A D&D Story

Episode 74: Mystery Hunts and Magical Laughs

September 02, 2024 A D&D Story Season 1 Episode 74

Ever wondered what it's like to solve a mystery in a world brimming with magic, psychic powers, and ancient creatures? Join us, Brandon the IrishWookie, Bill, Justin, Brandon and Matti, as we unravel the captivating and often hilarious tapestry of our D&D adventures. Kick back and laugh along as we tackle the quirks of D&D, from the normalization of bizarre occurrences to the hilarious repetition of phrases. We also give a shout-out to Travis Hansen's "Life of the Party: Realities of an RPGer," a Facebook page filled with RPG humor that perfectly complements our journey.

This episode transports you to the bustling Wildwood Arms and Enchantments, where our investigation into the Lantern Ghost Killer unfolds. Meet fascinating characters like Pyla, Master Refram, and Eleanor as we dig into a compelling mix of wrongful executions and potential cult activities. The eerie Hope and Ears Asylum beckons, revealing unsettling encounters, psychic visions of an ancient Aboleth, and a looming crystal army. Despite the tension, our group's camaraderie and humor shine through, making for an unforgettable adventure.

As the episode crescendos at the asylum, disturbing visions and an intense search for answers keep us on edge. But it's not all doom and gloom; we wrap up with a warm breakfast at the Bardrock Cafe, savoring Glenn's culinary skills and planning our next moves. Join us for a blend of mystery, humor, and camaraderie that will leave you eager for more. Don't forget to connect with us on social media and share your thoughts—your support and ideas make our adventures even more exciting!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the Ring-a-long ring-a-long, ring-a-long, ring-a-long, ring-a-long, ring-a-long, ring-a-long, ring-a-long.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you get used to seeing things and hearing voices. It just becomes normal.

Speaker 3:

Welcome to D&D Story. I am Brandon, the Irish Wookiee, and with me today is Bill. Hello I saw you flip up your microphone and then you remembered you were going to be speaking.

Speaker 2:

Yep, this is Bill. I play Glenn the half-elf rogue swashbuckler.

Speaker 3:

And Brandon, oh hi.

Speaker 4:

Brandon, hi, I play Nines, the elven monk.

Speaker 3:

And Justin.

Speaker 5:

Hi Brendan.

Speaker 3:

Hello Justin.

Speaker 5:

Hi everybody, I'm Justin, I play Moors, and sometimes Sam S'mores is a wizard.

Speaker 4:

S'mores. S'mores is a Sam's a barbarian.

Speaker 5:

Moors is a wizard s'mores and finally maddie hi everybody, my name is maddie.

Speaker 3:

I play montoya anigo, the arctic tabaxi ranger uh, I want to say thank you to everybody for following us, liking us. Giving us ideas means a lot to us. Uh, make sure you're following us on Facebook at facebookcom. Slash ADNDstory. Retweet us on X at ADDstory2. Follow us on Instagram at ADDstory2. And finally, come visit us at patreon at patreoncom. Slash ADNDstory. Come visit us at patreon at patreoncom. Slash AD&D story. Why?

Speaker 1:

didn't you call it.

Speaker 3:

Twitter. Why didn't I call it Twitter? Yeah, I don't know. Uh, oh, I just said, retweet it, maybe he's getting to me.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, he's winning.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he implanted one of those things into my head.

Speaker 5:

An X chip.

Speaker 3:

Is that what they're called? Really? Shut up, I wouldn't be surprised but, Is it seriously?

Speaker 1:

It can't be that.

Speaker 5:

I have no idea, but that would be funny.

Speaker 3:

That would be funny.

Speaker 4:

I just want to be able to tweet my fucking thoughts, you know X.

Speaker 5:

No, it isn't.

Speaker 3:

It is, I think, any of our kids to be able to tweet my fucking thoughts, you know x. I want to take a second and shout out um a page on facebook that I've been following for a little while. Uh, she does really great or he does really great art over there. His name is travis hansen. Uh, the page is called life of the party realities of an RPGer. Does a lot of short little comics and just describing what you kind of silly things and silly event situations you get into as a RPG player whether that be a video game, tabletop or anything like that and just kind of how silly some of these circumstances that we take for granted in everyday video games and D&D. So check him out, he's really good. Give him a follow, support him a little bit, alright, not that he needs any more promotion.

Speaker 2:

But it's called a Neuralink. Oh, oh, yeah, that's right, so he named it like I probably would have named it.

Speaker 3:

What do you want to call this chip that goes into a brain, Mr Brooks?

Speaker 1:

So what is it connecting?

Speaker 3:

to in the brain, the neurons.

Speaker 2:

Neurochip. That's it. It's a chip connected to neurons, neurochip. All right, and you just said my last name. That's getting edited.

Speaker 3:

I'll definitely edit it out, but you're already on our Facebook. I am yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm one of many people following and liking. I'm not listed as a cast member.

Speaker 3:

I guess that's true. Yeah, I mean I'll edit it out, definitely Okay, so mean I'll edit it out. Definitely Okay. So why don't you all Like they can't find us? Why don't you all give me a roll for recap?

Speaker 4:

Let's go, baby.

Speaker 3:

Hey, 15. These are much better rolls than last time.

Speaker 6:

Uh-oh, we're getting ourselves into.

Speaker 3:

Okay, alright, alright.

Speaker 2:

I got an 11.

Speaker 3:

15, 15, 11.

Speaker 6:

Why is my thing not rolling?

Speaker 4:

I don't know you want to roll for me. So what I found is if you use, the virtual tabletop thingy.

Speaker 6:

I can't remember the name of it, you got a 15.

Speaker 2:

So everybody got 15s, except for me.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, looks like you're doing the recap, bill, didn't I do the?

Speaker 2:

recap. Yep, I did the recap last week, but sure I will go ahead.

Speaker 5:

You did Well the recap last week, but sure Did you, I did. You did 3.31. Well, not last week, last episode.

Speaker 3:

You are correct. Yeah, that's on me, Bill. I want the other three of you to re-roll.

Speaker 2:

I could do it again and not use my expiration.

Speaker 5:

Expiration 18, 16, 7.

Speaker 3:

Who got that 7? Oh nice, ChadGPT got a 7.

Speaker 4:

ChadGPT got a 7. Well, I actually I've asked it twice now and it just isn't giving me anything, uh-oh.

Speaker 6:

It does that sometimes, where it literally just will stop responding.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I hit enter and it's just like yeah, it's not even Like, it's not even sending. How far back do I need to go here? Oh my God, I wrote a lot.

Speaker 5:

We started by showing up at the Wildwood Arms and Enchantment.

Speaker 6:

Yes, you have all that listed in episode 73.

Speaker 2:

What do you have for 73? Or 72, I mean?

Speaker 6:

72 message to Azor about the horses.

Speaker 2:

Do you have two episode 73s no?

Speaker 5:

Most of episode 73 at the post office.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 6:

Okay, that's 72. I don't know what's going on, but I've got it fixed now.

Speaker 5:

Let's see I go straight from 70 to 73. I think Brandon broke some up.

Speaker 2:

I went from 43 to 73, so Nice 70 was a bunch of combat.

Speaker 5:

According to my notes, that might have been two episodes.

Speaker 6:

If you're not having any luck, Brandon, I can take this one.

Speaker 4:

Well, I mean, it's all written out, I just have to comb through it. So the Wildwood Arms and Enchantments, that's when we yeah, we showed up right there.

Speaker 4:

So we met with Pyla at the Wildwood Arms. Yeah, right, yes, just making sure I'm in the right spot. You are in the right spot. And so Pyla was a, a Pila in some way. Pila knows the party from previous encounters, but Nines was not at all familiar with them. A woman, yes, yeah, oh yeah, dark-skinned woman, short black hair, tattoos around her neck arms inside. That is her Asking about mushroom tea. Oh yeah, I remember the mushroom tea stuff. Now Pila mentions posters all over town about the Lantern ghost killer. Okay, now I remember that too.

Speaker 4:

A family member of whom wants to clear the supposed killer's name, and so we seek out Master Refram, or Thornwell. Refram is the leader of a hidden church that apparently is not the cult that was also somehow antagonizing the city, and Thornwell is an elf woman of exquisite taste. And then what happened next? As we make our way towards the docks, the quality of the surroundings drop precipitously. Good work, the cult of Thera's dune symbol keeps popping up more and more man like yeah, this isn't at all put together, but I can keep going in this vein it's very detailed here, an older gentleman, oh, crying for help, being chased by children.

Speaker 4:

Monty confronted the children and they ran away, and the old man explained that the children thought that he was friends with Jarme. What I wrote down, j-a-r-m-e.

Speaker 5:

Oh yeah, that's the name Jarme's Army. You don't remember Jarme's Army?

