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Finale Maybe?

William Jeffery / Marcus Burnette Season 6 Episode 24

Time moves by so slowly (or fast?)...let's talk about it. 


Oh man. Wow, we have finally made it to another point. In this season, it's another season finale. Oh, yes. Yeah, yeah. My company calendar. I had no idea. I just I woke up I came into the garage. And you were here. Yeah. So I guess it's the finale. How did you not you this is your show? It is or someone told you just the face of the show and your branding and everything? I mean, I it was yeah, no, it's my faith. I get it because you're expanding so much. You have all your other shows. You don't have time for this one. It's kind of like the mechanic. I was I was told there'd be no math. I don't. I don't keep count. Like, well, this is your wiling out. This is your cash cow. I think it's my while and now. We need a more card girls that because I don't I don't see any. And the DJ sucks. Alright, well, aren't you? So look, man, constructive criticism, I can be better. Looking back at these couple of seasons that we usually do. Instead of doing a wrap up. I just had some questions about the progression, if you will, about the progression of time of time. Yeah, well, Time moves in a linear fashion. Well, yeah, it's up constantly, when you try to go the other way. That still happens. Thank you, Professor. Um, introduce yourself, please. Um, well, and I believe that you should not mess with time or the multiverse. Unless, of course, you know, you're the Avengers and you have those cool spaces. I like, like, I'm Marcus. And I believe that dreams are just a window to the multiverse. What it like when you have a dream about yourself, it's just you seeing a opposite version of yourself in a different reality. So you mean that dream? We all have. We were seven when we were peeing in the bathroom, but it was in actuality our bedroom. We were at really paying in some bathroom in the multiverse somewhere. It wasn't it wasn't my fault. No, not at all. Call my mother. Are you gonna do that? Yeah. I never, you know, I kind of this was weighing on me. And now I've got I knew it wasn't enough. It was I saw the stall. I was there. It was cold. It smelled weird now groomed and smell like that. That cheap paper towels, even brown paper towels. All they do is smear the liquid. They don't wipe the zero absorbency all of that was in my dream. I wake up getting yelled at. I'm gonna call my mum. Multiverse dad knew it. Well, my mother is not familiar with the multiverse. She is however familiar with this universe. Okay. And her sheets, which were stained with your Yeah, you know, the mom wants to go, Well, I got you. I'm sorry. She really needs to watch more spider man. Tell her Why does she would understand the reference. Well, you know, as we get older, think certain things will happen. I was thinking about when we get older, certain things do repeat. And certain things change. Yeah, bell bottoms a bag. They left came back. And then I think that began for women. Window a couple of dudes where I'm sometimes hurt, like, everything that that's new. I don't know that dudes wearing every spectrum of the wardrobe is I think that's 2000 plus. Okay, so obviously phenomenon. I like to transition that you continue to read my notes. It never changes. Um, so my question for you. The show topic kind of for this finale was when did the ETS turn into the 90s? I think when I turned 30 No, I haven't. Yeah. Well, so I realized that was the 80s for me, and not what I thought they were I went to a gala, you know, because the show is very successful. And when you have up to upwards of seven listeners, you get invited to galahs resolutions now. It was for the school and it was on the playground in a tent. But it was fun. There's two bars, parents got babysitters. We all got to hang out and dress up and listen to music and try to dance while not injuring ourselves. But it was an 80s themed you know, like party or yeah All right, the I guess they call it a gala so they can charge an exorbitant fee for the ticket. Yes. And then the money goes to the school, right? Because if it were just a party and you can always charge like $20 A ticket like 80 bucks, and you still have to pay for drinks, right? But gala is one step higher than the social gathering. But like two steps higher than the party, right? Yeah, yeah, it's like a expensive kickback. But anyway, we've the Gala was at steamed, and it was fun. And like the fashion for the most part, I remembered I never, I didn't really wear I wasn't hoping to do like, you know, pants to the back. Because inside out as we're getting ready to go anyway. Why apparently that was that was 90s. And I guess I thought that was late 80s I don't know. I feel like the older I get the the further the decades move. But it was the music right? Like, I thought I didn't realize that I have no idea what 80s music is because I was seven. And my musical palette was was designed by my parents and my dad was a jazz music musician. So I thought the music was just bad as like, there's no words and it's just all of the instruments at the same time. Go on tangents. Skip at not all jazz. Music play it's not there's not always vocal. Okay. Right. So like the my dad was, he was in a lot of bands and played a lot of music he brought on to music, just