In A Turn Of Events

Life By Analogy: Yelp Review

Ryan West Season 1 Episode 57

When was the last time you let random reviews on the internet influence a decision you had to make for YOUR life. A purchase, where to stay at a hotel, where to eat your next meal and what to order. 

We have built a foundation in our society where we truly rely on the opinions and judgements of everyone else to determine what WE do next. 

For me, the toughest part about this cycle is recognizing it. It starts out as an opinion on a simple meal,  and morphs into counting on others (that we don't really know) to help make major life decisions. 

We don't take time to think about the logic behind relying on someone we have never met to tell us what a good place to eat would be, where we should work next, if a contractor is the best fit for the job, etc. The list goes on and on. 

Think about it this way....what if you had a big job interview tomorrow, and you picked a pin drop on your map, drove to that area of town, and then knocked on a random door, and asked whoever answered the door "how should I best prepare for my interview tomorrow"

And then...take whatever advice they give you. Sound like a winning plan? 

We can't forget who we are and what we like, desire, and want to accomplish.