A D&D Story

Episode 71: Its a delicacy!

April 18, 2024 A D&D Story Season 1 Episode 71
Ever found yourself chuckling at the thought of a peace-radiating high elf or a rogue with unfailing proficiency checks? Well, buckle up, because our Level 11 characters are bringing the house down with their latest feats and features! I'm Brandon, joined by Bill, Maddie, and the rest of our crew, and we're recapping an epic session where Glenn's 'Reliable Talent' shines, Montoya whirlwinds through enemies with his spear, and Nines emanates tranquility in an aura of peace. We're not just leveling up; we're transforming our gameplay with new strategies and a dash of humor, including the saga of a cheeky t-shirt slogan that's too good to miss.

Strap on your armor as we strategize our trek through the treacherous Deadpilt Shadows, intertwining our character backstories with hard-won wisdom from past battles. Our party's diplomacy skills faced the ultimate test when we encountered hill giants—where brains met brawn in a clash of tactical prowess versus sheer strength. This episode is a masterclass in roleplaying, showcasing how our choices and character developments weave together a story that's as unpredictable as it is engaging. And yes, we even touch upon the repercussions of time travel, because in our world, every action reverberates through the ages.

Now, let's talk loot. After the dust settles, we're diving into the spoils of war and the conundrums they present. From the ethics of looting to the nuances of magical item utility, we dissect it all with a sprinkle of laughter and a heap of friendly debate. And as we wrap up, we consider the importance of ambiance—how mood lighting and atmospheric touches turn an ordinary gaming session into an extraordinary experience. Join us for tales of bravery, strategy, and a touch of the arcane in a world where every roll of the dice tells a story.

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Speaker 1:

Thank you.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to D&D Story. I am Brandon, the Irish Wookiee, and with me today is Bill.

Speaker 3:

Hello, this is Bill. I play Glenn the Swashbuckler Rogue.

Speaker 2:

You're changing it. You've changed it for the last three times now.

Speaker 3:

No, this is Bill. I play Glenn, the Half-Elf Rogue Swashbuckler.

Speaker 2:

There it is, and we did hit a level 11. Is there anything you took that you're particularly excited about? Bill?

Speaker 3:

um, yeah, it's kind of a cool thing. Um, I got reliable talent, which basically means that all of my skills that I'm proficient in, um, I've approached perfection. In other words, whenever I make an ability check, no matter what, I can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10. So, no matter what, anything that I'm proficient with, I automatically get a 10. That's pretty cool, at a minimum. So any of those acrobatics, stealth, any of that stuff automatically starts at 10. Or it doesn't start at 10, but a minimum of a roll to 10.

Speaker 2:

So how does that work with critical fail then?

Speaker 3:

Does critical fail still happen? Nope, not for the ones I'm proficient in.

Speaker 2:

Oh, the ones you're proficient in. That makes sense. Yeah, okay, cool here come the walls.

Speaker 3:

You can actually climb walls now, yeah, no, I don't have climbing.

Speaker 5:

Or acrobatics. Holy shit, you're not proficient. Acrobatics, I'm not. No, are you sure? Yeah, I'm looking at her, I'm in, you have a plus five, but not proficient oh, yeah, yeah, apparently and maddie uh, before I I had a question for Bill.

Speaker 4:

Over the holiday season, I saw a t-shirt that said Robes, do it from behind. Is that true? It was in Walmart, so you can never really trust these people.

Speaker 3:

It is very true.

Speaker 4:

Oh, okay, all right, hi everybody. My name is Maddie. I play Montoya, inigo, the Arctic Tabaxi Ranger and, along with my uh, level 11 upgrade, I um kind of wanted to to depart from the ranged ranger kind of tactic that monty has been going with, because he's been focusing a lot on using his spear that he got from adelaide trying to really unlock its mysteries and his thrumming, pulsating blue something or another that Brandon keeps bringing up. So he went ahead and took a whirlwind attack. What that does is it allows me to make a melee attack against any number of creatures within five feet of me, and they all are separate attack roles for each.

Speaker 5:

How often do you do that?

Speaker 4:

Wow Per action, and I'm up to two yeah.

Speaker 3:

So I think I'm only at two.

Speaker 4:

Might be at three, I'm only at two right now.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, I forgot, Because Glenn has not been doing enough damage on his sneak attacks. It went from 5d6 to 6d6.

Speaker 2:

Wonderful that's good.

Speaker 5:

Are you able, matty, to go and retrofit your previous Ranger features to make you more melee focused, or are you just becoming more balanced?

Speaker 4:

I think, just becoming more balanced. I didn't want to go undo the rest of it.

Speaker 5:

I don't even to go undo the rest of it. I don't think we could, if you ever want to do that.

Speaker 2:

Matty, we can do a one-on-one session to figure out how to get you there.

Speaker 4:

Nah, I kind of like where it's at. I just wanted a little bit again just kind of going with where Monty is focusing on and playing with his spear a little bit more. You know he's coming into his own and trying to figure things out, so give him a little bit more tact to go about it.

Speaker 2:

As most people have come in.

Speaker 4:

So he's not just stabbing out willy-nilly at everything, now he can whirlwind it, whirlwind attack.

Speaker 2:

There's so many euphemisms in those three sentences that should have been in episode 69.

Speaker 4:

Euphemism. That's what you do to a cat when you don't want it any longer. Is that right?

Speaker 2:

Right, yes.

Speaker 3:

When you don't want it anymore. You're an evil person.

Speaker 2:

Do you have a question, Justin?

Speaker 5:

I think I had a comment, but I forgot what it was.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, euphemism euthanize. It took me forever.

Speaker 1:

It wasn't.

Speaker 6:

I don't know if that means it's a genius joke or if it's terrible.

Speaker 1:

I didn't see the recognition.

Speaker 6:

I was so fucking confused. Okay and Brandon. Okay and Brandon. Oh hey, that's me. I'm Brandon and I play Nines, the high elf monk who, at level 11, gains the effect of the Sanctuary spell after a long rest. Sanctuary is a level 1 spell, so nothing too crazy, but it makes it harder for people to attack me without me attacking first, so just kind of naturally have that Pretty nice.

Speaker 5:

That makes sense, because 9s is such a very agreeable character. Absolutely, he doesn't provoke anybody in any kind of ways.

Speaker 2:

Where's this under?

Speaker 6:

It just says uh, it's a feature of the Way of the Open Hand monk. Okay, called Tranquility, you can enter a special meditation that surrounds you with an aura of peace. At the end of long rest, you gain the effect of a sanctuary spell that lasts until the start of your next long rest. The saving throw dc for the spell equals 8, plus your wizard modifier, plus your proficiency bonus interesting.

Speaker 2:

That's kind of cool, it's not bad also, I'm super fast too. You are super fast 50 feet. Yeah.

Speaker 5:

I had to look it up, I didn't know what it was. You're warded against enemies with range against your attack until the spell ends. Any creature who targets you as the warded creature with an attack or harmful spell must first make a wisdom saving throw, which is your save you talked about. If they fail to save, they must choose a new target or lose the attack or spell. It does not protect the creature from area of effect attacks such as fireball. If the warded creature makes an attack or casts a spell that affects the enemy creature, the spell ends Interesting.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Cool, alright, and finally Justian.

Speaker 5:

Hi Brandon. Hello Justin, hi there Brandon.

Speaker 6:

Oh, hi, Justin.

Speaker 5:

Aha, got you off guard there, yeah you did.

Speaker 5:

Everybody. I'm Justin. I play, sometimes more, sometimes Sam, and I think I'm playing more today. But I'm going to tell you about Sam first. When Sam, as a Barbarian, reaches level 11, she gets an ability called Relentless Rage, where if she drops to zero hit points while she's raging and she doesn't die like the Mega Critical or whatever that does hyper damage one hit or something. I'd have to look at those rules to make sure. If I make a dc 10 con save, I go to one hp instead, um, and I keep doing that, but the dc, the con dc for that ability goes up by five each time I use it, until it's until I hit a short rest or long rest, wow so. So she might just be unstoppable, maybe even relentless.

Speaker 6:

That's crazy.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 6:

Okay, it's double HP, by the way, you have to lose your full HP amount. So if you have 50 HP, you have to take 100 damage before you're dead flat out, which is why low level characters are so vulnerable to death.

Speaker 5:

To the big boys. Sam has got a little bit of health. She's got 126. Not saying she can't lose all that health at once, but I don't think she can die from falling yet so or anymore, it's close Double.

Speaker 6:

She's got a lot of.

Speaker 2:

HP 252.

Speaker 5:

That's max damage. Right, it's because it's D6s per up to 20. I don't know. Anyways, I'm just distracted. Sam's pretty tanky. I'm excited Mors, when he hit level 11 as a straight wizard he has unlocked the level 6 spell slots. For that I took a spell called Otto's relentless dance. I had some other spells like an upcast, but they're not new, I don't think wait, what is?

Speaker 6:

what is the relentless dance?

Speaker 5:

Well, it's an enchantment spell, which more is an enchantment wizard, which means if he has a spell that targets a single enemy, it actually targets two enemies instead of one. So choose one creature that you can see within range. The target begins a comic dance in place by shuffling, tapping its feet and capering for the duration. If the creature is immune to charm, it's also immune to the spell. A dancing creature must use all of its movement to dance without leaving its space. It has disadvantage on dexterity, saving throws and attack rules. While the target is affected by the spell, other creatures have advantage on attack rolls against it. As an action, a dancing creature takes a wisdom saving throw to try to regain control of itself and if it saves, the spell ends. It's got a casting time of one action, a range of 30 feet, simply a verbal spell, and I do have to maintain concentration on it for the duration. So that's pretty exciting.

Speaker 2:

That's super exciting. That's cool as hell. Yeah, that's some crowd control right there.

Speaker 5:

The best thing about this is most of my other CC spells are creature or medium creature or humanoid. This is just fuck creature, any fucking creature. I can make it dance. Okay, I need some six shooters to shoot at his feet Dance boy.

Speaker 2:

Alright, awesome. So I want to say thank you to everybody for following us, liking us, giving us ideas. It means a lot to us. Make sure you're following us on our social medias on Facebook at facebookcom slash ADNDstory. Make our social medias on facebook. At facebookcom slash adnd story. Make sure you follow us on twitter twittercom slash add story 2. Uh, and come check us out. On instagram at instagramcom slash adnd story. Um. Finally, check out your our patreon. Uh, I'm sure justin's going to be putting out an episode relatively shortly at patreoncom slash ADND story. He is the DM over there. A few of us are in there, as well as a couple other people. If you haven't listened, go listen. Much better DM than I am Puts sentences together better than I do. Go check it out.

Speaker 5:

I don't know about all that. I'm different. I'm probably not better, I'm very bad, super tardy.

Speaker 2:

I mean you're putting out one a year at this rate.

Speaker 5:

I'm just trying to make sure for the longevity of our resources.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my artist, I'm just real bad.

Speaker 2:

All right, A couple other things for our listeners out there. We are as a D&D story. We're looking for a social media manager. So if any of our listeners are interested in coming along, we can give you a couple bucks each month to put a couple posts up to manage any DMs. We're looking for more engagement from our fans out there. So between editing and getting these stories together, I'm just running out of time, and so if any of our listeners are interested in being a social media manager, hit us up, DM us on any of our social media accounts and come play games with us on.

Speaker 5:

Discord oh yeah, come play games with us on Discord.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, and come play games with us on Discord. I will put another link of Discord on Facebook and Twitter.

Speaker 6:

Brandon, what are the social media accounts that you can be contacted on? I just did that All of them. I was not paying attention. I had zoned out the entire time.

Speaker 2:

And then, finally, we're going to be putting out two special episodes in the next month or so. We're going to go into Glenn's background a little bit more after he left his mentor, and we're going to go into Nine's background a little bit more after he left his mentor. And we're going to go into Nine's background a little bit. If you've got another background or side quest that you're super interested in, hit us up, let us know what it is. I'm going to put a poll up on Facebook and Twitter with a couple options, but I'm also going to leave another option there. So if you've got something specific you want to hear about, hit us up, let us know. Vote.

Speaker 5:

Brandon specific you want to hear about? Uh, hit us up, let us know.

Speaker 2:

Vote otherwise, whose backstories are we gonna sorry? That's a good joke. A good joke, that's it all right, I get it I get it, that's funny all right, and now let's get into it. So let's roll for some recap, gentlemen. All right, and now let's get into it.

Speaker 6:

So let's roll for some recap. Gentlemen, I think I'm winning right now.

Speaker 4:

I came in hot with an eight.

Speaker 3:

I'll go ten.

Speaker 4:

Sorry, yeah, nine's with a five. I think you're going to take it. There you go. He's proficient alright Brandon.

Speaker 3:

I'm proficient in recap.

Speaker 2:

I just edited it and put out episode 70, where you attempted to do the recap.

Speaker 6:

Last time it was not good, oh, I recall, because I also did my homework this time, just in case I was asked to do the recap, and I actually listened to the entire thing Just prior to this. What? Yeah, I have listened to all of them, and that's why I've listened to this one, even though it's only a couple hours old, that's fantastic.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, I'm a super fan. Up to date, that's right. And the reason is because I asked ChatGPT to tell me what happened last episode. And it said, uh, glenn put a fish in Monty's um sleeping bag and uh, we captured and released a siren. And I was like that cannot be right. Let me go investigate this. Uh, just like I always do when I see that a new episode has dropped, and sure enough, that's the entire story, that's the entire two-hour episode.

Speaker 2:

It is. Can you add any details to that?

Speaker 5:

I don't feel like that's entirely fair.

Speaker 6:

I mean I challenge you to.

Speaker 2:

That is a very broad recap.

Speaker 6:

Like any one of you come up with a better recap than that, and if it's any different from that one sentence that I said then I will subscribe to the Patreon.

Speaker 4:

I think ChatGTP is reading my notes, because that's pretty much all I have written. As well too.

Speaker 3:

So there was a lot more detail to the siren capture and there's a lot more story background. It even has a name.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 5:

REM, rem. Do you remember, brandon, why she was trying to catch us, why she was trying to get Monty, in particular?

