Thoughts Of Some Guy In Ohio

Faith and Vision: Transformative Journeys from Zimbabwe

July 09, 2024 Jason Cline
Faith and Vision: Transformative Journeys from Zimbabwe
Thoughts Of Some Guy In Ohio
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Thoughts Of Some Guy In Ohio
Faith and Vision: Transformative Journeys from Zimbabwe
Jul 09, 2024
Jason Cline

Ever wondered how a blind preacher's vision could transform an entire community? Join us as we embark on an inspiring journey to Zimbabwe, filled with profound cultural and spiritual experiences. From the initial cultural shock to the unexpected moments of familiarity, we share heartfelt encounters that left an indelible mark on our hearts. Experience the soul-stirring worship at Living Proof High School with 900 students and the awe-inspiring story of a blind preacher whose unwavering faith led to the establishment of a Christian school and church, despite countless obstacles.

This episode also delves into a pivotal moment from the book of Acts, where Peter's divine vision redefined the boundaries of God's kingdom, offering a message of inclusion and acceptance to all. Reflecting on personal experiences from our short stay in Africa, we explore humorous incidents and deeper realizations about life's purpose. We emphasize the importance of seeking and trusting God's will for our church, our lives, and our community, with faith that His vision will come to fruition in perfect timing. Tune in for a narrative full of faith, hope, and the universal joy that transcends cultural divides.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever wondered how a blind preacher's vision could transform an entire community? Join us as we embark on an inspiring journey to Zimbabwe, filled with profound cultural and spiritual experiences. From the initial cultural shock to the unexpected moments of familiarity, we share heartfelt encounters that left an indelible mark on our hearts. Experience the soul-stirring worship at Living Proof High School with 900 students and the awe-inspiring story of a blind preacher whose unwavering faith led to the establishment of a Christian school and church, despite countless obstacles.

This episode also delves into a pivotal moment from the book of Acts, where Peter's divine vision redefined the boundaries of God's kingdom, offering a message of inclusion and acceptance to all. Reflecting on personal experiences from our short stay in Africa, we explore humorous incidents and deeper realizations about life's purpose. We emphasize the importance of seeking and trusting God's will for our church, our lives, and our community, with faith that His vision will come to fruition in perfect timing. Tune in for a narrative full of faith, hope, and the universal joy that transcends cultural divides.

Speaker 1:

You know it's interesting, you worship in another country, the setting's a little different. And for those of you who continue to pray, and thanks for the support I was able to, I did. I made it to Africa. I was in Zimbabwe for about a week and a half. I was supposed to go back in February and just some things didn't happen that should have happened. God had to help course correct some things. By the grace of God, I was able to get there. I made it. I arrived safely. I came back safely. Currently I have no illnesses that I'm aware of. That I've brought back with me.

Speaker 1:

But it was a shock, and not so much. I think it's just a different way, right, because when you go into a culture, any kind of culture, there's always an expectation. I've never been to Africa in my life the closest that I've ever come to knowing or learning anything about Africa is funny to me. But Lion King, right. I mean, I remember growing up and you just watch the Lion King and that's what you see, that's what you expect. Obviously, I don't think the animals are going to talk to each other, but that would be cool. I did see Timon and Pumbaa while I was down there, though they say, hey, but it was just when you get to a culture and you see kind of how different it is and then you just kind of learn to adjust. But with all the differences there's a lot of similarities too.

Speaker 1:

And we were flying down on our last leg of the trip, going in Harare, which is where we landed and where we stayed. The plane ride from Johannesburg to Harare was about an hour and a half and on the plane ride was this family that had three young kids who were just absolutely ecstatic to be on a plane. It was like the coolest thing ever, and to me it was interesting because I saw my kids in them. Right, I could see a little bit of my kids in them and I don't know what they were saying to each other. They were speaking Shonan Shona, which is their main language, but they do speak English. But I do remember in the conversation one of the little girls said to the other little girl you're a poopy head. And I was like I know what that means and I heard the dad offer some kind of correction and then I heard her whisper it to her. You know, because kids are kids, right, but I just you land there. And then one of my favorite. There's two things that really stuck out to me.

