Head Above Hypocrisy's Hot Topics

Tokyo Abortions

William Jeffery / Marcus Burnette Season 7 Episode 5

Let's talk about it. 


Go I just don't think that is that gonna be the title of this I don't want you to be canceled anyways if you do get cancelled you won't be able to take amazing flight I want to tell you about have you heard about the Texas company that is a they're offering one hour flights from LAX to Tokyo

William Jeffery:

he didn't say we're offering abortions because you can't get him in Texas anymore so ironically there was a company offering him they could you know pay top dollar you know guys just thought would be ironic if they were offering them and they can't do them anymore. But instead they're gonna they made a plane you can fly somewhere to get them Yeah,


Venus aerospace they made a plane you can get an abortion in Tokyo.

William Jeffery:

They'll do it if it only takes an hour


now I'm most curious is that what is that going to be the the having topic or something?

William Jeffery:

Tokyo abortions? I don't know enough about that.


Let's let's introduce yourself, before you keep digging yourself into the hole. Oh, I don't know. Who are you? Who

William Jeffery:

will introduce yourself? Introduce myself on my own show. All right. Um, well, for the 437 in those many episodes now I have no identity episodes. It could be four who knows? But it's not the first one so you should know who I


am. Right? They're all recorded on an order also so anyways, because he

William Jeffery:

that's it I'm just Well, I'm always just Well


Emily ever catchy anecdote.

William Jeffery:

An anecdote I don't I've never had an abortion nor have I been to Tokyo so I don't have a relatable story to say about those two subjects.


You're talking about breaking the street normally you're like, Oh, I'm well and I blah blah, blah, but and

William Jeffery:

I go to Tokyo on abortion now if I'm gonna have an abortion to be here because I live in Los Angeles and we believe in science. So you know, fortunately, I'm not stuck in the South. They're stuck in you know, losing the Civil War.


Yeah, Mark, is it up here on head of both piracy? Yes, we were going to talk about the Tokyo flight airplane. But somehow abortion got pulled

William Jeffery:

up because she was in Texas. And I thought that that was why I assumed if you're going to talk about South you're going to Texas I don't know what's allowed and probably not for black people. You know what, that's all I'm gonna go find out what black people can still do in the South. Since you know, we're going backwards in history. We got people forgetting what shape the earth is. We're reversing Roe v. Wade. I'm telling you slavery is next. I'm gonna go to the south and figure out what's going on well, it turns out not only can you still get a vasectomy in Texas, apparently you can fly to Tokyo in an hour. Right? Is that how this works? Yeah, I mean, I thought you were doing the research where you go into the south they go no, no, I'm never gonna go to the south. Before your intro. You're going to the south. I was going to do some southern research I missed I won't go there. I respect. You know, my earthly pursuits too much and not even Florida. What do you mean Florida? Florida is the worst kind of South.


I mean, it's the weather's nice.

William Jeffery:

No, it's not it's underwater. No, I


mean, it is underwater. Yeah, it won't be but right now it's above water. And it's it's kind of nice. But it's

William Jeffery:

it's actively sinking. That's God saying that he doesn't want Florida and I agree it's a terrible place. I mean to Texas next is a lot bigger. It might make the country a little lopsided, but that's fine. So okay with it, they got too many electoral votes anyway. They do.


So I mean, yeah. Once you stated earlier Yeah, they are basically still available to get abortions in California and everything and some other select states. But yeah, I heard there was an uptick in guys going out to get mastectomy. It's some in

William Jeffery:

response to the lack of abortions is vasectomy, or I don't know if that I think that we are at an all time intellectual low as a species. This is I just I'm disappointed with humans. You were and I don't even like Elon, but I'm gonna ask him about his spaceship. I'm done with job. That's terrible.


You're saying if you were in a relationship and your girl was threatened with,

William Jeffery:

well, I'm married, so I am in a relationship.


Okay, you're I met back in your younger days when you were not married and tied down.

William Jeffery:

Okay? What is the hypothetical? No, sorry,


I did like describing correctly. You're, you're you're right. So you're not married? You're dating? Right? That's unfortunate. And during this dating period, you know, boom, abortion is made. Right. So

William Jeffery:

that's how you date you got the swipe? I don't know. I've been I've been in the same relationship for over a decade. I have no idea. I don't people do anything. I don't know how they do. I'm pretty sure it all happens on the internet, though.


gotten out of touch? Yeah. So you know, after you swipe right, I

William Jeffery:

guess, you gotta be careful. You want to get salmon faced?


