service month or whatever. But I stay sober and I no longer drink around the girls Everybody just gets to a different comfortability and to jump back to Monday morning or Sunday whenever we're working is just really difficult, and I think it's more difficult on them than it is for me Cause, as as I said earlier, I had that tough experience with the boss that just couldn't balance that line and it's. I don't want to put any of my employees through that.

Speaker 1:

Wow, so you're more worried about them. You think you could handle it and you're like I got it, I can probably handle it.

Speaker 3:

Yes, because it's. I can shut off brain and heart so quickly. It's taken years, but now it's like if it's work stuff, it's work stuff, and if an employee hates me one second I can brush it off my shoulder. It's not Definitely important.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, I want to talk a little bit to that. You know you can shut it off and myself very much included, and I find, often with females, but I'm a female, I love the females Like I'm always want to be with the girls. How do you get over this need to maybe be liked by them then?

Speaker 3:

great question oh, I don't know that this ever goes away. This really doesn't ever. We're females, like we all, I swear most of us, probably 95% of that, and I'm making that up completely, but I would say a good 95% of us have that urge to be wanted and liked by other females. Girl gang is a big thing nowadays and we all want to have this happy-go-lucky coworker group on social media and unfortunately, it's just not everybody's going to like you Especially. Oh, this is such a good thing for me to touch on while we're talking about that. I think In social media today, especially on Instagram, tiktok, we're seeing all the girl boss stuff like crazy right.

Speaker 3:

It's like be an entrepreneur, be an entrepreneur, be an entrepreneur. I will warn everyone that you will find people that are not going to like you. You're going to fail a million times. You're probably going to go broke five or six times and your first business probably is not going to work out Like it sucks.

Speaker 3:

Being an entrepreneur is exhausting. If you have a good business idea, go to a VC firm. Go to a VC firm. Go raise some capital. Go find somebody else to take control of all the people, because if you are passionate about swimsuits, you're just going to end up managing people for the next 10 years of your life. You're going to be an accountant, you're going to be a business manager. You're going to be doing all these things and you're going to not have any time to do the actual swimwear aspect of it. You're going to be hiring people to do the swimwear so, like that is such a big thing, not everybody's going to like you. It's exhausting. Be careful when you, you know, sign up to be an entrepreneur, because you're an entrepreneur, you're not going to be, you know, the makeup specialist or the. You know whatever it is the lash artist, the bikini model, the, you know. Whatever you want to do. It's really like its own separate entity when you're a business owner and it's not talked about enough.

Speaker 1:

So many people think, because of Instagram and they see the front facing part, that that is the job and it's like, oh no, there's so much more. That is actually the job that we don't see. And I think so much now. The person who maybe wanted to make the bikini is smart enough, hopefully, at this point and realizing they're doing it and they go and find an influencer to be the face while they still continue to do what they were doing. Yeah, kind of how, because that crumbles, unfortunately. So, unfortunately, um, unfortunately. At the same time, like you know, you didn't want to be the face. Did you ever face impulsors?

Speaker 3:

going back to the kind of social media stuff with the, the girl boss stuff that we've got going on absolutely, and I think the biggest thing that I saw at the beginning that really upset me is the porsches and the stacks of cash and the Van Cleef and you know, the big homes and everything I mean. Given today's housing market, the odds that I'm 24 right now, the odds that anybody under 30 can afford a house by themselves, being an entrepreneur is literally impossible. I know there are going to be a few people that do it, but it is so difficult to scale a whole business, make it successful, have a net profit positive and then buy all these things. It's insanity to me that we're pushing this. And I will tell you right now we have clients that are in the States that own so this is a good example clients of the States that own a hedge fund and they basically their whole thing is Lamborghinis and supermodels and jets and they are not profitable, Like they weren't profitable a year ago. Now they're doing good, but it's, at the time, not profitable.

Speaker 3:

We go in, we hire all these models, pay for all these cars, and these guys just drive around like they own it and tell the world. This is how you become successful. Like social media is a lie. Almost everything you consume has been created to convince you that you know it's real. But it's like watching a movie all the time there's people behind screens and desks creating content to make you feel a certain way, every second of every day. So we're sitting here having this imposter syndrome over you know, becoming a boss because I can't afford a Porsche at 18 years old, when meanwhile, that girl probably doesn't own that car Maybe she does, but it's likely her parents. It's so insane to me that we have such high expectations of young women who want to become entrepreneurs and business owners. And so, yeah, I still face that all the time when I'm traveling for work, I'll see people my age that have made it and, you know, are doing all these things, but there's people lying and there's content being created.