Speaker 4:

No, listen, I've slept since then and I don't remember even what I was drinking at the time. He claims to be Master Refram. Oh yeah, this guy was Refram. Yep, that was Refram Jarme's prior priest. And then we went to Eleanor Shack, who is the sister of the Lantern Ghost Killer and the one who was abdicating for clearing his name. She explains that Jarmi was caught standing over a body with a bloody knife in his hand. They assumed his guilt for all of the previous murders, because that makes perfect sense. The Moors offers to speak with the dead. Was that successful? Did that happen?

Speaker 5:

We didn't do it.

Speaker 4:

I don't even think we got to that point, did we? No, there was a young fisher named Rafe who showed up dead the morning after Jarmy's execution. So on top of a short incarceration of two days followed by an execution without trial, things are not adding up. And then young Rafe's body was cremated shortly after his discovery, suggesting some sort of conspiracy, and Counselor Thornwell, the elven woman of exquisite taste, suspects that another counselor that runs the docks is involved in the cover-up. The other counselor's names are Emery Noland, mr Dory, and Mr Dory Eleanor suggests talking to the militia guard who arrested Jarmy or visiting the asylum where he was held until three weeks ago. She can pay us and give us passage to Deadpelt Shadows. We take a room at a nearby pub where Thornwell will join us, and so we go to the Bardrock Cafe.

Speaker 3:

That's a good one.

Speaker 4:

Thornwell thinks there's a cult and a counselor who are probably responsible for the killings and the cover-ups, particularly Mr Dory. She also recommends that we visit the asylum and talk to Guardsman Jute and she gives us a card with her name on it that says Counselor Thornwell grants access to the asylum. And I think we came to the conclusion that there's some sort of correlation between Counselor Mr Dory and the cult. And that about catches us up.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's great, you guys took a long rest in the tavern and yeah, that's wonderful, you get some inspiration.

Speaker 6:

I thought we were holding off on taking a long rest to determine if we go talk to this guy while it's nighttime.

Speaker 3:

I have at the end of my notes that you guys took a long rest. I have not edited that episode, though, so if you guys want to play it differently, I'm down with that.

Speaker 5:

Do we know when someone's on watch? Is there a reason we're going to go at night?

Speaker 6:

Well, I thought that was one of the things we had. We had to talk to Jute at night.

Speaker 3:

I have on my notes that the party decided to go to the asylum prior to talking to Jute and we're going to take a long rest at the pub.

Speaker 6:

I thought Jute was at the asylum.

Speaker 3:

Jute is one of the constables guardsmen who found Rafe's body? And Jarme standing over not.

Speaker 1:

Rafe's body. Constable Jute is the one that found Jarme standing over, not Rafe's body.

Speaker 3:

Constable Jude is the one that found Jarmi standing over the other body, correct?

Speaker 6:

I'm okay with taking a long rest. That's just one thing I wanted to do as part of my long rest, but it's making a couple of vials of acid, but I think I can do that with a long rest got it.

Speaker 4:

Roll me a d4, d4 everybody or just me just you, everybody who is making vials of acid.

Speaker 3:

Two add two vials of acid to your inventory oh well, that's what I would add.

Speaker 6:

Anyway, it's the. It's not like I'm using the.

Speaker 3:

I know, yeah, yeah, and it makes eight ounces yep, I I read about how to deal with things like that when it ventures. And they say yeah, basically Okay, got it Emerald 1D4 during a long rest, or even a short rest, depending on what's going on.

Speaker 2:

So, as I talked about last episode, Glenn is going to practice on forging the counselor's signature and handwriting.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

During the long rest, not in front of her.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's it Right in front of her hey can you show me the little swoop thing again?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Bill, roll me a Glenn, roll me a sleight of hand. Check or performance I'm good with either 20.

Speaker 4:

Okay, what did you?

Speaker 2:

roll. I rolled a 7, but I have a plus 13.

Speaker 3:

Yeah he has a huge.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yes, I do have a huge.

Speaker 3:

A Okay, moors and nines, either of you doing anything while you're long resting.

Speaker 4:

Nines will try to help everyone with all the little things that they're doing. He just wants to be helpful.

Speaker 3:

I don't know why, but in my head I'm picturing Nines holding the vials of acid for, or holding the vials for, monty while he's trying to pour it into it, right?

Speaker 4:

Are you sure this is true? I'm serving.

Speaker 6:

I'm here to help you. I'm supportive.

Speaker 3:

More. Is there anything you want to do?

Speaker 5:

No, I was just going through my bag, so Morris will probably Beansprout's not dead right now. Right, no. We're just making sure.

Speaker 3:

No, I have not killed him in a while.

Speaker 5:

Can't tell these days, because we haven't played in a while Probably just hang out with Dean Sprout? Are we having one room, a couple rooms?

Speaker 3:

You have two rooms.

Speaker 5:

I'll be hanging out with her while she's in the room, just kind of relaxing and not doing anything particularly special.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Glenn will also be reorganizing his stuff and putting his stuff into his bag of holding. Why are you making a face?

Speaker 3:

or is that a bag of holding?

Speaker 2:

yes, I just bought it.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that's right.

Speaker 2:

Okay, for like a piece of thread and a button.

Speaker 3:

That's right, because who gave up a lot of who gave up an item, wasn't it? Monty Gave up like a gem or some shit.

Speaker 6:

Oh, to buy some armor. Yeah, I got robbed.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's okay.

Speaker 6:

I'm not bitter about that.

Speaker 2:

That wasn't this one. No, I'm saying I bargained with what's her name? Yeah.

Speaker 5:

Glenn got a bag of holding, nine's got a plus two staff. I gave up my vial of Barlgurus milk. That's what it was.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I can't remember what I gave up, but I was trying to get her to take a sharp feather. Yeah, which is a bunch of bullshit. You didn't let me roll.

Speaker 3:

I let you roll, I just didn't let you continue rolling. All right, so long rest, anything else?

Speaker 5:

Who's in my room, by the way, I guess, now that we've talked about it, I'd like to know.

Speaker 3:

I don't think that's said so. There's two rooms, two beds in each room. Who's bunking with who?

Speaker 6:

I'll be with Morris, hell yeah.

Speaker 2:

So we wanted to get rid of nines.

Speaker 3:

Oh dear.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

It's not going to be a cold-blooded murderer.

Speaker 6:

Just a hot-blooded murderer. A warm-blooded murderer. Nine says warm blood, alright. He does not steal it, otherwise he has to collect it.

Speaker 3:

That's true I almost forgot about that that Nines needs to collect all of his blood oh yeah, you forgot to mention that Nines favorite food is radishes oh, and Nines favorite food is radishes. Forgot about that.

Speaker 4:

You're coming up with an odd backstory here, brandon, if you would ask me that question right now, I would have told you something different. It's in my notes.

Speaker 6:

We'll keep good notes for you. Thank you, you're welcome. Alright, we'll keep getting notes for you.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, you're welcome, all right.

Speaker 6:

Now what?

Speaker 3:

Sorry, looking up something real quick, okay, all right. So, morris, while you're taking your not long rest because you're an elf, but while you're meditating, uh, you, you feel an ache in you. Feel an ache in your chest and a burning that starts in your stomach and starts to rise up to your throat, almost like you're trying to vomit, or you have heartburn, but much, much worse, and you can feel your face and your ears start to get very hot. Roll me a. It was the tavern fries. Yeah, it was that undercooked giant.

Speaker 5:

Oh no, I love it rare, but sometimes you pay for it.

Speaker 4:

Giant meat is lousy with worms, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Gotta make sure you cook that shit through. Give me a constitution saving throw.

Speaker 6:

How far away is our beds in our room?

Speaker 3:

Just roll me a d20. Your beds are about six feet apart, oh man.

Speaker 5:

How does a natural one do?

Speaker 3:

natural one. All right, though, monty. You're suddenly awoken by a roar, and as you sit up and look around, you see where Mors once sat on his bed Now sits a oh damn it. Now sits an oh damn it.

Speaker 6:

What the hell is that.

Speaker 4:

Is it a dangerous? Oh damn it, it's a very dangerous.

Speaker 3:

Oh damn it. Yes, now sits a. I just closed it out. Yeah, now sits a, I'll just close it out. Now sits a. Boom. Now sits a large, a tall female half-orc barbarian with an axe on her back and she's. She's shaking slightly and staring around the room, looking very confused as to where she is, and her eyes settle on you.

Speaker 6:

Is she still in Morse's robe, so it's like muscle robe now.

Speaker 3:

No, no, not in Morse's robe. She is in her clothing.

Speaker 6:

Like half ripped, way too tight now. Okay, so we as players know that this happens, but as Monty, I forget if Monty has a character Did we actually? They have put together that, okay, yeah, so last time Sam went back to Mors the dragon.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that is correct.

Speaker 6:

Okay. So Monty looks back, is uh sam like, based on her expression, what does he feel? Like she's in a panic, a rage, uh tired, like what? What's she?

Speaker 2:

look how she's feeling horny, uh, horny, hopefully not come on, monty's, she looks she looks over there and winks I was kind of under the impression that monty, when monty looked at any female, he assumed horny yeah, I mean he didn't look at the, the chick in the hut, so that's true I guess monty is changing monty's wising up in his days.