I have a salmon face,

William Jeffery:

I think is where you put one picture up. But you look a different way. And you go out for a date. And it's like a fat guy. And you thought it was a hot chick? Isn't that catfish? Whatever kind of fish? I don't know. I'm all.


So you know, this topic comes up? Would you get a vasectomy? Or talk about getting this like me? If I'm

William Jeffery:

just dating somebody? For the sake of dating?


Yeah, no, you know, for the sake,

William Jeffery:

you know why? Because I recently there's a super cool invention. I think it's called a a, what is it a rubber, I'm pretty sure. And that's not it's a non permanent solution to not having children and still having sex. So if I'm dating, and I don't want to have any babies, I'm going to go the rubber route not to cut my tubes in half, you can always get it reversed. Or I could wear a condom or you good. And you know, you reverse that you take it off. It's way easier. The hassle and I don't like to go to the doctor, I don't go to the doctor when I'm sick. Or I need to I'm not going to go for an elector, like an elective surgery to have sex more carefree. Like, I'm not going to the doctor for that, especially when there's a non invasive solution. I also don't take my dating that seriously,


or whatever they were, I think a lot of the fears, the thinking that they will remove certain birth control methods, which i i I feel like that's kind of hard, because you know, that's a whole market in itself.

William Jeffery:

What I mean, they're not going to take condoms away. All that sort of thing. I didn't put that after. I mean, I didn't think that like would go reversing right,


you know, right? Maybe they will, which

William Jeffery:

once I understand what the agenda is the agenda just to punish people that choose to have sex with babies. Like I don't what I don't understand what the goal is.


I don't know, either. I mean, we even like, heard an uptick, that CVS is running out a plan B because people are just buying him up on the shows.

William Jeffery:

And because Plan A is illegal now. So I guess you gotta prove yourself with that. To say it, I get it. I would, I would probably go get myself a Plan B to live, because that's my plan. Now is


one of the government just issue something like your government, and we can't now thanks to Roe versus Wade, but like, why don't they just issue your government issued Plan B, like how like how they're passing out those COVID tests and stuff,

William Jeffery:

probably because they're bad doing stuff the government is supposed to do so trying to be moonlight as a medical professional is the last thing they end up with the deficit. We've been in debt my entire life, and you guys are trying to play doctor now. Like, I feel like just focus on what you're supposed to be doing, and let people get whatever surgeries or procedures they want. It's not just any business.


What I'm also confused on is not to get too political, but I thought Republicans who I think are the majority of people that wanted this. I thought they wanted less government in their life, but like having the government tell you what you can and cannot do

William Jeffery:

what Republicans want. I think they I think Republicans just want to piss off Democrats. And Democrats want to make everyone happy, but not doing anything. I don't really know. I don't know what either party wants.


Well, why all this is happening. Like I said, I mean, scientists are trying to figure out planes that can travel from LA to

William Jeffery:

Japan, and now so you can get an abortion and illegal


I think they're trying to figure this out before it's just I think it's a waste of science and why are we even

William Jeffery:

trying to travel faster? We always try to go fast.


I mean, there's so hello cancer. Can we can someone figure that out?

William Jeffery:

Nah, but we already know how to go fast. We're gonna go faster while we keep banging our head against the cancer while we've been trying to solve that forever, unsuccessfully. So let's just you know, make trains and planes and automobiles that go Mark 12 so I can get to Tokyo faster. I've never been now I might go. I'm not trying to be on an airplane for 1617 hour, one hour. I fly to Vegas tonight.


I mean, that that's true. Yeah, one hour flight to Vegas. I've actually done that I've actually drove to Vegas and flew back to me. What did you do with your car? Oh, rental car? No, you know, that's my fault. I left. I wish I wish I was prepared for that question. Because instead, I would have looked you dead in the face and said, I lost it gambling, that would have been a better answer. I mean, that's your current loss of gambling?

William Jeffery:

What's my take a flight back? I would have made more so I would have that's what I expected. Got it all on black. Sometimes did roll red.


You know? We're getting slightly off track. But like, as far as gambling goes, I kind of lost the love for gambling.

William Jeffery:

Well, yeah, now they took birth control away is that is that's risky. Your odds are way different than


gambling and life is? Yeah, no, that's what I meant. Vegas gambling.

William Jeffery:

Yeah, that what state happens in Vegas now stays with you for 18 to 25 years.


He's gonna keep going with these correlations. I mean, they all make sense. Yeah. No, but I mean, you know what happens in Vegas? Right? Well, I mean, without people see shows contraception you're gonna be babies will be born tons. And why? Why don't want the birth rate to go up and so many people.

William Jeffery:

I have no idea what the goal


is. I don't know. I will register today to go get a vasectomy.

