
Keeping Employees Safe at Work: An Employer's Guide

April 29, 2020 Lance Williams
Keeping Employees Safe at Work: An Employer's Guide
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Keeping Employees Safe at Work: An Employer's Guide
Apr 29, 2020
Lance Williams

As states begin to lift stay at home orders and businesses plan for reopening, OSHA is asking employers to develop response plans and procedures prior to employees returning to work. Aron Karabel, Steve Hawkins and Mike Palmer offer practical tips for companies as they prepare their plans to help employees, customers and clients stay safe in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Show Notes Transcript

As states begin to lift stay at home orders and businesses plan for reopening, OSHA is asking employers to develop response plans and procedures prior to employees returning to work. Aron Karabel, Steve Hawkins and Mike Palmer offer practical tips for companies as they prepare their plans to help employees, customers and clients stay safe in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

spk_0:   0:05
welcome to point by point conversations, interviews and legal commentary for today's business professionals brought to you by Waller. States began to lift stay at home orders and businesses plan for reopening. OSHA is asking employers to develop response plans and procedures prior to employees returning to work. Erin Karabell, Steve Hawkins and Mike Palmer offer practical tips for companies as they prepare their plans to help employees, customers and clients stay safe in the midst of the Kobe 19 pandemic. This is Morgan Romero, the head of stuff. Point by point Kobe 19 numbers beginning to stabilize in some areas of the country and some states announcing reopening dates, many employers are asking key questions such as What do we do to get ready? And how do we do so without jeopardizing the safety of our workforce and our customers or clients? Joining me today are Aaron Care Bell, a partner in Waller's Labour Employment Group. Steve Hawkins, deputy commissioner of the Department of Labor and Workforce Development And prior to his current role, Steve was the administrator of Tennessee OSHA for eight years, and before that he spent 12 years as the assistant administrator and lastly, Mike Palmer a principal at and safe, where he provides oversight for all aspects of in Safe's consulting services, including OSHA related trainings for the firm's clients and both Steve and might bring to this conversation more than three decades of experience in this area. So we're really looking forward to the conversation always love when we have an opportunity to bring in outside experts as well as our own. So let's jump in. Governors, mayors and other leaders across the country are lifting stay at home orders and beginning the reopening process. And there's a lot to consider during this this process, and there's no way to fully predict the path forward for employers, regardless of their industry. But what do you recommend Aaron for employers to review and to better understand before they begin to develop their reopening plans?

spk_2:   2:01
Morning, This good question. Employers should first start if they already haven't reviewing federal, state and local guidelines and executive orders. We know at a national level the government wants reopening efforts to be in phases, depending on the prevalence of coverted in the particular jurisdiction. We also know that governors are responsible for making the final determination on when and how to begin reopening. Some will follow the federal government's phased approach. Some won't. It just depends on the jurisdiction you're in. Densely populated municipalities will likely have their own order, and employers need to consider those. It's unclear whether those orders will be aligned, which seeing federal guidelines. An example of that is in Texas. A state began protocols for a reopening last week, but Austin has tightened its protocols, implementing strict face covering requirement. Employers should also consider sick leave policies in certain jurisdictions. They've adopted employee friendly policies, such as in L. A. For individuals who have who are over 65 have pre existing conditions. They may be entitled to additional leave for covert related reasons. Lastly, employers are gonna want to consider recent CDC guidance. In fact, hot off the press and might can share a little bit about it. There has been some new guidance with respect to returning employees to work

spk_0:   3:20
my every interested given your role and the work that you do with employers and clients across the U. S. Your input on on the new CDC guidelines.

