In A Turn Of Events

Life By Analogy: Coffee Filter

Ryan West Season 1 Episode 47

For me, there is nothing like the first perfect cup of coffee early in the morning to start the day. One of my most enjoyable routines. 

On the flip side, nothing quite like a mouthful of coffee grounds that made it through into your cup.

FILTER is quite literally the difference between a highly enjoyable experience and a terrible one.

What if you could put a filter on your day...and it would catch all of the negativity, doubt, and bad decision-making that leads to life's least-favorite moments. 

The great thing about our daily mindset...we are the ones who filter what we let in and what we keep out. 

Think of your day/week like a cup of joe, and put a filter above your head to keep all the grounds out....Negative people, dead end job, news that highlights only the bad stuff. 

Only let the good stuff get through.