PV Bible Alive
This podcast will take you on a journey through the Bible. It takes the Scriptures, beginning in Genesis, explains what they meant when they were written, and what they mean to you today. In the end, we hope you discover what the Bible says about itself; that it is "sharper than a two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit....and is a discern-er of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
PV Bible Alive
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Bruce Hays
Season 20
Episode 31
As Easter passes again this year we've celebrated the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
But many in the world we live in continue to reject the resurrection as an actual historic event. They will often acknowledge that Jesus lived and started the Christian movement. They will acknowledge the reality of the crucifixion. But they continue to believe that somehow His disciples stole Jesus' body and created the resurrection story.
Well, this message is a presentation of 5 evidences for the resurrection of Jesus Christ. They are; the existence of the church, the 12 disciples' witnesses, 500 other witnesses, the antagonistic witness, and the common message of the early church.