just food instruments, not not vocal. But he listened to all sorts of obscure jazz and it is a very much an acquired taste. Similar to Cajun food, you know, like most people would refer to it as burn. But once you've acquired the taste, you know, you're gonna give me a second. I'm trying to max it cross out our southern listeners, which is Cajun, Louisiana, and no longer supporting cobbler. Yeah, no, of course. Cajun is you just cook it until it's by someone called barbecue. No, no, no, the Memphis would be very upset. There's all kinds of places in the south that would be upset with you. So that barbecue blackened does not barbecue. So the 80s turning into 90s was all about the music. I mean, I don't know that. But like, that's how it felt for me. Yeah, I mean, that's, I think that's how most I mean, decades are defined. I mean, there's just a few moments and things like that. But for the most part, it's the fashion and the music that drives the the decades so you're technically 80 baby. So when did 83 was a good year I had a members only coat? When did 83 extra extra small? It makes sense. Maybe the Members Only one thing snapped around the neck real quick, stylish. Dapper as they would say probably in your age. Um, so like growing up. Yeah. What year did like the 90s hit for you? And you're just like, Yo, this is the 90s I guess it was? I see this is I don't know, but I want to say whenever Mama said knock you out. Oh, cool. Oh, I remember that song. Because once I realized that music was not just jazz and Michael Jackson. But I was he was my that was my that was my like, my gateway my my escape. I was like, my dad would appreciate appreciate it my so jazz or my like, Well, my dance. So I didn't really care about the music at first. I just enjoyed them it will kill you and move your body. And Mike moved his button. Yeah, you can't move your body to death or seven year olds can't move there. They're not yet and I feel the same thing. So anyway, fast forward, I find rap and radio and I get my own, you know, musical palette and or taste and my aunt took me to buy a cassette because I'm that old and that's how you listen to music 100 years ago, it wasn't ATREX Right? Or a giant stone like the Flintstones or Flappy Bird to Kenny shove his face into it anyway but so she took me to buy like a single right like did you buy just like oh, yeah, that was that was thing. And I got Mama said I'm pretty sure was gonna say like, yeah, yeah, and there's a sad side beside and the other side has one side has swearing one side is clean. And I don't think my aunt realized that into she got home. And I played that thing until the wheels fell off and I really I got maybe 20 to 22 hours with it because I woke up the next morning and I put my Walkman on. You got to slide it that it looks like it's holstered right like it's a clip it's not it's not designed or it's not designed to. It's not like the Apple thing. Cool like armband hanging off right you shorts and then I had the the traffic control headphones is like a one wire over the top, you're here in two little foam balls. I was starting right to go outside and listen to my mom said Nokia in my 90s Walkman set, and I'm listening. I'm shooting my free throws and she pulls up. hops on her car. Like what are you gonna give me give me just give me like, what's wrong with this? Yeah, you got the wrong one. Like what do you mean? No, I didn't pick I got what I want. No, no, you can't come back. So she took it and gave me Will Smith. Summertime. Little Jimmy No, that that's even more violent. That is Yeah, I was gonna say that's pretty. Especially like, retrospect, we'll see later with Will Smith. Oh, there was no swearing. So you know, as long as you don't swear, I guess. I guess that makes sense. Yeah, that makes total sense. So and don't say the F word. It's all right. Well, you didn't want that. There's one says the thing then he went on to slap and swear. So you know, right? Yes, she is. She just left me with an LL a slap nobody. And he's the only one to survive a horror film. My man is out here living his best life. Not cussing or hitting people. Well, that's very interesting. Way to go. Mr. Cool. James, you would take LL Cool J's Mama said knock you out. Because that actually came out in September 14 1990. Hmm, I knew it. So that's when the 96 for you. Yeah. That's what you said for you. Because you know, I'm spot on like that mean? That's cool. handed out did the research. Oh, I know. My. Yeah. I was born in late 80s. So I remember the 90s. And then 90 started for me was when I could remember. TGIF on Fox on ABC, the wing plane, not that he was still playing basketball and in the early 90s. Like back when family matters. And all those shows are on TV. Right? Right. I don't think TGIF existed yet. That you? Yes. Really? Yeah. In Congress at night, it was a food place. And it was a it was a lineup on television. And it meant Thank God it's Friday, I think restaurants call right but it used to be a TGIF live at the restaurant. themed after television shows. I mean, I think TGIF is just a saying. So that was what the weekend line that like what is it? Friday? The Friday cartoon? Yeah, yeah, sort of Friday was like step by step. For house family matters. You know, when I saw those growing up, I was like, Yeah, this is the 90s Plus, like, Saved by the Bell. Those