Head Above Hypocrisy's Hot Topics

Knowing Everything About Nothing

William Jeffery / Marcus Burnette Season 7 Episode 3

Internet Trolls, hump! ...lets talk about it. 


Yes, I have been to five below if I'm below is nice, right? I mean, we're waiting for that target sponsorship, but why not a five? Sponsorship? I would not describe it as nice. Have you not been to a nice one? Also, if everything in a store is $5 or less, then what is it is cost effective? Yes. Nice. Um, it wasn't dirty. I don't mean like It was messy. Right? I mean that, like, I don't have any of the toys that we bought from there anymore, because they have all fallen apart and are since been thrown away. Yeah. So it's like a more expensive 99 cent store. Right. But I mean, you go there for the night. Dirty now. So at least, you know, some of them are coming up. And people getting married at 99. So that's a whole thing. I'm like, 99, September night. People go and get married at that. Like, what, what is the significance of? They feel like their marriage is only worth $1? Wow. No, I think it's you know, I missed you, man. We've been gone for a while. This isn't when he when we were supposed to be speaking about dollar marriages. I mean, Dollar Man, that's a discount man. Like, I didn't know if they were selling marriages at the 99 cent store. They're usually more expensive than that. I think the fees are still the same with them. Why would you do it there? You could just not do it anyway. Like, I think that nowhere is better than the 99 cent store. I mean, that's fair. I would did you get married? Yes. Did you have a cent? No. Because the options were the 99 cent store or nothing. So we went home and watch Netflix or just looked? Yeah, I mean, when they we had target list. I would rather just go to Target and buy things off the registry. Fine. Who are you? It's been a long time. Who am I? The girls dem sugar. You've done that? I have a good memory. You've done that one before. That's cool. All right. Allow me to introduce myself. Yes, that's my name is Wil. Ah, today. Ah. Because that's the initials of the show. Hit. Oh Ha. Forgot how to spell. It's been a while. We've been away from the show for a while man. I've forgotten a lot of things. My seat doesn't feel the same. You have like a shoe because I rented it out now. Where did the jersey come from? Oh, that was a gift for completing one season of seventh grade basketball coaching. Oh, you but you have another plaque for another? Why are you are you moonlighting as a coach. I fake it till you make it right. Yeah, I have. I am coaching the seventh I guess will be eighth grade. COMM by the time this is out Gotcha. Because it just like 30 minutes left of school. And it's summertime. So. But yeah, I mean, I guess I'm coaching I don't know, because I can't play forever. They're gonna have to do I got I got another 10 years of active hooping. And then, and then I guess I'll yell at kids. And you know best. I'm Marcus in this wonderful, wonderful show called head above hypocrisy. I have missed you. And being able to sit in the seat and talk about things. There's one thing I would like to discuss. People don't know at all, or claim to know at all. No at all. Is that still a thing that that text message you showed me about the basketball guy? Oh dear lord. How about this people haven't heard in a while. How about you drop your intro? And let's get into it. Oh, not to basketball. I had forgotten all about that. Now I just I have PTSD. He sent it he sends it to both text and how you send the same wrong information to two different groups of people. You know what you know what? No one else do exist because it's Facebook groups out there that function the exact same way to get one piece of nonsense and you know, just sitting around the campfire anyway, I'm gonna go I guess I'm gonna go on Facebook real quick and look for my teammates we have some pretty sure like, not maybe all of it but at least 90% of the Facebook ecosystem consists of No at all. I think that they that they live on the internet. Now I can see that. Um, well, the reason why I bring this up is because I believe you're playing on an adult league right? Yeah, totally. It's it's the most competitive church league I've ever played it not that I've played in multiple churches. You're not going out there and dominating for Jesus. No, but we there is prayer circles at the beginning and in of every game. Yeah, and Like when I first got invited, I don't know. I'm pretty sure they like, didn't tell me that until I had already like tied up my shirt arrived to the game and laced up ready to play like, oh yeah, by the way, we're gonna pray twice. It's quick and they don't like there's no pamphlets after not like they're not Jehovah Witness or vegan psychology like the you know the the membership? That's fine you got to pay for me you can't afford and then on the salary now but yeah so they're not pushy