William Jeffery:

I feel like they should have started with good jobs you want people to have left? Yeah, well, you know, you outlaw plastic surgery. You make everybody just look regular.


People still procreate?

William Jeffery:

Yeah. But at a slower rate. Oh,


really being like the Kardashians of the road are the ones that are ruining

William Jeffery:

this? Well, that's the that's the 1%. Right? Like, but it's easier for you to for Ugly people to look less ugly, right. Because of the Kardashians, they spent a whole bunch of money to look pretty fake. And now you can get that same look. And you know, your favorite place of Florida for half price. And that lady has she she's probably gone viral for for her McDonald's arguments, right? Like, so there's that same type of person is is is able to present themselves in a more attractive way. And, and procreate when they may not have been able to do so or at least not so rapidly. Maybe it'd be only one kid instead of five. And then he could have just brought them McDonald's and wouldn't have been a big deal.


So since I mean, it does have some logic to it. So since there is going to be an influx of babies everywhere, like why don't know that that's the case. What do we do with these extra babies study but don't want? Like, do we give them to the people that voted for

William Jeffery:

that about the people that don't want birth? Cuz there's no plan for afterwards, right? Have the baby and figure it out? Right? Like,


okay, well, I didn't want this baby. So like, Who do I give it to? Because I couldn't

William Jeffery:

I think you take him to the fire station in flux, which is interesting. So this is circles back to the police being terrible. You would think that the institution that is set up to protect and serve would be the place that you would bring a baby in distress. But that is not the case. You drop your babies off at the fire station. You know why? Because firefighters and fire people, I guess you'd say firemen anymore because you don't know what to identify us. But fire folk firefighters are deemed safe and trustworthy. Whereas, you know, law enforcement verdict is still out.


No, I mean, can you imagine dropping a baby off at the other night? Can you imagine dropping a baby off at the police station? I'm pretty sure you'd be like, so many questions. Where do you get the baby? Why are you jumping the baby off? Abandonment of the child all the sudden? You know, I mean, I Yeah, fire station, just drop it off.

William Jeffery:

I think give them an add on for the door. I don't know what they know. I mean, it's a positive. Whatever they do, though, it's it's more productive than what the police are doing. Because nobody takes the babies. They're


people with generational wealth. Maybe they should donate into a fun or donate. They should adopt a family that has a baby that they can't afford.

William Jeffery:

Well, it would be the first time in history, a wealthy person just chose to give their money away to a better society.


Right? I mean, I'm just saying that what you say since this is what's happening. I mean, it has to be, to me a different plan than what California plans on doing which is just making our state abortion sanctuary kind of like what we did with slavery. Where the hell did that come from?

William Jeffery:

Where did slavery come from?


No. I'm glad that you were able to stop chuckling for a second. Put a straight face Ask no man. Anyways, I

William Jeffery:

can tell you where it came from. If you you know, you're unsure. Go ahead and


listen to your show. I don't even know what season this is.

William Jeffery:

That's a good question. What season? I have no idea you're supposed to be keeping track. This is your show? No, they're not. So this must be somebody else's job. Oh, if it's my show, that's fair enough. You're the fact guy. I think the number of shows would fall into the category of fact, correct.


Oh, it's hard to keep track when the host has so many shows. You know,

William Jeffery:

that's got the one show. And then there's the dads corner. But that's different because it's only on Apple podcasts. It's totally separate. It's advice series. We don't talk about slavery. You know, unless it's parental slavery. That's totally


different parental slavery. Yeah.

William Jeffery:

You're a slave to your child.


Yeah, no, they're little soul suckers.

William Jeffery:

Different though it's more of an indentured servant.


With one parent sound like we are not we but when parents say things like them being little soul suckers. Like why would you want to have kids anyways and procreate? I think the option should be there. But I think like if they never would have enforced that you can't have abortion and stuff, like people just wouldn't have babies, like the birthrate was already going down. I don't think this generation is really trying to have babies like no one's really getting married anymore. No one's thinking about buying homes, like the economy's all crazy and upset, like no, I don't think any young adults between 20 and something to think about. Yeah, I'm