are the things I grew up on. Gotcha. The 90s To me, went away. When all those shows are canceled. Like when Julio white started turning into like 15 different stuff on her kills. Like I was like, Oh, this is garbage television. What happened in between that when did when was the Wayans brothers show? Oh, I got so that the 2000s Maybe I don't I can look it up and if you have it what else? And in the PJs, right? Yeah, yes. I'm trying to figure out like because you're right all like a family matters say about it. All that stuff did phase out. jtt right. And to do that only had a fence and a hat for face. Wilson know what was his name, but I know you're talking about Wayne's brothers came out in 1985 only lasted five seasons. So the 2000s So yeah, maybe everybody was just listening to Little Wayne and be like, you know, allow this I don't know. Bling bling. That was real big. I don't know what oh, yeah, man to the dictionary. Oh, wow. That was a hot boy. Boy was a terrible movie. Oh, yeah. Oh, that was messed up. I got to hook up me. How boys had a terrible movie called Hot Boys was such a shocker. And like, was the dude's name hold they should have a versus have terrible dos. On they should. That's funny. Do you remember all of the NO LIMIT RECORDS? Like all of the album covers are exactly the same. It was just a different color of rhinestone. Yeah. Man. They used to be like 37 songs deep. Always simple. Yeah, well, that was 2000s I don't know what was on TV. Was that the original X Men? Yeah. Okay. I was just thinking like, Okay, those are like time stamps in our lives. So music though this cartoon show? Wow. Well, no, no, it was it was it was a beautiful feeling. Are they just rambling now? This is this is an episode about reminiscing just like you reminisce about the season and stuff. No, yeah. You know, going back in time, and because I mean, you have to have cornerstones in your life. You gotta let you know time accepted only to just pass you by. blink blink was very important. I had a photo of 2000 fashion. Me garbage. I can't cannot believe I allowed myself to go outside. That is a cricket hat when cricket still overseas I just thought oversize tees are a good thing in the 2000s all of the culture why he was tall tea like firstly it was really big and then it was long or like the dress when some of the dumbest stared I remember going to buy some because I had to go to a game to pack Yeah, cuz I wanted to be clean it was going to the girls gonna be judged by the cleanliness of your T shirt. Right. So before shoes right? Are the shoes are important to be an Air Force ones through air, they're still making Jordans and stuff. I think it has some terms. They were they had finally made their way out over here that we weren't for no reason. But they're the most uncomfortable. I remember I had it like cuz I hated them. They were I liked them, but they hurt my feet. So and I've never need like we've been rained twice, between like my whole 20s. So there was really no reason to have them other than like, I appreciate it. East Coast hip hop, and therefore the fashion. So I had large coats in boots that hurt my feet. And it was 75 degree, but I'm thinking it's as cold. So through these two years in this reminiscing, I'd like to do that. I guess I just Yeah, I think I think it was what it was X Men cartoon and I don't know what, it's all the Power Rangers right? Power Rangers. Yeah, I think that's what most TV. And that's I think, I don't know what the hell our parents used to watch. It couldn't have been that good. No, they didn't watch anything. Because there's no time they were they're exhausted, they turned the television on and went to sleep they watching. They watch the news and complain about gas prices. I found myself doing that. Now. We can't because that's what you watch. Before you go to sleep. You're like, Alright, let me find out what's going on in the world while I try to figure out what show I want to watch. And while you're doing that, you fall asleep. If you're lucky, you get to Netflix. And then you get to scrolling through Netflix, you fall asleep. So you're saying like the time that people are always worried about turning into their parents, you turn it to your parents around your 30s their mid 30s And your parents whatever age have children Oh, in my opinion, cuz that's that's what forces you to slow down and or like you you got to take care of somebody other than yourself. So like now that's that's when all complaining comes that's when you start noticing you know how how things come full circle, how all the all fashion trends and all that moves in a circle, because you can watch your kid do all the stuff that you used to do, you know, but now it's green. And you know, like, they'll they put a twist. It's different, but it's the same. And I think the kids give you that perspective. Otherwise, you know, you're just two grown people. cohabitating you ever think about like, you ever get to that point? Like how did my parents survive without x y&z? Yeah, they didn't have Google? I don't understand. And then like, do you I don't understand how they didn't get a divorce every time we took a road trip because we had to Thomas guy. And that thing is the most ineffective set of instructions, like you talked to Cheshire Cat, and Alice in Wonderland was terrible. It gives you an autonomous