Head Above Hypocrisy's Hot Topics

The Over Under Act

William Jeffery / Marcus Burnette Season 7 Episode 4

Let's talk about it. 

William Jeffery:

Oh, so you had the topic this time? I'm gonna Yeah, no, you're gonna bring to you.


I appreciate it. Thank you.

William Jeffery:

I think I have an idea of I don't know how to open. Okay. Yeah, no, I have the controls. And it's dangerous though.


That is always dangerous. Sorry I got my helmet on. I'm glad he made sure you have a seat belt on. So here we go head above the PA cracy listeners, I'm overreacting. People do that sometimes blow things up more than what they actually are. And so

William Jeffery:

that dinner time,


but what do you mean?

William Jeffery:

We all have to sit at the table? Like that was an overreaction? Yeah.


Her wanting you to sit at the table.

William Jeffery:

Eaten woman did? Where did why does it matter? Well,


maybe she wanted everyone to sit at the table for family time. She

William Jeffery:

did. She did. And we're family. Nope. Regardless of where we say


grew out of that at a certain age, right. Like teenage production. Yeah.

William Jeffery:

When I had my own table and home to eat that. Wow. Okay, I grew out of it. As long as you eat at her table you got to eat on her terms. You like like I never met black mom was before


I have I just you know, it's been so long. Like anyway, you want to introduce yourself?

William Jeffery:

Yeah, I'm well and my mom was black because I'm black and we all ate dinner together. That was lovely. Appreciate it. In case people were confused since since people don't know my name, apparently I gotta introduce themselves for the first maybe I should let them know you know my ethnicity. Since they don't know my name. They found your show. They should know your ethnicity thing when I got the name of the show? Because your name is not on the show. And neither is my ethnicity. It doesn't say Koperasi hosted by African American William Jeffery


watch it. It makes sense. Anyways, I'm Marcus and I don't have a saying emos Black or White is why I'm saying like she wasn't I mean,

William Jeffery:

she could have had rebuilt a Lago


she could have little kitten Little Kim got darker anyways, that's not the point. Um, the point is some people overreact they just

William Jeffery:

make huge Little Kim overreacting with plastic surgery. I'm gonna go ahead and let you take this because now she looks like Janet Jackson and Michael Jackson hit her in the face with their plastic surgeon and just left it's very unfortunate she looked normal before and now she looks like a confused alien. I think you know what, I think she got her work done in Florida. That's the problem. You can't get any procedures done in Florida because they just use anything use molding clay silly putty is put anything in your face. Or you ask parently I think they put concrete windows but anyway, overreacted? Yeah, I think that is something that people should not do. You should not overreact to people saying your butt's small and running down to Florida and getting you know concrete shots. There's just there all kinds of different ways that you can overreact


you're gonna go and drop your intro as we continue to lose sponsors.

William Jeffery:

We were sponsored by Dr. Miami with nobody told me that we were getting sponsors. I didn't sign off I'm glad that we lost that sponsor. That is that's unsafe. You know what I need to go check the sponsor list. I did not know that to my floor. It's not even. Turns out Dr. Miami does not sponsor the show.


Oh, so we're safe. All right. Well, not more after that comment. I'm sure.

William Jeffery:

You should do better work. You can't use sandbags. Plastic Surgery is just not I'm pretty sure it's not OSHA FCS I don't know who sanctions the surgery. Whatever acronym it is. I am sure they did not approve the substances that he was caught up. I don't even know I'm making all this up. I have no idea. Yeah, I have no idea if he got Well, I do know there was a story that somebody got concrete putting there, but I don't know if it was Dr. Miami.


Well, I mean, the doctor Miami were slandering right now is Dr. M. I H A,

William Jeffery:

oh, you misspelled his name? Well, when we're speaking, that's hilarious that when people still don't know, I would never go to somebody that came spell their own name.


