Diocese of Lansing

Week 40 | Disciples Together on the Way w/ Bishop Boyea | October 9 to October 15 | The Saints | Choose a saint & get to know them

Diocese of Lansing Season 1 Episode 40

Here's Bishop Earl Boyea's challenge for Week 40 of Disciples Together on the Way, October 9 to October 15, on the topic of the saints: 

"Get to know the saints! Pick a saint and read about his or her life or watch a video describing the saint. Perhaps, we might try to know more about a saint after whom we were named as babies or one whose name we took in Confirmation. Then, for this week, let us have a daily prayer devotion to that saint. We might go to our neighborhood Church and light a candle in honor of that saint.  Perhaps, we can visit a shrine such as the Blessed Solanus Casey Center in Detroit or the Cross in the Woods in Indian River. The saints are the best teachers of our faith because they’re living proof that transformation in grace is possible. And it’s for everyone! Get to know the saints!"