Speaker 6:

Okay, fair enough, there are some more details. But she thought that Monty would be a particularly good guardian for the rest of the merpeople, and so she was trying to entice him to come to the water so that she could physically change him against his will, mind you into this siren thing, so that they could continue their species. A noble goal, for sure, but slightly evil, I think.

Speaker 4:

Kind of like the French. Legion-ish.

Speaker 5:

It wasn't for procreation though I don't think I thought it was I mean, you're not wrong to continue the species but it was to help fight against the humans that were polluting and destroying their environment and living conditions. They were fighting for survival.

Speaker 6:

Just like we all are. We had this entire conversation and I eventually put it up to a dice roll and Nines agrees with you wholeheartedly.

Speaker 2:

It is the natural order of things. All right. So we, uh the merfolk, slash siren did entice my monty to the river. Uh, monty was pulled in. Glenn stopped him from going. That is correct. Uh, the merfolk, anybody remember the clan or tribe they come from?

Speaker 6:

yeah it was the, not the razor backs. It was the first thing. The Razorbacks, it was the first thing you said was Razorfront.

Speaker 2:

It was the. Swiftbanks and the Razorfronts. Yeah, which one was it?

Speaker 6:

Uh, I just remember the Razorfronts.

Speaker 2:

It was the Razorfronts. That's wonderful, yeah, so that is how this clan and these Swiftbanks both procreate is by enticing other humanoids or other creatures into their ranks. They don't produce through sexual reproduction. And Glenn did that we found that out because of glenn asking arnold. And and yeah, monty has no idea that glenn snuck a fish in his sleeping bag that.

Speaker 4:

That, I thought, was the best part of last episode. The only dice rolls I feel like we did was him trying to get the stupid fish in my sleeping bag and me not waking up or realizing it. And he won only to have me enticed out of my sleeping bag. And Monty thinks through and through that he understands the siren light got him to go to the river. He still has no idea how she put a fish in his bag.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, that's the three one.

Speaker 2:

Alright. So, brandon, we're going to give you some inspiration for the session.

Speaker 1:

Huh, I'll see if I can remember to use it ever.

Speaker 2:

Nobody, ever does.

Speaker 6:

I already had inspiration.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, see.

Speaker 6:

Maybe we're not making enough rolls.

Speaker 2:

Alright, we can fix that. So we are At the end of the last episode. You were continuing to walk through the forest, you had cleaned up camp and you walked through the forest. So, for time's sake, we're going to say you have finished traveling through the forest. You had cleaned up camp and you walked through the forest. So, for time's sake, we're going to say you have finished traveling through the forest.

Speaker 2:

And as you emerge from the canopy of the forest, you step into this open landscape, but you're at the foothills of a large rocky hill range. It's a very stark contrast to where you just came from. From the wooden terrain that you just traversed, the forest edge is like a line drawn on the earth. There's a lot of lush greenery and as soon as you step through that, that greenery is giving way to a more rugged and barren terrain. There's almost nothing growing in this area, except for small shrubs and bushes.

Speaker 2:

A lot of rocky terrain. Uh, it's covered with sparse grass. Uh, the earth, from what you can see, is mixed with a bunch of soil and scattered stones leading up to the rocky foothills. Uh, the hills rise steadily and you can't see over the top of the hills from where you are. Uh, the river is still to your right, leading out to the ocean, and yeah, so in the distance, you see even more hills. They're ascending to larger formations, suggesting these foothills are just the beginning of a more elevated and treacherous terrain, and you realize that you either have to find a way down the river or you have to progress over this hill.

Speaker 6:

Which leads?

Speaker 2:

to mountains. Well, you don't see any straight mountains, but you do see rocky hills.

Speaker 6:

It's just the terrain itself is treacherous, correct.

Speaker 3:

So, to try to jog my memory, did we decide on where we?

Speaker 5:

were going. Yeah, actually, I wrote that down. We're going towards Deadpilt Shadows.

Speaker 2:

That's correct, and you better remember why you're trying to get there.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there's some kind of curse thingy going on.

Speaker 5:

There's a cult trying to bring back an elder god. It's also where the six-fingered elf clan lives. To potentially look at Monty's backstory some more, I think right, yep, we're going to close that one out.

Speaker 4:

Definitely going to finish that side quest.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 100%.

Speaker 3:

Glenn's going to go have a good time.

Speaker 2:

And there's one more reason you're going there, Justin.

Speaker 5:

That goes into the same thing as the cult. Is that my mommy's out there Allegedly? I'm pretty sure she's dead, but whatever.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, what was? What was the name on the letter that you got?

Speaker 5:

Aureal, aureal Starsong. There you go, which is not Morse's name. Morse is Morse Ross.

Speaker 3:

I thought that that was just who sent it, not who it was from.

Speaker 5:

The letter was signed. Mother Signed Mother.

Speaker 6:

And it was from L'Oreal Star Song.

Speaker 3:

No, that, yeah, yeah, I think that's a mistake.

Speaker 5:

Let me just look again here.

Speaker 3:

I thought it was that she was the L'Oreal or whatever is the one that sent it via the courier. That's who the courier worked for, or something like that, not the person who sent the? Letter. That is correct.

Speaker 6:

Oh, okay, then I understood it incorrectly.

Speaker 2:

That could be me Again. Justin is a much better DM than I am. Complete sentences and thoughts better. I understood it. I don't know, I'm pointing up here, like that's where you are in real life me or Justin good job.

Speaker 2:

Bill you were pointing at Justin alright, so we're going to start there. So you guys are at at the foot of a bunch of hills or hill range, if you will and you've got the river running quickly down into the ocean past you. So you can either go up the hills or go through the river, or go down the river, if you can find a way to do that or go down the river.

Speaker 6:

see if you can find a way to do that. Nines feels more comfortable in the mountainous terrain where his monastery was, and so he suggests that high altitude will do everyone some good.

Speaker 4:

I mean, they are just hills, so it can't be that high of altitude.

Speaker 3:

Well, depends on who's calling it a hill. If it's a giant calling it a hill, it could be a mountain that's true to Bill's point.

Speaker 2:

The west coast calls our mountains and the east coast hills. Not that big if we call the west.

Speaker 5:

Oh, shots fired I know hills, they're not that big.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 5:

If we call the west, it's basically space. Oh, shots fired.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm just kidding, I live on the east.

Speaker 5:

I know, I think my high school was at the same elevation as the highest peaks on the east coast.

Speaker 2:

And it was in the valley. Oh crap, can you guys hear me? Ok with this?

Speaker 5:

Yes, I just had one spotty bit, but otherwise yeah.

Speaker 2:

Second, I got to swap over to an actual recording mic, Otherwise it's going to be bad.

Speaker 4:

Are you using your headset?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 6:

It sounds fine. You just want to restart the entire thing. Yes, no, yes, no, alright can you guys hear me?

Speaker 3:

yep, yes, wonderful alright.

Speaker 2:

So, nines, I suggest that going over the hills. Anybody else? Want to respond.

Speaker 4:

Monty looks up and is like I have not been at the elevation in quite some time, so why not? Sounds good to me.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I think as much as we enjoyed spending time with REM, maybe word hasn't got around that we're friends or potential friends to them. Maybe a fort in the river might be a little less adventurous.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm not super interested in going to the river. Sure, we can go to the hills, alright.

Speaker 4:

Bill decided. Glenn decided we can go to the hills. Alright, bill decided, glenn decided we're going to the hills, we're good.

Speaker 3:

I gave him my permission.

Speaker 4:

The leader. He is the leader, so let's go Proceed, make it so.

Speaker 2:

Alright. So though the terrain is a little rough and the hills do put work on your legs, you guys haven't hiked up a mountain in close to 10,000 years. I'm sorry. What? Because of the time travel, I'm sorry. Yeah, that was in the previous episodes that you listened to as an avid and dedicated listener.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, but as Nines the character, I don't know anything about this, Right? So I'm just trying to you know, Daniel Day-Lewis, this guy a little bit.

Speaker 4:

Are these hills still a forest, considered forest?

Speaker 2:

They are not Okay. No longer in a forest.

Speaker 6:

Is it because of the elevation? Like trees just can't grow up that high yeah, boom altitude.

Speaker 2:

Like I said, a lot of bushes, a lot of scrubs or shrubs, not scrubs, bushes and shrubs.

Speaker 1:

I see one scrub you don't want no scrubs, but the hills are rocky scrub. There's one scrub.

Speaker 2:

You don't want no scrubs, but the hills are rocky. You have to make sure you're keeping to the main trail as you're hiking up this. There is a footpath that you can see. That's clearly defined as you're going up, and is there anything that you all want to discuss over the last couple days as you're walking?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

No, just gonna walk in silence.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, so I mean, we're still new friends.

Speaker 1:

I wanna talk to my horse again.

Speaker 3:

Oh, we have horses, don't we?

Speaker 4:

Oh wait we have horses, you do have horses Definitely better than Dick the River. Is Brandon's video glitching for anybody else, or is it just me? This is my video, I think you're literally doing this over and over on my screen.

Speaker 5:

I mean, they look as good as they always do hey, I record this.

Speaker 4:

This is, this is awesome.

Speaker 6:

I'm pretty sure nines would probably be droning on. Um, you know, kind of like the, uh, the band camp girl at, uh, in american pie, right, it's one time in the monastery, uh, and then just like name dropping, like you should know who the hell he's talking about.

Speaker 5:

Morris is interested. He loves to hear stories, so he's gonna be asking questions and actually listening one time at the monastery Nelvin ate in between Vespers and breakfast.

Speaker 6:

I know he had snuck some apricots.

Speaker 5:

Is that how you say it before your monastery? Is that Uh, yep, yep.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 5:

Why did he take those?

Speaker 6:

Uh, because we were out of Aples, aples.

Speaker 5:

Morris wasn't coming on. That one, that's it.

Speaker 4:

Monty turns around and says I hate it when you're out of apples and bananas. That is absolutely the worst. Monty is paying attention to his surroundings as we move forward on our horses.

Speaker 2:

Of course Glenn is.

Speaker 3:

Sorry, I was just gonna say glenn is, uh, having a conversation with um, with arnold talking about the or he's trying to have a conversation. He's basically having a discussion about the religious history of the area and, if any, to check to see if any of the gods or religious doctrines have changed since the time change Okay.

Speaker 5:

Boris is trying his hardest to get a good feel for Nines. I mean, we've known him for at this point, probably like a couple days during this travel. So trying to make sure he's getting good vibes from him, uh, trying to like get where he's coming from and make him feel welcome, you know, as a new adventuring buddy. So uh, definitely like eating up those stories and sharing some of the adventures that we've been on. Probably some of it is trying to test what have we done? What might we have changed while we were time traveling, also the same way that Glenn is doing with his hat.

Speaker 5:

Say that last part one more time Justin. In the same kind of process like what Glenn's doing with his hat. So Glenn Mors would be like, yeah, somebody mentioned those blue orcs traveling around. Do you know where they started? And he would be asking Nines.

Speaker 6:

And I was just going to ask when is Nines from? Because if he was from now and the rest of the party is not, I feel like that creates an interesting dynamic.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So, nines, I don't know if you recall this, or maybe better say, brandon, I don't know if you recall this, but when you first joined the party we talked about, you're not even from this world. There was a cataclysmic event on your world and you had the opportunity to come over here.

Speaker 6:

Okay, no, I do not remember that in any way. Just the teleportation yeah, like suddenly you wereation, yeah, like suddenly you are here, yeah, basically.

Speaker 2:

That's where I was going with that. Yeah, so you are from, not here. 35 Dragon Age Recall Throwback.

Speaker 3:

So this is kind of more table talk. So nines is not gonna be, so his. So we could actually have three different um realities being discussed and trying to figure out which one is okay, correct.

Speaker 5:

But moores wouldn't know that what nines knows isn't what we missed out on. Because I don't think, like how would you explain that you were warped in from a different reality or a different plane or like whatever, or different timeline, like we know, because we saw the change happen and we talked to people who kind of knew what was going on at the time. Like how do you communicate that with someone else, who's? I mean, I assume time travelers wouldn't actively disclose that they're not from current times, or else it causes all kinds of weird chaos and and that doesn't have to be.

Speaker 2:

That was a snap decision, you know, five months ago. So if you don't want to have that as your actual backstory or maybe Nines doesn't know about that backstory we can figure out something else.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, I just don't remember it at all. Okay, yeah, I remember the orcs attacking the monastery was the yeah, but from where you're from.

Speaker 2:

in episode 68, I think we discussed this from where you're from you thought Cerulean and blue were two separate colors, because they are, but when somebody described blue works you said they weren't the right ones.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, so okay. Well, regardless, nines does have proficiency in religion and would probably enjoy the opportunity to discuss his own devotion.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So first things first, Glenn, as you're communicating with Arnold, he lets you know that he says yeah, these hills are believed to be a living embodiment of the divine. They're a place where the earth touches the heavens. The local population believes that the natural rugged terrain of the hills manifests the God's creation and imbues it with spiritual energy, Specifically a plethora of nature spirits that are worshipped here, as even a place of pilgrimage for many of the local druids who come out of the forest and desert to come here and pray to their gods, because they believe it brings them closer to the divine okay, the so does he have a like a name of the major forest deities that are worshipped?

Speaker 3:

so he's trying, because glenn's trying to make sure that the, the religious pantheon hasn't changed hasn't changed.

Speaker 5:

Cue Jeopardy music.

Speaker 3:

Doo doo, doo, doo. So Glenn will take out his Glenn's Big Book of Gods and be flipping through it as Arnold is talking. Sorry, the DM is looking things up, it's like I can't even find my notes on my Glenn's big book of gods.

Speaker 2:

Hmm, uh. So book of gods. So the major, one of the major deities in this area is Sylvanas, which is known as the Forest Father of the Oak Father. He is prayed upon by many druids and dryads and a lot of the other intelligent nature folk in the area.

Speaker 3:

Okay, that said, that hasn't changed, I'm assuming.

Speaker 2:

No, it has not.

Speaker 3:

So flipping through my book? What page is that on?

Speaker 2:

Making me keep tracking more stuff. That is on page 158. Okay, it's a big book. Big book.