spk_1:   3:30
Yeah, and that's common. The first question is very anxious to get back to work. Employers are very anxious to, from a financial standpoint, to get business going again and as and stated, the first thing is, employers got two things to determine rather that you got a term what phase you're in and on the state and the cow three phases. But during which fazer and started the other is, what kind of employer are you? So there's certain restrictions based on the type of company and implore er and then you gotta figure out which Feige. And after that you got a determination of screening employees so we could go on this in more detail later on. But basically, you've got to determine if you have people that have coded symptoms and have tested positive for cocaine. Symptoms haven't tested ones that are affordable ones that are not symptomatic at all, so there's actually different requirements. Then, on which one of those categories your employees formenty on them returning to work. The next part is kind of safely getting in Lamma back to work. There's a lot of sudden bones. There's everything from temperature screening to safe restart that is coated and non Kobe that concerns so save getting people back to work and started equipment and systems back up. Uh, then there's an increased cleaning schedule and maybe a little different type of cleaning that needs to be done. Especially common. New serious that we need to be considered. And lastly, you got a plan for what's gonna happen if somebody does become sick. How are you gonna handle that? How are you gonna report it? How are you going to get care of them? How you gonna determine other identified individuals? One of the actions to take protective people that are still there. So those are the kind of broad based considerations and orders gotta take and really have a plan for before they ever start getting back more

spk_0:   5:22
great. And Steve, from your perspective of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, requires employers to ensure their workplaces are free from recognized hazards that are causing or likely to cause death or physical harm. Has OSHA implemented new standards specifically for cove in 19? And if not, what can employers do to minimize employee concerns and force avoid OSHA citations?

spk_3:   5:46
Morgan Ocean hasn't taken any specific steps to issue an emergency standard. They have adopted guidelines from other sources And so in the absence, other specific standards. OSHA always has the general duty clause that requires employers protect their employees from hazards that are recognized that are likely to cause serious physical harm or death. And so I don't think there's any escaping that. That general duty clause could apply to employers who decided to take no action to protect their employees from this disease. And so our advice would be to take action and to follow the CDC guidelines and to implement those what to do is not hard to find. It has changed. Summit continues to evolve, but it's not difficult to find out what to do, so employers can't just throw their hands up. And so I don't know what to do to protect my employees here, go to the ocean side, go to the CDC site, gather the information and put a plan together and and implement that plan. And one thing I would like to encourage employees today. You should not go about this thinking. I'm doing this to avoid social coming to issue a citation. That's not what you're doing. It you're taking these actions to protect your employees and to keep them from being contaminated or exposed to this illness Teoh from their from their fellow employees, or for some amount of virus that might be left on surf. And so what? Those generally are we all pretty well know? Because we've been saying it on the media for months, and it's It's frequent cleaning off of commonly touched surfaces with a disinfectant, usually 60% alcohol, arm or frequent places. Toe. Wash your hands and Teoh. Use hand sanitizer to social distance to cover your face so that you're not exhaling on someone else or if you sneeze or coffee would cough on someone else or on the surface, it helps protect that. And so go get those guidelines. Think about how you run your business and then think about how you could implement these guidelines and still get your job done. Another thing. And of course, if you have an employee that is has symptoms you would want to put them on. Sick leave have been leave the facility, or if they were diagnosed, especially, you wouldn't have to be in the facility, so you want to make sure that that's clear to employ, and then lastly, I think it's really important for employers to stress to their employees how important it is to follow these guidelines when you're off the job so that you don't bring the virus back into the facility. So take the steps to protect your employees while they're working and encourage them to protect themselves off the job.

spk_0:   8:07
That's a really excellent point that I think maybe oftentimes gets overlooked. As you know, once it's not happening on on the side of the workplace that it's not necessarily that responsibility. But I think that's that's really important right now. And in light of Kobe, 19 of her a number of times, this sort of quote unquote good faith efforts. Can you address that? And has OSHA relaxed its standards?