Speaker 6:

Uh yeah, he just wants to know if she's like angry, like does he need to like settle her down, or is he like oh hey, what's up?

Speaker 5:

if that makes you feel any better okay, that's good mostly uh, like surprised and like out of place, like how did I get here? Where am I? What's going on? Am I safe?

Speaker 6:

uh, so he'll. He'll say hi, sam, welcome. Welcome back, uh to, to our humble little party here. I looks like you got tired of being moors for some time, does? The question is, does sam know she's Moors? This might be interesting.

Speaker 5:

I don't think Sam knows anything.

Speaker 3:

Nope Sam does not.

Speaker 5:

Where are? How did I get here? She passed herself down real quick, monty, where are we? We were just Now. We're when are we?

Speaker 6:

Monty will kind of sit up in his bed and keep his blanket over him because he realizes he's not wearing any pants. Or would he just stand up?

Speaker 3:

Of course Monty sleeps in the nude. That does not surprise me.

Speaker 6:

He's a cat. What do you remember? Your last memory being?

Speaker 5:

That's a really good question.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, where were we at when she turned Last?

Speaker 3:

time Sam turned, she was in the dragon's horde talking to the wizard slash dragon. Oh after the Goudra, right after no, oh, prior to the Goudra.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because Mors fought the Gjar sam did not.

Speaker 5:

Oh, that's right okay, what do I remember well, there was a dragon and we're. We had just gone through, we saw the ghostly king and we had just gone through, we saw the ghostly king. Wait, yeah, there were gooses.

Speaker 6:

And the maze.

Speaker 5:

There's a dwarf, the maze, yeah.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. What happened? Where are we? What we found out? Do you remember when we found you in the tavern, bill and I were talking about the friend we were looking for.

Speaker 5:

Bill the goose, bill the bartender.

Speaker 6:

Oh, glenn, I'm sorry, glenn, our traveling companion. You know the rogue, the one that he kind of keeps to himself. But he's a nice fellow. When you get to know him, he keeps to himself With. He's a nice fellow when you get to know him, he keeps to himself.

Speaker 5:

With the stories. Yeah, the one with the stories.

Speaker 6:

Yes, so I don't really know how to break this to you, so I think it's best to come right out and say it. But you are actually Morse.

Speaker 5:

No, I'm Sam.

Speaker 6:

Yes, you are Sam now, but what we've come to determine is you undergo some sort of a transmutation. Not sure if it's a spell or just a reaction to bad shellfish, but you will turn into a half-elf wizard sometimes, and then sometimes you are you in your form. The wizard helped us understand and actually turned you back into Mors, and you have been traveling with us for quite some time now. Now we find ourselves in a little town called. Looking back at my notes, what is this place called again?

Speaker 1:

What's the?

Speaker 6:


Speaker 5:


Speaker 6:

Haven, we're on the way to Deadpile Shadows. What is the name of this port? Safe Haven, we're all the way to Deadpaw Shadows. What is the name?

Speaker 2:

of this port. Safe Haven. No Crystal Deep Safe Haven.

Speaker 4:

I don't think we ever gave it a name.

Speaker 6:

Give it a name Okay Crystal Deep Safe Haven.

Speaker 2:

That's what I said.

Speaker 6:

We are currently in the town of the crystal deep safe haven.

Speaker 6:

We're on our way to it's what it is now we're on our way to deadpelt shadows and we have just. We're in the process of trying to get our a ride to deadpelt shadows to save some cultists. It's a long story, we can fill you in later. But have no fear ride to Deadpelt Shadows to save some cultists. It's a long story, we can fill you in later. But have no fear, you're in a safe place and you're still with good friends, but we're not exactly sure what's causing you to shift between Moors and yourself. I can, however, say it is good to see you.

Speaker 5:

Well, it's good to see you too. That's a lot to take in um.

Speaker 6:

You say I turned into a half elf wizard, so like I should get stuff out of my hands pretty, pretty sure, uh well, not this, this think of a uh, of a more, an easier gentler, kinder wizard, not the type that shoots lightning bolts out of his hands, but more like flowers, flowers. He's very against hurting people, so it's actually somewhat nice to have you around. He is a great companion. However, when it comes time for fighting and battle, he just tends to jump around and he casts a lot of really good spells, but ironically, I think it hurts me more than he does the enemies sometimes.

Speaker 3:

So does. Does Monty realize like? Does Monty acknowledge how many times more is like hold spells and everything has saved the party's ass? Yeah, or is he?

Speaker 6:

just kind of oblivious to it. Okay, no, no, no, he spells and everything has saved the party's ass. Yeah, or is he just kind of oblivious to it? Okay, no, no, he, he definitely does he?

Speaker 2:

he definitely sees his value.

Speaker 6:

Probably got a higher kill count than monty does monty, I think is just a little bit better about the whole thunderstep incident. That happened like years ago by now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, uh more or three in game days yeah, more is is.

Speaker 6:

Yes, he prefers to to follow a more kinder, gentler path of a wizard, an extremely knowledgeable and extremely valuable person and player in our party, but yet to defeat complete honest I don't. I don't know if your life or your memories of your childhood are actually real or not at this point.

Speaker 5:

Of course I know Insistential crisis, I mean there are pieces I don't remember, Like I was real little, but I remember. Yeah, I remember everything that I remember, at least.

Speaker 6:

Answers I'm sure we will find, but for now I know that you are okay and we're back on another adventure.

Speaker 5:

These would be good stories to tell you said we're in a, a town called. Well, we're in a town anyway we're in a port we're in a port heading to a town. That's a lot to think about.

Speaker 6:

I might need a drink on this well, it is first thing in the morning. We're in a port Heading to a town Well, it is first thing in the morning, but I'm sure we could go grab an ale before the rest of the party awakes, if you're so feeling that need. I might just ask to put on some pants first.

Speaker 5:

I'm not naked.

Speaker 3:

No, you are not naked. You are not naked I wasn't naked?

Speaker 1:

No, you are not naked.

Speaker 5:

Sam rages.

Speaker 2:

Because she's not naked.

Speaker 5:

Well, it's like a sword, right when you take it out. You can't put it away unused.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 5:

Oh Blessed is tasted blood first I need a long rest after this long rest all right.

Speaker 3:

So, uh, yeah, the sun starts shortly after this exchange, monty and sam. Um, the sun starts coming up while you guys are having this conversation and trying to fill sam in on the whereabouts of where she is and who the new party member is, and just trying to fill her in on your adventures that have gone on since she left.

Speaker 2:

Just a quick note he did not mention a new party member that's true, oh.

Speaker 6:

I did not mention 9, that's true so.

Speaker 4:

I kept waiting for you to get to the part about me, like ooh, what's he going to say?

Speaker 3:

as it turns out, I'm going to make an assumption here and Monty correct me if I'm wrong, but you fill Sam in on the adventures that you've had since she has left, and which would include 9's exposition dump of the past.

Speaker 6:

I don't know 5-10 episodes since she has left, which would include nines Exposition dump Of the past five ten episodes.

Speaker 3:

And so morning comes and you start smelling the sweet smell of breakfast meats, glenn.

Speaker 2:

Glenn wants to go help in the kitchen Up the tavern Mm-hmm Cool, he would actually want to get up early and go down and work with them.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you go down there. The uh the chef is an older woman who, uh, an older human woman who is uh hunched over and walking very slowly in the kitchen. She is just more than happy to have your help.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I mean he's just going to help out. I understand it's a large kitchen so he's not going to be able to do anything super, super special, but he will try to make breakfast better.

Speaker 3:

Okay, If you have those spices. I'm just saying.

Speaker 2:

I sold them. You did, you did sell them All.

Speaker 3:

Right, nines, as you are starting to stare, you notice that Glenn is no longer in the room with you, but you hear a hearty knock at your bedroom door.

Speaker 4:

Nines doesn't know what that means.

Speaker 3:

Oh, you hear another knock at your door. Master, master, mark, are you there? Did you say Mark? I said Monk.

Speaker 4:

Oh hi, mark Nines will calm down a little bit and say yes.

Speaker 3:

Could you open the door so we could speak.

Speaker 4:

Oh, yes, of course. He opens the door and begins to explain I'm not actually a master.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I'm sorry, it's a habit, I just so. As you open the door, standing before you is a male gnome. He's dressed in some ragtag clothes, he looks like he's pretty poor, but he's carrying with him a large box that is twice as tall as he is and it's got a blue bow around it.

Speaker 4:

Okay, how can I help you?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

You can just call me the courier.

Speaker 4:

Okay, mr the Courier, how can I help you?

Speaker 3:

Mr Thornwell wanted me to give this to you. She was very impressed with the conversation she had and she just wanted to give this to you as part of an early payment for all the help you're going to provide.

Speaker 4:

Excellent. What is it? It's the box.

