In A Turn Of Events

Life By Analogy: Cage Fight

Ryan West Season 1 Episode 43

Every person that walks planet Earth has goals, dreams, and ambitions they have yet to take action towards.

As one of those people, I’m on a mission to put myself to the test against some of my lingering dreams that seem to only bounce around in my head and never really come to fruition.

In most cases, the reasons I haven’t taken action can be whittled down to one of the following:

Fear of failure, fear of criticism, fear of not being as good at something as we think we are, waiting for the perfect time to start, waiting on someone else to tell us it’s a good idea and we should pursue it.

All of these things have stopped me from taking on the challenges I KNOW will deliver the most gratitude and joy.

Speculating how it will feel or what it will be like to relish in your accomplished goals is a phenomenal mental exercise...but disastrous if you never take action.

You’ll morph into a day-dreamer and not a dream-catcher.

Today, regardless of what you have on your list of life goals....write a book, start a new job, get out of a relationship that’s draining you, start a podcast, start a new hobby....

Challenge your goals/dreams to a Cage Fight, where there is no longer ways to sneak around, away, over, or under your fears. The only way is to go right through them.

You’ll find it’s never as scary as the picture you painted in your mind. 

Even with the bumps and bruises, you’ll have a much better gague on what your capabilities are.