Speaker 5:

It's a lot of gods there are a lot of gods.

Speaker 1:

There are a lot of gods.

Speaker 3:

Well, it's also. They're descriptive right, so there could be a major deity like Sylvanas might have.

Speaker 2:

I feel like he's telling, he keeps telling you to shut up like stop.

Speaker 3:

Sylvanas might have a couple of pages.

Speaker 4:

Is that, captain Crunch?

Speaker 3:

So he'll. So Glenn will be taking notes, making sure that, updating anything or adding anything that Arnold tells him.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so in the book it states that Sylvanas is revered as the god of wild nature, woodlands, wilderness in general. His domain includes the protection and preservation of natural ecosystems and landscapes. He embodies the untamed and primal aspects of the natural world. Druids and dryads are those who revere nature, often offer their prayers and devotion to sylvanas okay all right, and brandon, you're religious, all right, and Brandon your religious. You just want to know what your monks religion is. No, uh, yeah, I.

Speaker 6:

I had stated previously that nines is a follower of I own, who, uh mistakenly, is not actually part of the 5e pantheon. So neither is Puzzetta point being that if nines is not from here, then his knowledge of whatever pantheon would be completely different anyway, and I think that would come out in conversation very quickly. Uh, so maybe refresh my memory how aware was nines of him not being in the same place that he was before?

Speaker 2:

uh, he knows. So nines knows that he was in trouble in his current world. His monastery was under attack by blue orcs. Many of his people were able to escape because of his heroics, standing his ground and giving the others time to escape. But at the last minute, when he was about to be overrun, he was teleported to where he met this crew.

Speaker 6:

Okay, so he has no idea really.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So the blue orcs were attacking there and here. Wow, Freaking Brutus.

Speaker 6:

Fucking extra planar blue orcs.

Speaker 1:

What are you going to do?

Speaker 6:

You know Can't have anything nice.

Speaker 2:

Alright, so is there anything else you guys want to discuss before we move on?

Speaker 5:

Yeah, so what? So? Morris was asking about the if because you had mentioned before before. Nines had previously mentioned that the Blue Works were an issue and our party is familiar with them. Morris was trying to figure out what Nines knew about them. So what do you know about those blue Cerulean orcs that attacked your temple?

Speaker 6:

Oh wow. Yeah, they are big and scary, and if you punch them really hard in the neck with your fingers, their head comes off.

Speaker 5:

Oh Well, that's uh. I don't think I ever saw anybody try that.

Speaker 6:

It was a move of desperation, not at all what Sensei would have wanted, but it did go very far.

Speaker 3:

The head.

Speaker 6:

Oh, yes, and the blood oh.

Speaker 5:

Well, I the blood. Oh Well, I mean, you had to do what you had to do, that's totally reasonable.

Speaker 4:

But did it make a popping sound like this?

Speaker 6:

It was more of a wet like squelching sound.

Speaker 5:

Morse cast Minor Illusion to make the sound of like a I don't know Something wet and squelchy, like a wet rag hitting the floor. Like a wet rag hitting the floor.

Speaker 6:

Nines describes it as detaching a chicken thigh bone from the meat.

Speaker 5:

That's awful.

Speaker 2:

That's pretty terrible, that's gross.

Speaker 5:

That's quite visceral, but it does make sense, uh, so that's, that's the extent of your knowledge, though that's uh well more mysteries to be explored and discovered, I suppose personally, I do have a theory about where they came from.

Speaker 6:

So you know how the sky is blue.

Speaker 5:

Mm-hmm Morse looks up.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, yeah, you're putting two and two together now, aren't you?

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I am Just keep going.

Speaker 4:

Dude stop here.

Speaker 6:

Well, okay, stop here. Well okay, I know it sounds a little far-fetched, but bear with me, because their skin is blue. They probably came from the sky oh, that's the end of the theory. Yeah, it's their natural area for hunting, therefore.

Speaker 4:

That makes complete logical sense to me.

Speaker 6:

He hated it so much, he disconnected. He hated it so much more is left.

Speaker 3:

I meant to unmute. Sorry, I meant to unmute and I turned off my camera hated it so much he left twice.

Speaker 2:

Alright, so why don't we give Justin a couple minutes? If you guys need a refill or use the restroom, go do it. We're about to get into something.

Speaker 4:

About to get all up in it. Huh, welcome back. Not quite back yet, so close.

Speaker 2:

Alright, I'm going to go use the restroom, then Be right back.

Speaker 6:

Bye. Well, while he's away, how does the time traveling stuff fit in? What?

Speaker 2:

do you mean?

Speaker 3:

We were walking through a cave and we ended up in 3,000 years in the past.

Speaker 6:

You can't just cut to the major part of the story.

Speaker 4:

We crawled through something and there was a green hue and it was like a dead cave. There was nothing there. We crawled into a vibrant, busy cavern. We were there looking into Adelaide's dwarven history.

Speaker 3:

So basically there was some story we were trying to follow up on and we were going there and when we went into it we crawled into an ancient cave and during the crawling through the cave is like Monty said- there was like this color that came through. And when we finished crawling through, we ended up coming across some dwarves. And I will tell you that Bill was quite annoyed with the whole prospect of this thing, because everybody only spoke dwarven and Glenn does not speak dwarven. So pretty much all my roleplay was done.

Speaker 6:

I mean there's a lot of gesturing.

Speaker 3:

I'm sure you've been somewhere where you couldn't speak the language yeah, but when your whole freaking shtick is snarky remarks and commenting on what other people are saying and psychological warfare and all that kind of stuff and you can't speak the language, it kind of guts the character.

Speaker 6:

So yeah, that's true, and all that kind of stuff, and you can't speak the language, it kind of guts the character.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's true but, they're on their way to war so we knew we had gone somewhere where things were different.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and, uh, we had met previously, where things were different. Yeah, and the we had met previously. We had met this arachnid monarch and she was a half metamorphized, metamorphosed metamorphosed metamorphized I don'tous Metamorphosed, metamorphized, I don't know what the past tense of that word is Half transformed, dwarven lady who had Transformed into a half scorpion, half dwarf. We met her in the past and we fought. No, we didn't fight her. We actually didn't fight her. It was supposed to be a boss fight.

Speaker 4:

We talked our way out of it and and we fought no we didn't fight her.

Speaker 3:

We actually didn't fight her. It was supposed to be a boss fight, but we talked her way out of it. And then later on, when we went back in time, we actually met her in her Worven form. And then we also, when we first got there, we met up with some Worven she was heading off to the desert where she turned into the Arachnon.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so, and that whole time she was heading off to the desert where she turned into the arachnid. Yeah, so, um, and that whole time I had been carrying around a statue of Bashaba because for some reason, bashaba took an interest in Glenn and it was causing all kinds of stuff going on. Um but uh, as we progressed through the the in the past storyline, bashaba made comments like this isn't how it was supposed to happen, or this isn't what happened, or something to that effect. It was an interesting storyline.

Speaker 3:

And then at the end of that arc we came back in a battle with Bashaba and basically glenn smashed his. Actually he threw the through the statue at the shot, through the statue of bashaba, at bashaba, and she just knocked it out of the air. It wasn't meant to be an actual attack. Glenn knew that it wouldn't do anything but, uh, it was symbolic. And then some god fell in love with Glenn, goddess fell in love with Glenn and helped him out. And actually it wasn't some goddess who basically stepped in and saved us, the party, the three of us and pulled us back up to the present time. But in our transition, all the shit we did 3,000 years ago changed today, changed the world as it sits.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 3:

So that's why you hear Glenn and Moore trying to figure out the differences, trying to get our parents.

Speaker 6:

So this is. It's the same place that you know, but it's a different timeline right because some of the shit we did was pretty major.

Speaker 3:

We stopped the war between the orcs, between the dwarves and the elves.

Speaker 3:

And that had a significant effect. We think I mean, who knows what's going on in Brandon's head? We think it had a significant effect on our present, and so we're trying to figure out what's going on. Like that city that we just came from is totally different. It's a totally different city and it's same. The name is the same, but it's ruled by a dwarven king. No, it would not. We thought it was ruled by a dwarven king, but it ended up not being um, it was ruled by azor, but uh, anyway, the previous incarnation was a human, almost human, only very racist human settlement that didn't like the other races, which none of us are human. None of us, then, were human either.

Speaker 2:

So at no point did we have we had a human in the party that was a good recap of, you know, almost a year and a half of our lives yeah.

Speaker 3:

Brandon gives me shit because he thinks I don't know what happens and I don't remember, but I remember I remember steel trap and so it's.

Speaker 6:

But it's not the same situation for nines. It's that he's somewhere, that he's stranger in a strange land, based stranger in a strange land. This could be the other side of the world, it could be the Marvel Universe Could be.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

All right so.

Speaker 3:

Glenn, having overheard Nines saying that because the orcs are blue, they must have come from the sky, Glenn asks so if they were green, would they have come from the grass?

Speaker 6:

From the earth. Yes, that does seem likely. Ioun teaches us to accept the most simplistic explanation for any problem. I'm pretty sure that's the way that Sensei put it.

Speaker 3:

That's good that. It's the simplistic way for you.

Speaker 2:

Nines is pretty intelligent, right.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

He's almost by default more intelligent than Glenn.

Speaker 2:

But at the same time, if that's- the way you're raised right, if that's your life your dedication.

Speaker 6:

I don't want character stats to get in the way of my roleplay.

Speaker 2:

Oh no, absolutely not.

Speaker 6:

I'm just curious. I'll just rearrange all these numbers.

Speaker 3:

Well, intelligence score doesn't affect what he knows or what he believes it's like you said. It's all how he was raised.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 5:

Except intelligence affects religion, which is the only part that's kind of like a little wonky in there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that is kind of weird. Awesome so Monty figured out how to change the name of his token.

Speaker 1:

Awesome so, monty figured out how to change the name of his token.

Speaker 4:

Oh, I think someone else has been changing the name of my token.

Speaker 2:

Alright, so if you guys all wouldn't mind joining maps. So you get to a large uh, so you get you follow. As you're following the footpath, you see that it curves up over, uh, some rugged terrain. You can't really see past it. Um, what is the party order and how do you go up this? It's a pretty narrow pass. Only one of you can travel at a time time I think more than nines.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, nines can go first.

Speaker 4:

I think, probably I'd be. Monty would probably be in the front. You two are in the back chatting. Glenn wasn't necessarily paying attention, he was just talking to Arnold and Monty. Well, glenn's always paying attention, but I think Monty was definitely trying to be more alert of their surroundings, so he'd probably likely be the one in front. You can argue that.

Speaker 5:

He's got really good passive awareness of everything.

Speaker 3:

Okay, Bill do you want to be in front? You want me in front? I would think so. The way I would think it would be is that um meow would be in the front and glenn would be in the back, and nines and fours would be in the back, and Nines and Boars would be in the middle.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 2:

Sounds great, all right, so, monty as you Like.

Speaker 4:

I said, rogues, do it from behind it is true. It is true.

Speaker 2:

So, Monty, as you crest this little footpath right here, this little hill, you hear a loud roar and you feel the ground shaking from multiple directions as oh what the hell.

Speaker 5:

You guys are those hill giants. They are those look like hill giants. They are those look like hill giants.

Speaker 6:

You know, I should have known when you were talking about like wow, it's so easy to make medium-sized creatures medium and large-sized creatures large. And they automatically take up the correct amount of space.

Speaker 2:

Why are there two Moors?

Speaker 1:

There's another Moor that just appeared.

Speaker 6:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's a doppelganger, all right, so all right.

Speaker 4:

So we can. Monty licks his lips, All right.

Speaker 2:

So you hear a loud roar. What you see in front of you, you see. Oh, let me get to my notes. All right, so you see these very tall creatures. Uh, they stand above 15 feet tall. Uh, they're both probably around 16 feet tall. They're imposing, broad, muscular. Each of them carries a thick club in their hands that looks like a tree that has just ripped out of the ground. They still have roots and dirt on them from the forest not too far away. They are both dully. They're both dull, earthy colors. Their facial features are pretty exaggerated. You can see a large jutting jaw with yellow teeth inside the mouth, wide, flat noses and small beady eyes. That are all.

Speaker 2:

Both pairs are fixated on you. Their hair is unkept, matted, both dirty, brown. It hangs pretty wildly down to their shoulders and back and then they're just powerful forms. Their hands and feet are both large, thick fingers and toes and their feet are caked in dirt. They're wearing pretty rudimentary clothing, roughly stitched fabric. The other one is wearing an animal hide and they both have pretty crude jewelry that seems like small animal bones around their necks small animal bones around their necks. And you hear one of them say in very crude, rough common we are not food, as they come stampeding towards you. So let's everybody roll some initiative.

Speaker 5:

Man, you know really how to get more as I try to disengage, huh.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, right, like these could be innocent hill giants, man, you know really how to get more to try to disengage.

Speaker 6:

Huh yeah, right, like these could be innocent hill giants well, I think a little.

Speaker 5:

I don't know if you remember this or not, but one of the one of the inns we went to sold was it was troll parts, right, or was it giant parts? It was hill giant, free range hill giant free range hill giant and we partook in these free range hill giant. Free range hill giant and we partook in these free range hill giant meat slabs it's always pretty good too they were tasty. But now these guys were expressed yes, you did oh no, we did no, glenn.

Speaker 5:

Glenn did not eat that, glenn did not eat hill giant nope, didn't you get us, like the charcuterie, the giant charcuterie, for the road he did get that, but he did not partake in any of the hill giant. Yeah, Okay. Well, it just sounds like.

Speaker 3:

And we haven't ate any of that.

Speaker 5:

You still I mean. No, I didn't make breakfast From knockoff companies, but you know Anyway.

Speaker 3:

Oh sorry, yeah, so let's roll some initiative. Jesus.

Speaker 5:

Is this, uh, is there like character sheets and stuff in this new thingy?

Speaker 6:

No, you can still use the same character sheet in a different browser or a different tab.

Speaker 5:

The combat screen I'm used to. We had a way to show our character screen and the combat, so I need to have a separate tab.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it doesn't, doesn't look like an alpha. They've got the combat, so they still got some things to learn from it. That's okay, I'll just mark it down.

