Your Wild Soul Reflection

A Mini-Series: The Spring Equinox Journey, #12 "Accept": Claim and Accept Your Creation Power with Energy of the Lunar and Solar Eclipses

MaeRuth McCants

Whew!  What a journey using Bindi Shah's "Soul Whispers"  Equinox Journey prompts.  It has been interesting, because I'm really channeling intuitive insights for each word.  The word "Accept", begun to give me a feeling of just how powerful the shifting waves of energy are at this time, on both a collective and personal level.

With this episode my thoughts kept circling around the messages coming from the energy that is being revealed through the oncoming Eclipses.  This eclipse pair is important because they haven't occurred in this pattern for 19 years.  After April 8th, they won't happen again for another 20 years.

Eclipses are intense celestial events that emphasize important areas for us to consider in our lives.  As a note and reminder, planets and signs do not cause or compel  anything to happen. What they reveal is how to observe and learn vibrational and  energetic patterns that are indicators of shifts in life experiences, relationships, situations and circumstances.  By attuning to one's intuitive senses, and using the astrology chart as a map, it becomes easier to live with more ease and deeper self understanding.

Today's Episode:
These eclipses are a wake up call.   They offer guidance and direction for us to walk through a portal of inner awareness and change.

 Accept this invitation to create your life the way you want it to be.

Find Out  About Your Astrology Chart:
   The yearly Solar Return Chart (birthday chart) is especially useful for gaining awareness of what, and how to navigate  your year.  Learn how particular signs, planets, eclipses, retrogrades, and the cosmic whether will affect you this year.

 If you have a desire to finally create more self-understanding, success, financial abundance, and manifests your heart's desires,  your astrology Soul blueprint offers unique answers and a customized design  just for you. 

I am Ready to Guide Your Astrology Journey
Contact MaeRuth:

My Ko-fi Page:

Contact Bindi:

Let's have an Astrology Conversation. I look forward to seeing you. Now is the time.

I am proud to announce my new offering as a Certified Creative
Depth Coach.
As a Creative Depth Coach, I provide guidance, support and soul insights on how to discover, explore and navigate your life by recognizing your magnificent "Creative Genius".

Some of my modalities and Soul tools are "Art as Process" EFT Tapping, Sound and Music for Inner Journeying , using the wisdom of Astrology, Tarot, Oracle and Numerology. l

Enjoy Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus Drumming Video:

"Calling The Wild", Original Music by MaeRuth McCants