spk_3:   8:29
So oh, she did issue some guidelines that most of the state social programs will likely follow. That says, if you've made good faith efforts to comply with annual standards like fit testing or annual hearing tests, that oh, she's going to grant a three month three months and that's the number right now extension of those and to allow employers to comply and give them a reprieve from those requirements, I think the most important thing about that is, so what constitutes good faith? Effort will start on the extreme end. If you're gonna have to have a bender travel in from another state. I think it's a good faith effort that we're not going to do that. We're not gonna travel restrictions being what they are, that if that's what it takes to comply, then you're not gonna be able to do that. So you made the good faith effort. And then on the opposite in that is, if you own all the equipment, it's sitting right there in your facility and you can do it and maintain the CDC guidelines is far separating yourself. Then you probably should go ahead and do that. So if he happened to do your own hearing tests, which almost no one does, you have the equipment there. I think OSHA would look for you to go ahead and do that on an annual basis. If he requires travel or bring in outside personnel. I don't think Oh, she's really asking you to to go that far at this time. Personally, I would have liked to seem them being more definitive with their information they provided because they don't define what a good faith effort is. But I would I would say, at least in Tennessee, if you're bringing outside vendors in its not gonna be necessary. If you can't maintain the safe distances and make the CDC requirements to do that, then we're not gonna look for you to do that the next three months,

spk_0:   10:05
right? Yeah. I mean, it does feel like a somewhat gray area, but, you know, as long as you're checking some of those boxes that you mentioned earlier in terms of keeping a clean workplace and providing your employees access to all the necessary, you know, whether not a tan washing things like that But I think demanded the good faith effort is a little unclear. But maybe there's a few politicians guidelines that are out there that more than likely are gonna be okay

spk_2:   10:29
if I can. If I can piggyback on that seat makes an excellent point about at the the ambiguity in the good faith. Ever one of the things that you're one of things we're looking at at the interim guidance from OSHA and some of the draft. Yet the draft letters and staycation is that ocean really wants employers. You be thoughtful about putting together policies and procedures that are effective and that safeguard workers and then implement safe work practices. Providing resource is for employees creating an environment for personal hygiene, social distancing. And they're not saying that we've got to make drastic changes. Teoh the infrastructure of an employer's building,

spk_0:   11:16
switching gears here a little bit. Some state and local governments have suggested they're reopening. Orders may require that businesses developed written policies, especially around social distancing, before being allowed to reopen. So, Mike, I'm curious from from your perspective, what should employers consider as they revamp their policies and procedures?

spk_1:   11:35
And it's a really common question that we're getting right now from a lot of blower's clients and what not? And that because it starts with right where Steven Aaron left off of their comments, it starts. If there is so much information out there right now in CDC, OSHA, who organization there's there's plenty of information out there, and there's no reason here to think that you got a reinvented we or create something that's not already outfits basically consolidating that give you the start. For example, screen what OSHA and everyone's gonna your state's gun expect is that you be specific regarding you're sri unemployed. So that's it, you know, for someone has not been symptomatic a coded. They can come back to work as soon as you meet that phase of your state's plan. But if someone has had symptoms of they believed to be coming, but they've not been tested, there's very specific criteria for that. They were supposed to be seven days without symptoms. They're supposed to be at least three days since the symptoms have recovered from him and not have any other type person of the movie. So if they have Cove in and they've been decedents positive, there's a different cracker that they must have met as well as prettier, preventable. So there's really specific criteria. That's the kind of thing that's got to be in and employers policy or what specifically you doing and then capture screen. If you're bringing employers back in, that needs to be something written specifically what you're doing from terrorist screening, being area thermal imaging or now contact. The monitors of people are doing checks. Um, if somebody tests has a high 10 greater than 100.4, what specifically. Are you doing that person? Are you sending them off to the clinic? Are you bringing them into a clinic? I mean, goddesses, send them away. Give them very specific guidance from a HR standpoint. And from a legal standpoint of carrying that, if someone gets in your facility and then has symptoms of being sick, I again very specific written guidance. What you're gonna do to handle that? What you gonna do to clean and disinfect that area? What you're gonna do for identifying people, they may be in contact with notification of those people that they may have been in contact with. So, you know, the policies and procedures really go to seed Set of looking at the CDC notions about They're looking at how it applies to you for your specific workplace and then writing that into some form of a plan. And this could be very condensed and easy and simple. My plan of what you're gonna do for each face. And then that includes social distancing that Steve mentioned. This floor is separating work areas, promoting telework and nonessential travel, and then also the frequency in the type of Gerald cleaning where you're cleaning common surfaces and whatnot. So when you talk about playing kind of all those things got to be listed in some man you taken information out there is convinced