Speaker 5:

I'm just making sure I'm not missing something.

Speaker 6:

It seems to be very bare bones. It seems to be very bare bones.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but it's still so much easier to set up the map and the combat in this than it was in VTT.

Speaker 5:

It's about to be giant bones, unless Morris makes friends, which he's going to try.

Speaker 6:

Oh, come on.

Speaker 2:

Yes, initiative.

Speaker 5:

I got a total of 20 for mores. Oh, I gotta do beansprout.

Speaker 6:

Nines rolled a 5. Plus 4, that gives him a 9.

Speaker 5:

Beansprout pulled a 22.

Speaker 6:

Jeez Well, how do I keep it up at the back of the pack?

Speaker 3:

Ugh Monty rolled a grand total of 12.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Is there a initiative tracker, or is he just going to have to manually do it?

Speaker 4:

It is on there I know there's not, it's where. Oh, the initiative tracker yeah exactly, there's a game log, but there's not a tracker like it was in the last one. Yeah, we may go back to VTT for the next.

Speaker 2:

There's a game log but there's not a tracker like it was in the last one. Yeah, we may go back to VTT for the next battle, just because that did make things very easy, I think the encounter thingy, the encounter tool.

Speaker 3:

I think that maintains it. I don't know, I have to play around with it. Don't need it to get in the way of know. Hmm, have to play around with it, don't need to get in the way, don't need it to get in the way of this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and so.

Speaker 5:

Since we're not talking. Are giants considered humanoids.

Speaker 6:

Well, they are certainly humanoid, aren't they?

Speaker 5:

But like rules-wise, I mean, they have the human-boy shapes.

Speaker 1:

But are they tagged humans?

Speaker 2:

They are not tagged as humans.

Speaker 5:

The human spell. I feel like it came in the monster spell for that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm looking it up right now to be sure, but I'm pretty sure they're considered monsters.

Speaker 6:

Pillow giant. Just show the lack of understanding really A huge giant chaotic evil yeah.

Speaker 2:

So, fun fact, giants are considered monsters, but ogres are considered humanoids. That's interesting. It seems backwards to me as well. Okay, alright, so.

Speaker 3:

How tall did you say they were?

Speaker 2:

They are about 16 feet tall, big vigils.

Speaker 3:

I have to say they're hard to fight and they don't really get it.

Speaker 4:

Big vigils they're hard to fight, and they don't really get any.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, what's the speed on the horse?

Speaker 2:

Well, is it an unladen horse?

Speaker 6:

Horse speed is about 60 feet, Damn I can almost run as fast as him.

Speaker 5:

You can dash the horse dash.

Speaker 3:

The horse dash. If you put a horse at a full gallop, isn't it double it?

Speaker 5:

I don't know. I haven't read the rules for mountain combat.

Speaker 3:

Anyway, Bean Sprout is first Like wow Of the party, Maybe giant's gonna.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, giant's gonna, uh, accidentally eat us. Giant's the one before. Okay, alright, we're the extra morse Giant just moved. Uh, it was just Doo, doo, doo doo. I tried to adjust the reverse. Okay, I'm gonna try to. I'm gonna try to.

Speaker 3:

I tried to adjust everybody into the squirts.

Speaker 2:

Bean Sprout is first. Where is the Bean Sprout token? You don't have one yet.

Speaker 5:

He's sitting on Morse's saddle right in front of him.

Speaker 2:

We had.

Speaker 5:

The weasel I think was my.

Speaker 2:

Yep, there he is. Oh, you already got one, okay, bink.

Speaker 5:

He's sitting on Mor's little saddle, alright, so he's up first.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Hold up.

Speaker 5:

No, I'm not. I tried to select. I'm so sorry.

Speaker 3:

You can zoom in with your scroll wheel. I did, but he's so slow Okay.

Speaker 5:

Bean Sprout is going to. He's only got a movement speed of like 30 feet. You can totally get to a giant, so he's going to launch himself, actually can we see the giants. I know we heard them and Monty can see them.

Speaker 2:

Monty can see them from where he's at. You guys cannot currently see them.

Speaker 5:

So how.

Speaker 4:

So in the fog of war, can you guys actually see the giants, or no? Is fog of war a change, different for each of us?

Speaker 2:

No, it's, I can only do it one at a time. Got it.

Speaker 5:

I'm trying to imagine, like how does Mors know he's in danger now? Does Mors shout out to him, or do we just hear it?

Speaker 6:

I haven't had a chance to do anything yet. I think the scene unfolding is that we are presented with two hill giants who are charging towards us, Screaming at us even.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, they did, yell, did yell. I get that, but with lords being near the back, not being able to see how to deal with, like, how to? Besides, like knowing something menacing, this way comes like I don't know, or is it only doing space?

Speaker 2:

okay, for simplicity's sake, we'll say you can all see the hill giants. Okay, for simplicity's sake, we'll say you can all see the hill giants.

Speaker 4:

They are tall.

Speaker 3:

Well, they're 16 feet tall and I mean, Is that the top of a hill?

Speaker 2:

Yes, they are at the top of the hill or at the top of this section.

Speaker 5:

Beesprout doesn't expect to run in there, so he's going to jump off the saddle and scurry up the path, go to the other giant on the east and start scurrying and scratching at his knees. In turn, he distracts this giant. So whatever he chooses to do is less effective. He's choosing to take the help action for Monty, who is the nearest. Okay, monty will get an advantage on his next attack.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 5:

And Morse with the 20. All right, so Morse did recognize that sound, right.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 5:

So Mors will go just past Monty and look at the two giants coming and he's going to cast Hold Monster. It's going to be a 5th level spell. So, mors, he reaches up his staff over his head and snaps it forward. So the top of the staff goes quack as he slings that staff forward. This purple magic, these little blobs, come out and go and arc over to each of these two hill giants. I could hit both of them with a single action because they're enchantment spells's my one of my features Mm-hmm. So they need to attempt wisdom saving throws or be paralyzed for the duration.

Speaker 2:

Well, Hill Giants are notoriously good at wisdom, so Notoriously. All right. So, mors, you feel the spell snap on Hill Giant 1 to the left and he is currently paralyzed but you feel it fizzle over Hill Giant 2.

Speaker 5:

So I moved, I did an action, and then I'd like to just freely say we need you to harm. Please stop attacking and kind of wave your hand at them. While the one is paralyzed, don't worry about it. Defensive paralysis.

Speaker 1:

We need you to harm.

Speaker 4:

You no harm that other guy. We need him harm.

Speaker 3:

Well, I mean, it's paralysis, it's non-lethal. I mean he's just freezing him in place should have tried.

Speaker 4:

I don't know what happened to your friend. Are you okay?

Speaker 2:

just showing some power so with paralyzed can they still do anything at all?

Speaker 6:

they get disadvantage on saves, advantage on attacks against them is it advantage on attacks against them?

Speaker 5:

I think so at the end of each turn, the target can make a wisdom saving throw, and if they succeed, then the spell ends.

Speaker 2:

Alright, so you hear. The hill giant on the left grunt a little bit, as he's trying to actively fight against your spell. And Well, minus one for wisdom, so he does not save. So Hill Giant 1 remains paralyzed.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 2:

Glenn, you are up.

Speaker 3:

Alright, so Glenn is going to um. So real quick. How does this work on a horse? Does dismounting count? What does that take? Can I just move off of the horse?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you can just move off the horse, that's fine.

Speaker 3:

Okay. So, mors, are you on your horse still, or did you get off of your horse?

Speaker 5:

Mors is still on his horse. Mors on a horse.

Speaker 3:

Okay, all right. So Glenn is going to dart up. He'll go up and around the outskirts of the path to squeeze by. He will get off his horse, run up and get adjacent to hill giant one and he's totally gonna blow horse's little friggin peaceful thing and with a loud kaboom he will blow Orz's little friggin' peaceful thing and with a loud kaboom he will attack the little giant it's rapier.

Speaker 2:

Give me an attack roll With advantage.

Speaker 3:

Good thing. Um, that was the second roll, but uh, 25. 25.

Speaker 2:

That does hit 14.

Speaker 1:

7. 8 now AFK for 90 seconds.

Speaker 3:

And so 30, 43. 30, 43. Yeah, 43 points a day 43.

Speaker 2:

So you just stab directly in.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, he's Well okay, so he's yeah, so Glenn will do his. I mean, he's normally he moves around a lot and he dances around a lot and with a plant of his back foot he'll shove his rapier forward into the.

Speaker 3:

It's going to be around somewhere between mid thigh and waist, somewhere in that area, because that's where it would hit somewhere in that area, because that's where it would hit, and then once he connects and feels the connection, he will dart back here, so he will basically move to about 15 feet away from the giant.

Speaker 2:

All right, Monty, you're up. You're muted, Monty.

Speaker 4:

Dang it. I tried to unmute myself and muted myself instead. Okay, so our hill giant on the left is the one that's paralyzed and he has taken some damage. The one on the right is where Bean Sprout is, and so, since how Glenn attacked and is kind of taking care of hill giant number one, monty is going to focus on the other one. He's going to start by continuing down the path to about here. I'm going to maybe get a little bit more fog exposed, brandon, I'm going to go further north down the path that we were traveling. Okay, but my question question is does this put a block between? Is is that terrain blocking my view of hill giant 2 from where I'm at right now?

Speaker 2:

correct? Yeah, you cannot see how I do from where you're at, then never mind I do not.

Speaker 4:

I Do not want to do that. I want to get someplace where I can shoot it, yet not Be where I'm at, which is probably about the best place I could be at. Okay, never mind, then I'm just gonna stay exactly where I'm at and I'm going to shoot Twice at Hill giant number two with my bow from atop my steed. All right, I got a 30 and a 17 on those attack rolls they both hit both hit, all right so.

Speaker 4:

So I'll do two of these, that's 19. And some cold damage as well. Four, yeah, pulled off fours on both of those. So 19 plus 8. 27 points of damage. And he is also going to see how he hit that one. He's going to call that one his favorite foe, number two all right, so Alright.

Speaker 2:

So Boop, boop, boop, I need another screen. Uh, so, nines, you are up.

Speaker 6:

Nines sees that Beansprout is going to the one on the right Says good job, Beansprout, I'll take the one on the left.

Speaker 3:

I got a question. I'm sorry, did uh Monty take his advantage.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

I didn't. I mean they all would have hit anyway, so I could have. I could have crit here. I'll roll one more attack, and this should have been the second attack. Whoops, Sorry, Didn't mean to interrupt, oh no, you're good.

Speaker 2:

You're good.

Speaker 4:

I should have caught it it did not crit. Okay, the nines bean sprout, I'll get the one on the left.

Speaker 2:

Yep, the 9's Bean Sprout. I'll get the one on the left.

Speaker 6:

Yep 9 gels out to Bean Sprout. I'll take the one on the left and he's gonna jump off Of his horse and Move to punch the hill. Giant on the left, the one who is still paralyzed.

Speaker 2:

Alright, so give me an attack roll with advantage attack.

Speaker 6:

Go with advantage unarmed. Strike um, do I. Is there an advantage button that I can press?

Speaker 3:

yeah, you right. Click on it and choose advantage dang all right.

Speaker 6:

So I'm just gonna roll this one twice for the first one then, because I screwed that up, yes, yep, so I rolled a 15 and a 6. Oh wait, no sorry. Total of 15 and a total of 14 for that first attack.

Speaker 2:

Okay, the 15 hits. Okay, the 15 hits, hell yeah 15 hits.

Speaker 3:

That was just one. Yeah, do you.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I thought he was Okay, my bad.

Speaker 6:

So out of those two, the 15 would hit though right the 15 does hit correct. Okay, do you want me to roll all these first and then Because I want to do two attacks? Do your multi these first and then because I want to do two attacks, or do you want to do your? Multi attack, and then we'll do the damage and for my second ew with advantage, I have an 11.

Speaker 6:

that does not hit okay, so, so I will. Well, the rest of my attacks are going to be unarmed as well. I will use Blurry of Blows as a bonus action to attack two more times.

Speaker 2:

Holy crap Mux.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, I know, and just making sure that I'm understanding this correctly, for flurry of blows. It does say two unarmed attacks.

Speaker 2:

Yep, that's what it looks like.

Speaker 6:

So with advantage a 20.

Speaker 2:

That does hit.

Speaker 6:

And then, with advantage, a 16.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 6:

So out of my 1, 2, 3, 4 attacks, 3 of them hit 3 hits 7, 5, and attacks, three of them hits seven, five and eight.

Speaker 2:

All right, so it looks like, because you have plus four the damage, so you get yeah, I was a nine.

Speaker 6:

I was just calling out the rolls 23, 32 damage total.

Speaker 2:

Justin, do you disagree?

Speaker 5:

No, I was wondering what it looks like when a monk goes ham on a fucking hair last night.

Speaker 4:

What sound does it make?

Speaker 6:

Yeah, it's slapping, it's just slapping, it's all open hand. Oh, it's all open hand, give me one second guys, it does not automatically spend your key points, for you Is.

Speaker 5:

Paralyzer, one that gives you if you hit it's auto-crit. It does not automatically spend your ki points for you Is Paralyzed, the one that gives you if you hit auto-crit or is that prone, I prone is disadvantage on attacks on melee attacks, advantage on ranged attacks.

Speaker 6:

Paralyzed should be disadvantage all the way through.

Speaker 5:

Any creature that hits the creature is a critical hit if they're in melee range. So those are all critical hits.

Speaker 6:

Oh, when they're paralyzed.

Speaker 5:

Any attack that hits the creature is a critical hit. If the attacker is within 5 feet of the creature, the creature automatically is incapacitated, fails strength, dexterity, saving, throw. All attacks against it have advantage. All attacks against the creature, if they hit in melee range, are crit-wise.

Speaker 6:

So I should.

Speaker 3:

So Glenn would have doubled his damage approximately. Yeah, you both would have. This hill giant would be on its last legs. Just right, it's only got two to start with.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, so that's an additional 3d8?, brando.

Speaker 5:

I was reading the paralyzed condition. Any attack that connects is an automatic critical hit if they're on melee range Within five feet. This is really not good Sometimes actually.

