Chasing Her BHAG: BIG Hairy Audacious Goals

The Desire To Be Above Average

Sanina Ellison Jones Season 2 Episode 4

Maria Jeanette is a realtor, author, and digital marketer who is determined to be above average.

In addition to her work as a Real Estate Professional, Maria is also a new author, releasing her first book, “7 Deadly Sins of Real Estate” in 2023.  Her first book is a romantic novel; Think “Wolf of Wall Street” meets “Fifty Shades of Grey”----- Maria Jeanette does not miss a beat with her descriptive and vivid accounts of what it really means to allow your sinful nature to guide your business dealings.

In this episode Maria discusses how and why she got started in Real Estate and how that morphed into a Real Estate erotica novel.

Let's get to know Maria:

What's your favorite genre of music? Jazz, Trap Music

Favorite Artist right now or Song? Latto, Put in the Floor

Favorite Color? Purple

Favorite Food? Potatoes, Salmon

Favorite quote "If you stay ready you don’t have to get ready"

How can they find you on social media? 



Chasing Her BHAG

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