Four Shaggy Dog Stories

The Fourth Shaggy Dog - Clown #1

Brian Smith Episode 4

The fourth shaggy dog story - the clown story. This is the last one that I learned, and the one that I was most worried about having to stretch into a full hour. This one took a big left turn about halfway through, but I'm pretty happy with where it came out. A man is insulted by a clown, tries to get back at him, and then finds a new life.

I'm still messing with settings on my new microphone, and I feel like this week I was getting a bit more sort of tape-hiss noise in the background. Please feel free to let me know what you think at

And those are the four stories I know! Now I just have to find more ways to tell them. I'm going to record another episode in the near future, not a full story episode, but rather one explaining more about this podcast, the rules I'm trying to follow, and what inspired me to start this.