about it and I don't know that like you're forced to part because I've missed it a few times because like I'd be in the quarter you know with my rap jams do with my old man stretches. Right right. So I don't always catch everything going on. But I yeah, I looked up and they were in the circle praying and you know, every now and then I'll go stand like yep, Jesus breasts bless these ankles, so that I may send you some preachers No, no. So without being blasphemous. So like, I heard that the first guy that was on your team that pretty much took tons of bad shots sideways trying to pass jump shots not even get there is this the same guy you were telling me when you had to fill out like who you are as a player on the team? Well, so I didn't realize it. And then like as I was, so I'm playing I'm playing I play on two separate free agency teams, which effectively are a random group of people that don't have enough friends to put together a team themselves. This is what you do during when the show's off here. Well, this is what I do to stay sane. Oh, if I don't play basketball, then heads will roll. Anyway, so no, I play on the two teams Tuesday and Thursday nights. Last season like before the summer started, I only played Tuesday night because that's what worked out best for like the kids extracurriculars. And the wife's work schedule and all that stuff like that Tuesday night was the biggest gap. I can get some sleep and then go play and doesn't really still know what that is. I mean, that's a podcast for a different day. But sleep. Yeah, I mean, well aware of what it is. The same way I'm aware of what a billion dollars is. There's lots of stuff I know of that. Don't I don't like rideshare rants because the rideshare job you have and then you have this podcast. You have dads corner you have Yeah, exclusively on Apple podcast, as far as I know. Yeah, no sleep is it exists just not for me. I watch my family sleep while I'm working. So really? I mean, you got I don't like stare at them. I go inside to get something to drink and go make sure that like there hasn't been a bad accident. Okay, and or, you know, a goblin goblin. I don't just sit in the corner or anything. It's very, very organic. And parental okay, I'm not sorry. Friday the 13th I got your number in Terry here. All right. But yeah, so you filled out a form for this new season. We'll send out this this. So I played on the Tuesday night and the Tuesday nightly Okay, during the school year, because I still went out to break up time right. I work nonstop. But so during the school year, I played on the Tuesday night because that was what was best for the schedule. Come for summer league. I'm playing Tuesday and Thursday because the kids aren't in school. And you know so the Tuesday night summer league team is the same Captain as the Tuesday night team. I played him before us I know I got totally different cast people because it's first come first serve. He told me the signup day and they got work overnight. So I just set an alarm for midnight the day of and I'm sure I was the first person and apparently they people got waitlisted and I thought that I feel like during the like not summer it's not as busy but you know some of everybody's on vacation people have more time to play so I felt like it's going to be busy anyway so there's two teams I thought that do this the captain because it's church league and like a lot of people that play or that are captains and or working scoreboards and stuff all of them are very active in the church so I assumed that he was a captain for both teams he is not okay. He captains the team in a very casual manner and he just like he likes to play so he likes everybody can do what they want and then once they he feels that everybody is telling what they want he starts you know shooting and do whatever you want just very very carefully. We only run about seven players and you know it is what it is the other teams were more structured that's the team that I got the please fill out this form pamphlet about yourself. We'll follow follow up questions your question right What are you good at? How long have you played Have you played in the league before? This kind of thing? That was Thursday night hit a 40 foot jumper they didn't ask that I would have answered honestly. But anyway, so the Thursday night team it's just it's run a little differently and when I didn't the way the league works is the free agent teams the signup teams or whatever the one I'm on they they have a by the first week they weren't scoreboard every team works the scoreboard for a week like You know, party, right? Right. That's what how the league runs. And that's how we get stats and all that stuff. So I hadn't the Thursday on Tuesday I saw to do that I knew and it was normal. And I worked scoreboards on Thursday, I didn't end up having to work the scoreboard because he had sent this dude sent an email started two different