Critical Thinking Required

ChatGPT vs. Google Bard: How Will They Change Financial Planning? Part 1

LBW Wealth Management Season 3 Episode 14

For this episode, we asked ChatGPT and Google Bard: "Write a podcast outline on how will ChatGPT/Google Bard change the financial planning industry?"  Here is the first part of each chatbot's outline.

From Chat GPT:

I. Introduction 
A. Introduce the topic of how ChatGPT is poised to revolutionize the financial planning industry 
B. Briefly explain what ChatGPT is and its capabilities
II. Background on the financial planning industry
A. Discuss the traditional model of financial planning 
B. Identify the limitations of the traditional model 
C. Explain how technology has already begun to disrupt the financial planning industry
III. The role of ChatGPT in financial planning
A. Explain how ChatGPT can improve upon the traditional model of financial planning 
B. Highlight some of the specific ways ChatGPT can help financial planners and their clients 
1. Streamlining data collection and analysis
2. Providing personalized investment recommendations
3. Automating routine tasks
4. Improving communication and customer service

Google Bard:

I. Introduction 
Introduce the topic of Google Bard and how it can change the financial planning industry.
II. Discuss the potential benefits of using Google Bard for financial planning.
A. Save more money by creating personalized budgets and investment plans. 
B. Make better financial decisions by providing access to unbiased information and advice.
C. Reach their financial goals sooner by taking advantage of automated investing and other features.

In the second part of the episode next week, we will discuss the rest of the outlines created by ChatGPT and Google Bard, which focuses more on potential problems and challenges.