So overreactions, which I'm pretty sure some people overreacted like you said, their looks and everything like that, but I'm talking about the arguments over reaction when people have a disagreement and they just one person just want to go

William Jeffery:

I mean, that's the like Grudges I don't like that's the day and age we live in right like that's that's the the core of canceled culture. I think canceled culture is is is overreaction at its finest. You get mad at somebody because of something they said or did and you want them to be erased from society because of one mistake. So you've never made a mistake. What is the saying about stones and glass houses? shouldn't throw? I mean we're all here to err is human right so to me it was a robot. What that's why it's there is human not is to be machine. That would be incorrect.


Singularity could be your mechanic what I'm trying to prepare myself for our robot overlords that are eventually going to show up. Anyways, continue, please. No,

William Jeffery:

I just I think that you know that's that's I think that overreaction as at is at an all time high as a result of canceled culture I think that that is is overreaction in a nutshell. I mean granted, of course there are some scenarios where people do deserve to be you know, chastised by the court of popular opinion. But, you know, for the most part, it's it's a gross overreaction, right.


It's just too much like from just and I think part of it is just how people idolize certain people, celebrities, stuff like that. I feel like all that stuff is overreacting to whatever the hell they do in their normal lives.

William Jeffery:

Yeah, I mean, well, that's I feel that like, that's though stems from not having enough going on your own life. So like when they're not when things don't go the way you want them to go in the person that you idolize is like, then it throws your whole, you know, because everything everything you've got going on is wrapped up in what they're doing. So you can't you know, it's it's it's an unhealthy it's an unhealthy relationship. You know, like, it's based on overreacting. But, you know, I don't know, it's, it seems to be a, a an issue of perspective, too. Right. Like, a lot of times people get upset like a real urban overreaction is the you know, the classic Jordan sneaker stuffs on the sneaker it's and for me that's it's often a prospective thing right like it's perceived as a larger slight than it really is like the whenever a lot of times when that happens really feeling that happens and there's a fight or an altercation. The person who shoots got stepped on often thinks or it seems as they take it as if the guy the person who did is just out here jolly stomping around on Jordans on purpose. I saw Jordans and I had to go step on them. Right and very few Pete like unless you're Colonel RS think meaner. Like very few people are out here just heat seeking for Jordans. It's all it's now common knowledge how black men feel about their shoes. So people walk very carefully these days. So if you get your shoe stepped on it's likely an accident and you might want to you know react to such yet there are still fights to this day over scuff J's.


So first of all nice Boondocks reference. I didn't know that was

William Jeffery:

I could be wrong with the middle initial. No, I know he's parallel.


Second. Um, yeah, I agree with you, man. And I also think it's like just the location because in the hood scenario, I think if you step on someone's sneakers, it's probably you won't come to a fight. You know, there's going to be some words exchanged. Oh, yeah. fists are going to come to blows. But if you go into i don't know i White club or just some more steps in your sneakers or bumps into you or something. It's perceived more of like, I think you're supposed to just recognize the situation for what it is fine. Some people react. The right fight.

William Jeffery:

So you're saying Caleb is better at his reaction? If you step on Caleb J's versus Jamal?


Yes, definitely. I feel like if I was in a scenario where I stepped on Caleb's J's Caleb would say Hey, bro

William Jeffery:

no, man. There are some Caleb's out there that that again your face about it


wasn't fast enough. Now. I just don't think that's ever open. I'm overreacting. I just don't think

William Jeffery:

it's right on theme.


But why is violence always the first overreaction?

William Jeffery:

Ah, because it's an emotional response. Okay, I think and it's it's it's not the first response usually not well, it's it starts it starts with like yelling and verbal sort of very few people are able to go from like incident two blows immediately it's not like Jordan was stepped on fisticuff stuff my Jaden would say anything they just punch you in the face right? You got tox mess first like there has to be a back and forth got you and then that as that escalates then you hit either you you hit an anger wall where you do see red and you have to you know you had a fight or your you know, your dozens game is not where it's supposed to be you get to fill in turn. And you know, now you got to box hopefully you fight better than you you know, you tell jokes.