Speaker 1:

The first the second day we were there, we worshiped at a high school with about 900 kids and they sing. They have a. So the mission that we support is called Hippovalley Christian Mission. They're a Church of Christ mission. They've been in the area since 1957. They have 29 different schools that they collectively support and multiple clinics within the area, and so their two primary purposes are to teach the gospel and to raise up Christians, and so they do that through the schooling. And then they offer, obviously, healing and, you know, medical stuff through the hospitals.

Speaker 1:

And the first school we were at it was about 900 kids and they sing traditional hymns so they have hymn books that they probably had for a long time. So there was 900 kids singing Jesus is Mine and it was absolutely glorious. It was so emotional in the moment because all I could think about is at some point when I die I get to stand in heaven with all of these people and listen to them sing. And no offense to all of you, but a lot of them are wonderful singers, like their choir, stuff is phenomenal and they have rhythm, they clap on beat. It's wonderful but just to have that kind of experience. And so where we were was called Living Proof High School, and the way that this property came to be is a fun story. The way that this property came to be is a fun story.

Speaker 1:

A couple decades ago there was a blind preacher who lived around the area, and when he would travel around to preach the message of the gospel he would walk through this one particular piece of land that was empty. There was nothing there, but he would walk it every day. He would walk through this area as he traveled from village to village and as he walked he would pray. And so one day, as he was walking, he just felt this need to kind of stop and he started praying. And he had a young man with him that was his assistant, and this is one of my favorite conversations to come out of this whole trip. As this blind preacher is praying, he turns to this young man and says I might be blind, but God just showed me something here. And he believed that God gave him this vision for this property, that it was going to become one of the central locations for them to build a school, to provide a Christian education, to plant a church and that it was going to change the entire community.

Speaker 1:

And so a couple years go by and as Sipa Valley continues to expand and grow, the government in Zimbabwe is not good. It's corrupt, it's part of the reason why the country is the way that it is. But the government sees all of the work that HIPAA Valley is doing and they decide to give them this land, this large chunk of land that this preacher had prayed on. And so they receive it and for a long time they do nothing with it. They end up doing nothing with it for so long that the government actually comes back and takes it off of them and gives them to another group of people because, you know, in their mind the government expected them to do something with it. And so about 20 years go by and the previous minister, this blind minister, comes to Hippo Valley and they're having a leadership conference and he says I still believe with everything in me that that land belongs to God. God gave us that land and I don't know how you need to get it back, but you need to get it back. And so a couple things happen, falls into place and about a year later the government once again reallocates the land to Hippo Valley and in the last five years so starting right around 2020, the land has become the most developed land that they have, with the largest impact and the largest group of students currently on its property. In four years' time, god not only provided for them, but it continues to be the number one place in the area that people want to send their kids to go to school.

Speaker 1:

Because there's something about a God-sized vision that doesn't make sense to you and me. I think we're limited in our own capacity because we oftentimes get tunnel vision on what should be, or we get so fixated on what has to happen that we have an inability to see beyond. I think a God-sized vision should scare you. It should make you think that it's impossible, because it forces you and I to recognize that the only way this is going to happen is if we allow God to be God and we respectfully honor Him, respect Him and are obedient to what he's calling us to do. It's not just by some random chance that we've decided to have church at this property all month. This property, I believe, is a vital part of the vision that God has given us for this church. I think it's necessary for us to continue to remind ourselves not only what God has given us, but that he's not done with it yet, because even if it hasn't necessarily fit into our timeline sometimes that's okay God knows exactly what he's doing when it needs to happen. All he needs for you and I is to listen and obey. Listen.

Speaker 1:

One of the reasons that I love this mission we support so much is and I know that every mission says this, but they have to be one of the most kingdom-focused missions I've ever seen in my life, because everything they do, they believe, is for the glory of God. It's not about them, it's not so they can say they have 29 schools or multiple hospitals. It's not to say, look at us, look at us. It's literally because they believe that they're the only hope for the country of Zimbabwe to find Jesus. Because they believe that they're the only hope for the country of Zimbabwe to find Jesus. I believe, with everything in me, and I believe that I can speak for the leadership of our church when I say that we believe that we are called to be a church in this community that's going to change it from the inside out. We are going to be a church that is going to help people overcome addiction. We're going to restore marriages. We're going to help people overcome addiction. We're going to restore marriages. We're going to help restore family values. We're going to bring Jesus to the forefront, because there's so many people who have no idea who he is, and I believe with everything in me that this property is part of that, whatever it looks like, whatever we're supposed to do with it. But it means setting aside our preconceived ideas and listening to the heartbeat of God.