Speaker 3:

I assume it's the contents in the box, but I mean it may just be a box. It's a nice box well, that's very exciting.

Speaker 4:

Thank you so much. And he just like goes to close the door, leaving the box out in the hall sir, you gotta take the box oh inside in my room this is for you uh, okay, yeah, uh, thank you, and nines will pick up the box and set it in his room and show the gnome that it's in the room and then, like, slowly close the door.

Speaker 3:

Uh, the gnome as you're closing the door, the gnome holds it's in the room and then slowly close the door. The gnome. As you're closing the door, the gnome holds out his hand expectantly Uh.

Speaker 4:

Nines will mirror the gesture and offer a short prayer of safe travel.

Speaker 5:

Let's hear it. Okay what does?

Speaker 4:

the prayer sound like Mr the Courier, may your travels be as safe as this box is in my room. Thank you, goodbye.

Speaker 3:

Doesn't Nines shout his prayers?

Speaker 4:

I forgot about that and I'm not going to do it.

Speaker 6:

Nines is Nines is.

Speaker 4:

Nines, definitely yeah, okay.

Speaker 3:

Did Monty hear this? Oh yeah, yeah, mors, monty, the rest of the tavern has heard this. As you start shouting, the courier puts down his hand and he looks terrified, and as soon as you're finished, he turns and walks away very quickly.

Speaker 6:

Monty inside of his room. He's like just casually talking to Sam. I'm assuming he kind of he holds up a finger and he says oh, that's the nines, our new party member I told you about. I'll be right back and then come on head out the door and see what the heck's going on.

Speaker 2:

Who is the package from?

Speaker 3:

Thornwell, counselor Thornwell.

Speaker 2:

Okay, Now did he ask for something that I'm not remembering.

Speaker 3:

No, thornwell and Nines were talking, and Nines, just in his kind of naivety, it almost seemed like he was flirting with Thornwell and Thornwell started picking up on some things that weren't there.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 6:

Not only was Nines in Olivia's, but so was Brandon.

Speaker 3:

Brandon was very drunk at the end of our episode.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, she gave you her box. I mean hey, and she wants her box to come inside your room.

Speaker 3:

There you go alright, so yeah, go ahead, monty.

Speaker 6:

I don't know where our rooms are in position to each other, but he's gonna head down the hall towards alright, yeah and uh, go in there and kind of knock on the door and then open the door into Nines' room. He's like uh, nines, is everything okay over here? I heard you shouting.

Speaker 4:

Oh, excellent, then you also got some of my prayer.

Speaker 6:

I oh, is that Okay, that is what you Okay, alright, yeah everyone who hears it.

Speaker 4:

Yep, that's right. So your travels should be pretty safe today. Okay, well, you're traveling with me. I'll really use my diaphragm, alright.

Speaker 6:

We have no reason to be alarmed. But we have more or less a new reoccurring party member, a traveling companion of ours. This is Sam, and he kind of nods over his shoulder to the half-orc standing at the door.

Speaker 4:

Wow, you are tall.

Speaker 5:

Wow, you are tall.

Speaker 4:

So, having never met Sam, what does Sam look like exactly, besides a half-orc? You just said one eye.

Speaker 5:

She has two eyes but she does wear an eye patch. She's got kind of greenish skin. I drew a picture of her. I'm showing it now. She has a high ponytail with the rest of her head shaved.

Speaker 6:

Audio podcast.

Speaker 5:

Flowy cloak on. You see two handles poking up from the back of it. She has weapons slung across her back. She's in armor, Like leather armor? I think no, she has cloth leather.

Speaker 6:

So you can't have armor.

Speaker 5:

You can wear it. It prevents some other shit.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 5:

It's not armored, but cosmetically leather okay um, what else she got? She got a belt on that makes her something like heads. She has a really cool teleportation boat, a belt, events and travel, but it's made for a normal size person so it's like cinched real tight around her midriff, almost like uh.

Speaker 2:

It's like she's doing waist training.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, something like that. So she's pretty thick and then there's like really squeezing around there and, yeah, she does have a very nice eye patch over one of her eyes which prevents people from reading her thoughts unless she wants them to.

Speaker 6:

Pretty cool, so so, Nines, one thing I don't think we ever quite filled you in on something we very, very recently discovered, about the same time we met you and were in the middle of a fighting that giant goose, is that Morse somehow will turn into Sam, and then Sam eventually will turn back into Morse.

Speaker 5:

So this is Morse.

Speaker 4:

You can see Nines, like turning that over in his brain, like the meme of the woman with all the calculations in front of her. She looks real confused.

Speaker 5:

Sam turns to Monty and points a finger and is like I still think we have to talk about that some more. I'm not sure.

Speaker 6:

I mean yes, yes, yes, I do believe we should because I quite honestly although when it comes to things that Morris does, there's a lot of hibbity-bidibity that goes on with him he's the nicest guy I've ever met. But there's some things I just don't understand, and trying to understand just makes me want to drink a lot.

Speaker 5:

Well, we're in a tavern, right.

Speaker 6:

We are in a tavern. However, I do believe we should probably collect Glen at some point and continue. We were on our way to meet, I believe were we going to Jarvan or were we going to the asylum.

Speaker 3:

I have that you guys were going to the asylum.

Speaker 6:

Okay, we're on our way to an asylum we need to check out and we're honestly trying to free a man from pretty disastrous charges of murder and unpack the conspiracy.

Speaker 5:

Save a guy's life.

Speaker 6:

Well, the unfortunate side of the fact is he's already been killed.

Speaker 5:

Wait. What are we doing then?

Speaker 6:

We are trying to bring justice to the family of the person that was killed after being imprisoned and held without trial and then executed, and then execute it. So this is pretty much seems to be a pretty big conspiracy theory amongst the leadership of this, the counselors or chancellors of this dock, and you know, if all things go well, we get a boat ride to the place that we actually want to go.

Speaker 5:

Oh cool, Where's that?

Speaker 6:

That would be Dead Pelt Shadows.

Speaker 5:

Well, I never thought I'd be one for conspiracy theories, but I didn't think I'd be hanging out with you guys.

Speaker 6:

Let's see what happens, He'll look back over at nine and say is nine still holding the box?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, or it's sitting in the room, right.

Speaker 6:

Sitting in the room.

Speaker 4:

And he hasn't opened it yet.

Speaker 6:

So look at 9-1-1 and say do you have any idea where Glenn is? He notices that he's not in the room.

Speaker 4:

Do you think he's in the box?

Speaker 6:

Just his thumbs. Where did the box come from?

Speaker 1:

it was a gnome oh there, maybe, yeah, let's say, he does know what a gnome is when the box changes into a gnome.

Speaker 4:

I don't think so. What's in the?

Speaker 6:

box. Yeah right, why don't you open the? Why don't you open the box and find out what's on the inside? Did the person that dropped it off seem benevolent in any way, shape or form? Is this a bomb that's going to go off?

Speaker 4:

uh, no, he prayed with me in everything. Ship of form, is this a bomb that's going to go off? No, he prayed with me in everything. So I assume the box is safe and Nines will begin to open it, is it obvious how to open this thing?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's just a bow. You pull the bow off and the lid lifts off the box itself.

Speaker 6:

Who's this box from?

Speaker 4:

He said it was from Counselor Thornwell. Oh okay, Yep, seems legit to me.

Speaker 1:

Is Brandon frozen for?

Speaker 3:

anybody else? Yes, Wait is what frozen.

Speaker 2:

He's got this expression of wide eye. This is the expression I see in nines, yeah.

Speaker 6:

All the time. Yeah, your video's frozen, but your audio's still coming through, just fine.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 6:

Okay, now you look like a red dot.

Speaker 4:

your audio is still coming through.

Speaker 2:

Just fine, yeah, okay, well, let's.

Speaker 1:

Now you look like a red dot Hello there.

Speaker 4:

Welcome back, Brandon.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back.

Speaker 4:

Crazy, my computer hard-locked.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 5:

That's not good. Yeah, buddy, I have 73 hours total.

Speaker 6:

Wow, that's pretty good. Well, I'm starting at zero, so this is going to be fun it'll be great, that's perfect.

Speaker 5:

You'll host the ship, go over through the basic training and then we're going to come and die with you and we're going to have a good time.

Speaker 6:

We're going to spread some god damn democracy yeah, I heard it's pretty much just a Nazi game it's no, no, no, not nazi specifically, just fascist.

Speaker 5:

Just fascist democracy everyone who doesn't want it and who does also. Did you ever read the book starship troopers? I never read the book because the gameplay there's very like starship troopers movie and it's all Like the robots is more like Terminator, like Fine robots and shit. It's pretty scary. But I think the overall like spiel feels like what the book was trying to push. Agreed so it's really a wonderful. We should stop now.

Speaker 2:

It's actually, I see, I think it's really a wonderful. We should stop now. It's actually.