What happens when the source insurance diffuses it's like, Yo, man, you stuck in my shoes, and the person says, Oh my bad. And but that other person is still hot about it. Like they're clearly in the wrong and they're overreacting. How do How does one like let's just say it was a homie of yours. Right? And he was just like, Yo, I guess got my shoe stepped on and now he is ready like I Rate my spare shoes irate do apologize to my bad I didn't mean to drop that liquor on your shoes. You know what I mean? And news is still irate about it like how do we handle how does one handle that? The friend do you like do you backup the friend and be like yeah man you should apologize more some wife issues on like, where's the loyalty reside Where do you step in when you feel like someone's or overreact

William Jeffery:

say I don't know if it's a question of loyalty right like I don't I don't think that I mean, I guess I guess on some levels right but I think that I guess I guess being blindly loyal is always dangerous right? I don't care how good a friend is if somebody is doing something wrong or stupid like that's to me that's that is loyalty or that's being a good friend is like hey man, like you while they're late. They do say sorry that you're three times his size and got 75 pounds on cry like what are you doing right now with it? So you know like that to me that's that's that's that's loyalty right like if you if you if we wile out on this dude together and beat up the you know the 12 year old midget stepped on your shoes now we both in you know in prison talking about we beat up a little kid over some days like that and some people


thought that though some people vote that life I mean, is it the company you keep like is that is that a reflection where you have to be like man this is like this is odd mixture of company I have

William Jeffery:

I mean he might it could be it could be a call to reflection Right? Like if you're you find if you find yourself continuously in Jordan fueled arguments and you should probably get yourself a set of new friends. Okay? Because that's just not healthy. Like you're gonna you're gonna find yourself in, in, in jail or in the hospital for no reason over you know, two and $1 sneakers and this is


stupid. Is it always us colored people or people of color? I think that's more politically correct to say that is always the ones over

William Jeffery:

fight over Jordan specifically. Yes. You know, there's there's other silly things that other you know, groups bicker over we just you know, we're our claim to fame sneakers always


throwing drinks and faces lover hip hop's got that a lot you say something and then they're grabbing the nearest drink and throw it in your face to see if

William Jeffery:

they steal that though from white people I think yeah, but don't


want this fancy wine and the faces and stuff like this in general

William Jeffery:

like we did. We not really about wasting food and or liquor. I think that we had to adopt that one. Okay,


I mean, shout out to my people. I love them too. But

William Jeffery:

like urban people are are quick to throw hands and they are to throw drinks.


Like why teams are the worst. They're the ones that are always throwing the tantrums are like they throw bullets. I'm afraid of white team.

William Jeffery:

Those are definitely terrifying. Right but that I don't like them and


Bobby made fun of me for three weeks. So


I'm going to close the whole school year.


We're not the school that he attended the number one pick a random comedians excuse my language anyways. So overreactions? Um, no, I mean, that's everything has a causal reaction, but like,

William Jeffery:

I I think that's interesting, though, like the the dynamic that an overreaction can can put a friend in, right, like if if you're out with your buddies, and like you said, your buddy is overreacting. What are you supposed to do? Right, right. Do you do you side do you do you defuse? Do you walk away? It depends on on a, you know, what type of like, do you is? Is this really going to lead to a physical altercation? Or there's my friend just talk a whole lot and I can just walk away? I can go order a drink. He's still gonna stand there talking. Right? And then eventually this dude's probably gonna walk away because you realize it'll stop crying like, Oh, he's still talking. Scared? I have I've tried to bark and he's not listening to me at all. I'm gonna just leave now because he's having a conversation with himself. Right? And sometimes it'll be that like, there'll be so angry that they're just they're just talking at you know it themselves. Like you know, I'm personally not not involved.


All right. Now you always on the show head above epoxy. You always like to give good advice and you deal out some pretty good advice. How about this little monkey wrench? What if the friend is having an argument with another friend?