Speaker 1:

There's a moment in the life of Peter that changes everything for Peter In Acts, chapter 10, and that's where we're going to spend kind of the rest of our time. There's a moment in the life of Peter. Before we get there, let's set this up a little bit. Peter has been called to a very specific purpose. Jesus has challenged him to build the church. He says to him I'm going to build my church and I'm going to use you. And so Peter, being a good Jew, believes with everything in him that his primary focus has to be Israel, has to be so. That's how he spends the beginning. Part of his ministry is how do I help my fellow brothers and sisters who don't know Jesus? Know Jesus.

Speaker 1:

And as you continue to read through Acts, you start to realize that God has a much bigger plan in play than just the nation of Israel. And Peter has a moment where he has to come to terms with this Because, as kind of the head of the leading the early church, he's surrounded by his brothers and sisters, those who are fellow supporters of Judaism and they're Jews by nature, and they really feel this need to protect what's theirs, their people. It has to be for us, and so they become really focused on only one particular people. And God has a. When we talk about kingdom vision, god's vision is much bigger than ours. It has to be. And so God has to offer Peter some course correction, because if Peter has it the way that he wants it to be and he never changes anything, the only people that are ever going to hear the good news of Jesus are going to be the Israelites, the Jews. That's it. That's their focus, that's all that they see, that's their main priority. But throughout the book of Acts, god is working. He's working on a man that would eventually become Paul, a prosecutor of the church, someone who had a problem with early Christianity, who stood at the feet of those who murdered Christians.

Speaker 1:

So Acts 10, starting in verse 9, it says about noon the following day, as they were on their journey and approaching the city, peter went up to the roof to pray. He became hungry and he wanted something to eat. While the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance. He saw heaven open and something like a large sheet being let down on the earth. By its four corners. It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles and birds. Then a voice told him Get up, peter, kill and eat. Surely not, lord. Peter replied. I have never eaten anything impure or unclean. The voice spoke to him a second time Do not call anything impure that God has made clean. This happened three times, and immediately this sheet was taken back to heaven. By the way you notice, for some reason Peter has this thing where things have to happen three times for him to kind of get it. I mean, god tells him to do something and Peter's like no.

Speaker 1:

So while Peter was wondering about the meaning of the vision, the men sent by Cornelius found out where Simon's house was and stopped at the gate. They called out, asking if Simon, who was known as Peter, was staying there. And while Peter was still thinking about the vision. The Spirit said to him Simon, three men are looking for you, so get up, go downstairs. Do not hesitate to go with them, for I have sent them. Peter went down and said to the men I'm the one you're looking for. Why have you come? The men replied we've come from Cornelius the centurion. He is a righteous and God-fearing man who is respected by all the Jewish people. A holy angel told him to ask you to. And so Peter is almost immediately confronted after this vision of God saying don't you dare say anything that I say is clean is unclean. He's immediately confronted by this realization that he is being called to the house of a Roman and this is just not only a Roman, but a Gentile. That has caused nothing but stress and persecution. And why in the world would God send me to this man? But God says listen, I have sent these men, I need you to go.

Speaker 1:

The next day, peter started out with them and some of the believers from Joppa went along. The following day he arrived in Caesarea. Cornelius was expecting him and had called together his relatives and close friends. As Peter entered the house, Cornelius met him and fell at his feet in reverence. But Peter made him get up, stand up. He said I am only a man myself. While talking with him, peter went inside and found a large gathering of people and he said to them you are well aware that it is against our law for a Jew to associate or even visit a Gentile, but God has shown me that I should not call anyone impure or unclean. So I was sent for. So when I was sent for, I came without raising any objection. May I ask why you sent for me? And Cornelius answered.