Speaker 1:

That's it's not, and you have to remember that rear like that's not mentioned in the 30 second tiktok reel, like nobody brings it up. I'm still trying to figure out the correct political way for me to bring it up. It's tough, you know, because like if you don't say it, we know it's deep down but we don't think it when we're just scrolling at the end of the day. And yeah, you know, it goes back into this whole idea of the girl boss culture and I love, hate the girl boss culture. Do you have any hot takes?

Speaker 3:

I should watch my mouth here. Yeah, I am very teeter-totter with the girl boss culture. I have been to a lot of events and I've kind of spoken at some events and stuff that are crazy girl boss culture and sometimes I feel amazing afterwards and sometimes I don't feel so good. And I tend to not feel so good at the ones where we sit around and pout about us being women and just say, oh my gosh, like we're women, we deserve all these things and we're hot and we're cool and we're smart and like everybody listen to us and give us money, but like sometimes I want to go to an all-female workshop where we focus on like finances and actual, you know, usable assets to business and stuff like that. So girl boss culture sometimes forgets about the education side of business and just kind of goes towards like we deserve more. I'm like, no, we're still gonna work, we're gonna work harder than you you men actually but we still, we want to see the work. So that's kind of my opinion on it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think I have a similar opinion. I like love, hate it. I love the mentality, Like I love that. It attracted me as a child and now I'm like I'm in it and I'm cool with it and you got me and congrats it worked. But also there's two sides of it, which I think is exactly what you're saying. There's talking about doing the work and then there's doing the work, which is not always so instagrammable and cool. You know it is really doing. It's like finances or firing somebody. They're shitty. Let's don't talk about that. You know that.

Speaker 3:

Said you ever faced a challenging experience as an assistant, I think one of the worst, the worst things that ever happened, and I mean now. This happens all the time and I feel very equipped to handle it, but one of the worst things that you will ever have to do and that I ever had to do is firing the first person you ever have to fire. Letting go of contract workers is different, because you can just choose to stop working with somebody, but when you actually have to remove somebody from your company, it is devastating. It is really sad, you will cry and if you don't cry, you're still going to probably scream in a bathroom or into your pillow for an hour or two. It's very frustrating.

Speaker 3:

People get so upset and they don't understand why. And it's brutal because even the first person I ever let go was stealing money like straight up stealing money and I cried. This person is literally screwing me. And yet I was sobbing like a four-year-old who just stubbed their toe. It was ridiculous and I think that's something that every boss is going to have to go through at some time. Just a nightmare, but you just have to keep doing it. So you get a little numb to it, because it does not get easier for a while Are you talking to yourself.

Speaker 1:

Do you have your bullet points?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I usually try and like walk around and hype myself up to some some like Cardi B for five minutes and I'm not going to burst out crying halfway through. And yeah, when it comes to the actual let go process, I can't start like rapping, you know mid midfire job, but I, yeah it's. You've got to be very careful when you're letting somebody go, because there are very strict things obviously that you have to say and you have to have good reasoning. You can't just be firing people because they said something mean about you. So you know it's quite, it's usually quite straightforward. It gets really tough when the person kind of refuses to accept it and wants to have a longer conversation about it. But usually what happens is you know you just you let the person go very, very straight to the point and then if they feel like they need to speak with somebody else, they can speak to an HR representative or somebody else from the company, because it's inappropriate for me to continue the conversation at that point.

Speaker 3:

How do you take feedback from your team? I think it's really important to ask your team how you're doing all the time and I try to do that constantly. I think as a boss, it's also important to kind of reflect, even daily, but I try to do it once a week just to say like how am I messing up? Because you've always got your hands in so many buckets, the odds are you're messing up somewhere. It would be very bizarre if you were not messing up somewhere. You get you know there's too many things going on all at once. So I try and really write down like what areas are my employees struggling and how have I caused that? Because as a boss it is my fault. Whatever they're doing wrong usually has something to do with me. So if somebody you know isn't getting their projects done in time, then I need to ask you know what's going on? And I'll try and take the girls we do lunch with anybody that's in our area quite frequently just to talk about that and continue to talk about their goals and kind of their aspirations. And usually along the those conversations comes up like how can I support that?

Speaker 3:

I find when you let people give you criticism I mean I've seen the boxes and stuff where people can just put in little notes and whatnot of what's going wrong. I have done stuff like that before. Sometimes it can get a little bit nasty and then I personally am bad at taking nasty feedback. I get grumpy and I'm like, oh, that person sucks right, whereas if we have a more open-ended conversation about it, it's good. I also love to let the girls talk by themselves, like sometimes I'll send them out with my COO or my CMO to lunch and then they'll feel more open about you know, talking a little bit of crap about me, which is great, because I'm like all right, let's figure out where this is coming from and reevaluate. I'm not going to walk in and be like oh, sydney told me, you said this on Monday, but it's a good way for me to kind of wrap my head around some ways that I might be messing up.