Speaker 6:

We just got a shit ton of critical hits.

Speaker 5:

Morris wants to be friends, so like, don't blame, hey, I missed the trigger. It doesn't happen this round, totally fine. But something triggered my memory and I yeah good call.

Speaker 2:

Uh, okay, so I will.

Speaker 5:

I don't think we need to reroll it, just next round, if he doesn't make it. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

You all good with that. I can literally double the damage that was taken by him Well is that how you're doing critical hits?

Speaker 1:

Is double damage.

Speaker 6:

Or is it two damage dice? Yeah, it's just. I could just roll it through the eight to if you just want to double glens.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if you want to reroll nines, you can definitely do it.

Speaker 6:

You, I will roll 3d8 real quick.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 6:

Here you go, an extra 11 then.

Speaker 2:

So plus your Plus, your Plus 4 for each of those rolls right. So that would be.

Speaker 3:

No, just the dice.

Speaker 2:

Oh my bad, yeah, yeah, okay, all right, all right. So this hill giant's looking a little worse for wear. He's got a bunch of in his shins and stabs. He's bleeding pretty profusely, looking great. And this hill giant on the right that Bean Sprouts on is pretty pissed off. You can see he raises a club over his head and he comes charging directly at Moors and Monty and he brings his club up and he's going to make two big, great club attacks. So the first one's going to be a you mores and the second one's going to be a human moore's does a 19 hit as it comes into hit uh, okay.

Speaker 5:

Okay so no, he's not hit. My AC is 21 until the end of my turn. Until the start of my turn.

Speaker 2:

Okay, and Monty does a 24 hit.

Speaker 4:

Can I take a bonus action?

Speaker 2:

No, not during somebody else's turn.

Speaker 4:

Okay, 20?.

Speaker 2:

That went 24.

Speaker 4:

Oh, 24.

Speaker 2:

Nope, nope oh okay, great, I multiple five. Oh, oh, okay, great all right?

Speaker 5:

so, monty, you are going to take you, and your horse are going to take.

Speaker 2:

Yes, sorry, yep, with monty on top of yeah.

Speaker 3:

Because he's bringing it straight down. So the club is the weapon against Monty and Monty is the weapon against the horse, correct?

Speaker 2:

So, Monty, you take 34 points of damage 34. As this club comes down and strikes you, you hear a sickening snap and your horse collapses to the ground.

Speaker 4:

I don't like him anyways, okay.

Speaker 2:

Moors. Seeing this, you get rage. Seeing another being hurt. You see the horse's legs that Monty's on snap as he crumples to the ground and Monty and the horse are now prone. But you're filled with this rage. You can't believe that living creatures would hurt one another like this. So I need you to give me a.

Speaker 5:

Give me a wisdom saving. Throw 16 plus 5 is 21.

Speaker 2:

Okay, you feel his rage bubble up in you, but you suppress it and through some concentrated force of will, you push it back down and you can still feel it burning inside of your belly. You seem to be controlling it at this point.

Speaker 5:

You don't want to see me when I get angry. Is there any like? Does it look?

Speaker 2:

like anything to the other guys, as they were looking at me, or is it just like I?

Speaker 5:

have my hand around so you don't see his facial.

Speaker 2:

Is there like a flick of a flip above me or like I'm going to say nobody is looking at you right now Because you are in the back of the pack. But if nobody is looking at you right now because you are in the back of the pack, but if they were looking at you and they could see your face, they would see it start to get a tinge colored. It looks like you're almost sick.

Speaker 5:

I am sick of my friends getting hurt.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, I know. All right, I am sick of my friends getting hurt. I'm getting close. Yes, yeah, I know.

Speaker 5:

Alright, back at the top, beansprout. Um, beansprout's going to scurry. He's gonna climb as far as he can up this hill giant and try to get to some real distracting parts, like can he climb, let's say, like 10 feet up to the armpit and just like, tickle, scratch, distract in some way. I feel like that's the right spot. That's what Bean Sprout's going for, I think.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, you can definitely climb up there. Okay, yeah. So Bean Sprout scurries right up there. He gets into the Hill Giant 2's right armpit. You can see him tugging at all his body hair in there, all his armpit hair scratching, digging. At one point he gags a little bit just from the stench, but he maintains his hold. Hm.

Speaker 5:

And it was just Monty that tackle this last time right so he's gonna provide that help to monty again okay, moore's, you're up okay, um, uh, sorry, is that the shield above mose's face dissipates. He calls out to the bull giant Please, we don't need to do this, we don't want to eat you. We could be friends, uh, and then, uh, I'm gonna guess a spell. Try to figure out which one. I apologize, I should have been doing this earlier. There's lots and lots of spells.

Speaker 2:

It's nice I just always find it funny when morse is trying to talk down a situation because all of his other companions are actively involved with punching and stabbing the shit out of everybody and Mors is just huge battleground. Like guys, we don't have to do this.

Speaker 5:

I can't wait to like get my suggestion and just like make my allies somebody too. Make my allies stop fighting too. It's pretty good.

Speaker 2:

It's pretty good.

Speaker 5:

Uh, okay, alright, can I take a concentration call on the first giant?

Speaker 1:

Watch. Uh, what the fuck.

Speaker 5:

So much concentration, um, I should be able to.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I saw that you didn't see shit.

Speaker 5:

I'm not gonna say Alright Morse is gonna dismount from his horse and slap his horse's pony butt and hopefully get his horse out of the face of danger.

Speaker 3:

It runs right into the hill giant.

Speaker 5:

I'll try to send the horse down to the boat, down away from these hill giants.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so your horse does start to run away, which does prompt an attack.

Speaker 5:

Is he going to take it?

Speaker 2:

Oh, he's going to take it.

Speaker 5:

Well, that's an evil giant.

Speaker 3:

Chaotic evil, to be specific.

Speaker 2:

So he is going to. He's just going to throw a wild left punch at the horse as he's trying to run across. And he does it, and your horse is going. The hill giant rolled a 22 with a plus 8 to hit, so Okay, but the horse has got 13 HP, which is pretty good.

Speaker 5:

That's like 15 times as many as a commoner, so that's pretty good.

Speaker 2:

Your horse takes 15 points of damage as it smashes into the rock. You've already used your reaction. Oh no, that was last turn. That was last turn.

Speaker 5:

I don't think it's. I'm not mounted, so I can't save it. It's reacting, I can react. If it reacts, I can't probably.

Speaker 1:

I don't think you can, can you?

Speaker 6:

I mean, if it's triggered, you just only have one.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 5:

Okay, so he smashes my horse down.

Speaker 2:

So he comes with El Tuk which, with the strength of the hill giant and the leverage he's got, he smashes him and pushes him into the rocks of the hill giant and the leverage he's got, he smashes him and pushes him into the rocks closest to you and you see the horse hit the rock and lay on its side and it doesn't move.

Speaker 4:

What's that? We ain't giving these horses back?

Speaker 2:

This party's not going to return riding animals. So you, uh, so more is. Once again, you see another creature get felled by one of your enemies, and this horse you know. You've grown a, grown across into it. You knew its name. Um, its name is what hold on.

Speaker 5:

Let me just check my notes here. Uh, that was william, and I'm very sad about it.

Speaker 2:

That was, that was william. That was william the horse uh he did. He had a sassy attitude, yeah, uh. So you see william laying still, and it spurs you to anger once more and again you feel this rage bubbling up. I need you to make me another wisdom saving throw.

Speaker 6:

Can he choose to fail it?

Speaker 2:

I mean technically, as a saving throw. You can choose to fail them 16 plus 5. You do succeed. It's more difficult this time, but you push that rage and that anger back down into your stomach and you seem to maintain the ball in your stomach itself. You feel this nice hot bubble where you you would.

Speaker 3:

It feels like you plosive is, is that where anger comes from your stomach?

Speaker 2:

yeah, yeah, but it is still your turn, morse.

Speaker 5:

Is this mounting a movement or an action?

Speaker 2:

No, it's a free action. It is movement, but I'm counting it as a free action.

Speaker 5:

It takes more to put away a weapon than it does to.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yep, okay.

Speaker 5:

That's cool.

Speaker 6:

Taking your leg over.

Speaker 5:

I'm laughing at D&D. That's not fucking bullshit.

Speaker 2:

Okay, oh, I hate that Per actual D&D rules, mounting is an action. Mounting or dismounting is an action, but I'm just counting it as a free action.

Speaker 1:

Uh, okay, alright, that's a good man he's.

Speaker 5:

Uh, so Morse like watches this in horror and uh he sees what just happened to his lovely friend William, who he was getting really pretty fond of, and he's just like why would you do that? I told you we could be friends and he reaches back with two hands with the staff and gives me a whack with the staff, healing.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you're just hitting him.

Speaker 5:

I'm just going to whack him.

Speaker 2:

Okay, give me an attack roll.

Speaker 4:

The giant. Oh that's a 18 hit With a staff of healing.

Speaker 2:

That does hit.

Speaker 5:

I hit him right below the kneecap, like in that soft spot where the tendon touches the tibia.

Speaker 1:

Which is not going to do a lot of damage.

Speaker 5:

It does one damage. Alright, that's one damage.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 5:

Well, that's one damage that Mors did in earnest.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he never does that. He never does that. So the giant looks from the horse down to you as you strike it and his eyes meet yours and in a deep, booming voice, all you hear is Ow.

Speaker 5:

You think that hurts? Try losing a friend, Anything else.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 5:

No, that's it? I don't think I can Okay.

Speaker 2:

So illgiant1, you hear him grunting a little bit as he's trying to fight against your spell. Oh yeah, you do have to do a con-. No, you don't.

Speaker 1:

Damage yeah.

Speaker 2:

And he fails to save. So, glenn, you're up.

Speaker 3:

So okay, first, in my within. I Okay first. Am I within 5 feet melee range of giant number 1?, 2? No, yeah 2.

Speaker 2:

You are within 5 feet melee range of giant number 2.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I'm trying to remember.

Speaker 2:

I'm trying to remember what is the rules on advantage based on size difference. Good question.

Speaker 5:

I'm trying to remember.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, size you can move through tiles if they are two sizes larger. I think Otherwise.

Speaker 2:

Large creatures have advantage on saving throws against being frightened by creatures one or more sizes smaller than them. You can move through tiles of creatures two sizes larger than you. You can move through tiles of creatures two sizes larger than you. There's no automatic advantage or disadvantage based off size.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so Glenn is going to. Since he's within range of the Hill Giant, he's not going to provoke the opportunity attack, but he is going to close with hill giant 2 and basically, because it's huge, he will kind of move through the giant and probably I don't he could probably just run between its legs, um, and as he's dancing around and going through, he's going to with a kaboom attack. Kill giant number two.

Speaker 6:

I think it's just difficult, terrain is the only thing yeah, but yeah, glenn has plenty of movement.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, even to the other side. There we go.

Speaker 1:

Even to the other side.

Speaker 3:

there we go total and I missed.

Speaker 2:

A 12 does miss.

Speaker 3:

I do.

Speaker 2:

He does not have advantage Wait on number Number 2.

Speaker 5:

Number 2.

Speaker 2:

No, what's?

Speaker 5:

your passive? He's adjacent to him. No, what's your passive? He's adjacent to him. Don't you get sneak attack? It's not advantage, it's just sneak attack.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's just so, With that he will move.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Wait, I'll park. Yeah, okay, wait, yeah, that's where is this yeah, see so glenn will, basically, he'll pass through the hill giant and since he made attack, he doesn't draw attack of opportunity. Um, and he is 10 now, 10 foot east of the hill giant and and since he missed, he will throw, throw his dagger as he's running. We'll throw his dagger at the okay. And a is it the damage? I forget? Do you lose the damage bonus or the?

Speaker 2:

I think you lose your proficiency bonus.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so you got a 16.

Speaker 2:

Alright, that does hit.

Speaker 3:

Actually probably got more than a 16, but it's a straight roll, alright. Um and Seven, oh yeah, and you get sneak right.

Speaker 2:

Do you get sneak for that, for your offense and attack?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you get sneak for any attack. If you qualify for sneak, you get the attack. You get sneak attack. That's the only reason rogues use the second weapon. If they don't get their sneak on their first attack, they get it on their second or try to get it on their second. So 31 points of damage total.

Speaker 2:

Okay, Damn for an offhanded dagger attack.

Speaker 3:

Sneak, sneak's evil.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

But he does not have the shimmering cloud around him, anyway, and that's a D.

Speaker 2:

Alright, Nines, you're up buddy.

Speaker 6:

Well, punching seems to be working well. Nines implores Mors to use his hips. Engage your hips Really, really, get in there. And he will continue to attack the kneecap of the dastardly hill giant number one on the left hand side.

Speaker 2:

Okay, give me some attack rolls with advantage and actually you don't have to Automatically, just roll damage. Okay, give me some attack rolls with advantage and actually you don't have to automatic crit, just roll damage.

Speaker 3:

No, no, no, he has to hit.

Speaker 2:

Oh, he does have to hit, okay, uh so that was a 15. Okay, that hits.

Speaker 6:

And here's the damage for that An 11.

Speaker 3:

Is that crit?

Speaker 6:

Yeah, that is crit. Okay, 2d8 plus 4. Still alive? Fine, I will punch him again. Oh my, I rolled a 1 and a 2. So with advantage, that's a 10. That does not hit, it's so weird.

Speaker 2:

I know it's crazy right.

Speaker 6:

In that case I will, and I forgot about this. Flurry of Blows allows me to stagger or Go to things, but it's paralyzed. Anyway, I will flurry of blows again for another key point. Uh, when? No, I think it's just a bonus action. So when you make an attack, you can make a bonus action as like another attack, and when you make that bonus attack, you can use a key point to empower it.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, maybe that's what I was thinking. So, a second, but I was thinking I'm sorry when anything happened with an attack which is our county.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 5:

I just want to see if you want it.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, but he's already paralyzed. Yeah, no, you're right.

Speaker 2:

So 16 hits, 16 does hit.

Speaker 6:

That's 12 damage and then another one. Yeah, keep going, still alive.

Speaker 2:

He is still alive.

Speaker 6:

Donovan hey 24.

Speaker 2:

That does hit.

