In A Turn Of Events

Life By Analogy: Roughin' It

Ryan West Season 1 Episode 39

Have you ever wondered why most people have a built-in love for the outdoors. To go sleep under the stars, to get some peace and quiet?

We aren't meant to live amongst clutter. To have too many gadgets, bells, and whistles to distract us from our human senses. 

That's why a campfire is so relaxing. It invigorates smell, sound, sight, touch, and even taste with a perfectly roasted marshmallow. What senses does your phone invigorate?

It feels good to get away from the rigors of the daily grind and really stop for a moment and appreciate who, what, and where we are in this amazing life. 

Maybe it isn't fair to coin this process of finding our base as "roughin' it". 

Maybe we should refer to it as something super positive, life changing, clarifying...

I know my family can't wait until it cools down a little bit so we can get outdoors and "Smooth It Over"