My guest in this episode was a foster child when she was five years old. She grew up in a home where addiction and gang activity was the norm. The only relationships she knew were transactional. So as one might expect, she transitioned from teen years to adult hood as a broken young woman.
Because of her addiction her youngest daughter was placed in the foster care system in the state of Utah, USA. But this is where everything began to change. The foster home where her little girl was placed was that of last week’s guest, Megan and John Wetendorf. If you have not listened to episode 004 with Megan Wetendorf, I encourage you to close out of this episode and listen to that one first, because it gives perspective to the conversation with today’s guest.
The young woman who joins me in this episode is no longer an addict. She is no longer part of the gang culture. She is well on the road to recovery, health and being the kind of mom she needs to be for her children. Like the rest of us, and she is a work in progress. Today's episode is honest, at times a bot raw, but oh-so honest. I want you to get to know my friend, Andrea Lucero.
Recommended Resources for Foster Parents
We have included some resources that we recommend for those considering becoming part of a vast army of foster parents who are dedicated to changing the world one child and one biological mom at a time.
Recommended Resources for the child.