guide, because it's maps but they're not they don't go in numerical order, right, like so the map will go to the end of the page, right? You'll be on page 22. So you would think on page 23. And a lot of the highway in the map following would be no it's a no city. Now. It's the I don't know what's on page 23. But you'll you'll see like on the bottom to see the rest of this map, turn to page 47 b. And now you've got then 47 B folds out, you know horizontally and vertically because sometimes nap got bigger. And we're driving down the freeway trying to decide whether or we get off on the wrong exit and go to a gas station and regroup. Right? Well, technology can just send us inside to get snacks while they talk to each other. Not a lot of hand gestures. We eventually got there. But you know now I don't even and that's that's the funny thing my parents will ask like, for directions places. They're like, I'm just gonna give you the address. Well, how do I get there? You put it in your phone, and it tells you I don't know how to get I don't know, right? No. What do you mean? Yeah, maybe you know, back in the day got directions, because you just you just give somebody an address that they've never been to before. They have no way to get there. So I always thought it was weird. Like even this generation. Now. They refuse to google anything. Like they'll ask a question like, Hey, man, how do I X, Y and Z? And it's like, I tried googling it. Like I had a co worker asked today. He learned about her, the artists, music artists, and he asked the dumb question, and I don't think he was trying to be funny. He was like, How do I spell her name? And I was like, well, you can sound it out in Google it and you know, just to see what's happening but like that's that's misleading though, because you just told him to sound out her like it His three letters, man. Yeah, sound it out. I feel like they just more confused now how? You just it's like Sesame Street at Sesame Street growing up, that was a beautiful time the 90s Her name is her, you know, he can just type in her. Yeah, and I'm pretty sure like it would have came up the definition the noun or whatever and then they would have came up with the music artists artists would have been like towards for me silly to see your 20 year old person. Now he's he's older than I but like, by not by that much. I mean that's but that's a generation that's the generation didn't have that option so their brain doesn't work that way are that's why our generation is so special because we we were born with the two TVs and dial up it like with no internet. And the time is God and then dial up internet. And then now you know everything is connected to the internet. Doesn't every generation say that your greatest though? Yeah, but we actually are. Because we got the internet what other generation had like birth the internet? I guess the rest of them are just using it. What about the industrial generation that like created like machineries and stuff like accurate at the car, oh, those don't use the industrial things anymore. We're trying to get rid of those cars as we speak. And you know, they served a purpose, right. And they weren't the best generation until we came along. Right. And then we made the internet because made all of this possible another generation eventually. Planet after because we've been ruined it now, thanks to the industrial guys that you want to potentially want to bring up some. But one of my favorite, the next generation that will be the good one, in my opinion, which I probably won't get to see will be ones that either reverse the damage we've done or get us off of here before it splits in half. Because it's we're not doing a great job of taking care of the place we live in. Thanks again to the industrial people. Yeah, I mean, they you know, they're doing what they're doing. Speaking of interested next generation are not really industry. So one of my questions are reflecting is two years ago to now would you have any advice for yourself? Two years ago? No, because I was still just in the middle of being an apparent Well, yeah, but I mean, the podcast was just starting and you've come a long way. Like for the podcast, I don't man, my only advice to myself was just hit record, keep hitting record and you know, treat her like Judy, like basketball, get the shots up. In the episode figure itself out. I think I was I when I guess when it first started. I was real hung up on making sure you know, it sounded right and made sense. And I didn't, you know, I didn't stutter. I didn't say like too much. I didn't Paul, I was like, I don't know. I mean, I think about that kind of stuff. But it's more about making content that people you know, resonate with, than it is, you know, the package making sure that it's perfect, right, like, you know, it's it, maybe maybe I'll get to a point where that's important. Like because I've gotten the you know, I've gotten a a process of creating content, it's mean of meaningful to me in a way that I don't have to think about it too much. So then now we can refine, but you know, right now just, you know, just focus on on making good stuff, and doing it consistently, probably consistently more so than anything, you know, you'll have off days, you'll have stuff that you don't think is good, but that's the stuff that does the best, right? Like