Feedback with EarBuds

15: "Commute Cutters" Week

Arielle Nissenblatt
Welcome to episode 15! It covers the week of January 13 - 17, 2020. Each week on this podcast, we’ll share the information that's within the newsletter put out by EarBuds Podcast Collective. EBPC is a listening movement. We send a weekly email with a theme and 5 podcast episodes on that theme, and each week is curated by a different person. Anyone can curate a list -- just reach out!We partner with Inside Podcasting to bring you the week’s top podcast news stories. Written by Skye Pillsbury, Inside Podcasting is a thrice weekly email newsletter that covers the podcast world. This week's theme comes to us from Priyanka Mattoo (co- founder of EARIOS Podcast Network) and is called *Commute Cutters.* Priyanka chose 5 podcast episodes that fit within that theme. Listen in to learn about why Priyanka chose this theme, the episodes, and more.Podcasts explored this week: MONDAY: The Big Ones - The Notebook / Angela Trimbur - 65 minutes TUESDAY: The Dream - Wanna Swim in Cash? - 40 minutes WEDNESDAY: Song Exploder - Perfume Genius - Slip Away - 21 minutes THURSDAY: Ask Ronna - The 8 Days of Ronnukah - 122 minutes FRIDAY: Ghost of a Podcast - Second Saturday Return + Horoscope - 39 minutes News from Inside Podcasting mentioned this week:This week, Spotify launched a new advertising service called Streaming Ad Insertion (SAI), which uses customer data to target ads within its exclusive podcasts. In a company blog post, VP and head of global advertising business Jay Richman said that the service is "taking formats that traditionally have been more of a static experience and making it a more personalized and attractive one." That said, in a story for The Verge, Ashley Carman explains that while Spotify's new technology breaks ground in the industry, it also puts consumer privacy at risk. "Podcasts are sensitive listening data — the topics can be niche and revealing — so users rightly might have privacy concerns about how what they consume will be siphoned back to brands," says Carman. When Richman was asked about these issues, he responded that consumers can opt-out of data targeting. If you want more information on this topic, head to the Snacks Daily podcast. Hosts Nick and Jack share some more information about how strategic ad insertion will appear in your listening experience.Mermaid Palace, Kaitlin Prest's new production house, is bringing The Heart back to the podcast airwaves in partnership with Radiotopia. In its inaugural installment, Prest "explores a friendship, an 'artnership,' and an idea of what would happen if two radical young women took their politics to their most extreme conclusion." The first episode drops on Jan. 15. Gimlet Media's podcast about Black culture, The Nod, is ending. Hosts Eric Eddings and Brittany Luse announced the news in their most recent episode. However, starting in April we'll be able to watch the show (which will move to a daily cadence) via the new Quibi video service. The show will drop two more episodes before wrapping it up.Podcast Brunch Club's January playlist tackles disinformation and fake news. According to the organization's website, the collection, which includes episodes from Hidden Brain, Solvable, Raw Data, Power Corrupts, and Function with Anil Dash, will provide historical background on the disturbing/infuriating trend and suggest ways to fight it. Head to podcast brunch club dot com for more informationWe've also included information about our sponsor, Buzzsprout!BuzzsproutMeaningful Podcast Monetization — Buzzsprout's Affiliate Marketplace offers meaningful monetization for podcasters of any size. Open to all Buzzsprout podcasters and you keep 100% of the proceeds. Learn more about how to monetize a podcast with affiliate partnerships. Sign up for Buzzsprout here and get a $20 Amazon gift card: new season of Roc