William Jeffery:

That is always interesting, because you're, I don't know you're almost you're sometimes you're forced to choose sides, I guess. But I guess the best thing you can do is is is try to remain neutral and just relay the facts to the people involved by like, well, this is what I'm hearing. So you know, maybe you should go talk to them about it. I feel like it's it's important to to push the two people to to discussing it at a you know, hopefully in a in a calm manner, but themselves. I think where you go wrong is Is trying too much to mediate between two adults Right? Like it's two grown people. And you know if you're talking to both and, and going back and forth and well he said this and then he said that and then he's like, we're all grown right like so once you're calm enough to talk about this like a reasonable adult, and let's have a conversation until that time it just, you know, don't talk to me.


I just add to boxing it out isn't like a good option is that escalation also?

William Jeffery:

For us ultimate boxing. Hit me I'm calling the belief. I'm not enough. I'm too old to be if I have kids, I gotta explain why daddy's clothes all ripped. I got blood all over me. But I wouldn't I'm not doing it. It's fine. It's


like a 20 year old being right? Absolutely. Because you do it for press professionally getting paid

William Jeffery:

for it. Or, or I'm defending my family from Gremlins or something. Right, right. But other than that, I'm not fighting other adults over words that we're saying.


I also don't understand it, too. I always feel like things get escalated so much

William Jeffery:

from adults. I'm not sure. There's still one forum where it's possible to get me in the right state if I'm playing basketball. And I witness and you low ridge me I might get up and just hit you on it out of instinct. Or just it's there's a reflex what's causing reaction? Yes. It's like fight or flight. You know, I jump and you take my knees out for no reason and I'm not crippled. I'm getting up and hitting the person.


But that's bodily harm. And that makes sense. Like if that's like if someone came up to me that's like severe right?

William Jeffery:

You're right. That's not like I would not I'm I am past a point in my like basketball playing or trash talk. Or maybe you want to fight you. Like I'm not nobody say anything. Right? I don't care how many times you did my wife. None of that is gonna make me okay, right like that. That happened in a rec league game. And like, it was me. So I started talking trash about you, not me, it's about my buddy. And he just laughed. It was it was it was not the response that the deuce thought he was gonna get. And it was it was very funny to see an angry confused person. Like he wanted to talk more shit, but he couldn't because it was like something something something Yeah, with your wife last night and he was like, Oh, really? You're able to? Well, that's That's impressive, because it's been a real long time for me. So you've been telling me? What's your trick? Because she doesn't you know, she doesn't come out of sweatpants for me and he just was not ready for that was


whatever physical. I heard like sometimes stuff like that would just piss off the person more.

William Jeffery:

Yeah, that are not acknowledging that all. Sometimes I just won't engage like the dose gotta be good for me to respond. So a lot of times jokes learning, you know, it's just it's your traditional, I'm going to try to say something super disrespectful to like, I've been playing too long have heard too many dudes. I've heard it too much and too often desensitized. You don't mean it. You're just trying to you're saying it because you can't You're not good enough at the game to beat me. So you're trying to talk me out of my game? To do that.


Right? So unless you're like an award show, and they just walk up on stage and slap you you're not gonna

William Jeffery:

well again, and that's that's beyond words. Now it's physical. Like you can talk to me until you're blue in the face you touch me. Now I'm defending myself. myself with it. And that wouldn't be overreaction. No, no, it's self defenses itself do you have to defend your peace and all that stuff? And that's you know, it's it's reasonable and human nature to defend yourself right right if I'm I'm never going to I won't go looking for a fight but I'll you know, prevent myself from getting hurt.


So the friend scenario says they want to do bodily harm because they're just irate. Like, when do you step in, like do columns also that's the

William Jeffery:

thing right? Like you got to if if we're talking physical violence then there has to be a good reason and if the if the reason you guys are arguing is not a physical violence then that that there's my decision right there right like you know, I got you then then well then there's that that's the that's the being good friend party and right and telling the person that you over tell them that they're overreacting it's not about sides. It's not about if that person right and wrong, like maybe they are wrong, but you wanting to fight them is not the right response. Like that doesn't just just because they did something wrong to you, doesn't mean you get to hit them over the head with pipe or something. How this society works, I'm sorry. Oh, that's how you want to solve your problems. You need a time machine and go find you some Vikings.