spk_0:   14:27
even once public health and governmental officials determine it is safe for employees to return to work, Employees may still be reluctant for a variety of reasons, or maybe want to come back to work, even though they shouldn't. So, for instance, some employers may have police were too scared to return to work. But on the other end of the spectrum, you may have employees who are considered vulnerable, such as those who are over 65 who want to return to work. So, Steve, any advice on Madden and for employers who may be addressing employees in each of those scenarios?

spk_3:   14:59
I guess Morgan, I want to just add to what Mike said. My my pointed out that it was really important to develop a written plan. And while I know lots of employers, probably think that's although she ever says is you need a written plan, you need a written plan and everything has to be in writing. But honestly, for something as serious as we're facing here, the thing a written plan does is it lets you organize your thoughts, look at the CDC guidelines and think about how you're going to apply them in all aspects of running your business. And so I think it's really important to start with developing a written plan. And then when you get that in place and you figure out a way to run the business and maintain these, these guidelines that air that the CBC has, I think it's super important to be honest with your employees and let them know that you've developed the plan, that you've taken the latest information from the CDC into consideration, that you have found a way to apply that to your operations and that you communicate that plan to your employees honestly. And then I can't stress this enough. And I think everyone knows this. Employees know what's important because management sends them all kind of clues and the clues air not in memos. They're not in what somebody says. They're in what people do, And so if you develop a plan, you figure this out and you implemented well. Employees are going to know that you've taken it important that you've taken it seriously, rather, And so if you do that, I think you'll see good results. If you slapped together something and and you buy a couple of bottles off, sanitizing your spray a little bit and a little bit of the sanitizer around and employees don't see that you're taking it seriously, I think you don't have a different result of those people going to file complaints that the ocean and frankly, the man had just refused to come to work. And so I think this is a great opportunity for employers to develop their plan and communicated honestly and then executed. Well, I think that's a good result. And the other thing it's important, I think, is the higher qualified contractors to do your cleaning. So if you have a person who reports now that they have those symptoms or they've been tested positive that you bring in to call a five contractor who performs the Deep Clean, if you're gonna hire contractor to come in and screen your employees that you hire qualified contractor who have has their people well protected during that process and so I really think that's gonna be the key at this point it's not hard to know what to do. It's a little bit more difficult to see how to apply the recommendations to your business and then executed Well is probably the most important part so that employees see that you really care and that you're taking all the steps that you can t o keep them from contracting this virus while their work.

spk_1:   17:33
I wanted to reiterate co points that he just made with cupcakes exam. We had client contact us off. Sudden had a couple people that tested positive. They did not have a written plan in place that really hadn't you know, really, they talked about it, but they really didn't have a can place what they're gonna do If they did have a positive case, they had to scream and find a company to come in and cleaning and disinfection. They had a scramble decide how they were going to communicate that the risk workforce, how they're going to get that word out, how they're gonna identify people who have been in contact with a person of the last two days. They were just jumping and they did a great job, but they were completely react. Had another client that had plan a month ago. We had worked with them on in detail very specifically what they're gonna do for people coming in the planet. And if they did have a positive gates, they were able to deal with it and literally lesson a couple hours because they had already cat plan other than just a plain a little bit. We always do it the same way, and seed knows this very well. He's seen as a regulator companies that are pro back in looking at inter contingencies of emergency plans that fires and chemical leases. There's that nature ones that have thought about it before and personally and developed a plan for how they will react. They may not get a follow plan exactly, but at least it gives them a strict which to start with, and that helps it move through it very much. You almost seamless.