you'll sometimes you'll think I did that was terrible. It was I wouldn't make no sense whenever and then you go check numbers randomly, like that's the most downloaded one in the past two months or something right, like so you never know. Just get in there and do it. Keep doing it. That's probably all I would tell them. So this was this was I didn't think I'd still be doing it now. Right? I was just thinking the same way. Oh, no, wait. It. It's 420. Why are we not doing it for 2420? o'clock? Well, yeah, I mean, at the time of this room, or afternoon or in the morning at the time of this recording. Right, right. When we like I thought how many episodes that week because we only do 24 episodes a season. I don't know how many seasons we'd have to do to do 420 But I was told there'd be no, not one that I started that I thought we were told there'd be no math. What kind of what is how many episodes you want. Will be holiday that I feel is not a holiday but everyone acts like it's a holiday? Doesn't that's to 14? Is that divisible? Is that for 20 Square? I don't understand the math is is a slope. You remember slope that was in the 2000s? For me, Snoop Dogg's holiday day that everyone likes to pretend Oh, that is for somebody I saw me please cookies out for Snoop Dogg for 19 and made a hat out of me it was hilarious. Little joint. Well, I was just thinking two years we haven't done unfortunately. Maybe we did we just forgot about it and that had I worked with so many things advancing and changing like you know rule was saying He, like are we gonna do now is let's like do it a wide episode, right? I was gonna say like this recreation and medical, right? Like the view of it's different. If we did one, it's a lot like tattoos I think at this point, you know, they wouldn't during the 90s not that podcasting was a thing, but like, it has been kind frowned upon and now it's just like, who cares? I mean, people care is a really, really long line in the dispensary. So that people care, right? It's yeah, I think it's, I mean, there's more pressing issues like Will Smith assaulting people on stage. Maybe if he celebrated for 20 A little early he wouldn't have been so uptight. Right could have stayed in the seat like a proper Audience Member right right right one job man just want to sit just sit he could he could a yell all the foolishness he wanted from his seat, right? But anyway, don't want to dig that back up. He's welcome on the show to you know, he's ever been in town. Let's talk about I would like to hear his list of other comics he thinks will would have approached in such an aggressive manner and I encourage his people presenters, there's well, there's plenty of white people, but I don't think there's any other black people that he would have. i It's hard for me to think of somebody else that he would just slap and then immediately about face on. You know, the type of confidence it takes to slap somebody in turn. That's, I feel like that's that's how you commit suicide. Right? It's the only if I didn't care about my life anymore. I just walk up to a girl man slap and turn around. Do what you want to back. Not man, Nick Cannon tried to fight Eminem. Over a Mariah Carey distract on not taking a slap to the face on national talent. He's gonna throw his whole career away over some insults. Yeah. Like they weren't even sad tears. It was like it was all indirect or when it was very direct. But that I mean, Drake. But I mean, it's Canadian. I feel like there's more white people category. I guess he's of what it's I mean, Drake is black the same way Canadian bacon is bacon. But fine. I'm really trying. Kevin Hart. He might have but I think Kevin would have tried to retaliate. It wouldn't work. But he I don't think he I don't think it would have had the I don't think it would have had the composure to just continue on with his cards or with the show. Oh my God show me. Nah, Charlemagne because he was impressed before he's enlightened. He almost got jealous and ran but he didn't foster sometimes he he's not afraid to fight back if he thinks he can you know he's he's annoying. But you know he wants us he's gonna fight ya know? It makes me want to think like you know, that is a short list that's a short list. It's either lucky or he knew what he was doing there's a lot of other people I wish he would have slept only because I wanted to see like their reaction to the situation. Yeah, I feel like he should have slept with people that made him mad upset in the first place that didn't we talked about that on the past episode. Go listen people I think we were missing that just in case you missed it we reminiscing episode I think I would have loved to have seen him slap like maybe Chris Ducker home oh man he did to rush hours I think that roundhouse kick still works. I would have loved to have seen it. I would have loved to have seen him slap John Cena. I finished Johnson who was performing see the thing about that is John Cena wouldn't retaliate either. Because Will Smith probably would have broke his hand. Right? He is pretty you know a looks like slapping a fire truck. The fire trucks always gonna win. I don't care how angry you are. You lose every time you hit your head on something like you know, you just hit a doorway you punch the door you lost twice. What would have been I would have made the joke. Then he would