I've never told anyone that before like, Hey, man, I

William Jeffery:

just defined Vikings. Specifically, why


not that one? Not specifically i That's why I slowed down. I kind of want to dive into that. But no, like, Have you ever told anyone before like bro just calm down like down?

William Jeffery:

For like, three or four years of my life there was in my 20s So many times I had to if I had $1 for every time I calm someone down, I wouldn't be doing this show. I'd be in an island somewhere. drinking something with an umbrella in it. But yeah, all the time people. People are very quick to overreact and again, especially with the prospective thing, especially if they I have perceived a slight and I feel like those are the worst overreaction but one person feels like they've been slighted and the other person involved has no I did not intend to or is not aware of said slight. And now they got this person coming at them all what crazy and sideways like I don't even understand what you mad about. The person is too mad to explain it in a coherent way. It's like why would it's Tuesday and you my shoes are untied and peanut butter was was lumpy and


what? Yeah, no, I got you. That's how

William Jeffery:

it sounds when like if, if, from it, that's how it sounds to the person that had no intention of of sliding you and doesn't know why you're upset. It's just it's just a bunch of random insults and aggression. And, you know, that's that, that those are those I feel like are the most common overreaction, especially amongst like friends. And it's, it's really a prospective thing. And I think that what's tough is is you know, walking yourself back like you know, once you've once you've blown a gasket once you have overreacted if you will, like it's that's that's the maturity that's the adulthood is like, I I'm wiling Let me calm down. We're gonna take a walk, let me let me you know, I'm gonna walk this back. And I feel like some people's response is, well, you know, I've already jumped out the window. So let me you know, let me go down swinging. I'm gonna you know, I'm I'm already here with this. I'm going all the way and I don't know that that's


really there is there is sometimes that feeling of well, that point of no return. Like I already crossed this line,

William Jeffery:

right? Yes. You know, set the whole building on fire slap three ladies like yeah, like, I can't do like, Oh, my bad, I overreacted. Right? You know, I gotta go to jail. Right? Like, I may as well slap some more people.


I've made some life decisions that our podcasts are all just like, oh, this is this is really happening. Like, you know, it hits you. And it's like, was I overreacting? Well, it's too late to know now because now these steps are being take place. And it's it would be odd for me to go back and be like, Hey, knock, knock, knock. Maybe I was overreacting. Let's let's run all that back. It's just I feel like

William Jeffery:

I have the opposite problem under react, overthink things,


just to calm about everything or just, you don't look like you're not a pushover, but like you just

William Jeffery:

it's not even a calmness. It's just a bit. I think a lot about like, you know what, if I react one way, what will happen and you'll get you fall so far down the rabbit rabbit hole. If I do this, this will happen. If I didn't you just do nothing. Okay. And I feel like I do that more than I overreact as well. It's just because I'm old now. But I, you know, my 20 they did my fair share of overreacting. But I've been 30 for 10 years now. So I don't overreact. I just, I'm too tired. I really, my back hurts. I don't have the energy to overreact. And most of this stuff doesn't matter. It's usually not that important. That's the funny thing. At the end of the day, it almost never is


really that big a deal. No, it never is. But I mean, you know, most people, not most people, but some people that overreact. They do go viral. Which I always wonder like, in their mind. They be there. They act like in their mind. They're thinking they're behaving normal, but to the rest of us that are watching it. We're just like, What are you doing like that McDonald's girl that came in, in that viral video. She went into McDonald's and because she didn't get her order, right or something. She started tearing up McDonald's and then started talking on her way out.