William Jeffery:

trying to get that's the thing about it, they'll talk about it most. Not? Well, a lot of babies are not out plan. Yeah. Just because they're not out here thinking about having babies doesn't mean they're not out here thinking about how to do very different, very, very different things. And, you know, one they may not be thinking about but the other one they're probably actively doing. And, you know, the to work hand in hand. So if you're if you're out here, active, if you will, then you gotta be prepared for the for the results. But I don't know, that's what other option is there than to like, be a sanctuary if, if, you know, there are places that are willing to go backwards. We can't. The way that our government is set up, is we can't go and change their decisions. All we can do is stand on ours. And if you agree, then you should move. You know, it's it's funny the way it works, because there's a matte like people were leaving here in LA. Yeah, la specifically. And a lot of them were going down south. I don't know what's what exactly. The reason was, I know that cost of living is much lower. That may have had something to do with it. But now I wonder if there'll be reversed Exodus now that you know, you can't make your own medical choices if you're a woman, and live in Texas. So you know, be careful where you move. So I'm staying here. I can't you know, you can't afford it. But at least you won't be stuck with a baby you don't want. Yeah, no, I


mean, I think that trade offs could

William Jeffery:

be homeless here and get abortions or you could live in a mansion and have to deal with Klansmen that don't want you know, women's right or black people.


I mean, California is the way to go until we run out of water which is happening soon.

William Jeffery:

We've been running out of water since I was born. Oh yeah. But now we're officially going to run out of water. So that's what they were saying in the 80s


Like when they said saying the big ones gonna go? Big earthquake

William Jeffery:

was that we had that one. We have the big Northridge quake no


one larger than that. They said that was like a precipice

William Jeffery:

Northridge quake was good enough. No Yeah, no


I got you but they were supposed to have like a 7.8 We're supposed to

William Jeffery:

the Yeah, and all the computers were supposed to melt in 2000 and the Mayan calendar was supposed to split the planet and had some was always supposed to happen we'll be fine I'm telling we've been in a drought literally my entire life I was born into oh my god we don't have enough water I don't do like once you stop paying attention so I thought every time I turn the faucet on something comes out I'm not worried about it. And I don't I'm not you know wasteful we call our grasses dead. I don't water things. It's we do have a pool, which is kind of but did I live in Nevada is 117 degrees. Well, I


haven't heard that it'd be a be it would waste more water to drain the pool and then oh yeah,

William Jeffery:

we drain if the pool ever gets drained and now we have a place for skateboarders to hang out because I can't afford to feel that I'm not doing Majan I've thought about it because we have to you have to add water again. It's 100 degrees all the time. The evaporation is a real thing. So you got that Add water to the pool. Otherwise the filter modal burnout because the water level gets too low, just adding water. Doubles sometimes triples our bill. So I never if it gets drained for any reason it gets a crack and all the water comes out. I'm just going to put up a Craigslist poster. I don't know where you post things now, but to all the skateboarders in the neighborhood if you guys want to come, you know, films and stuff. You're more than welcome to if you hit you know, big old I guess I'd have him sign something because no waivers on here because somebody's gonna die, or have a concussion or break something. Let's get the Jackass I'm just gonna go in the house and take a nap. I'm not I'm not trained to take care of that. No, I got you. I'll give grabbable phone to call for help if they're capable of doing that. But hopefully you came with a friend if you just decided to skate by yourself. Your bad thing that usually while you ride with a friend though I never will skate one. That's not true. I will go skate. Usually though, you take a homie in case you know you fall downstairs.


Why are you going down stairs? What you do

William Jeffery:

on a skateboard? You jumped down the stairs or onto the rail? What I mean I'm not a halfpipe guy because I respect gravity.


Yeah, this episode's been all over the place it started with the plane but I think we really kind of focused on the Roe versus Wade catastrophe

William Jeffery:

well, because the plane was built in Texas, right? Yes. So yeah, now I don't know if I can support that. I'll just keep on riding spirit and getting my boxing lessons in


that's what you ride to Denver. On your way

William Jeffery:

No, I don't ever fly anywhere. I just like to stand in line and spirit and get my cardio is always a fight and you got to name Duck Duck Perry is you know, I can't afford a personal trainer. So I just go to the airport and stand in line at the spirit gate. And and that's how it's similar to boxing training. It's kind of like CrossFit. But you know in your jokes I bought a CrossFit tape from Walmart it's very similar to that


ya know, your your jokes are definitely on point. Did you want to go in and you're ready to land this plane? I don't know if you had much more on this episode.

William Jeffery:

Yeah, don't fly spirit that we've been controlled about is the south is slow. And I don't mean speed. I mean, intellectually. I was mean, I shouldn't


have said that. It was lost sudden lessons.

William Jeffery:

I've been lost them because I said that women can make their own choices. And I'm a black person so you know I only had half the stuff anyway. But to those of you that are still listening, you know drink water be safe. And yeah government mind your own business. How about you work on them taxes net deficit, and and leave these women's ovaries alone because I don't understand how they work and clearly you don't need it. I'll see About