Speaker 1:

So this lunch, you know I'm picturing this team of like at least you know 10 around a lunch table. How do you not let this get out of control? When you're opening the flight gates for feedback or maybe talk about personal conflictions with work, how do you keep it?

Speaker 3:

small. We keep it very small, so usually I actually would never let it get to 10 people, and I don't even know if we have more than 10 people in one area at a time. Yeah, so if I go see, you know, our team in Miami, then I'm going to be talking to like five people at a time. If we're in Hamilton or Toronto, probably five or six maybe, and that keeps the conversation small always, which is key 15 people, no chance.

Speaker 1:

That's working nightmare.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm definitely letting my emotions get them up to me. I am a massive advocate of meditation. I meditate twice a day. I would lose my mind if I didn't. I'm also a huge breathwork fan. There's a girl in miami I met um a few months ago and she does breathwork. Her name's Kira and I'll send you the stuff after you're done. Your brain's going to explode if you haven't done breathwork. It's the best thing in the whole world and that is just something that's completely changed my life.

Speaker 3:

When I'm upset, coming home and doing breathwork or doing a guided meditation if you have a crazy brain that's running all over the place do guided. I can't sit there and meditate in dead silence for 20 minutes I would like. There's no chance I'm making it through that. So just yeah, I meditate like crazy because otherwise I probably would scream at people and I. That's one thing I refuse to do to my team members, no matter what's happening. I never want to yell at somebody. I don't like raising my voice at all. I don't think there ever is a situation where you need to be doing that. And if it is, then one of us is too upset about something and not in control of our emotions. So that's when I always turn back to like do I need to go work out, do I need to go meditate or am I hungry?

Speaker 1:

sometimes it's hunger for real that's real, and then approaching, like saying feedback yourself, like what do you for some who's maybe never given that kind of conversation it's really tough.

Speaker 3:

It's definitely tough to give people feedback. In a way, I think sometimes pointing out what people are doing going back to elementary school tactics here the two stars and one note is always a really good way to go and find two things that they kicked butt in. And if that's just, maybe I can just go personal Like you're such a charismatic, awesome human around our clients. I'm just really happy to work with you. Can you give me a call later? Just so they feel happy, because there's nothing like getting that text of like hey, we need to talk later, just losing their mind for two hours for your calls. Always say something nice. Say, hey, give me a call later. They're hyped, they get on okay and then I'm gonna suggest ways to fix it. I'm never like, hey, you're messing up, fix it, like here's what we need to do, or do you have any suggestions on how I can achieve this, because I'm struggling with this on my end. How do you feel about it?

Speaker 1:

so always try and take the blame right get in the space to respond like hey, thinking what was like some, I'd be like. This is not my fault, though this is actually not my fault, but I'm here for time.

Speaker 3:

That's so funny. I was talking to a girlfriend today. I had a situation at work and I called her and I said you're going to hate this, but I know I didn't mess this up. This was not my fault, just so you know you're going to be on my side. But yeah, those ones can be really tough.

Speaker 3:

I think that comes honestly. That comes back down to the hiring process too. If you have a really good hiring process, you're going to be able to tell right away through interview questions if someone's going to be stubborn like that Because there are situations where employees are right and I am wrong, and that's fine, but I need to make sure that I'm in the headspace to figure out that I'm wrong. I won't if they really believe they're wrong, like we need to figure it out. But I've honestly never had a super, I've never had a super, super tough problem with employees doing stuff like that. I think it's just yeah, it comes down to hiring the right people that are going to be open to like a conversation where there's not like a definitive I'm right, you're wrong.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, from what I'm hearing is for you, being a good boss starts with really being a good person, picking strong candidates in the interview. So what are your? What are your like? Red flags or like things that you're kind of like? Oh I, I, as a boss, need to know that doesn't work well for my company. It doesn't work well for me.

Speaker 3:

First off, watch out for lying people that come in and we all do it. We all do it. But I always tell people to explain at least two of the jobs on their resume and then I'll do a little bit of back checking, just because people lie, and I think that that's a really big red flag for any company when you come in. I also don't love when people you know expect me to believe that they're going to stay with me for their entire lives. So I tend to ask people what their one-year goal is and what their five-year goal is, and if they're like I'm going to be exactly in this position making $20 an hour and be so happy with it in five years, I'm like, well, that's not true. I'm going to assume you're lying.

