In A Turn Of Events

Life By Analogy: Wildfire

Ryan West Season 1 Episode 38

Staying hydrated is the most important thing we, and Mother Earth can do. We are both made up of mostly water!

When we lived in Northern California, something that we didn't even know existed became a normal part of our lives.

There were massive smoke clouds that looks like bombs went off. The living room even smelled like a campfire for weeks at a time. We lived over 40 miles away.

Wildfires start because of lack of hydration. Simply not enough water. 

If you are looking for ways to avoid the smallest spark setting you ablaze throughout the day, its so simple. Stay hydrated. 

Drinking water, believe it or not, is the best thing you can do for your body as soon as you wake up. Even if you don't feel "thirsty", just know that your body is an engine that runs not on oil, but on water. Feed it. 

-Want to lose weight, drink only water for a few weeks. 
-Feel tired in the afternoon or early evening....get hydrated. 
-Cramping up when you try to exercise, not enough H20!
-Want your brain to work for you and be more creative...Gulp!

One of the smallest, simplest, yet impactful pieces of advice I have ever received in my life.