William Jeffery:

And I thought you're talking about the mother. Oh, let's


talk about that. More recent. That's a complete overreaction

William Jeffery:

that we've talked about McDonald's. I think that her will book this. It didn't. It didn't start as an overreaction. To be honest. It started off as being petty, right, because baby daddy brought to McDonald's for his kid he was responsible for creating and not the rest of the kids that she created with whoever, whatever, you know, it's a group of gentlemen. But that was a back and forth with that thought that that was just petty. But what I had where I think she overreact or in my opinion that she overreacted was she took the food, threw it in the street. Nobody gets any food, why she throw the food in the street because he didn't bring enough for all her kids. So that's the overreaction because now so now to a homeless person, or she could have gave it back to him and he could have ate it or she could have sent the kid outside. She could have ate it herself. There's a million things she could have done other than make it non edible to any humans. She really threw the food in the street. The video that I saw maybe there's a different girl differently I didn't see that but she's like Nah, she's are given here and she just do that ministry Janine and I have to give her kisses Manson like that to me. It's like alright, well so you want to be petty I find and You're so petty that you now you now like now not only do all of the kids not get any food but the one kid that that he brought some food here you know foodie. Right.


And you know, the kids heard this argument. Well you know, they heard this argument is just like, I wonder if they're sitting back and Like cuz I growing up there's times where my parents got into and I was like, this is overreaction you know, I can't say anything, but it's just like,

William Jeffery:

and I was saying that that scene that could be a situation where you know, I've gone this far now, you know, what am I gonna do? Like they are arguing, arguing, arguing. He would leave in food still like, what am I gonna do with this food? Forget it. I'm gonna steal the food. See, what you do is just like, you can't walk that back. Yeah, well, naturally gonna be feeding all them kids by herself. That's That's what that did get what she


how she didn't get her food stamps. She said, she's saying give her money until this day, you know, I didn't get my you know, I don't have my money. And to this day, why would you just give food for one kid? Which? I mean, I I understand. I don't. But

William Jeffery:

no understanding here. No, I mean, please help me understand.


Oh, they're not to get it. That was the point. I forgot they weren't together anymore.

William Jeffery:

I was actually with people when I was together money. And yes, that would that is none of my concern. This is true. I mean, she could have just sent the kid outside. Yeah, that would have been reasonable. There's again, there were a million things that she could have done, but she chose to overreact. And now there is just McDonald's laying in the street for no reason.


I mean, if there wasn't a York I don't know. I think it happened in New York. It seemed like it was in New York kind of place. I imagined the rats ate

William Jeffery:

it. Well, yeah, shout to Gosh, I'm so played. Thank you. Oh, that was a good one.


overreaction under reaction?

William Jeffery:

It's better to reaction. Oh, definitely. Right. Oh, yeah. No, thank you spot on. Appreciate


it find the clap machine. So overreaction under reaction? Which one is better? To under react to something or overreact something? Or does it really depend on what the situation is?

William Jeffery:

The pros and cons to both? Right. Like if he constantly overreact, you're going to find yourself in highly volatile situations, more times than necessary. If you consistently under react, then you know, it's a gateway to a doormat, right? If you've never, you never do anything, and you never respond. There's never any reaction whatsoever. And, you know, you will that effectively will allow anything to happen to you. Right? You have to react on some level. But, you know, you know, it's the, you'll find the constant theme in in the show, and all the advice and all the things I say it's balance, it's always about balance. Sometimes. It's beneficial to overreact, right? You there a good example or good a good environment for overreacting, is customer service as a customer, right? Like it's it serves you well as a customer to overreact sometimes not all the time. Don't be that customer but like if they if a company screws up or if the waitstaff is superduper bad, then you want to overreact a little bit get loud, you know, are threatened to to not pay or whatever it is, whatever your go to move is to get your you know, free fries, or make sure your ranch comes because, you know they weren't they didn't bring the condiments, whatever it is. That's fine, right like that's sometimes it takes that overreaction to get noticed in situations like that environments like that in in fast food places and lots lots of stuff going on. You got teenagers running the place. Sometimes if you don't yell they're not listening to you anyway. So that's the situation if you're under react like you know you're probably going to get cold steak and warm water.