text threads and emailed that that questionnaire for. So I was like, Oh, this is going to be a different experience, which is fine. It was interesting. So and like I said, the questionnaire I don't remember all of the questions, but what it was like, Have you played in the league before? What is your basketball like background? Rate yourself on a scale of one to five? And like, what is your best basketball ability? Or something like that was? What was the results confidential? I don't know. It was just an email. He sent the email out to everybody that was on the CC and everybody Yeah, that was on. He just emailed everyone that was on the free agency to, like, just I guess, to get a feel for the team, which is fair, like, there's nothing wrong with that. It was just the other guy's approach was so casual, I wasn't used to so much structure, or whatever. So I fill out the form as honestly and as seriously as I can without you know, taking myself too seriously. Yeah. And no sooner than I go to, like send my reply or reply pops up from another, you know, at this point, anonymous teammates we've not played. And the one of the one of the responses on the form or questionnaire that jumped out to me was like the question about what your basket what you're best at or what your strongest basketball trade is. The guy wrote, I know how to win. I'm sorry, what? But then when he ranked himself on a scale of one to five, he ranked himself as a three. So you're an average at best player who knows how to that knows how to win. I just it was it was counter intuitive to me to read and I was like, whatever. Maybe it was nervous. It's fine. Maybe three was his favorite number. Maybe that probably would have made the most sense. After meeting him all he's gonna make our three pointers. Attempt. Yes. Make? Absolutely not. Because it's this is the gentleman that I think it is. He on our Tuesday night team single handedly lost the game for us. And on a Thursday night team probably gave the captain a coronary, like, aneurysm it was it was rough. So he claims to know it all. But does he know anything? No, no. And it's it is? It's an enigma like, I've never encountered a human being like, I almost think that he is from outer space, or has been hit in the head or something. Or maybe it's like, I don't know. I don't want to offend anyone just yet. Or actually, I haven't picked a group that I Oh, not for this season. I just don't know who and I don't I'm not willingly going to offend veteran, but he seems like he might have stepped on like a bland mind or something. He has like a plate somewhere. Because I've never encountered an individual who is so like, detached from reality. And or like is gonna be on drugs. No, or I guess it could be a combination. Like maybe all of them, like prescription. A little bit of hard narcotics. Yeah, whatever it is hands on and or for, I guess maybe x here and there. Yeah, doing shots of Pine Sol. Oh, well, we might do a little cocaine a little bump of the white girl before he shoots jumpers. I don't think that your grasp on reality could be this loose, and you'd be wealthy. I feel like this systems in place, or like, there's just people that'll just take your money for muscles, like, you know, since we've been gone for he's bought Twitter and trying to force people to go back to work in office. So I mean, he knows it all here. But I'm sure that if we asked him to shoot a basketball, he would at least look at the basket and face it. I'm sorry, while doing so I'm sorry, this man that claims that he knows how to win also doesn't look at the basket. Why he shoots now and he doesn't bring the ball above his head. So it looks like a sideways chest pass. I watched it three times and was not sure that he was doing it on purpose and or attempting to shoot. And then finally he ran back. I was like, Oh, my bad man. My shots a little off today. And I was like, Oh, that is a shot. What he knew that it shows off. Yeah, I was glad that he knew it was a shot because no one else did. How do you No, no at all? It because it seems like that was just he's on both teams. Yeah, yeah. I thought I was the only sicko that signed up for both and, and well, because he's most of us are older people like you know, old dudes that does that. And that's why we're on the agency team. And then we don't we're Oh, we don't have you know, for other 3040 Somethings that want to get out here and embarrass ourselves, you know, twice a week for $75 like that, who would who would sign themselves up for this? So it's got to be a random group massacres the Yeah, the rest of them are younger and or in better shape, likely, but he is, as far as I could tell young and I can't imagine I hope, hope hope with all of my hope that he is not procreated With the the set of mentors he's got on him because like, I've just it's, it's amazing to me. I've never I've never ever, ever ever in my life met someone that is