Speaker 6:

With holy 17 damage.

Speaker 2:

So please describe to me how you kill this whole giant.

Speaker 6:

I just keep watching it shins, in in the kneecap until eventually. I'm just like shoving my hands into bloody meat and I would think the the paralysis and the shock would just cause him to crumple.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so you're as you what's?

Speaker 5:

that he's paralyzed. Would he just like stand there and he'd get beat until I let go of him.

Speaker 6:

I think it's not paralyzed as in he's being held. He's incapacitated mentally paralyzed.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he just can't move.

Speaker 3:

What spell did you use to paralyze him?

Speaker 6:

Oh is it?

Speaker 2:

hold monster, yeah so as your right hand comes in for a final blow, nines. It goes through the kneecap of the hill giant and you hear a loud roar as the hill giant just starts to fall under its own weight and it just crumples straight to the ground. You're able to move out of the way, you don't get hit by it or anything, but it does fall to the ground directly under its knees and it stops moving.

Speaker 6:

Another one of God's creatures Dead by my hand Wipes his hands up.

Speaker 3:

So, based on the description, it is a mental hole, it's a mental paralysis because it says it has no effect on undead, which, yeah, that would be the yeah as soon as it died, it fell. Alright head, which that would be the yeah, as soon as it died itself. That would be my interpretation.

Speaker 5:

We could do a bonus episode on talking about how spells work, oh God.

Speaker 6:

I'm going to be busy that day.

Speaker 3:

He doesn't like how D&D works.

Speaker 2:

He doesn't like how D&D works, so HillGiant2 seeing his companion. What's that?

Speaker 4:

Nines, I was talking again on mute. Oh, what's up, monzi?

Speaker 2:

Okay. So HillGiant2, seeing his companion collapse, is super angry and he's going to make another multi-attack. He's going to double down on Mors, seeing that his friend couldn't move. He doesn't fully comprehend anything. He knows that he can hit Monty, but Mors blocked his attack, so he is angry.

Speaker 4:

He skip a turn.

Speaker 2:

What he went after. I let nines go before you, monty. That's my bad, that's on me I can't see the turn tracker or anything.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what the hell's going on.

Speaker 4:

I was like I thought I was going after Glenn, but I was like oh, I guess I go after nines. I forgot already.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, my bad buddy.

Speaker 4:

So Monty is prone, correct Monty is prone correct.

Speaker 2:

Monty is currently prone.

Speaker 4:

The dismount reaction that Morse was talking about.

Speaker 2:

No, Monty is currently prone so you have to use half your movement to stand up.

Speaker 4:

Oh, it's half my movement. I thought I used all of it, perfect.

Speaker 2:

Right, it is half. We're prone, Is that right? Yeah half, yeah, half All right.

Speaker 4:

So I will go ahead and I will take that was quite a blow. Like Monty, he's tough, but he ain't that tough. So, yeah, he is going to go ahead and stand up and with that we'll go ahead. Let's see, mors is still right there. So I can't do what I really want to do because it would hurt Mors. Um, let's see. Yeah, he's gonna.

Speaker 4:

So half my movement. But I can do a double move. What is it called? There is a word for it? No, called there is a dash? No, it's not a dash. I'm allowed to feel an agility. I can double my movement speed. So this is essentially going to get me back to just my normal movement speed after standing up. So I'll move approximately 30 feet away, putting me now that he is actually visible back there. So I'm going to move 30 feet away from this hill giant, kind of going further down the path. This would be like to the northwest of where this hill giant is standing relative to our little battlefield here, and he is going to pull up his bow again and take aim using his sharpshooter feet and he is going to shoot twice again.

Speaker 2:

Because you didn't disengage or anything. He does have a chance to get an opportunity attack right.

Speaker 4:

Those are taken. Those are taken.

Speaker 3:

He took it on the horse.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, you're right.

Speaker 3:

It would be a disadvantage anyway.

Speaker 4:

It'd be a disadvantage, but yeah.

Speaker 2:

That's fine. I don't want him to take it. No, go for it.

Speaker 4:

Alright, so two attacks Are one of those our advantage, or both our advantage.

Speaker 5:

The creature you gain advantage on. The next ability check makes it perform the task.

Speaker 4:

Okay, so first one gets advantage, so let's go ahead and roll that attack. Glad that gets advantage. Uh, so it is a 20, it's a 21, but it's minus five, so that gets it to a 16.

Speaker 2:

it does hit does it.

Speaker 4:

And here is the next one. Oh, that's bad, that's a 10, so it's not gonna hit that does not hit okay, so I'm going to take uh, let's see, he's gonna take a whole bunch of dice here. I'm just gonna do this differently. I get a d4 of damage, I get a d6 of damage and I get a d8 of it 1d8 of damage and we will plus 5 to this number right here. That is, a d6 for favored foe, a d8 for the weapon and a d4 for the ice damage from the bow.

Speaker 2:

So a total of 19 damage for that attack. Hold up. Actually, before you make those attacks as you go up this path, you do reveal. Sorry, I didn't realize you moved there, buddy.

Speaker 4:

Oh, literally walked up on another one. You're still 10 feet away as you move there, buddy. Oh, literally walked up on another one.

Speaker 2:

You're still 10 feet away, hillgiant number three.

Speaker 4:

I was getting away from the one that was going to start swinging at me. Maybe number three is If you want to take some of that stuff back.

Speaker 2:

that's on me, I'm trying to get used to this new system.

Speaker 3:

You can also step on the hill.

Speaker 4:

Giant once dead yeah, I would probably so as I started moving up and that would be yeah, we'll retro that in a little bit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so, monty, as you start coming up the path, you do see another hill giant start running down towards you all and you redirect and run over hill giant one yeah, I just run over to the other side of hill giant one away from that one.

Speaker 4:

Um, yeah, to get, get some distance from both of them so I'm not getting beat again. Take another club to the face, uh, and I will also. Oh yeah, so damage, damage reveals, and after that I'll use my bonus action, uh, to use my nature's veil, and I just become invisible oh since I'm not on a horse anymore. I can actually use that's last. Last thing is, man, if I use this nature's veil, my horse is still going to be there it says any equipment does a horse count as equipment?

Speaker 4:

no, it says any equipment Does a horse count as equipment.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

Not count as equipment. Yeah, thunder, whatever, he's dead anyway. Thunder Shook.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

He's not dead.

Speaker 1:

His legs are broken.

Speaker 4:

Oh, his legs are broken. Great, now Monty's going to have to kill.

Speaker 6:

Thunder Hoof. After talking to him, heal him, we have magic.

Speaker 4:

I guess that's a good point this isn't the wild west, this is.

Speaker 6:

D&D it's not a fucking racing horse gotta put it out of its misery.

Speaker 2:

Old yeller style Monty's just gonna stand over it with his bow. Alright, put it out of its misery, old Yeller style Monty's just going to stand over it with his bow.

Speaker 4:

Alright, yeah, and that's it for my turn.

Speaker 2:

How much damage total did you do?

Speaker 4:

Oh, sorry, that's plus 10 on top of it. Let's see Custom roll 14, 19, 29.

Speaker 2:

29 damage 29. Good damage there.

Speaker 3:

For a little wooden arrow.

Speaker 4:

The ice arrow. Here's the magical ice arrows from this one.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Alright. So Hill Giant 2, seeing his buddy go down like that, bellows in frustration and he's going to take some big strikes at Moors here.

Speaker 3:

The squishiest guy is all by himself all by his lonesome in melee range.

Speaker 4:

I was abandoned and engage your hips I didn't want you to thunderstep me again you're like only ally in melee range of this giant.

Speaker 5:

With me I'm a wizard, I'll be fine. I've got such a big hit dice.

Speaker 2:

Nothing can possibly hurt me, so the first roll is only a 15, that does not hit your AC.

Speaker 1:

Not hit.

Speaker 2:

Second one's a 25.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, that might get whacked.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna get whacked, okay. So, marge, you are going to take and take 17 points of bludgeoning damage.

Speaker 6:

I'm fine, whatever I'm great Brandon, can you describe Morse's vertebrae as he absorbs this blow?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's going to get some disability from the VA. This below. Yeah, he's going to get some disability from the VA In like five years.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, in like four to five years. That's a long processing time. So, monty, as you saw, there was another hill giant on this road running towards you and he is very, he is very angry. As she comes, running straight down towards Nines, because she no longer sees you, she's going to make some attacks at Nines here. Oh, no, nine. The first one is a 19. Ooh, not quite, not quite. Second one is a 19. Ooh, not quite, not quite. Second one is a 22.

Speaker 6:

Ah, fuck me.

Speaker 2:

So you're going to take You're going to take 28 points of damage, holy.

Speaker 6:

Well, good thing, my fleshy muscles are so absorbent.

Speaker 2:

Mors what you got, Fleshy flesh.

Speaker 5:

Just in case this triggers and all that, do you guys want me to trigger some speaking rage or more? It does not Horse bed moors themselves totally fine, Buddy, totally fine.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, check so in my head, based off what you've shown before, you know your companions can handle a good beating. Sure, you know that he can handle himself, but you don't like the fact that these helpless animals, these helpless people keep getting hurt and your companions when they do get dangerously hurt. That's what enrages you. Right now, nobody is dangerously hurt. Am I wrong on that?

Speaker 3:

I mean, they were also downed Right. The Monty and the horse were put down on the ground and the horse was killed. So that's I mean Nines, just took a punch.

Speaker 2:

Bold Yeller style.

Speaker 5:

I don't want to have that.

Speaker 2:

Bro, as you know, first time DM. I'm just making shit up as I go. How long have you been saying that? Like three years now. That's fine. I think I can use it until the end of my first real campaign. Yes, I think that is actually.

Speaker 3:

You're never going to let this thing end. Are you On page?

Speaker 6:

257 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.

Speaker 2:

All right Beansprout, he is still pulling the hair of Hill Giant 2.

Speaker 5:

He's going to scurry up higher and try to get towards the ears. He's gonna wet-wet his giant. Okay, alright, I'm taking the help action before we land on the center For Hill.

Speaker 2:

Giant 2. Understood action for hill giants. You understood moore's, you're up. You just got hit pretty hard by this hill giant how did he hit me by the? Way. Uh, he hit you with the club. It was just a glancing blow, otherwise you'd probably be crushed.

Speaker 5:

Alright, good, I hope you maintain concentration anymore. So Morse is feeling a little dark on the inside.

Speaker 5:

So he says, uh, he looks like he straightens himself up and kind of like holds his shoulder where he got bonked. And he looks up at this hill giant and he says if you want to behave like an animal, you can dance like one. He takes his hand and he slams it down on the ground and like a big purple wave goes out from around him in all directions. And I need both hill giants to Reading, thinking cheese creature and see within range, because atomic dance oh, I don't think, oh, I don't think it can save.

Speaker 5:

It doesn't even get a save. It doesn't get a save. It says that giants start dancing. I cast Otto's Irresistible Dance on both giants.

Speaker 3:

It says wisdom 16.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it says save 16.

Speaker 5:

Choose one creature you see in range, the target begins a comic dance in place, shuffling, tapping at speeds, capering for the duration. On its turn it can make a wizening saving throw. It doesn't get a chance before that. This spell just works. It is a level 6 spell, so it makes sense.

Speaker 2:

Okay, both Giants start dancing.

Speaker 6:

One creature or multiple creatures.

Speaker 2:

Well, he isn't.

Speaker 5:

Oh Right, right, right.

Speaker 6:

Twice, Twice right.

Speaker 3:

Twice twice yup.

Speaker 6:

That's how it works, which is pretty wrong.

Speaker 2:

You've seen mosh pits. Okay, yeah, so it does have a reaction. It's going to make an attack roll against you At disadvantage. You said First one is a plus eight, that's 26. And the second one is a plus eight, that's twenty-six, and the second one is a twenty-two Okay.

Speaker 6:

I'm sorry, there were two attacks Just one.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But it was disadvantage. It was disadvantage. Oh, so that is, that's a 14 points of damage. So, for your save, no 14 points of damage so, so for your your 10.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, 10. Yep, that is a 6. Con Wait, con save. I thought it was a wisdom. I thought concentration was a wisdom, save yeah it's a constitution saving throw Alright.

Speaker 1:

They stopped dancing, okay.

Speaker 2:

So, glenn, you're up, buddy, okay.

Speaker 3:

So, Glenn, you're up, buddy Alright. So Glenn will close back in with Hill Giant number two and as he's dancing around, he likes to dance, he will attack for the short period of time that the Hill Giant. He's dancing around, he likes to dance. He will attack for the short period of time that the hill giant was dancing. He will attack with a kaboom the hill giant number two.

Speaker 2:

Yep, you got some bean sprout 23.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I'm assuming it's a hit yes.

Speaker 1:

So he takes 40 points of damage for 0 points of damage. Lots of damage.

Speaker 2:

Alright, this giant's looking a little worse for wear. He's bleeding pretty profusely. He's not holding his club as rigid as he did before.

Speaker 1:

I'm not sure if I can get him to die, but I'm not sure if I can get him to die.

Speaker 3:

Uh, okay, alright.

Speaker 2:

He's still alive. Keep going. Okay, monty, you're up, buddy.

Speaker 3:

Oh, so I'm not done.

Speaker 2:

I was just Okay so.

Speaker 3:

How do I get it out from? Okay, so Glenn will. Since Glenn he will move back, he will move back away from Hill Giant. Number two about what, dude? Oh yeah, to about 15 feet, 18 feet away from the giant.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yep, that's it. I want to use my telekinetic show on a giant to see if I can do it, but but I can't see it better than right continue all right, monty, you're up.

Speaker 4:

Alright. So Monty is going to kind of scamper over here next to Mors. He's going to be kind of south of Hill Giant number 3 and directly west of Hill Giant number 2. And he pulls up his bow again and he says uh to moors. He says these things keep coming. I hope there's no more in these hills and he's gonna fire. Uh, I guess he's gonna start because he kind of wants to kill hill giant number two, but he doesn't want to waste two shots. He's gonna kill him because it looks like he's kind of dead. So I will start with a single attack, again using the sharpshooter feat, and he's my favorite foe, so I kind of want to hit him. Anyways, I'm going to shoot at him with my Bow of the Winter Hunter. So that is a 19.