spk_2:   18:52
And I wanted to share this just from a from a perspective of you going through, you know, fire prevention training. Yeah, it is it. It's interesting that not a lot of people know what to do when there is an emergency. Unless they have been trained multiple times on who is responsible. Where do I need to go and what do I need to do? And if and do simple things getting out of the building, Um, that you is on fire. Uh, it requires a level of training and a level of understanding, you know, in order to do it effectively, God forbid something.

spk_0:   19:43
That's something we can all relate to write, you know, taking up that fire drill seriously and paying attention because you never know when that that bad situation maker. So, you know, a couple of you have mentioned this? No this instance of All right, let's say that there is a positive Kobe case at your and your workplace for an employer. I'm wondering what instances are reportable and need to be entered into the total vote log. So maybe Steve or Mike, if you could address that.

spk_3:   20:11
So you do hear a lot of questions about opposed Tosha about if a person test positive for covered 19 do up with that on my law and folks who are listening. Exane sirs may not really like this, but it really is gonna very from work Location to work, location. If you're a manufacturing firm, and you have a single case in your in your facility and you don't have any others. And I wouldn't think most people would think that was work related. A single case or maybe two. But if your health care provider or you're in a position where you like this recently happened with this meatpacking plant, they had over 300 people contract the disease. It might be hard to argue that that's not work related, so employers will have to make a determination of whether they believe that exposure to the virus actually came from the work environment or not. I also want to stress that the law is not what makes your workplace safe, right? And so if you're gonna have angst and worry, worry about how good a job you're doing, keeping the facility clean in between shifts and what you're doing to separate your employees and keep the face coverings and and do temperature testing and those kind of things, there will be a lot of stuff that will shake out in the months after this about what recording should be on the log. I would keep a record of all those I could put him on that. You can put him on the log. And if you get got its later that it's not worker later, they're not to be kind of this worker like you can always learn through those entries on your log. And so if I were a manufacturing firm, I wouldn't spend a lot of time worried about my log. I would spend all of my efforts trying to make sure that I was doing a good job cleaning between Cruz. Might. Do you have anything to add?

spk_1:   21:59
Yeah, absolutely. In sport, you said, I think we're places have 100 cases that low may not put you there, but if they're related like people in the same area, especially if you have not taking those good faith actions. We've already talked about it. 74 That hasn't taken those good faith actions. Social distancing, cleaning, disinfecting, screening. And they're having a problem. Cases those were actually there, one that you may not mentioned. Remember, this was if you're in the health care industry and you're treating Cove it your diagnosing or treating Kobe patient and you contract a little bit. Oh, she's guys on that for healthcare is those would be considered recordable as well.

spk_0:   22:45
Steve, you're going back, Teoh kind. What you were just covering. I'm curious. Employees fear for their health is a real thing. I mean, it really should be taken seriously. I read an article recently that said that Tennessee OSHA, um, had received nearly 200 complaints in the last month from employees. How are those being handled? And how is that communicated back to employers? Are they made aware of these complaints that are coming through? And how did those get escalated?

spk_3:   23:14
So, Morgan, that's a great question. What are what our office is doing with employee complaints is we're handling those by letter, and so we will receive a complaint from an employee. We send the employer a letter. We asked him to respond to us within five days, and then when we get that response, we review the response we share with employees. And then we make a determinant. The nation at that point of whether or not to make a known site inspection, I've always been amazed. I do this for a long time, and I was always amazed that how honest employers were when we sent that letter part of you might think, you know, you send a letter. What is that? They'll just say they're doing and they're not. That's just really not been our experience. And so most of our letters have been very effective. And the response? Waas No, we have not been been doing whatever that he is, if if it's cleaning or face coverings. But we will re instruct our staff or instruct our staff to do so, and they send us ah, letter back. And most of the time the employee is satisfied with the result. Most important thing for us. IHS. We have a limited number of inspectors, and that is absolutely the fastest and least in least a Sfar is exposing our employees or your employees to our employees. That's the most effective way for us. Toe handle those, and so the vast, vast majority will be handled by letter to the employer.