Speaker 5:

I think it's closer to the movie than the book Starship Troopers Depends, I think, on which part you're talking about, because the movie it's not during our podcast, though.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay, Because the movie veered. I'll just say this the movie veered very hard into the fascism and overwhelming we're right. Everybody else in the universe is wrong Propaganda aspect. Yes, very propaganda. The book had some of that, but it was more focused on the general aspects of the mobile infantry and stuff like that. At least that's what I remember from reading it a few years ago. Alright, you guys ready to jump back in?

Speaker 3:

Alright, at least that's what I remember from reading it a few years ago. All right, you guys ready to jump back in? Yeah, all right.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so, nines, you were just asked if you opened the box or if you were going to open the box, Definitely Pull the ribbon, take the top off or whatever.

Speaker 3:

Okay, yeah. So as soon as you open the lid, you get a smell. Of smells like very flowery perfume, very feminine perfume. You get notes of different types of flowers, honey, and it just assaults your nostrils immediately.

Speaker 4:

Ugh, whatever's in here has gone bad.

Speaker 3:

But in the box is a short white javelin. I just added it to the chat and there are two notes in there. The first is on top of the javelin itself and it's face up and it says good luck out there with a. It looks like somebody kissed. It says good luck out there with a. It looks like somebody kissed it and left some lipstick behind and it's signed Madeline. And then the second is a note describing what it is, and so that note says this is a javelin of misty step. If you hit an enemy with a ranged attack made with this weapon, you can use your bonus action to teleport to this enemy and instantly make a melee attack against them with this weapon.

Speaker 4:

That's so fucking cool, especially for Morse.

Speaker 6:

For 9 to 9.

Speaker 3:

There's not a limitation to that. He just has to hit them.

Speaker 5:

Every turn you make that attack. There's no bonuses to attack or anything either, though no, no bonuses to attack. Is it using his dex or strength modifier?

Speaker 3:

It would be using his dex Right. That's what javelins use.

Speaker 5:

I don't remember if they have finesse or not. Most throne weapons are ranged weapons. Thrown weapons, I think, are strength, typically Unless they have that.

Speaker 2:

The handaxe is D6 plus. Handaxe is strength.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, javelins use strength to throw. Javelins use strength to throw.

Speaker 5:

Javelins, use simple thrown range. Yeah.

Speaker 6:

How big of a box was this if it had a javelin, it said it was a tall box.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, twice as tall as the gnome.

Speaker 4:

My strength is pretty good at a completely average 10. Strength is pretty good at a completely average 10. Right but it does give you a lot of cool potential, I think. The attack aspect, when you hit an enemy with a ranged attack. What if I just consider the door, my enemy?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm not gonna take that one bud. We'll say if you hit.

Speaker 4:

What if I'm convinced that the door is going to try to kill?

Speaker 3:

me If you hit a creature.

Speaker 4:

Fear for my life.

Speaker 3:

If you hit a creature, it does not have to be an enemy, even Okay. So if you really want to catch up to Monty, real fast yeah, alright. How does Nines react at all?

Speaker 4:

So I said how does uh, does nines react at all, or uh? So I said that's real fucking cool. And nines would probably say something like that's real fucking cool. I don't, I think this is for you, probably. Yeah, he'd probably just be like I don't, I think this is for you, probably. Yeah, he'd probably just be like I don't know what to do with this and or who it's supposed to go to.

Speaker 6:

Okay, the box was to you, was it not?

Speaker 4:

It doesn't have my name on it. What?

Speaker 1:

does the card say Good luck out there? Yeah?

Speaker 3:

card say good luck out there. Yeah, it says good luck out there with some lipstick on it and but it doesn't have a name it does not have a name.

Speaker 6:

The gnome was told to deliver it to the monk but the, the, the it's a problem the person that dropped it off brought it specifically to you, did he?

Speaker 4:

not he did. He said he called me master monk, which I had to explain to him. Of course not a master, that was embarrassing for him but still close enough.

Speaker 6:

You are the monk, so I do believe it is yours. You know, that might come in quite in handy it sure will.

Speaker 4:

Can we try it here? And he starts backing up and cocking his arm.

Speaker 6:

What are you going to throw at that?

Speaker 4:

You. I think it only has to go in a little bit.

Speaker 1:

Just a tip.

Speaker 5:

You can use my bad hand that holds her hand out to the side.

Speaker 4:

Actually why don't you stab your own hand and then see if I can teleport to it? Is that what the nose says? Hand?

Speaker 5:

and then see if I can teleport to it. Is that what the nose says.

Speaker 4:

It's all very confusing.

Speaker 6:

I believe. Just hold on to it for now. I believe it once. Trust me, I don't think it'll be too long before you'll find a character that you can throw it at. That would actually be indeservant of receiving such a gift from you.

Speaker 3:

I mean, it really depends. We've been playing for an hour and 20 minutes and we're not even out of the tavern yet.

Speaker 6:

That's true.

Speaker 4:

Hey, if you're not having fun, we can fast forward past all this.

Speaker 3:

Oh no, I'm having a blast, Don't get me wrong.

Speaker 4:

Amazing conversations and role-playing moments.

Speaker 6:

Anyway, did Glenn happen to tell you where he was off to when he left the room this morning?

Speaker 2:

No, let's, let's go find him and you can so Glenn, Glenn would have left a note that says breakfast.

Speaker 6:

Oh, what does Marty see? The note in the room that happened, nines happened to just missed nines probably didn't miss it.

Speaker 4:

Nines probably has it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Nines, you did find a note as you were getting ready.

Speaker 4:

That just says breakfast, and so Nines will be like yeah, I have no idea where he was going. All he left was this piece of paper. What does the piece of paper say? Nothing, it's blank.

Speaker 6:

What about the other side?

Speaker 4:

Huh, it says breakfast. What do you think that means? Is that the name of a town?

Speaker 6:

I'm pretty sure if we walk downstairs to the kitchen we will find Glenn cooking up something quite tasty. Let this go, shall we make haste and Monty starts walking out of the room.

Speaker 3:

Nothing gets blank. That's going to be that right. There is the audio clip that I'm going to put up for this episode. What does the note say? Nothing gets going to put up for this episode. What does the? Note say Nothing, it's blank, flip it over.

Speaker 3:

All right. So as you all head downstairs, there are several plates set breakfast meat and some eggs of some variety that are scrambled. You can see some green spices that are sprinkled on top of them and next to them are a fork and a knife to eat. There is a fourth plate there that has different radishes in a bowl. They have a large helping of butter and they're sauteed. Some of the radishes are slightly browned and the radishes are in different stages. You can see that some of them are a little firm, Some of them are fully cooked and it's topped with a healthy amount of lemon juice with a dusting of sea salt. And as you guys walk down the stairs, Glenn comes out of the kitchen.

Speaker 2:

Hey, what are you guys doing? What took you so long Been down here for hours?

Speaker 6:

Well, this is quite a spread you have. Did you do all this, Glenn?

Speaker 4:

We just found your hidden message.

Speaker 2:

My hidden message, my hidden, I figured it out.

Speaker 6:

and now we're here, Nines holds up the backside of the note.

Speaker 2:

Good job, nines. I made you some breakfast. I made everybody breakfast, but that one's for you. Nines, I remember you saying you liked radishes, so I figured you'd want a dish with only radishes.

Speaker 4:

I actually thought you hated me, glenn, so this is great.

Speaker 3:

For our listeners. Bill actually sent me multiple messages about this, with a picture of the radish.

Speaker 2:

So this is all, bill um, so yeah, I put a. I I dropped the picture in the chat, so if you're interested in seeing what it looks like, um, it's an actual dish, I don't think I would like it at all.

Speaker 4:

I can't stand radishes personally, but I I cannot imagine eating that many radishes at once but nines is salivating. Yeah, for sure. He's probably never had anything of the sort prepared in so many wonderful ways alright, so you all sitting down to eat some breakfast.

Speaker 3:

Sam sees Glenn and then like quickly hurries over to him.

Speaker 5:

Alright, so you all sitting down to eat some breakfast. Sam sees Glenn and then, like, quickly Hurries over to him and, with her arms out, it's like Glenn, it's good to see you again. And reaches to squeeze him.

Speaker 2:

Um well, glenn Will step forward and Kind of shake or kind of Hesitantly, and then Kind of do the Pat around the back uncomfortably.

Speaker 3:

Like Bill does in real life. Yeah, pretty much.

Speaker 2:

And then he'll say when did?

Speaker 6:

Yeah, so Mors is. Well, let's put it this way when I fell asleep, I woke up next to a woman that was not there the night before and Mors is gone.

Speaker 2:

Not quite sure what to make of all this, but Hold on one second and Glenn will dart back into the kitchen and come back out with a huge plate of meat, a huge plate of meat, knowing that moore's breakfast and sam's breakfast are gonna be two completely different things, and he, he drops. He's like hey, I, I made this for some other couple of people, but I think you can have it instead, and this sets it down. Is there any ale?