Speaker 2:

That does hit.

Speaker 4:

Does hit. So again it's going to do a d4 of cold damage, a d6 for favored foe, a d8 for the weapon, plus 15 on top of this roll right here. Damage total is 26.

Speaker 2:

Please describe to me how you killed this giant.

Speaker 4:

He shoots him right in the neck.

Speaker 2:

Oh. Yes, as the arrow comes straight at him and penetrates his larynx. You see the hill giant claw feebly at the arrow as he falls to his knees still trying to grasp. And as he finally gets a hold of the bloody arrow with his right hand, he collapses forward, pushing the arrow even further into his throat, extending through the back of his neck Awesome.

Speaker 4:

Okay, and then Monty's going to turn his attention with his second shot to Hill Giant number three. This will not be his favorite foe, so it won't be quite as cool and he will do 14.

Speaker 2:

Does it hit.

Speaker 4:

Hit is 14. That does hit, that does hit.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so we get one of those.

Speaker 4:

A 9 plus 4 plus 10 gives a total of 23 points of damage to hill giant number three 23.

Speaker 5:

what's up, justin, I would like to take a reaction when you guys are ready oh okay, uh yeah, monty's, monty's done, go right ahead now that monty's standing next to the verse again as he makes his attack, morris reaches under his poncho and produces a small drop.

Speaker 1:

It's a good hit.

Speaker 4:

I love this thing.

Speaker 5:

Are going to take up. You're going to take six.

Speaker 4:

Six damage. I'll take it. I'm pretty sure I get an attack. You get another. Yeah, six, six damage.

Speaker 5:

I'll take it my first year getting under attack I forgot all about this.

Speaker 4:

I did not so for brandon, because he's probably never seen this it's a little magical item up in here and so there's this thing that ongoing. I give your team as many magical items as they want, because they'll never remember to use them. So Brandon keeps giving us these things, like the rock paper scissors thing was just coming super handy. This little it's. It's a hand on A stick and if you hit somebody with it it does quite a bit of damage, but they get to take another one.

Speaker 6:

These six yeah.

Speaker 5:

The trick is that I have to be standing next to somebody who actually hits with an attack roll, so when Monty keeps running away from me, I can't use it but I ran back to him.

Speaker 4:

I mean I figured running close to Mors would be beneficial. I completely forgot about this one. But hey, I'm going to shoot twice again at my new target, so let's go ahead and do that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I'm just going to drop this in the chat for you, so you can see it.

Speaker 4:

It's a good recap for all of our listeners that are just like what the heck is going on here. What's it called?

Speaker 3:

It is called Gluteus maximus smaximus where did you drop that, or did you?

Speaker 2:

drop it. Yet I'm dropping in the chat right now yeah, where?

Speaker 4:

where did morse get this from? Was this, uh, one of the going casino lottery? He got it from the vendor no, I got this from the skeleton when we were in the, yeah, the skeleton vendor, yeah yeah got it well, like a snake belt or something like that and a dragon or rock yeah yeah, we've got a lot of little fun, little magical, magical items.

Speaker 2:

This one's, this one's good this is coming out of the most useful, yeah stand next to me, dude I'm not supposed to be closelee.

Speaker 4:

I'm over here, trying not to get smashed in the face.

Speaker 5:

Everyone's like oh, this witcher's not wearing armor.

Speaker 4:

Monty wants to be a melee champion until he gets hit the first time he realizes how silly that idea is because he just took 40-something points of damage. Yeah, and if?

Speaker 5:

you run away from me, I can teleport you to freedom. It's better than a 40, man Like come on.

Speaker 4:

All right, I'll stand next to you. Monty looks over his shoulder and goes whoo. And he swings again for does a 23,? Does a 23 hit?

Speaker 2:

It actually does not hit.

Speaker 4:

Does not hit okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it hits.

Speaker 4:

All right, so yeah, we'll go ahead and do.

Speaker 6:

Sorry, no prime numbers.

Speaker 1:

A new bad guy idea. Thank you, Brandon.

Speaker 4:

That was only 22 damage that time Okay all right, and the next attack at that one.

Speaker 2:

Ooh, that's an eight, that's not going to hit. That does not hit.

Speaker 4:

All right, there we go.

Speaker 2:

All right, all right, nines. So first off, nines, you're facing this giant, this hill giant, but you do see a couple arrows smack into him and you hear Monty from behind you, exclaim Ooh.

Speaker 6:

Uh, just like the simulations, yeah. So, in the absence of anything to pontificate over, I think Nines will just punch this third hill giant right in his stupid face Probably not his face, I mean, I can jump. Pretty sure I could land a hit on his face. Okay, no, that's good. Rolled a 15 plus 8 for 23. That does hit Hell. Yeah, damage is 6 plus 4 for 10. And then, second attack, 16 plus 8 for 24. All right, on a roll baby.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, 16 plus 8 for 24, alright on a roll, baby.

Speaker 6:

Oh yeah, got an 8 on that d8 plus 4 for 12 points of damage ooh yeah, the hill giant screams in rage as you're just pummeling him uh, actually, because I landed, or because I used the second, or because I used the second or because I attacked, I can Stunning Strike, and I think this is what you were talking about, justin. When you hit with a melee weapon attack, you can spend one ki point to make the target stunned until the end of your next turn. If it fails, a con saving throw ac 15, so I will make that second attack a stunning strike okay, uh, hill giants fun fact, this is this and strength, the only two things.

Speaker 6:

It's good at I bet, but it's worth a shot absolutely, it does save with a 21. Very well, then I will use my bonus action to simply unarm strike. Okay, oh, that just rolled over to an 18 from a 2. So that's a 26.

Speaker 2:

Does hit.

Speaker 6:

And I rolled a 5 on that damage die for a 26. Does hit and a roll to 5 on that damage die for a 9.

Speaker 2:

9 for 9s there we go. There we go, Alright. So yeah, this hill giant's pretty pissed off that you did that, so he's gonna bring his club straight over his head and come down smashing at you. 9s.

Speaker 6:

Please don't so making two attacks.

Speaker 2:

the first is a 25, bring his club straight over his head and come down smashing at you, nines, please don't. So. You're making two attacks the first is a 25 and the second is a 20. So he's hitting you with both.

Speaker 6:

I don't think. Yeah, I don't have any reactions or anything that can help me with this, so I guess I'm going to take the full brunt.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so you're going to. For the first attack, you're going to take 23 points of damage. I do not like that, sir. And for the second attack, you're going to take that better not be more than 18. Well, I'm sorry, that's 19 points of damage, all right.

Speaker 6:

So that takes out my last 18 hit points and nines goes down.

Speaker 2:

We are in death rolls.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, death roll territory.

Speaker 2:

All right, beansprout. Beansprout has successfully traveled down this hill giant from giving a wet willy from hill giant 2 after he collapses.

Speaker 3:

He got an elevator ride down.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he did, and he's ready to go, so it's Beansprout's turn.

Speaker 5:

Have you guys seen that video of the raccoon who's hiding in the tree and the tree goes down and it's like it's flicked out of it? Yes, so mechanically Be, because in that video of the record the steps technically the river and over, and I can't for visual purposes, as a joke, hilltrips, land sounds like a great thing. Need for a little appreciate. Over to the other. Take a look at it.

Speaker 3:

Over to the other hill giant for funsies he's going to take action, not on knives, for sure, glenn's going to do his best.

Speaker 2:

Glenn has 40. I don't think Glenn has that. He has 30 feet of walking speed.

Speaker 5:

He's got a key rogue.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, okay, make it better. Other things Okay.

Speaker 5:

He's gonna take the assist, no help, action on Monty's ear and next to his, so he's gonna provide he's gonna like. As he's flying through the air, he's just got his little claws out and reaching and ends up grabbing on the lobe of this giant's ear as he's flying through the air and just kind of grabs on and kind of twirls around this giant's head as he tries not to fly through the air too much more.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yep, he successfully grapples the hill giant and is on his head.

Speaker 3:

The raccoon successfully grapples the hill giant. It's not something you'd hear, hell yeah.

Speaker 5:

Just out of curiosity, how much of these clubs are carrying?

Speaker 2:

They're trees. That is definitely more than 5 pounds. How much more than 5 pounds? Well, let me find out. Um, okay, so the average pine tree weighs 30 to 50 pounds per cubic foot.

Speaker 5:

Okay, Are these whole trees or are these like?

Speaker 2:

These are pretty much whole trees right.

Speaker 5:

That's what I described at the beginning. Are these whole trees or are these like? Are there any loose articles that the whole giant dude who just died? Does he have any trinkets or anything that are loose on him that could launch?

Speaker 2:

a jewel.

Speaker 5:

He does have a few pieces of bone jewelry on him. Is there anything that weighs about 15 pounds? I'd like to launch something that weighs about 15 pounds on this giant His dick Like a femur or something, something that's not attached, just his dick.

Speaker 2:

You gotta rip it off and use a.

Speaker 5:

If you're willing to let me catapult a dick, I'm gonna fucking do it.

Speaker 2:

This is a new one for a D&D story. We're catapulting dicks. A cockapult, a cockapult. So his bone necklace has a some sort of animal leg on it. You could probably launch at it. It weighs about 10 pounds, the necklace itself, but it is attached to his neck.

Speaker 5:

Alright, instead of the necklace itself, but it is attached to his neck, cast Massacura Wounds using his staff, so it has a range, a 30-foot radius, so I think I can hit. Did you take any damage there? No, no, okay, I didn't hear you. I'm sorry so. I'm gonna focus that right between myself and knives and that's going to hit every creature, Six creatures within a 30-foot radius. Each creature gains 3d8. That's my scope caster. I'm going to fire so 3d8.

Speaker 6:

so do you roll that per target, or do you roll?

Speaker 5:

one and everybody gets that I was just gonna do one for everyone yeah, I'm good with one.

Speaker 2:

It's one spell right. Does that give my nines 19 health or does it just stabilize him and give him 1?

Speaker 6:

It gives me 19.

Speaker 2:

So, nines, you are prone, but you're back from saving throws. Mors is unhappy. Past turn Glenn, you're up.

Speaker 3:

So how bad does this hill giant look?

Speaker 2:

He looks miffed more than anything.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

You said she right.

Speaker 2:

Yes, she.

Speaker 3:

So this is probably not going to have any mechanical effect. We're going to do it just for fun, alright. So Glenn is going to have any um mechanical effect? We're going to do it just for fun, all right. So glenn is going to run. He's going to use his um rogue feature to use a bonus action to double his movement speed, or it's actually a dash action. But what he's going to do is he's going to run and land and hit the giant three With a kaboom. So what you see is you see Glenn take off, running like a madman, step on the chest of the giant Number two as a spring, as a spring, jump up and you see these wings just appear behind him and he glides down and stabs with a kaboom into Hill Giant 3.

Speaker 2:

And for our listeners. How are the wings coming about?

Speaker 3:

So I have a cloak that is basically made of bright silver feathers Goose feathers to be specific and one of the actions it has is for a reaction it can turn into wings that I can glide with. So that's what he's doing.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Do I get style points?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you get all the style points. Doesn't do anything for your combat 21.

Speaker 3:

So at least I hit.

Speaker 2:

It does hit.

Speaker 3:

All right, 44 points of damage oof the fuck sneak attack, my man sneak attack and oh yeah. So the other thing that I failed to mention, that I got at 11th level was booming blade. Now does 2d8 points of thunder damage on the initial attack and 3d8 on the subsequent movement attack if they move.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so this Hill Giant's looking pretty hurt. It's not feeling good.

Speaker 3:

All right, all right, so then Glenn will, then we'll take two, go ten feet south. So, To use up the last of my movement. I had 60. I used 50 to get there and then used my last 10.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but isn't it a reaction for you to what is it? Fancy footwork, fancy footwork, okay no, it's, uh.

Speaker 3:

Is it rakish audacity? It gives me the no, sneak it or no attack of opportunity are you asking about the movement speed, Brando, or the reaction?

Speaker 6:

Disengage. Some sort of disengage action If you make a melee attack against a creature that creature can make an opportunity attack.

Speaker 2:

Okay, that's what it is. I just wanted to make sure it didn't need a reaction or anything like that. It just happens. Nope, nice.

Speaker 4:

Monty, you're up okay. So Monty's gonna kind of look over his shoulder with his bow drawn at Morse and kind of give him a little panic look, and then he's gonna yell over to Nines and say, nines, get out of there. And he's going to go ahead and shoot at Hill Giant number 3 twice Again using a sharpshooter. Feat All those good things Advantage on the first one, thank you. So that is a 22, which I'll hit. And so this Actually do click that button there. So 12 bow damage, 1 cold damage, plus that's 13,. So plus 10 is 23 damage on the first shot.

Speaker 4:

Okay, describe to me how you kill this giant Hell yeah, this one, monty's not trying to do anything fancy, he just wants this thing dead. So he's kind of shooting him center mass Okay.

Speaker 3:

How did you kill the giant? Shot it in the throat.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so Montier, he's worried about nines, and he doesn't want to try anything fancy, he just wants to get this thing dead as fast as possible because he knows nines is not looking good. Yeah, you see it. Thud into the.

Speaker 2:

You see the arrow thud into the hill giant's chest and the hill giant's chest and the hill giant's gasping for air. He doesn't seem to be able to catch it and you hear a wheezing sound escape its throat as it falls to the ground dead and hill giant four comes over the crest.

Speaker 6:

So a couple things happen at this point A second pack of hill giants.

Speaker 2:

So as the hill giant falls, you hear kind of a cold, icy voice go over the terrain. You just hear no.

Speaker 6:

And as you all look up on the crest near you, what you see is this Well, that looks like a huge creature that says Frost, giant, everlasting, flanked by two large direwolves.

Speaker 4:

All larger than us all larger than you.