spk_0:   24:36
Erin. Yeah, I know that are Labour employment Attorneys have been fielding a lot of questions over the last few weeks, and this is moving so rapidly. But there probably a few frequent questions I think your team is getting right now, including requirements that exist around employer reporting of Kobe cases amongst employees and then also patient privacy. You know, if if an employee it does test positive for Kobe 19 how does that get communicated with the rest of the workplace? The rest of your company, particularly those that are, could potentially be directly affected. I'd love to get your input on that and things that employers should be thinking about from a legal standpoint.

spk_2:   25:17
More good question. Employers Air genuinely concerned and worried about their employees safety that's been reflected in the questions that we received with that they're worried about their legal exposure were trying to normalize their business operations. Questions that have come up include at things like, What if someone gets sick after returning to work or worse dies from the exposure at work? What do we do have? How do we account for that risk? How do we ensure that our workplace, uh, is sufficiently protected? Other types types of questions that we've been asked is what type of insurance would cover our exposure and commune with fire employees to sign certain types of waivers. With respect to you, I'm taking on risk associated with coming back to work. Other questions, just like you had said, include How do we protect him? We confidentiality. Many of these questions are are complicated. Their fax specific, uh, they require a review of current policies and practices again. As as Mike and Steve said before, you know, it requires our good faith efforts to protect our employees and being mindful about the latest guidance. For example, you've got the E. F. C. That has put out guidance last week on confidentiality of medical information. With respect to employees testing, they have made it clear that you can take temperature testing. But the information that you gather from those tests that's confidential now juxtapose that to a situation where you have an employee that is tested positive for covert or has symptoms of government, and you have to tell your employees who they were in contact. You're inevitably going to disclose the individual who had I have the symptoms or or who had the diagnosis. So balancing protecting employees, confidentiality with employees, safety colleague Safety is something that employers are gonna have to do. It's gonna be a case by case basis and fairly fast. Another question that employers have asked is if employees do not want to return to work because they're either afraid or have preexisting conditions, placing them in a higher risk category. Have a parent or child in a virus category. What do we do? And it's important to run a couple of traps and, of course, kind of reach out council if if the question is it necessitates it, but you want to look at you know whether or not a combinations could be made under under the Americans with Disabilities Act without creating in a new hardship on your operations will look at whether or not, eh family is available for serious at for a serious health condition If you fall within the family first. After cares act that there may be some additional leave requirements that you have to provide. Employees also look at your policies with respect to sick leave on whether or not local or state sick leave policies differ or give up an additional benefit. Ultimately, again, this is you have to determine whether or not someone should come back to work, or you need to make some type of an accommodation. Teoh. Allow them toe either work from home or take some type of paid or unpaid leave if they, if they genuinely should be at work and have a higher risk factor at the flip side is for those employees who were just refused to come to work because they want to collect more unemployment. I can definitively say that if there is a job available and we offer that job employee is not entitled to unemployment. If there is an available job that they can do on, they just want to kind of sit at home and eat potato chips on the couch. Lastly, if an employee wants to come to work, but there are factors that place them in the high risk category. That is more complicated because you certainly don't want to treat them differently on the basis those high risk factors that you don't want to treat them differently based on their age. But you also want to ensure there are protections in the workplace should they come back.

spk_0:   30:02
So this conversation has been really helpful as we think about how to address the Cupid. 19 concerns reopening of businesses, handling employees and keeping them socially distant, keeping the workplace clean. But from a bigger picture standpoint, obviously you know, non Cupid 19 related. What can employers do to bring people back to work? You know, if you're working in a factory or if you're working in a health care setting, what are things more generally that employers can do to ensure that this reopening process goes smoothly?

