The Travelling Optimist Podcast with Steve Ody

#47 Mike Malatesta - Once You Decide, Nothing Will Stop You!

Greetings optimists! I hope you are having an incredible day. It’s time to lend me your ears for another episode of the podcast to be unleashed upon your eardrums! So get yourself comfortable, turn the volume up a notch as I don’t want you to miss a second of this wonderful conversation - it’s amazing to have you join me.

My guest on the show is someone I have admired from a distance for a while. Based in the US, Mike Malatesta is a hugely successful entrepreneur, acclaimed author, business mentor and podcast host. Mike’s career spans more than 3 decades. A time where he experienced the highs and lows of being a business owner. It hasn’t all been plain sailing but there was a series of events throughout Mike’s life that have eventually shaped him and the trail he has been blazing. 

This is a story about not being afraid of taking a risk, moving home to start something fresh and exciting, having the tenacity to keep going despite having doubts about your ability. Keep an ear out for Don. I think most people will have had their own Don in their life at some point.

But without Don, Mike wouldn’t have met Butch Weiss and the subsequent founding of a business that catapulted them on the course of success.

This is an uplifting conversation about the trials and tribulations at the coal face of life and business, the tragedy of losing your friend and business partner and the subsequent drifting through life that we all sometimes find ourselves in. But Mike came through this phase with acceptance of what happened and and even stronger belief that if things could work once they can work again

So this is me and my friend Mike Malatesta a determined and humble man who dared to dream and was prepared to put the work in to breakthrough to success 

But ultimately this is a tale of a guy from Milwaukee who was never afraid to reset the sails of life and set a new course to greater accomplishments and happiness.

You can connect with Mike and order his acclaimed books at his website -