Speaker 5:

or and sets it down. Is there any ale or lager to go with it? It's been, I hear, quite a while since I had a drink.

Speaker 2:

Probably we're at a bar. He looks over is the bartender at the bar.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there's no other customers in the bar or tavern at this time, except for a small table in the corner with two sailors that are already drunk at this hour. The bartender is behind the bar. He looks very bored. He's just polishing a cup.

Speaker 2:

Glenn will walk over and grab. He'll say, hey, can we get some? I guess a mug of ale and some other beverages. I don't know what anybody else wants, but he'll grab a thing for a mug of ale for Sam and he'll probably just have water or something. I don't know, probably not water.

Speaker 6:

Why over there, could you, could you get me a saucer of milk? I mean a mug of milk. Please, saucer of milk, I mean a mug of milk please.

Speaker 2:

So Glenn will get a mug of ale, a saucer of milk, some radish juice and a glass of wine.

Speaker 3:

The bartender looks at you after giving him this order and he says I may have some ox milk in the back, but I don't know about radish juice. Can you juice a radish? I may have some ox milk in the back, but That'll work. I don't know about radish juice. Can you juice a radish?

Speaker 2:

You could juice anything.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Let me see your hand.

Speaker 5:

I was trying to figure out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I got you. Okay, fine, Just two mugs of ale, a saucer of milk and a glass of wine.

Speaker 3:

Okay, yeah, so he steps away for a second, comes back with two mugs of ale, a stem of wine and a large bowl of ox milk.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And he'll.

Speaker 2:

Sure he's dexterous enough He'd be able to handle that. Glenn will bring the stuff over to the table and sit down and start eating. Hurry up, we've got to get it to the asylum. Oh, did you, monty? Did you bring Sam up to speed on what's going on?

Speaker 6:

or less. I filled her in the best I can. I still honestly no idea what's going on this whole Morris situation or what's causing Morris to turn into Sam and and vice versa. But yes, I believe we should, probably something I do. I do believe we should go to the asylum as soon as possible.

Speaker 5:

Sam stops mid-bite. She's got like a huge chunk of meat in her mouth. She's tearing it and looks at you with like the food in her mouth halfway.

Speaker 2:

Oh, no, not that Huh. So I forget what I was gonna say. Um, but I guess we'll finish up breakfast and we'll head over to the asylum. And uh, Don't mention the Moors body switching thing, because we want you to come out of the asylum with us.

Speaker 6:

That's a valid point, I do believe.

Speaker 2:

Oh well.

Speaker 5:

Go ahead? Yeah, point, I do believe. Go ahead. Yeah, I don't want to get stuck there either, and I'm still happy just to keep seeing where this is going. You guys are really holding up to your name so far. Well, the stories you told You're kind of being around town.

Speaker 2:

All right, all right, cool. So, as everybody's eating breakfast, glenn's gonna make a little bit of conversation and ask about uh, so while you were gone, did you like see anything?

Speaker 5:

no, we, uh. The last thing I remember I was looking up at that dragon. Uh, we were getting ready to go into. I think we were maybe at the end of that maze where those crystals and the different sized bill gooses were, and I woke up upstairs.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I killed that goose there was a giant goose at the end and went ahead and killed him. We got some meat if you want to taste it oh yeah, that would be really cool.

Speaker 5:

Uh, how did you? What was the killing blow like?

Speaker 2:

um, uh, it was final, I mean, so I don't remember who actually killed him.

Speaker 6:

I think Glenn would take credit regardless yeah, but he doesn't, he tries not.

Speaker 2:

He doesn't try not to, he doesn't like when he tells his stories, they're embellishments, not out and out lies. He would describe I'm trying to remember that the whole sequence. But he would describe I'm trying to remember that the whole sequence.

Speaker 6:

But he would basically talk about what he did so, and how he led to the death of the goodra, even if it was somebody else killing it yeah, got the killing blow.

Speaker 2:

But I think he did actually get the killing blow.

Speaker 2:

But okay, yeah so, um, so yeah, so we were fighting and when we appeared, the uh, that dragon was actually a guy from that we met before and he transferred. He was like poly or he was shape-shifted into a human form when we met him the first time and then he transferred, he transformed into a dragon and he came to meet us because, you know, I I mean it's us, so of course he wants to come meet us. And then he dropped us off in this room with this goose. He took us to fight the giant bill goose and then he also left this. Our new companion, nines, got kind of just dropped off. No backstory, just, hey, drop him off in the middle of the room. So we went ahead and protected him and made sure that he made it through and he actually did pretty good for himself. But you know, I mean it was us.

Speaker 1:

I punched a goose.

Speaker 2:

We killed this goose and then I did some fancy footworkwork and I jumped up in the air and stabbed some stuff and and anyway, so bill the giant goose died and we cut him up, got some cool stuff out of it. I got this, uh, got these cool throwing feathers that I can use like a knife and I can throw them, but I think they're awesome. But that girl that we met what's her name?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, pilar. So that girl we met Pilar. She didn't like them, but I'm keeping them anyway. But if you want one I can give you one. And he hands her Sam a throwing feather.

Speaker 5:

Wow, that is so cool, I can keep it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. I have five of them, I think.

Speaker 5:

She carefully tucks it into just the top of her ponytail like a hidden. Now it's a hidden dagger poking out. She has a feather and the rest of her hair. No, you don't like that.

Speaker 4:

That's cultural appropriation.

Speaker 5:

Yeah cultural appropriation Justin.

Speaker 6:

She goes to do it and cuts through her hairband and her hair falls down.

Speaker 5:

She's like oh, I guess that's not a good spot for it.

Speaker 6:

She fashioned it in a necklace and hangs it around her neck.

Speaker 5:

Oh my god.

Speaker 2:

How exactly can you wear a feather without it being?

Speaker 5:

cultural appropriation. She'll tuck it into the band of her eye patch.

Speaker 6:

No one's got that one. You're safe.

Speaker 4:

Is that okay?

Speaker 3:

I've never heard a story of it tucked into an eye patch.

Speaker 6:

Okay, you're in the clear here.

Speaker 4:

She shoves it up her ass. My pirate forefathers, my pirate forefathers.

Speaker 5:

She'll tear a piece of cloth off of her somewhere and retie her ponytail up top. Having nothing to be embarrassed about that, poor sheath.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 5:

That was poorly sheathed. My bad Seemed like a good place to put a feather. I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I had seven actually, so I now have six.

Speaker 4:

Wait, didn't you say you also have throwing axes, also known as tomahawks. Whoa.

Speaker 6:

Hey there chief.

Speaker 1:

Settle down.

Speaker 5:

I've also got a what's my drum? I have a hand drum.

Speaker 6:

Oh boy.

Speaker 3:

It's all been culminating. Oh no, we're done. We're finding out that Justin is actually secretly a racist. None of us knew it before. Right now, we all have water, skins Water skins.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, but do you have to be wearing moccasins too, alright.

Speaker 6:

So, you guys finished up breakfast.

Speaker 3:

You guys finished up breakfast. The server comes out and cleans up your plates. What would you all like to do?

Speaker 6:

Montessor's working his way towards the door.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, the asylum right, we are investigating the asylum. This is not where Guardsman Jute is.

Speaker 3:

Right, that is correct. Okay, all right. So, as you start, as you're walking through, what did you call this? Crystal? Deep, safe Haven.

Speaker 3:

As you start walking through Crystal Deep, safe Haven, this poorer part of town called the Sties. As you're walking through, you start seeing people notice you. As you're walking through, you start seeing people notice you. They're particularly staring at Glenn and you can see them eyeing his hat and his fine clothing that he has on, because Glenn makes sure that he's clean at all times and the people that are passing him they take an eye and they stare just a little too long at Glenn and his clothing, almost like they're trying to see if he's worth the mark. You are in a very poor part of town. Every few hundred feet you pass a group of two to three guardsmen walking together, armed with swords and short bows and leather armor, walking among the streets making sure that nothing happens. They're breaking up small fights. They're making sure the docks are safe. Glenn, did you have something?

Speaker 2:

Yep. So when Glenn notices this, he will start playing with his daggers and making them appear and disappear, and I rolled a 30 for sleight of hand okay so he's making a show of it, got it um, and he'll swing some of the feathers in there as well.

Speaker 3:

Feather knife. Feather knife. Okay. Eventually you do get to the asylum. You see a large gated sign that says Hope and Ears Asylum. It rises like a monolith amidst the bustling streets of the Styes. What did you say that name was again Sorry, hopenier's Asylum. Hope N-E-E-R Asylum.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

The building itself is a pretty grim-looking fortress of weathered stone. Its facade is scarred by the passage of time and the weight of its troubled history. Tall, narrow windows barred with rusted iron punctuate the walls at regular intervals, casting long shadows that seem to stretch endlessly into the surrounding area. The main entrance is marked by a faded sign bearing the ironic words Welcome Home. There are heavy wooden doors worn smooth by countless hands. Uh, it stands as almost a silent sentinel guarding the secrets that lie within. So the as you, as you look at this, you get the sense that this, uh, that this was not always an asylum. It looks almost like a prison or a jail of sorts, and it looks like it can hold hundreds of prisoners, or patients, depending on how you look at the situation. Yeah, so walk up to the doors.