literally as as bad as they are that think they're good. Like he thinks he's one jump shot away from signing a 10 day in the league. And he's literally that bad. Like, actually delusions of Sean man like some people use that not that like that's a delusion mixed with like the drugs Alice did before she met the Cheshire Cat on this show. So they say intelligence arrogance is a sign of intelligence. So is he just being arrogant? Or is it like one of these just fall flat on your face? You just do in person came up with that phrase. Arrogance is a sign of intelligence. Now, I feel like I feel like we need to look up the definition of the word arrogant. But I don't think that arrogance and intelligence have a close relationship. Now because most stupid people are arrogant. Fair, having a revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities. What stupid person doesn't think that they are incredibly important and not stupid? I'm yet to have some type of self esteem. Right? But I'm just saying it doesn't have anything to do with your intellect. Like, let's see, he feels like his intellect knows like, he's not what I think. I think that I don't think that it's for I don't think that it's a sign of intelligent I just think it's a sign of of like a polarizing personality. You can be very intelligent, or you can be very stupid. But like middle of the road people are not arrogant, like, like just dumb dumb people are incredibly arrogant. So I feel like that's how they continue to function. They're stupid. They do stuff wrong. They don't get we're not I didn't do it wrong. Y'all just set the rules incorrectly. So it's confidence, man, it's only competency when it's arrogance gone awry. But at any rate, um, I just think that it's it's a little bit of a stretch to say that arrogance is a sign is a sign of intelligence. Right? Like I it can be a byproduct or, I don't know, a happy coincidence or something. Something that a lot of intelligent people, you know, also have, but I don't know that it's a telltale sign and like, well, that guy super arrogant, so he must be smart. Now he can just be a jackass. I mean, that is doesn't arrogance. This, this isn't a sign of anything other than an overt, you know, confidence on steroids? It's not I don't think that it's a sign of anything other than somebody probably don't have lunch with most know it alls? Are they arrogant guy come on. You can't be soft spoken and think you know everything. Because the confidence and the the the feeling that you are right, and everyone else is wrong, or that the situation you're in is wrong. No one's going to just sit on that. And you know, if you're if you think that you're right all the time, you probably feel that way all the time. You know, what happens? Like if you have the skills to back up the greatness? I don't know. Then you make electric cars. And I mean, okay, so for instance, like, a huge influence on your life build computers is, you know, the great Mambo right, and like already wins six champions. Like some people would look at him as being arrogant, but he had the skills to back it up. He knew what he was doing out there. Intelligent people aren't arrogant. I just said that. It's not a sign necessarily. You can be intelligent and arrogant, but you can also be intelligent and quiet. There's plenty of other you know, successful people that are not necessarily arrogant. They're super nice, you know, or whatever. And they still do rock. I don't know if he's like, intelligent. I mean, yes. Yeah, the rock is pretty he's he's pretty straight. He's pretty solid. I mean, I don't think he's, you know, what is it NASA? Right, right. He's not a rocket scientist. But he is he's pretty intelligent. Like you can't amass the vast fortune and and platform that he has built and be an absolute dummy. Even Even if he himself is not brilliant. He's smart enough to assemble a team to make him appear to sell and that takes some level of intellect. Right? Like you got to appreciate that. He's smart on some level, to be where to be where he has to come from. He's a champion, Lion guy, right, young, young rock. Great show. So I'm hearing you tell this, at least. You guys are winning games because? No, we haven't won. He. He lost the first of the first game. We should have won on Tuesday night and we were up by 10 at halftime Ah, and mr. mayor came out. And I feel like he realized he didn't feel like he was getting enough touches or like he wasn't involved in what was happening. And so he came out and reeled off, like, I don't know, five, six intervals. And, and didn't stop, I think a few. The only reason I say five or six is because eventually I think he hit the backboard. One point, he did hit the pieces of metal that hold the backboard up, he shot the ball behind the court out of bounds. But like, so we had a lead, and he kept like, you can't rebound this kind of stuff, because no one has any idea, including