have went to jail if he slapped an old man on national television Chris Rock is an old man. He's not as old as Intel. We're talking about like Morgan Freeman. Oh just I don't think but that's why didn't sales close to the Morgan Freeman then he has to Chris Rock. And when it comes to salt because Wilson is only with like five six years older than Chris right? Yes from you know, much more difference. Morgan Freeman thing I like 20 years. Since we're on talking about celebrities real quick. Did you you have children and I think you guys recently went to like a theme park. We went to Disney we made sure did you read did you go the same day that the Kardashians went and shut down? Part of the park? No. I went to work while people were there. Yeah, no wouldn't work. I've paid my bill, you don't know that word. So I would have gotten if we were in line. And they try, we would have been heard about, yeah, we'd have been on film with them or fighting to get like you're not about to just the lines already law was taken three times as long to be the same person cut the line, they all cut the line, right? We all know this is a fast pass. Everybody, your Fast Pass is no faster than mine. I paid the extra $20 per ticket just like you did. So you get in the line with me? Or get out the way you know about the cut. As long as my kids are just as impatient as anybody else's fair, I don't let them do the negotiating, negotiating. Why they? I'm sorry, sir. Is the card that will tell that to them. Talk, talk to people talk to James and negotiate with the five and six year old if you can make them understand, then we'll wait. Otherwise, I'll take the yellow tea cup far left corner, please. Thank you. Right. I don't understand why no one else could have been in the teacups because wasn't I think there was like recently No, nation as to why they couldn't just like I get cutting the line. Like that's annoying. But if you like they cleared out the ride, right? It was just them riding by literally stopped the home. That's unnecessary. Like if you want to go first because you know, you're on TV. And that's really your only skill. But fine. Cool, you can go first, right? I saw some other people that could you can pay to have like a Disney pass to yours, like walk you through the park and get cut, like so fine. Like maybe I can totally see them paying extra or getting the extra treatment because you know, maybe the Disney will make it onto the Kardashians show you some cross market. I get that. But there's no reason to shut the whole ride down and not let anyone else get on. Right? That's unnecessary. Now you're being annoying, because that's how you make money like otherwise nobody would know you're there. Because we don't care. And, you know, now the show doesn't have anything to talk about. But if you shut everything down, it makes the news. And now we're talking about it because nobody can read the teacups. Now it works otherwise they go you know, because celebrities go Disneyland all the time. And it doesn't make the news because they know how to wait in line and ride ride. Yeah, like they understand how it works. Not Kardashians know why I will never allow them to consume any bandwidth in my life. Well, except for this tirade, but I'll never want to know that they'll get no ratings for me. I don't watch any show. It will never be on my television. It's it's bad TV through and the last thing to follow up this episode that I kind of want to mention and reminiscing how things are changing. California is trying to change the workweek to 32 hours as a full workweek like four days would be Yeah. What did that fifth day would be overtime? Right? I don't know if that works for salaried employees it better or I quit or I'm not demote myself right and work that four day well backed cubes right get the KPIs cat four days a week. Full time. California is losing its mind we're doing too much. We're doing too much we change them too many things. That's what happens when you legalize you know recreational marijuana you get real loose with the workday we right like Look, man, people are working way too much. Take one of the days later, right. Right. That's the simple pick of work. Last simple saw. Like I see I didn't read the whole I didn't read the whole assignment. I thought it was four by 10s. By Where are you it's still 40 hours but you work 10 hours an hour lunch 34 goes like I work overnight. And that used to be a thing until they came up with some sort of labor law you can do anywhere else. So I thought that they were addressing that I didn't realize it was like not just work one less day. That's totally for 20 inspired. Oh man, it's too much work. I gotta work tomorrow. Right? It would be dope if I didn't write you know what, write it down. Just write it down. Send it to Congress for a day where Mayor legislation you write legislation and I just really I'm excited. I don't think it's gonna pass. But I never thought there'd be a weed shop across the street from the grocery store. But this is our reality. This is and they got a better business bureau Award and the window. So my god half times have changed. It is what it is to 2020 twos guys. I was gonna say alcohol didn't have this holiday but all of the holidays are like say it has St. Patty's Day that's that's literally if you're pale. Everyone just drinks on that