Speaker 1:

No, no, okay, just walk away.

Speaker 3:

No, fuck this place. Yeah, I don't like the doors. No, just walk away.

Speaker 2:

I don't like the look of this. I'm going to leave and go west. Yes, glenn will walk straight up with all the confidence that Glenn has.

Speaker 1:

Who's got the note?

Speaker 2:

Glenn does.

Speaker 6:

Actually Monty has the card from Thornwell. So as Monty sees Glenn very adamantly walking towards it, he holds out the card from Thornwell.

Speaker 2:

Glenn got it from Monty. At the end of the last episode he asked for it.

Speaker 6:

Oh, okay, got it. Never mind, then, you got it so that he could practice with the oh, the signature episode.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay, got it Then you got it so that he could practice with the?

Speaker 6:

Oh, the signature thing, yep.

Speaker 2:

So Glenn, very confidently, with all the confidence that he has, will walk straight up to the front door and say hey, we're here to come talk to some people. I don't remember why we're here. I don't. Glenn probably does.

Speaker 3:

Yes, Glenn does Jute.

Speaker 4:

Not Jute.

Speaker 3:

Monty really wants Jute to be here. This is where.

Speaker 4:

Jarmy was held.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, we want to talk to the doctor.

Speaker 4:

Prior to yeah Psychiatrist.

Speaker 6:

I don't know. We want to see a cell cell. We want to go to a cell? Okay, we're here to inspect his cell there we go.

Speaker 2:

So glenn will go and walk up. Hey, hey, we're here to see uh jarmy's cell and uh we. We were sent by the people in charge.

Speaker 3:

Counselor Thornwell.

Speaker 2:

Yes, Counselor Thornwell.

Speaker 3:

The doors remain closed.

Speaker 2:

Is there a door handle?

Speaker 3:

There is Pull or push, whichever is the correct way to open it. You pull on the door and after a groan it opens up. The light shines into the entryway and standing there is a young looking man, a human who stares back at you with a blank expression.

Speaker 2:

He is standing behind the desk stares back at you with a blank expression. He is standing behind the desk. So hey, did you not hear me?

Speaker 3:

The young man stares at you for a second and his eyes meet yours and his mouth opens like he's going to say something, and then it closes. And then he says and his mouth opens like he's going to say something, and then it closes. And then he says no, I didn't hear you.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so I'll. Oh, so Okay. Well, that's understandable. That was a big door, so I can understand why you wouldn't have heard me. But we're here to see check out one of your cells. We're here to inspect one of the cells for some evidence. Can you show us where the cells are?

Speaker 3:

The young man stares at you for a few seconds and he opens his mouth again and then closes it and then he says who are you?

Speaker 6:

We got a mouth breather on our hands.

Speaker 2:

So, okay, I guess I should have started this the right way. First I apologize. So Glenn will stick his hand out and he says Hi, I'm Glenn, what's your name?

Speaker 3:

He looks at your hand and then looks back at you.

Speaker 2:

Ray. Okay, ray, can you?

Speaker 3:

show no Ray.

Speaker 1:

Ray, oh like a donkey Correct me so help me, God.

Speaker 2:

This is going to turn into the combat scene.

Speaker 6:

No, not Bray. Bray, yes, didn't you hear him. He said his name was Bray.

Speaker 2:

Do you have a log of your patients that used to be here? Are you in charge?

Speaker 6:


Speaker 3:

I made a log once it was in the toilet.

Speaker 4:

Damn, they got toilets In D&D times.

Speaker 5:

Sam knows his nines.

Speaker 6:

Monty walks up to Glenn and says maybe this is a patient.

Speaker 2:

Must be a trustee. It's part of his recovery process point me to the head office. Point me to the person in charge.

Speaker 3:

Bray looks at you and sees Monty walk up and his eyes meet. Monty meets Monty's and he reaches out with his right hand to touch Monty.

Speaker 6:

Is he like reaching out, like for a handshake?

Speaker 3:

He's trying to pet you.

Speaker 6:

So Monty will reach up and, like, do one of this things with his finger. He's like it's nice to meet you. Can you point this to whoever's in charge around these parts?

Speaker 3:

As soon as you reach your hand out, he grabs it like he's holding it and he starts walking away.

Speaker 6:

With me.

Speaker 3:

With you.

Speaker 6:

Okay, monty will follow and he'll kind of look back at Glenn and give him this quizzical look like maybe this is where we're wanting to go.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so what do we see in the room?

Speaker 3:

It is a pretty small entryway. There's a desk with several doors Two doors off to the left, two doors straight back and then one door that Bray seems to be walking towards with a light on inside, why he really didn't like my description, hi.

Speaker 6:

Sorry, it's Bray B-R-A-Y, you don't have to leave.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, I got disconnected. What was that You're?

Speaker 3:

fine. So there's two doors to the left, two doors straight back and then one to the right. With a light on that, Bray seems to be walking towards with Monty.

Speaker 2:

Okay, is there anything on the desk?

Speaker 3:

All that's on the desk is some paper with a. It looks like some doodles from a pencil charcoal or a charcoal pencil.

Speaker 6:

As Monty is like following Bray, he's going to ask him Bray, do you live here? Do you get to leave?

Speaker 3:

No, I live here, Dr Trantor. She puts me in charge of the desk.

Speaker 6:

Please let's go see Dr Trantor.

Speaker 3:

He stops walking and looks to you and after a couple seconds he says that's where we're going and he turned and starts walking again towards the room.

Speaker 6:

Monty a father.

Speaker 2:

I guess Glenn will shake his head and follow.

Speaker 3:

So he gets to the door and he opens it and inside you see a middle-aged woman with blonde and gray hair over a stack of papers, scribbling on various papers as she's sorting through them. And she looks up and says, ah, bray, uh, who did you bring me? And he looks at her for a few seconds and while he's staring, she she just looks at him and smiles and it looks like a pretty practice routine between the two um, and she waits patiently for him to speak and he says I brought you visitors. And then he lets go of Monty's hand and walks away.

Speaker 6:

Monty will kind of say oh, thank you, bray, and he'll turn to you. Said her name was Theran Trantor Dr.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 6:

Trantor. And he says Dr Trantor, greetings, my name is Montoya Nigo, the Slayer of the Goose, hydra and Wanderer of your Deepest Dreams, connoisseur of Love, but please call me Monty.

Speaker 3:

She shakes her head a little bit and she looks at you and she says Hello Monty, are you here as a patient or as a visitor?

Speaker 6:

Oh, quite on the contrary, madame. We are here to check out the previous residence of a man by the name of Jarmy Jarmy.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 6:

We have been sent by Councillor Thornwell to conduct just an overall looking of his previous residence. Is there a chance you might be able to help us with this? Accomplish this little task of ours.

Speaker 3:

You see her immediately start. Her face becomes very serious looking, she's squinting a little bit and you can see her whole body kind of tense up and she goes have you found him? We've been missing, jeremy, for a few weeks now. I've has anyone seen him?

Speaker 6:

No, my damn no, I have. No, have no fear and have no worry. We have come here to provide answers to all of those questions. Monty doesn't exactly want to. He wants to put her at ease, but he doesn't exactly want to answer the question because he knows he's dead and he really just wants to get to the room. He's trying to use his flirtatiousness to swoo her over to get access other than the fact that we have permission from Thornwell.

Speaker 4:

Is that like? Is that when you woo somebody and sway them?

Speaker 1:

Woo and sway you swoo them.

Speaker 4:

You Woo and sway.

Speaker 6:

You sway, you swoo them, you swoo them, you swoo them.

Speaker 4:

You swoo and woo at the same time you swoo them Sway and woo Sway and woo Whatever. Whatever baby.

Speaker 3:

What were you hoping to accomplish here? I can tell you what I know about him. Jarme was a very nice individual. I could tell that he felt remorse about what happened, about why he was here, and he was very troubled. He was one of the most troubled people I've ever worked with.

Speaker 6:

Well, first we would like to you know, to perhaps get an opportunity to look at his cell, his dormitory. But you mentioned he was troubled while he was here. What exactly brought him here to the asylum in the first place?

Speaker 3:

He kept mentioning hearing voices when people weren't in the room to talk to him. Can you imagine that? Just hearing voices when people aren't there.

Speaker 6:

I don't imagine anybody ever living life hearing voices in people aren't there. I don't imagine anybody ever living life hearing voices in their head that random.

Speaker 3:

He just heard voices. They told him to do horrible things. When he came here he had hurt a few animals and him and his sister were worried and they sent him here to get rehabilitated. But he was here for months and he didn't show any sign of improvement.

Speaker 6:

That is quite unfortunate. How did he get out?