spk_1:   30:36
Yeah, again. Great question is is so easy. Be myopically focused on Cove it and come alone that people miss all the other hazards out there. There's a couple really heat things here, Toby. You know, precautions and turn inside. One is training medication, so people are coming back to work. We've got a very, very, very clear with them on all the considerations a should be looking at. Um, you know, we're not used to call different things here, right? We're not used to mostly form, you know, sitting home for a couple months. So you got to think about what challenges that could present. I'm sure we've got those people that, you know, we're hash tag better version when they're off for two months and come back right and smarter and stronger than they ever. We probably also have those people that been have moved off the couch and watch every Netflix movie there. Waas. So we gotta take that in consideration, bringing people back in the workplace. We look at everything from soft tissue injuries from people doing tasks that they aren't used to do it. It could be bending, stretching, lifting, pushing, pulling, carrying. But what type of task is again workplace from doing that? Yeah, look at machinery that may have been I. So everything from cranes and hoists that have been sitting idle, especially wire, wrote to chemical systems to machines that need location. I would get my maintenance team right off the bat, looking at restarting of equipment safely and looking at the PM requirements that the process safety standards specifically has dying's or restart after shut down that employers should follow. That has his chemical systems. And then this. Unless the training you know, the best thing probably do is have supervisors go over with employees that routine job steps, hazards and safety precautions. Non Kobe just to remind people what those things are almost got treated like a new hire orientation or what you would do after a long shutdown. I think those were just very, very critical things, and then integrating those in with social distancing and being creative. How deal in Kobe it and Uncle

spk_0:   32:54
Great Steve from a regulatory sample. Anything you would add to that?

spk_3:   32:58
No, just that. I think exactly what Mike said is true. You don't want to be. You don't spend all your time on the cove in 19 cleaning and protocols and ignore the other parts of running your business safely because there really important and so well, you got a stress. Those. It's just another thing. It's not include the others. And I think Mark's got an excellent point. People have who have been off work for several weeks now, may not have done anything but sit on the couch and eat potato chips. And I won't say why. I know that might be the case, but let's just say if I was gonna come back to work and their physical labor, I would probably need a little acclamation period, cause I've watched make millions and every other Netflix thing every night. So thank God for the Internet. But I think Mike has a good point. You do my you might need to consider depending on the job, having some increase physical activity in the base before you try to bring people back. That's a great point.

spk_1:   33:58
One thing I think, I think one of the challenges and I already know company. That's kind of increased workforce and seeing this most part or social creatures, there are those that don't want to be so secretive that most part we are, and one of things that I enjoy about being around manufacturing industrial environments is there's a great camaraderie that you see in science facilities. So people are gonna be really, really inclined. Attempted to gather on. The way you've got to address that is you gotta physically change those gathering area, right? You got it. Everything from restaurants you're eating and break areas. You've got to not completely rely on human action. Keep sever. You gotta physically separate. That's stagger. Work shifts, stagger break times. So you unless people So just with anything from a safety protocols way, don't guardsmen from the houses machine by telling them, Don't stick your hand here. We actually physically guard things to prevent people. That's the kind of creativity is gonna say as we return police back Workforce. Hate to say that to keep them separate until we can let them come together, we're gonna have to physically with the engineer it and develop administrative purposes. The key people work something that I think it's a great thing that people want to be together, but we're gonna have to really work at keeping them apart and then bass masters. The other thing. I think this is really, really important. CDC is very clear on that base. Mass based government should be on everyone, regardless of their within six foot or not discovering on everyone that's in a workplace. That and then if they can't wear face coverings, you may find some of that can't you can look at things like face shields and alternatives, but only if they can't work.

spk_0:   35:50
So you have all provided some really good tips really practical advice during this conversation. But as we wrap up here is that there's anything I'm employer and I'm still need some clarity on some of these points anywhere. He would point me to access Additional resource is

spk_1:   36:06
si se before our very poignant There's so much information out there I would sit to, I guess, the reliable sources so much. I mean, there's so much information on the Internet. It's kind of be careful what you're looking at that has been validated. Scientific. There's some basis to it that is developed for the public. Eso do you're saying the CDC regulators like OSHA? I think those are the most reliable sources to be looking at. Just be careful about you know, anybody writing a blogger Article out plan. There's plenty out there. I've seen some remedies that are just pretty amazing for what people should be doing cleaning that have no basis. So just be careful about

spk_0:   36:50
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