In A Turn Of Events

Life By Analogy: Bird's Nest

Ryan West Season 1 Episode 52

There are some people who just find a way to get things done. Not because they have unlimited resources, but because of their unlimited resourcefulness.

They can take items they have access to (ideas, people, objects) and build upon that starting point to achieve a desired solution. They can make it happen with whatever is available.

It's only fair to stop for a moment and admire the resourcefulness of a Barn Swallow. One of the most resilient species of bird I've come across. The story of their fortitude goes far beyond just the materials used to build their Bird's Nest.

Look at the material they use to build their home....sticks, leaves, old feathers from other birds, mud. A bunch of stuff we see as useless and disgusting.

I watched them build a house, have 5 babies, raise their young, and take off as a new family all within a one month span.

It made me feel ashamed of the extra items I sometimes think I need to have in order to find fulfillment or success with a particular task.

I learned from the Barn Swallows, that it's important to remember that we have everything we need. It's in our habitat, all around us. We just have to be willing to simplify, be resourceful.

The lesson learned is one we have all heard before. Home isn't made by what type of material you use, or how fancy it looks. Home is where the heart is. Look around at the things you have, and you will realize that it's more than enough.