Hanging with History

47. 2nd English Civil War and Execution of Charles I

Harald Hansen Season 1 Episode 47

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A Second English Civil War and a 3rd Scots invasion?  Are the royalists nuts?  Aren't they tired of war?

The New Model Army still exists, it wiped the floor with the Royalists last time and this time it is no different.  The defeat of the Scots and Royalists is so complete it brings Napoleon’s destruction of the Prussians after Jena/Auerstadt to mind.

The Army decides that Charles I, that bloody man, cannot be allowed to live.   But, but, but, the constitution still has a king, the vast majority want a king.  Cromwell and crew decide that to unite the Army and prevent a third civil war, the king must die, the House of Lords be abolished and the Bishops must go.

The Presbyterian Parliament stands in the way, but is swept away during Pride’s purge, leaving only the Rump Parliament. 

Brød heks is our guest.