day, right? I'm just saying as opposed to beats playing. I respect people. Career. He's an Indian. I thought I don't know what he is confused because he thinks the earth is flat. I can't stay it carry fans, man. Yeah, no, he made. He hasn't eaten all day because he chose not to eat. Yeah, I wish they would all work for the same company that had nets where people can jump out the window. We talked about that. Oh my god. It's good advice. You know what? Cell phone chips now? This is another podcast you have since you're so damn busy. That you're great giving great advice. I heard what what is it called? It's called hydrogen and sandwich so I can stop arguing with people on Twitter about his numbers not being more impressive because he's hungry. Like they're good. To get him being hungry. He's not headed statistical category. Like, you don't know that. Other people could be other people might not have eaten. Like, I don't know. Why is his diet so important? I don't care. Like he thinks the earth is flat. Maybe he doesn't know what fasting means. Maybe he didn't have water. Right? The earth is flat. Maybe fasting means you just don't eat cheeseburgers on Wednesday. I don't know kind of us crazy. Yeah, no, I'm in your corner of nice. Oh, Dad's Corner. Yeah, that's on Apple. It's, you know, I'm sorry. Kinda makes me upset. He should listen though. Because there's a lot of logical advice. We talked about shapes because I have two small children. The difference between a square and a circle or a sphere and a comb. You know, just I he could benefit from the early episodes. It gets real complex after that. And he's hung up on circles and squares. I feel like he's just listened to the first ones fair. But you know, he would have to go to Apple podcasts first. If you want that advice. I think we did our time. It's been a long episode. It's a finale. It might be all over the place. Any final thoughts for your closing the finale? Any new things people should look out for the next season? Are we taking a break to get Mike requests for vacation time? What are we doing? First of all, you cannot ask 17 questions at once. I don't know where you went to interview or school. But that is a good way to confuse the interviewee because I don't know which question to answer, and I don't even remember half the questions. So yes. I'm not about to just say yet. Okay, so you're gonna ask 30 questions, and then give bad advice. Just say yes, that is Farsi. Man. That sounds really low. rapey All right. Let me need you to just three feet. No pressure with this advice? Just say yes, man. My advice is read all your contracts. Don't just say yes. Say Hold on. What did you say ask questions. Be careful out here. Because there's people that are trying to just, you know, braid you questions? Right? Yeah, no, it's fine. Don't worry about it. I forget the question. Just say yes, it's fine. It's cool. You asked me 17 Things would yester which one? Be careful. And fortunately he's great. Right? You know smoking if you got them. Because it's totally but don't go nowhere. Because it's just like drinking right? I think people get a little free with their interpretation of the legalization and just be you know, skipping through Target smoking joints like that. You can't you know, you can't open a bottle of wine while you're shopping either. So you know, discretion and all things but um, you know, enjoy yourself and we will be right back No, no break. Well, I mean, there'll be a short break, but um, nothing nothing too extreme. We'll be right back at it. I don't know am I going anywhere? No, there's no holidays or anything coming up like I think one time we ended the season around Christmas so there's like a few weeks break had to do the the family gauntlet of visitation but none of that just summer and and more of me in channels and probably some rideshare ants I got I got some I got some good ones where people would dog lady got in the car with the dog let the dog get in first didn't mention the dog in any way road was five very small dog got out and then told me thank you for letting the dog ride if she gave me some sort of option at any point to not let the dog in the car like when you the dog was the first one in the car. Yeah, you should thank the dog for letting you share the Uber with it because you let it into reverse. But at any rate, yeah. If you can, you can look for those. That's another another channel on the hill in the old Apple space is the right I need. You got it. It's I don't know how to people do that full time. People are crazy. Is I just I really, I don't understand it. But that's, that would be my other last parting bit of advice. If you get a lift, and you're not sure if the driver wants to talk. They don't just put in your headphones. loans and, and and look out the window. Because we're at work like it's like, you know, ask you a Subway sandwich, you know, sandwich maker, what their views are on the pandemic. And you know how many kids they have. How did they start sandwich making, you know, you know, ask your barista while they're trying to make your coffee with the half skim almond. Whatever your long order is you don't ask them 407 questions, just let them do the job. And you do your job and sit still. You know, don't be the Will Smith of the car, slapping me with your conversation. I don't need that I'm out of here.