Speaker 2:

So, um, for our listeners, um, and for our players, what you see is you see two large dire wolves, uh, up on this hill and they're. They're large, powerful creatures, larger than ordinary wolves. They typically weigh about 700 pounds. Uh, nine feet from nose to tail. You can tell that they're large, powerful creatures, larger than ordinary wolves. They typically weigh about 700 pounds, nine feet from nose to tail. You can tell that they're extremely muscular and powerful. Most of you have heard tales of their agility and how quickly and quietly they can move. Both dire wolves' fur are thick, white and gray fur. They don't really blend in with the terrain around it. And standing in the middle you see a large, uh, imposing creature. It stands larger than the hill, it's taller than the hill giants that you saw before, about 20 feet tall. Um, they, they have very. This creature has a very pale blue skin till. It's translucent and icy. He's wearing a headdress of some large creature's horns and, after screaming no across the battlefield, he turns and walks away from the hillcrest, with the two direwolves following it closely.

Speaker 4:

Well, monty's just going to shoot at him. Then I have one more, just kidding what? No, it's not the point. Well, monty's just gonna shoot at him. Then I have one more attack, just kidding mine's just like no no no, I know that's not the point, but okay.

Speaker 3:

I think we can take him.

Speaker 4:

Morris, grab the hand, sticky thing, smack my butt again, give it to me.

Speaker 6:

Give it to me, big boy. Give it to me now.

Speaker 1:

Smack my ass.

Speaker 2:

What you see on the battlefield is William. The horse is sprawled across the rock, not moving or breathing. Monty, I do forget your horse's name. Do you remember Thunderhoofs? Thunderhoofs is down. You can hear it whinnying and neighing. He's hurt but he's moving on the ground. The other horses are okay at the moment. The other, the hill giants, are down, not moving at all, and Nines is looking a little worse for wares.

Speaker 4:

And they exploded into gold. The hill giants.

Speaker 2:

And you see the hill giants start glowing and I'm going to need everybody to make a con save. No, I'm just kidding Bill, I'm kidding Bill.

Speaker 6:

They all explode, they all blow up.

Speaker 3:

So Glenn just dives on it and eats the thing and purposely fails the save and dies.

Speaker 5:

Shout out a warning in Dwarvish.

Speaker 6:

Before we wrap up, may I use my wholeness of body action to regain 33 hit points.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 5:

So, before we.

Speaker 2:

We're not there yet, but yeah. Okay, I will let, oh, I'm done describing the scene, but we're not done closing up just yet.

Speaker 3:

If you guys want to do things, Then we'll inspect the horse and see if William is alive.

Speaker 2:

William is not alive. There's no pulse, no breath, nothing. Go ahead, horse.

Speaker 5:

I was just going to ask if the actions we're doing aren't going to be strenuous for now. Can we start a short rest while we do these things?

Speaker 6:

I'll leave you by it. Thanks for the game.

Speaker 3:

Have fun.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

No, I'm not going to say healing yourselves and looting bodies. You cannot take a short rest during.

Speaker 5:

Well, healing is a short rest thing, right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, short rest does restore hit points.

Speaker 3:

I'm not missing any.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I'm good with taking a short rest if we want to take a short rest here, even after we go through and loot bodies and do that kind of thing.

Speaker 3:

I mean, Glenn doesn't need a short rest, so he didn't use any expended. He didn't use anything except for normal. Didn't use a spell I didn't use and the wings are, except for normal. Didn't use a spell I didn't use and the wings are unused, so there is no limit, okay, so maybe you can use it, though glenn's glenn is kind of so.

Speaker 3:

Oh so what I'm saying is you guys can do the short rest and glenn will go around and loot the bodies because you know he's trustworthy and all um. But uh, just so you guys short rest and Glenn will go around and loot the bodies because he's trustworthy and all, but just so you guys can rest and try to get a hold of yourselves. The only thing he can't do is there's nothing he can do for William and Emberhoof. He has one healing spell. You're probably way better suited to fix Emberhoof than Thunderhoof.

Speaker 3:

What did I say? Emberhoof? Oh yeah, Thunderhoof.

Speaker 4:

Then who's Thunderhoof? What did I say, emberhoof?

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, Thunderhoof.

Speaker 4:

Oh, because.

Speaker 3:

Emberhoof is mine.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, before Monty. Monty's kind of looking over the hill giant at his feet, but he's going to walk over to where his fallen mount was, which is literally right next to where Glenn was, and is going to go ahead and cast uh cure wounds on him, because can he target an animal with that?

Speaker 2:

it's a touch spell yeah, yeah, it says a creature yep creature.

Speaker 4:

so he's going to go ahead and cast Cure Wounds, so do you have animal handling and all that stuff, animal handling and nature and all that stuff.

Speaker 3:

So I would just make sure that you're using that stuff to set the broken bones and all that before you cast the.

Speaker 4:

Cure, I do have a plus five to my nature, and my animal handling is plus six. So yeah, if Monty were approached, wanting to put him in his best position, what would you want to do first?

Speaker 2:

No, I'm going to say Cure Wounds is a magical spell, right. It's going to automatically set and mend the bones as it goes.

Speaker 4:

And he's not going to cast Speak with Animals, but he is going be, just, you know, talking to thunder hoof and say it's okay, boy, I got you, and he's going to give him back eight hit points all right.

Speaker 2:

So you hear the bones start mending and and knitting it back into place. Uh, the external wounds start closing and a bunch of cracks of the bones as they start setting and Thunderhoof stumbles to his feet and he tippy taps a little bit. You can see him testing out his legs and then he roughly slams his head into the side of you as like it's a thankful gesture. He's just very excited. So it looks good all right yeah, yeah, looks all good yeah, all right, so good I'm glad you're feeling well.

Speaker 4:

You're very welcome. You might have to uh help care my friend moore's over there as well, but I believe you should be up to a task he's got some antlers, but I believe you should be up to a task he's got some antlers, baby, I don't need a horse, that's true. That's the other magic item I was like somebody's got handlers uh is there anything else anybody wants to do? I think short, yeah, probably is in order Looting some bodies.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

looting who's?

Speaker 2:

short resting.

Speaker 4:

Wishing we should have gone down the river apparently.

Speaker 3:

Glenn will start looting and he will be, as he's pulling stuff off, without knowing anything about what's on him.

Speaker 5:

He's just going to pull off and start piling stuff near the people that are short rest okay morris is definitely going to take the short rest and heal and recover some spell slots, but during during that he spends a lot of time like going over and trying to like pretty up the body of a, of a william who just died for him, and uh trying to like William who just died for him and uh trying to like you can't bury him, he's a big fucking horse, but you know, trying to like pay some respects and then meditate a little bit and talk and like cuddle Beansprout to make himself feel better. Okay, well then start Go ahead.

Speaker 5:

I expand a bunch of hit dice and I have a feature that lets me get six spell slots worth of spell slots back, except for level five or below spell slots.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

It looks like they changed the short rest mechanic on D&D Beyond. How exactly does this work? You get to choose a number of the dice that you want to recover health-wise on how exactly does this work?

Speaker 5:

you get to choose a number of the dice that you want to recover health wise.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you have to spend hit dice and then they are rolled for hp that recover, and you only so I have a total of 11 hit dice so I can get 11 up to 11 per long rest, essentially in the form of short rest.

Speaker 5:

I think you get D10 as a ranger.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, D10 plus one.

Speaker 3:

That's just crazy, you have one hit point more than me.

Speaker 2:

I'm a rogue. I'm a rogue, alright, so that is where we are going. Oh, sorry, glenn, you are piling up items that you found.

Speaker 3:

Yep, and he'll take everything off of the hill giants and then he'll start butchering them.

Speaker 2:

Oh no, I'm just kidding, I'm not doing that Alright. So what you pull off in some of the loincloths of the giants, you find a total of four gold pieces and 20 silver. You find a bunch of bone jewelry, including one that's hums. As you touch it. It's a necklace with a small animal skull in the middle of it, and you find the trees themselves.

Speaker 3:

and that's about it okay, um, glenn, hey, he probably won't even think about it. He'll just put the gold in his pouch because it's nothing to speak of really. Um, but then he will hand. He'll walk over and drop the humming necklace, trying not to disturb Mors while he's meditating, resting whatever he's doing. He'll just kind of drop it next to him.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And all the other jewelry. He'll just pile all that shit. He's not interested in any of that really, because I'm guessing it doesn't look good.

Speaker 2:

No, none of it looks good. It's all small animal bones.

Speaker 3:

So he's just frustrated that nobody even commented on his awesome aerial maneuver. That's it.

Speaker 5:

Or it's distracting During the time. Would I have enough downtime to cast, identify on this, identify and or detect magic on this necklace as a ritual?

Speaker 2:

You've got like an hour. Yeah, yeah you can cast identify.

Speaker 4:

Okay, I do so this amulet is called.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, you can cast identify. Okay, alright. So this amulet is called the Amulet of Lost Voices. So what it does is, once per long rest, you can use it as long as you have it equipped. Once per long rest, you can use it to speak to a corpse, to one corpse Most corpses. Now, that being said, you know that most corpses, if you kill it, won't be willing to speak to you. So it's got to be a corpse that you do not kill, or you or your companions do not kill.

Speaker 4:

Interesting, challenge it to a game of rock that persists.

Speaker 5:

Does that require a spell slot or? Is it a too much slot.

Speaker 2:

No, it does not.

Speaker 5:

So when Morris finishes casting on this, he's gonna look around to see if anybody's near him.

Speaker 4:

Uh, so just like to share what you found. I'm gonna be standing right there next to you resting hey, uh, kind of unexpected.

Speaker 5:

this, this necklace that these giants are carrying he'll hold it up in front of him allows the wearer to speak with a corpse, although it doesn't seem to work with any corpse that was deceased due to the wearer's actions or their party.

Speaker 4:

I can understand they might be a little bit. How should you say not willing to talk to you if you just got done killing them?

Speaker 5:

What does this necklace look like, Brandon?

Speaker 2:

So what it looks like? It is what looks like a small squirrel or chipmunk skull in the middle of it with a bunch of smaller bones, which they look like to be made up of arm and leg bones of the same creature, strung along one string that goes around the back of your neck.

Speaker 5:

Okay, so Mors will hold it out for a second, in case anybody's willing to take it from him and if they don't, pregnant pods.

Speaker 3:

Glenn will kind of look at Mors and say you're the one that likes talking to things.

Speaker 5:

I do. I think I'm not the only one, but he'll go ahead and put it on his neck anyways.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, monty will just simply say I wonder if he slaps his god-killer bracers together? He says I wonder, if I kill a god, would you still be able to talk to it afterwards?

Speaker 5:

Well, I think if I'm with you then no, Because you'd be in that party and then it would be a lot of fun.

Speaker 4:

You have a good point.

Speaker 5:

Is that a custom item, Brendan?

Speaker 2:

It is actually from Baldur's Gate 3.

Speaker 3:

I thought it might be, so it's basically it gives the speak with dead.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, speak with dead.

Speaker 5:

So I guess what I'm asking is I can't find that in the built-in item system in this here.

Speaker 2:

No, it's a custom-made. Baldur's Gate 3 item.

Speaker 4:

No problem, I'll just add it and then modify it as soon as I find out where I put it, while Monty's kind of just chilling there next to Morris. He's going to kind of say should we continue down this path? I believe we are going to run into that thrush giant and his pet puppy dogs further up into these hills. Should we reconsider? I'm assuming at this point Glenn's kind of wandered his way over as well too, and Nines as well.

Speaker 5:

I feel really torn. I wish we didn't have to fight these guys. It sounds like they just don't want to be eaten, and I understand that. Sounds like they just don't want to be eaten, and I understand that.

Speaker 4:

I don't know.

Speaker 3:

Glenn would probably have laughed at that.

Speaker 4:

I don't know what the Frost Giant has beef with us. Is it somebody that you recognize? Either you know him.

Speaker 5:

Can I make? A history, or like religion, check to see if there was anybody I knew, or Arcane even something that, as a collector or like a famed I guess we ran into a frost giant once before, but it's not likely for us, was it?

Speaker 3:

the same kind of frost giant that we ran into before we killed that frost giant in the past. Life alternate timeline I said yeah, same kind, same same type oh, the everlasting.

Speaker 5:

I think it is it, is it?

Speaker 2:

uh, it is the same creature you faced before, not not the same creature, sorry.

Speaker 4:

The same type of creature okay, we have to kill it again. That was a hard fight last time and now we're level.

Speaker 2:

You're much lower level I mean, yeah, this time it has two dire wolves with it, but Was it a hard fight?

Speaker 5:

Monty Was it.

Speaker 3:

I don't remember you weren't there.

Speaker 5:

Oh, he was present for some of it.

Speaker 2:

I know. And then he fucking ran Until he ran.

Speaker 4:

So I ran to get away and go around the backside, but by the time I came back it was dead. Morrison killed him.

Speaker 3:

I'm pretty sure that even we just had a good chance of killing it, even if it had attacked with the two direwolves. Now.

Speaker 2:

Alright, so in your current state, I think that'd be a rough fight.

Speaker 3:

Totally healthy.

Speaker 2:

Totally healthy. So that's where we're going to call it for the night. I want to say thank you to everybody for following us, liking us, giving us ideas. It means a lot. Make sure you're following us on Facebook. At facebookcom slash ADNDstory. Make sure you're following us on Facebook. At facebookcom slash AD&D story. Retweet us on Twitter at at ADD story 2. Make sure you're following us on Instagram. At instagramcom slash AD&D story. And finally, check us out on Patreon at patreoncom slash AD&D story.

Speaker 2:

Like I mentioned before and twice before, actually Justin is a DM over there much better DM than I am, so go check him out if you like all the background noises and sound effects that you're hearing during. Justin is a DM over there, much better DM than I am Just different. So go check him out If you like all the background noises and sound effects that you're hearing during these episodes. Make sure you check out Sirenscape at Sirenscapecom for all your tabletop needs. I use it for my in-person sessions as well. It really does set the mood and the atmosphere. Oh, you're just itching your beard.

Speaker 5:

I thought you were trying to tell me like speak up or something.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm just itching.

Speaker 5:

And finally, Justin, if you want to take us out tonight, I will. I'm a little salty about it, but that's all right.

Speaker 2:

It's been nerdy, it's been nerdy, it's been nerdy.

Speaker 1:

All right, we're done Bye. So is the truth, what's happening? Thank you for watching.