him, where it's gonna go. And so not only were we not scoring, but like it's a morale thing, right? Like you're working hard to run it up and down the core. We're all 30 Something plus and in varying levels of shape, but it does work for everybody, right, including me, like, I like to think that I probably did in the reasonably top half of being in shape on the team. But I it's still a lot of work, right? I have to box people out and you know, I'm getting elbows and stuff, we're doing stuff. And to do all that work, only for him to come immediately throw the ball out of bounds like it's the default, there's no chance of the shot going in is disheartening, like once or twice like everybody, I mean, people have bad misses, right? Like, if you watch NBA games, guys variable free throws, like Yeah, PB one offs, but to do it consecutively and have no intention of stopping or adjusting your game in any way. Eventually, people just quit on you. So we ended up losing by like, five points. I, I don't play sports, obviously. But like, I think if I correlated that to the office world, or whatnot, I'd be pissed. It's like if you if you do a group project on how ice cream is made, right, and you go to present it, everybody has worked super hard, then this dude that hasn't showed up at all. And done no work gets in front of the class grabs the microphone and starts talking about cheeseburgers, like we is ice cream, there's supposed to be dairy, and then there's the sugar, and you got to turn it, there's the old fashion and then you know, progressed to basketball. You talking about in and out man like? So it just he it's difficult to do a lot of work. And then expect someone to at the very least, like if you can't contribute to the work we've done, get out of the way and allow us to do said work like not being self aware enough to know that alright, I'm not doing a good job. Like, I misread the email, I thought that the C was in front of the eye, and I was ah, so those cheeseburger I didn't miss my bad. So since I did all this cheeseburger research, I'm gonna stand back here. And like maybe ice cream will get two shakes. And I can, you know, speak there because that's where I'm knowledgeable. So like, you know, maybe he's good at geometry, because he's got all of the angles except for the one right towards the basket, right? Maybe I don't know, maybe he needs glasses. I don't know what the problem is. But he is not good at basketball. And he thinks that he is and I don't, what I want to do is take footage of him and show him that's what I do to kit. Well. That's what I want to do with the kids. And that's what I like, is a great tool for any sport, or any I don't know, movement based thing you're trying to learn to do. Like, if you think you're doing one thing, and everyone's telling you that you're not and you just don't get it. Here, I'm going to record you. And I'm asking you to do this. I'm asking you to turn left, you've turned right. Every time I've asked you to turn left, you're telling me that it's left and I'm watching you go right. But we've been having it so I'm just gonna fill me and explain to me what's happening. I think that works. Also when people like when they say things like I don't say like that, and the record, saying it's like, Oh, I did say it like that, but right yeah, no, I got that's why an office culture. It's great to send emails because you can prove it as previously mentioned, which means you listen here, you stupid. You gotta read the undertone. Oh, no, I got it. As previously mentioned, if you if you read my last email, gotcha. Told employees not to write, specifically that previously stated. Yeah, because that is that's a four letter word, right? You can't write that like to enable right? It's a customer's like, I've pre as I previously told you in the email before, and I'm like, you can't say I previous first of all, don't take ownership for that. Okay? Like, you don't want to take ownership for that. And you're already giving this you know, I'm sorry, can I take control of this little bit of the plane, the increment over your app and some T controls are all mine. So I think that's another thing people need to understand out there like extra seat belts, you take control that's Wait, that's not what I'm trying to say. You can't think you know everything. Right? And then deliver the information in such a harsh manner even if you do know it. Like it's not going to be received well because that's the thing. I would say that arrogance is a sign of No at all more than I would say arrogance is a sign of intelligence. Because who, who, more than a No at all thinks that they're more important than anyone else, you know, because they know everything. Of course, they're the most important person in the room because they've got all the answers. I doesn't know at all. No, if there are no at all. I mean, they don't. It's the same way. Like, how does a crazy person