Kosmic Tonic

Antiscia with KATE PETTY

Jasmine Richardson, Eliza Robertson, Kestrel Neathawk Season 4 Episode 2

In this episode, we dig into the theory and technique of antiscia — a concept in traditional astrology that is all about reflections of light. Our guest Kate Petty is an artist, astrologer, mentor, and all-round antiscia virtuoso. In this episode, Kate guides us through 1. What Antiscia is, 2. Why it’s something to watch for, and 3. How to track it in your chart, in your synastry with other people, as well as the ways it can be activated by transit. We learned so much in this episode, and we know you will too. Please share with all your favorite astro-nerds! 

Topics we touch on include:

- The definitions of antiscia and contra-antiscia 

- the antiscia and contra-antiscia sign pairs — and how it complicates traditional astrology’s conception of “aversion” (aka signs that don’t witness each other through a traditional Ptolemaic aspect)

- The cardinal cross, with emphasis on the equinox and solstice points 

- Planetary declination 

For more on Kate: https://ambientastrology.com/

For more on Jasmine, Kestrel, or Eliza: www.kosmictonic.com

For more information on the subjects discussed on this show:

- Kate’s antiscia talk at Kepler College: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u557ey9p7zc 

- Astro-seek’s traditional astrology calculator (which includes antiscia): https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/traditional-astrology