And you just terrible combination. Right? Right.

William Jeffery:

And you just gonna sit there miserable because you're under react like oh, well, you know, that's fine. I just said excuse me, pardon me, excuse me. It'd be there all week. I know people like


that. Like I God rest her soul. She's such a big way she's like that. Just she's such a wonderful person but she tends to not stand up for things this person is the person so like, from time should order something and move won't get the order right. And I'm just like, go back and tell them that it wasn't right it's house

William Jeffery:

it's the opposite usually this usually is the well for me. I I guess I will just put up with a lot from from staff because I've been staff before and like unless it's really really bad. It's like whatever is mistaken was rolling. If, like I said was really really bad. Like, I'm not gonna take 30 silverware and like my I need I like my hot things hot and cold things cold like food temperature is important to me. Okay, but outside of that, you know, I don't I don't really care. Right. I've


overreacted before.

William Jeffery:

I'm sure you strawberry vanilla milkshakes.


Those are amazing.

William Jeffery:

It was actually not a thing but it was actually before


the food arrived over the color of napkins but anyways, continue.

William Jeffery:

Are you serious? Yeah, I mean, it was were they racist napkins? Did they give you the only black napkin and everybody else got


everyone else had green napkins are we Like white,

William Jeffery:

lunchtime so you got the privilege napkins you may want to it wasn't it wasn't the


it wasn't a nice white man he's

William Jeffery:

rejecting privilege. Right and culture I feel you


land your plane

William Jeffery:

I don't know. So I there's, you know, overreaction under reaction everything has its place, right like you don't, you probably want to under react if you get pulled over by the police, right? Like they often do and say stuff that they shouldn't and, you know, like just to get a rise out of you, right? Go ahead and sit on your hands that that is when you can be a pushover. Like if you want to get home to your family to whoever it is, be appalled, be be whatever, whatever you know, adjective you want to be, but be alive and get home. Right? Like that's, that's a situation or a scenario where under-reacting may serve you well, right? Like it just it's, it's really about reading the room understanding the situation and, and, you know, doing what is most beneficial for you. And it you know, all it's, it's one of those things, it's always easier said than done. Because you know, when you're in it, the emotions are high. And it's difficult to be like, Oh, this is a situation where I should overreact. Because, you know, I'm at a restaurant and I do not want to pay full price for six nuggets when I've only got four whatever the case may be, right, like that's, but you know, it just, it's really about discretion and balance, you know, just you know, use your head be smart. And I, I want to say err on the side of under-reacting because it to me it's closer aligned with just you know, keeping a sense of calm Cooler heads prevail. And like I'm I'm a firm believer in that, like, I think that you'll there are more situations where an overreaction is going to come back to bite you than an under reaction will. Like even is that's the you know, it's just the I think that overreactions are going to often get you in situations that you don't need to be in and stuff that you may not be able to handle, right. Like sometimes you can escalate a situation beyond where you wanted it to go, like you overreact to a point. And now you've pissed this person off. Now. They're overreacting. You didn't You didn't really about that, like, like, you just wanted to have a shouting match. Now, you know, you're staring down the barrel of nines, you know? Exactly. It's like, well, I just I thought we was just talking like now don't forget to tuck in. So you don't you know, and it's only him and if you constantly overreact it's only a matter of time before you run into that person, right like that. Because those are the kinds of interactions that overreacting breeds so yeah, you'll win if you are, you know, you'll get away with it. And you'll feel like oh, this is how I get what I want. I just, I go crazy and people get out my way until you meet big crazy, right and he knocks you block off so just be aware, be careful. And as always, you don't drink water. Listen to Michelle. The next you know that that is not an overreaction binge watch, binge Listen, listen all the episodes once you're done, and go back through them again. And listen to the you know, right right double entendre it's in the gym.


Don't catch up. Catch some hidden gems. Hidden jokes in between because you have like multiple shows right?