know that crazy, right? So like, if you're in a position where you're just happened to be answering things, and people are just like, Oh, you're knowledgeable. How, like, how do you balance? Like, how do you not step across that line of going from no at all to wait until someone asks you something that you don't know that no one knows everything? And I feel like that's the first that's the sign of intelligence, right? Like a wise man knows he knows nothing. That's that's, that's how you become smart is knowing that like, no matter how much information I have, I can always no more. So that you know that I feel like that's, that's the sign of intellect. Always wanting to know more always wanting to, to have a more thorough understanding of things. That's to me, that's the smartest people. That's the mamba mentality. Right. He wanted to he was the best he thoroughly understood the game on both sides of the ball. He picked apart the the his, his contemporaries, his the other greats. And that's, you know, that's, that's a sign of intelligence to me knowing that no matter how good he was, he was, you know, always arguably one of the best while he was playing. But he worked the hardest. And he was always looking for ways to improve his game. He wasn't just like, oh, well, I'm the best. So I know it all. Like, I'm gonna sit around and tell people you know how to shoot jump shots, like, I don't have time to tell you to shoot jump shots, because I'm busy making mine better. Like, because you just won three championships, I need three more. How am I gonna get there by you know, making the jump shot you think is perfect? Already better? Like, even better, sorry. But like everything like it's about, it's more about always getting better than it is about knowing everything. And you know, it's about acquiring more information. So you can answer more questions. And you just wait until, you know, like, that's, for me. That's how you would if and if you do I guess the way that you can find that out? If you're no at all, if you if you're nervous that you're you know, creeping in to know it all territory if you find yourself, you know, reaching or having to stretch for answers, right, like, so I asked you something, and you're not 100% sure on the answer, but you give him one anyway, then, you know, now you may be creeping into No at all territory, because why not just say, you know, I don't know, let's find out together. That's, that's that I have no qualms about it. All kinds of stuff. I don't know. And I will be the first to tell you, but if I do, if I know if I can speak intelligently to something believe you, me, I'm going to explain it to you. And if you're doing it wrong, I will explain to you thoroughly while you're doing it wrong. But if I don't know then let's learn together. Otherwise, we're both going to do it wrong consistently right that you don't you don't get better. By knowing it all. You get better by asking questions about things you don't know. And you won't find that out by you know, faking that you know it all nothing will say no at all again. No. Speaking of knowing things, I know it's time to pay some bills. So let's go in. Oh, I thought you I thought you had that soundboard installed so we can play mute has no one been since you've been off the air has no one been signing, like into your Patreon or purchasing hoodies, or mugs? Or? I don't think so. I mean, I still have my mug, although I might. Yeah, that you know, that's the problem. The quality of the merchandise is just so bulletproof, that people get one and they don't need another one. So you know, but we have other things right? We've got mugs, we've got hoodies, we've got shirts, we got all kinds of different stuff. So you know, head on over to head above piracy.com And I want to do bicep, you know that it's therapy, right? What what do they say on the internet? If you're feeling stressed, you're feeling down, add to cart, process checkout. No, MasterCard, retail therapy. I think it's American Express retail therapy is totally the buy things. It's it's equivalent of doing drugs that the healthy response, but people are out there doing it. So if you're gonna do it anyway, buy my drugs. Right? You know, my drugs keep you warm. It's just a hurry. Oh, okay. I didn't mean literal drugs. Yeah. All right. Gotta be careful. It's a sound bite, right? You just buy my dress? If it works, that's fine. I'll just get myself some drugs and you Will you hear the show anymore? Or maybe you'll hear it better because there'll be an HD because I sold all the drugs. Why is the quality of the show so much better? Because you sell drugs now? I mean, I did just start Season Five snowfall. And it does make me you know, fancy to kinda, I just wish I knew how to search. I feel like maybe you got to find a note on the nose. Well, I feel like we're equally miserable, but his house is nicer. Right? Like if we're if you're gonna be