In A Turn Of Events

Life By Analogy: Pregame Ritual

Ryan West Season 1 Episode 44

Anyone who has ever watched the Super Bowl, or any sporting event, has the image burned into their mind of the star player sitting quietly alone with headphones on and eyes closed. Getting ready for the battle that's going to take place on the playing field. 

Everyone has their own Pregame Ritual, and they are all a little different. What matters most, is having one in the first place. 

For so many years, I would set my alarm to wake up and get ready for the day, giving myself maybe 5 minutes of cushion. I would rush through the morning check list and by the time I was in the car on the way to the office, I would start speed-sorting through all of the things I needed to do that day.

I started to identify how that pregame ritual, or lack thereof, was effecting my attitude, organization, productivity, and ultimately results. I wasn't winning the game. 

Then I made a change, to "own my mornings" I started to get up an hour early and really enjoy my cup of coffee instead of pouring it in a to-go mug on the way out the door and burning my lips on the first sip. 

The purpose of any pregame ritual is to prepare from the Inside-Out. To make sure we are mentally prepared for the curveballs that will be thrown our way, or the trick play the other team may try.

If you want to give yourself a shot at winning every day, you have to prepare as if it means something to you.