William Jeffery:

Oh yeah, yeah, it's these this is the Jay Z podcast. Oh time you listen to it you get something new you listen to say an episode eight times and you'll hear something you didn't hear the last time right so


listen to head above epoxy for current events they can listen to your other show which is

William Jeffery:

Dad's corners on Apple podcast. They call me one tape will him saying we don't we just we come in the booth. Meet me and Guru over here. And one time we hit the bicycle seat on it


quoting a live blackout, just saying you know I appreciate it. Shout out to the blackout man Jay Z. Who I hope we get on the show one day

William Jeffery:

he went see an overreaction Boy


Yeah, no, I

William Jeffery:

there's a short list of P individuals to get over reaction out of me. That's one of them. The the other one is no longer with us. shots at the moment. I got Yeah, who else?


I think about it. I geek out a little bit the rock show.

William Jeffery:

The rock is home now. Man. This is more Mike Tyson vibes for me. I'm afraid that I would accidentally offend him. I know and I would find a way


he just looked at you. He probably knew the people's eyebrows if you offended him and he's just like, you know, he'll laugh probably

William Jeffery:

might nag saying his laugh might injure me. Sure. Chances are I hope we because he's like Mike Tyson strong but a foot taller than him. And like 200 pounds right but Mike is still scary because he fought for a living like the rock is an entertainer and very strong. So you know I'm not afraid of him, per se boxing me to death. I'm afraid of him man handling me like a rat. doll because everything's a rag doll to him because he's giant. Mike Tyson will beat us. And he's 100 years old and smoked weed all day and I am right now today. afraid of him. Not ashamed of it. Was that me being afraid might be Yeah, that's that's real. Yeah, it's great look for me. Sure I'm winning all the listeners over talking about people I'm afraid of a one fight.


I would like a listener to reach out to you and tell you they're not afraid of Mike Tyson.

William Jeffery:

I want to so I can get them in touch with like Tom saying,


like to see that. Yo, you amazing airplanes

William Jeffery:

footage? Which when he beat the dude up on the airplane, it was all he didn't


know that sounds like an overreaction.

William Jeffery:

I know what to do really all earned it. Did he bother? I would have hit him. And the clip would not that long. And I feel like the clip did not show the entire, you know, span irritations and because Mike's pretty tame. Like he's he's calmed down. He's pretty, pretty chill. So it's especially on an airplane, to get him to to put hands on an airplane you have learned. I don't think that he's in a place mentally where he's just like to do was just like, Oh, your mom was fat. And Mike was like, he just started hitting me


for Windows. Like, can I get the window? See,

William Jeffery:

I think I think there was racial slurs involved. I think it was I think it was it was Yeah, I think there was it was a lot going on.


I don't think you can overreact with racial slurs. Especially if it's said with malice intent.

William Jeffery:

Yeah, like if it's just a random thing.


Because like if they say, but I don't know I feel like I use discretion but if they say it

William Jeffery:

for me, it's both right like I understand the underlying overreaction I understand and under reaction like I'm not gonna fault the person for either and it really depends on the situation it depends on how it was said it depends on how much malice it depends on your forearm in there. It depends on a lot but like that's one where either it could go either way and I probably would understand just because it's such a volatile thing for people right? I can't I who am I to tell you how to you know how to feel about something and like when somebody says or does something like that to you react, how you react and that's what you get if if you out here slinging them words out your mouth you gotta be prepared for what's going to come back at you. That's that's just that is what it is. You got that much hate and you better be able to fight it's so funny how many races don't fight that well. You think you talk on it? No, just no. Hey, none. What was your plan? You're gonna talk me to death. Because you thought you could you talk yourself out of it as I once once we're fighting you, there's no more talking. You're gonna be out of breath. If anything like that, just it's not I don't anyway, that's that would not be a good racist. I think too much. And on that note, I think I think I should probably go because if we have any listeners left is probably just the FCC. I'm done talking to you. Good night.