Living a Sustainable Faith with Krista

LASF 044: Journey to Jesus Verse #14 - Let's be willing to obey


Welcome to Living a Sustainable Faith with Krista and I am Krista! 

I want to Welcome and say Hello to all you Ladies, Young Ladies, Teens and Coloring Enthusiasts who have joined me for this Podcast Series that is titled Journey to Jesus.  I am excited to take this Journey with you and am looking forward to Talking about Verse #14 in your color, cut and create coloring book Journey to Jesus – One Bible Verse at a Time.
 If you are just tuning in to my Podcast Series – Journey to Jesus and do not have my color, cut and create coloring book, you can purchase one at and all you need to do it type in my title and you will be able to order your book. I also want to encourage you to sign up for my email list if you have not and you can do this by going to and click Join my email list in the right corner.

And as a reminder, you can get all 23 podcasts  in one place for my Journey to Jesus Series on my website as well, and click LASF FOR WOMEN in the right corner and the click Coloring Book Podcast link.

Also, if you are  on Instagram you can find me @kristawithlasf and in my bio click the link and you will find buttons for joining my email list and for my Journey to Jesus Podcasts page.

The title of this podcast is Journey to Jesus Verse #14 - Let's be willing to obey

Are you ready to get started Coloring God’s Word today to Journey to Jesus and discover how much God loves you?

 Let’s go ahead and get started coloring verse 14.  You and Your soul are going to love it!