Speaker 3:

I love realistic people. If they say like yeah, I Like, yeah, I want to come in and learn for five years and then I might be interested in launching my own business one day and I hope that you can help with that. I'm like that's awesome, that's really cool that you're able to tell the truth. Here's a million reasons why you might not want to be a boss. Here you go, but it's yeah, that seems to be two of my really big red flags. And again jumping back to the friends thing when people are really insistent on like us becoming best friends through the process of working, just something I have to be careful with because I'm like that's going to hurt you and it's not going to be good for our working relationship. So usually those things I'm like absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I have a tough one with that one too. I like love working with friends and I hate working with friends. It's rough and then at the same time, like there are friendships that came from work and we seem to have no problem. So I'm like no, it works.

Speaker 3:

There's a million situations where it works. It's just when it doesn't work. It's real bad. It's really really bad.

Speaker 1:

You know it can be not only traumatic for you as a friend, but I also think it can knock your confidence as a boss because then you see different empathy inside that you see, not that I'm a boss of 35 people. What do you do to keep your confidence up as a boss after maybe things have gone awry, or when things go awry and you don't want your ego to get massive?

Speaker 3:

I think that's a good question. I think, yeah, watching. Watching is such a difficult line for people to balance. You have to watch your ego, but you have to keep your confidence in check as well. Jumping right to ego check yourself, check yourself, ladies. Check yourself. Make sure you are not the most confident person in the world.

Speaker 3:

I understand that you want to feel that way and it's great, but when you think you know everything, your business is fucked. Your business is so screwed You're going to go down and down in flames. You don't know everything, and the more that you can open your eyes to the things that you don't know is the better that your business is going to do, the better of a boss you're going to be, the happier your employees are going to be. It's so important to check yourself and watch your ego and I think, in terms of keeping your confidence up, because, looking at the other line of things, there's lots of girls that are kicking butt right now and all to them, just check yourself, watch yourself, keep growing. You're doing amazing.

Speaker 3:

And I see this a lot, especially in, maybe, moms and younger women that want to get into business. They're really struggling with self confidence like crazy and I understand that and there's that imposter syndromes. How could I ever run a business when I've been a mom for the last 10 years, or I have no education or I have, you know, no money? I'm not sure where to start. That can be really really tough for anybody and I think the best way to combat that is going to networking events. It's huge. They're everywhere.

Speaker 3:

Now that COVID is done, just Google a female forward marketing event or networking event or whatever industry you're in, buy a ticket, get your butt down there. You're going to meet 40 people in the same scenario as you and you're going to meet 80 people that know a lot more than you and they're going to teach you something and you going to leave just feeling so empowered and so just so much better being around other women that want to grow like that and there's enough success in the world for everybody. You're just going to feel so like happy. I know when I'm feeling like crap and you know things, maybe we didn't have a good month. When I go to those events, I'm just like a new light, glowy, happy person right after.

Speaker 1:

You know, I feel that like getting in the situation with the people that are doing what you are doing or want to be. Not only does it up your confidence, I find that it reignites my interest in doing the actual work, not just sitting around and chatting about it. We're talking about like well. For you it sounds like it might be finances. For me, it's usually like pitching emails and things.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but you know, it really makes me go back to why, exactly, if they were to get back and start or hire somebody, what is the most important thing they would look for?

Speaker 3:

I think organization, I think that's what I would go for. That's tough. It depends on what you know, how they're starting the business Right from the very get-go. I would love I'm a big salesperson, as I'm sure you are too Like, we just want to get out there and talk to as many people as we can, which is great, but when there's two of us it's just a fiery disaster and nobody's watching the books, nobody's writing anything down, never good.

Speaker 3:

So, yeah, right-hand man, probably just the most organized person I could possibly find, and that is who I had helping me at the beginning. And that's a lot of the reason for our success very early on was because, like, my brain was just go, go, go and she just made sure everything was, you know, taking care of on the back end. And that's so important because if you make a million dollars tomorrow and you don't know what's happening with it, you're done for Disaster. So, yeah, organized people are awesome. When you're a kind of sales forward person and vice forward. If you're super organized, go find somebody that can talk everybody's ear off, because I think he'd flip.

Speaker 1:

I would love he just arrives to work all day. You keep me away from numbers. I ain't that. No numbers, perfect. Then first, hey Olivia, you are so wonderful, you are so spoke. Thank you so much Taking time, so real spoke. Thank you so much for taking time to join the podcast. Everybody needs to know what they can do.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely yeah. So you can find us at wwwjustlivessocialcom and that's where you can apply to work with us or apply to be a client of ours. And then, on top of that, you can find us on social media at Just Live Social. Thanks guys so much, and thank you, marley, this was awesome. Oh my God, thank you, you're the boss.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much for listening to Confessions of a Wannabe it Girl. Don't forget to rate and subscribe to the show. As always, we'll see you next Tuesday. You.

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