David Burns's Podcast
Based on 30 years of quality management expertise, David Burns provides management and technical support to all those business manager's tasked with developing and implementing quality management systems.
Free - don't you just love free! My podcasts are normally a short bursts of information to support your business compliance. The podcasts range from "how to manage auditing" through to "a full on auditor training program". Please contact me at info@davidburns.co.uk if you'd like a "quality management" podcast "specific to your needs"... more than happy to support your business - info@davidburns.co.uk
Thanks for listening.
David Burns's Podcast
With fear of stating the obvious, this podcast is about "calibration control" for general mechanical engineering and precision machining.
The podcast includes hints and tips for the avoidance of audit non-conformances.
Most organizations will have very good calibration control internally, although sometimes fail to manage external calibration service providers and accredited calibration laboratories.
This podcast is a gentle reminder not to assume calibration is compliant in the hands of external service providers... Look at the scope of your calibration service providers accreditation schedule.
Consider your customer contract obligations and requirements and then double check this against the calibration laboratory.
Some will claim ISO 9001 certification for the calibration service; this is the management of the calibration service and not always the control of the calibration itself.
The use of a UKAS accredited calibration laboratory is the safe bet (or other ISO 17025 accredited laboratory), but always confirm the scope of your chosen laboratory.