it, we're all struggling. We're all stressed everybody got problems? If I was going to be in this mental space then why not just you know risk my life on the daily right now that makes more so when I'm not risking it you know I could be playing with a tiger drinking champagne glasses are also risking your life. I mean, you know but if you're a drug dealer you're doing it every day so playing title is fine because yours you bought it was your first deal as a club and they raised it. Well he doesn't play when he said that is the size of a person who were was to say and if you see me fighting a bear helped a bear. I think check is the only person who can say that honestly. Usually is that something small people say that and hope you don't fight them. But the rocket said, yeah, it's just a handful of people the rock in check. Sorry, I've moved on from trying to get doji cat to the show to the rock. I would love to talk to the rock. Yeah, he would wear the shirt. Maybe not. Not if he's in that dungeon place. He wouldn't even fit it. Nice. Thank you. They may he has a whole suit I'm sure Tony Stark had to make but I've seen him accept awards in a suit. He don't just show up in a bikini all the time. There's the runway, and we're getting close to landing. Did you want to remind people? Well, yeah, we just we hit up Shaq and the rock and they can just put the plane on the ground for us, I think would work so over about your other shows and ventures, dads corners to both dads too. So you know shout out to they can be on the whole platform and come to dads corner. Right? I'll take them to the airport because people like that always flying somewhere so they can hop in the car we can ride share, rant together. Talk about how they hate you know nosy Lyft drivers. I asked him how much he makes a film. While you're asking him these questions, right your kids dad knows the Lyft driver. So how much did you make for a ride along right right that's the right move. I think he was with the I know which one you're talking about. It was? Yeah, it was a similar thing. Right? Yeah, I don't I totally unbelievable that he was an agent because he's so big. Yes. You can't Yeah, they're supposed to blend and you cannot hide the rock anywhere. And that's the podcast furniture store. You can double as a sofa whoever knows the way in the right I think our sectional and the rock are the same size. No, I think the rocks larger in your section. I seen your section. Oh, it's pretty large. But well, I don't think because neither one of them fit through the doorway. We had to get a different one. So you know, we'd have to send the rock back and get what is it district the white dude he's shorter but he's just as buff John Cena. John he's he's the same with when he's shorter so we just turned him sideways and he could do defensive slides into the house. Any John Cena? You know he's I don't you don't have any kids. We can't do that. We could do dads corner maybe I could inspire him to have some ladies ladies. Oh, marriage but this plane on the ground? I haven't offended anybody yet. So I figured you know why not the women and wrestling community? I mean, does he not wrestle anymore? Johnson doesn't wrestle anymore? Neither movies. Well, I mean, I guess the movie viewing community and the women are upset and the wrestling community now because I miss quoted the community. Right because it's only settled. I think there's more Native Americans and our wrestling fans. Wow, can you N Vershbow? What Why are the Native Americans gonna be upset? I love their casinos. I play cards. Okay. Oh, my bad. I'm sorry. By my shirts, so I can stop saying things that upset people. Or I can say more things if that's what you meant. Okay great. Now the dog is all right that's the dog you guys the Chappelle Show the wrap it up be Bucky is giving me the wrap it up be you can hear in the headphones but a few times I've heard the beatings All right. All right. Well, I think I'm gonna go before the dog come over here and slap me is that any producer sir? The dog. I think production is gonna be very upset. Now she makes that our productions on to bigger and better things. Now. What you put the thing is he only listens to the end. And you saved the dog comparison for the last 30 seconds of the show. Oh, yeah. So it was nice knowing you, sir. I also say production is on to bigger and better things. Yeah, we I'm sure she'll heal that part. Because there's so you know, this is a great way to start season. I don't know, whatever season we're on a little jeopardizing your life by defaulting in production because I tried to land to play. So it's dog. Well, on that note, we're gonna set up a GoFundMe for Marcus's funeral. Because I'm pretty sure my wife's going Maria Yeah, it's been real. Drink a lot of water and she this shirt. She says she runs head above hypocrisy coffin for husbands to talk too much. No, too soon. All right, well, on that note