Speaker 1:

Three days ago I was in my house praying at this hour at three in the afternoon. Suddenly a man in shining clothes stood before me and said Cornelius, god has heard your prayer and remembered your gifts to the poor. Send a joppa for Simon, who is called Peter. He is a guest at the home of Simon the Tanner who lives by the sea. So I sent for you immediately and it was good for you to come Now. We are all here in the presence of God to listen to everything the Lord has commanded you to tell us. Then Peter began to speak. I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism, but accepts from every nation the ones who fear him and does what is right. You know the message God sent to the people of Israel, announcing the good news of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all. You know what has happened throughout the province of Judea, beginning in Galilee.

Speaker 1:

After the baptism, john preached how God anointed Jesus from Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him. We are witnesses of everything he did in the country of the Jews and in Jerusalem. They killed him by hanging him on a cross, but God raised him from the dead on the third day and caused him to be seen. He was not seen by all people, but by witnesses whom God has already chosen by us, who ate and drank with him. After he rose from the dead, he commanded us to preach to the people to testify that he is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead. All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.

Speaker 1:

While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message. The circumcised believers who had come with Peter were astonished that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on the Gentiles, for they heard them speaking in tongues and praising God. And Peter said surely no one can stand in their way of them being baptized with water. They have received the Holy Spirit, just as we have. So he ordered that they be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, and they asked Peter to stay with them for a few days. Can you imagine in that moment if Peter had decided that, god, I'm not going to do what you asked me to do, that I understand that you might have this vision, but you don't understand. My allegiance is to the people my fellow brothers and sisters.

Speaker 1:

Having a God-sized vision will oftentimes push you out of your comfort zone. Having a God-sized vision will often take you places you never thought you'd go before, to people you never thought you'd go to. Having a God-sized vision is what we need as we continue to grow and focus on building the kingdom of God here in Follins, us, virginia. If we think we can do it on our own, it's not big enough. If we think we have all the answers but we're not praying and seeking for God's wisdom, we're doing praying and seeking for God's wisdom. We're doing our own thing, we're fulfilling our own kingdom and I don't know about you. I don't want to build my kingdom when I die. I'm not even sure that I care of people who won't even know what my name was, because it's not about that, it's not about me. It's not about just building to build and say, look what we did. It's about building to say how are we building the kingdom of God? What are we using? What resources do we have? How do we continue to seek God in everything that we using? What resources do we have? How do we continue to seek God in everything that we do?

Speaker 1:

I don't want to be the church that people come to because they like refocused Christian church. I don't want to be the church that people come to because they like our music or they like the way we do things, or maybe we have a strong social media. Listen, don't get me wrong. Those things aren't bad. I want to be the church that people come to because they found Jesus here. They found life change, they understood and they found people that are living out the Gospel every single day. That we're not calling things unclean, that God has called clean. That we're not ignoring that our purpose and our focus has to be bigger than us always. Can you imagine, had Peter rejected God in that moment, peter would go on to eventually defend Paul's ministry to the Gentiles, the spreading of the Gospel to the Gentiles. Had that not happened, you and I would not be here today, because a God-sized vision will often push us beyond our own understanding. A God-sized vision will change the world.

Speaker 1:

I have so many stories in my very little time in Africa. I have so many stories in my very little time in Africa. I have so many memories. I have good ones, I have bad ones, I have funny ones.

Speaker 1:

The first night I was there, I got a cramp in the back of my leg and I honestly thought I got bit by something and I was ready to die.

Speaker 1:

Seriously, I rolled out of bed and thinking that's it, this is how it ends. But the one thing that I saw more than anything and I hope that it continues to infect us is the realization that in this very short lifetime that we have, god has called us to a purpose. And then, if we seek His will, if we seek His purpose, if we genuinely ask God, what should we do next, then I'm excited to see what comes next. I'm excited to see what God does with this church. I'm excited to see what God does in your life. I'm excited to see what God does in this community, because I believe that we're going to change it. God gave us this land for a reason and I believe in His time we're going to see it come to fruition, because that's how his vision works, that's how his focus works, that if God calls you to it, he will bring you through it every single time. Alright, let's pray.

God-Sized Vision and Obedience in Africa
Expanding God's Kingdom Vision
Living Out God's Purpose