Adoption - The Wait
Together by AGCI
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Together by AGCI
Adoption - The Wait
Jul 02, 2020 Season 1 Episode 13
Dayn Arnold & Madi Salvati

Gotcha-days, financial miracles, and families united for the first time ever are significant milestones within the adoption process. But most don't consider the heaviness and the excitement behind “the wait” --- or the time period of waiting to be matched with a child. It’s a massive part of the adoption process that makes room for God to be invited into that space of waiting so that He might work and help families fully recognize His wonder and power in their lives. Today, I’m so excited to have our Director of Adoption, Julie Salwasser, our Executive Vice President Nate Dawson, and International Adoption Specialist, Connie Cummings talk about their own adoption experiences with waiting.