In A Turn Of Events

Life By Analogy: Battery Low!

Ryan West Season 1 Episode 55

We have all had to manage the battery life on our cell phone. The first step is usually to review all of the apps/browsers we have working in the background and close out the ones we are no longer using, as to not waste the battery life on something worthless. 

When it comes down to that last bar, we save it for the most critical usage....that one emergency phone call, or the text to let our family know we landed on our plane, or even to make sure we can use the Uber App to get a ride to the hotel. 

Either way, we know how our energy will need to be spent when crunch time arrives. 

The energy we carry into each day is no different than a battery. There will be countless interactions, decisions, and experiences daily that pop up just like apps on our phone. 

Some we will close out after using,. some we will forget about and let run in the background, using up our limited energy. Some bringing us positive energy in return, some draining our battery as if we are roaming looking for a signal. 

It's a good practice to identify where your battery power is being allocated, and if it isn't delivering the longevity you hoped for, there may be some apps running that you can make the choice to close out and preserve your battery life for those vital moments, and necessary actions.