Speaker 3:

We're not really sure. I mean he was in one of our isolation chambers. He spent the last few days that we know of drawing on the walls of his cell with a cast-off lump of charcoal. They pretty unsettling. We haven't really had a chance to get in there and clean them yet. We're severely understaffed.

Speaker 6:

We'd love to see his regular place of residence, but perhaps shall we start with that isolation chamber you spoke with.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't think you're going to find much in his room prior to us moving him to the isolation chamber. But yeah, I can take you there. I have to warn you, it's extremely unsettling and we have to go into one of our most disconcerting wards.

Speaker 6:

Don't worry, madame, I will keep you safe.

Speaker 3:

I'm not worried about me. You seem to have a very fragile ego.

Speaker 6:

Au contraire mademoiselle. But dude, let us go.

Speaker 3:

Glenn, did you have anything to say?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Okay, so yeah, you start walking back. Okay so yeah, you start walking back. You hear constant screaming, cursing from the cells. As you start walking back into one of the wards, you smell an overpowering stench of unwashed bodies, filth, mildew, some rotting straw, and it just the constant noise. The smell starts to really wear down on your psyches. I need everybody to roll me a DC Constitution check, con, check, con, check. Thank you Forwards.

Speaker 5:

Sam's a 24 total.

Speaker 6:

Oh shit Dang, why don't you get 12? Ouch, Sam's a 24 total. Oh shit dang, why don't you get 12?

Speaker 4:

nice rolled an 18 for a 20 total excuse your inspiration, because this is your only chance yeah, this is the one opportunity I had each of you.

Speaker 3:

Each of you fights through the nausea, the feeling of nausea, the smell and the noise, and you continue to follow Dr Tranter.

Speaker 3:

After a couple minutes walk, she eventually stops behind a heavily locked door, at which she stops and looks to each of you and she says this wing is where the worst of our cases are kept. I beg you not to look into any of these cells. We've given succor to many folk over the years, but those here are truly forsaken by the gods. She pulls out a large key from her pocket, puts it in the door and you hear a thunk as the door unlocks. As she opens the door, it reveals a long corridor with iron doors lining both walls. Each door has a small viewing hatch that's latched shut, has a small viewing hatch that's latched shut and an un. As soon as the door opens, an unnatural gurgle starts to uh, starts to emit from the cell to the right and, as the first cell, as the. As that noise starts from the first cell, you hear it start being reciprocated on and imitated by the other cells in the hall until the hall is filled with this gurgling sound.

Speaker 2:

What's it sound like?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Okay, I used to have a motorcycle that sounded like that.

Speaker 3:

No, you should get that shit checked out.

Speaker 2:

Oil change time, so you at least give them mouthwash, so that's good.

Speaker 3:

Yes. So as soon as Dr Tranter opens the door, you see her set her shoulders back and her head straight and she walks much faster than she was walking before, towards the very end of the hall where she ushers you through an open salt door. I need each of you to give me a wisdom saving throw.

Speaker 6:

You said she's taking us towards the end of the hall into a cell.

Speaker 4:

Yes, I would like to use my inspiration.

Speaker 6:

Go for it. Monty got a natural 20 for a 22 damn.

Speaker 4:

Glenn got a 17 9's is very glad that he used his inspiration, ended up with a where am I?

Speaker 3:

it's gone forever 16, rolled a 12 plus 4. What about you, sam?

Speaker 5:


Speaker 6:

Wisdom and Constitution vary slightly differently from Sam.

Speaker 3:

Sam, the gurgling starts to overwhelm you and your eyes get a little blurry and your head turns to the left, towards the cell, and you start walking towards it very slowly and when you finally reach the door you put your hand on the cell itself and you get some images in your head. And those images you see six cities get flashed. Before you Go ahead, morse.

Speaker 5:

I don't want to fuck with you. Is this telepathic stuff or is this psychosis stuff? Am I like?

Speaker 3:

This is telepathic? Yes.

Speaker 5:

So my knave's eyepatch.

Speaker 3:

I thought that just prevented reading minds.

Speaker 5:

Not a creature, just shh Let it happen. Is this? That was not a sighting.

Speaker 6:

Go to your happy place.

Speaker 5:

I accept my doom. I accept my doom.

Speaker 3:

You get images in your head that start flashing through of six cities, each with their names coming across your mind, one right after another, each with their names coming across your mind, one right after another, along with images of a group of powerful artifacts, and then you see an image of what looks like an army of individuals with crystals jutting out of their bodies in various places, in various colors individuals with crystals jutting out of their bodies in various places, in various colors. And I will send this to you, justanne, and you can share what you want.

Speaker 6:

Does anybody else notice that Sam's like walking towards the cell?

Speaker 3:

Yes, you all notice that she turns and starts walking towards the cell and puts her hand on it.

Speaker 4:

I thought we weren't supposed to do that.

Speaker 5:

Where are you sending this to me at?

Speaker 3:

Right here in this chat, in this chat, okay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I agree. I don't think we're supposed to be touching that.

Speaker 6:

Hey, sam um and Glenn will walk towards Sam she lifts up her eye patch, winks at him and says I got this funny um hang on.

Speaker 4:

I've almost got his number, funny.

Speaker 5:

Hang on, I've almost got his number. That the second message, brandon, is that what I'm hearing or seeing?

Speaker 3:

no, you're able to put it together based off of your.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, you're able to put that together based off the images great so yeah, when you look to Great, so yeah, when you look to Sam, she's like she's still her skin color hasn't changed really, but like she's much more pallid and waxy, like all of her blood is drained. And, depending on which side of her you're looking at, either her eyebrows have raised up above her eye patch, but you can't see her eye, or any other side. Her eyes are wide and she's like staring into nothingness, into the shadows, but very clearly kind of shocked and just like holding the bars. Are there bars? There's a door. She's had her hands on the door.

Speaker 3:

Yes, door Yep.

Speaker 2:

So if Glenn doesn't hear a response from her, he will put his hand on her shoulder.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, she starts a little bit and turns to look at you and she shakes her head a little bit to try to clear it. Did you see that?

Speaker 2:

See what.

Speaker 1:

I saw you wander off.

Speaker 2:

You know, when the good doctor tells us not to touch stuff, we probably shouldn't touch stuff.

Speaker 5:

She looks back at her hands and didn't even realize she had her hands on the door. She takes them off and like she rubs them down her leathers, on her torso and her thighs, like trying to like clean her hands as if she hadn't touched it.

Speaker 2:

Um. What did you see?

Speaker 5:

It was like I I didn't see with my eyes, I saw it just in my head. I saw the names and images of six cities. I don't even think I might have been to one, but it seems like there are these artifacts that are going to be needed to fight the crystal, and the crystals they make an army. And her eyes get big and she looks at you again and she, like she puts her hands on both her shoulders and she's like squeezing you a little bit. She doesn't pick up off the ground, but she's like urgency. There's a way to beat it, just shakes you just a little bit.

Speaker 2:

Okay, well, that's good. We can use some artifacts to beat them. Who's them? The crystals, yeah, the crystals.

Speaker 5:

She's saying it quietly.

Speaker 3:

The doctor's probably all the way down the hallway. Don't worry about her. The doctor has stopped outside of the cell. She's about 100 feet away from you.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I'm not shouting, I'm not praying.

Speaker 2:

Alright, so let's explore this further, but let's go look in this cell and see what we can see.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, good idea, and she's. Uh, am I like in full control of myself again?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, 100%, yep.

Speaker 5:

Ah, that was weird. I did not like that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you get used to seeing things and hearing voices, it just becomes normal. Oh.

Speaker 5:

Oh, good Good, I was worried it didn't feel right, but welcome to the club.

Speaker 2:

You're now officially part of the group.

Speaker 5:

Is there like a handshake or anything? I gotta learn Cards, jackets, I don't. Oh the hat. Is it the hat that's?

Speaker 2:

the feather, the feather.

Speaker 4:

That's the feather yeah, oh, my god, it's a flickser feather.

Speaker 3:

Alright. So you walk to the end of the hall with Dr Tranter and she has the cell door open and she gestures in. She says please go ahead inside. Please don't mind the smell or the look. Like I said, we haven't had an opportunity to clean the place out yet. We're very, very understaffed. Let me know if you have any questions. I'll wait out here.

Speaker 2:

Glenn is going to kind of poke his head in. He's not necessarily going to enter, but he's going to kind of look inside and he'll be using prestidigitation to keep the air around him fresh.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I just walk in. Okay, uh, he's gonna stroll in there. Uh, glenn nines, what about the rest of you? Are you going in?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I mean this isn't anything safe like a portal to another dimension jump through. This is a cage. So yeah, glenn is probably going to be standing in the doorway.

Speaker 3:

What about Sam?

Speaker 5:

Sam will go up. She's still thinking about the other stuff, so she's going to be following on autopilot wherever the others go.

Speaker 3:

Got it, yeah, so you walk in. It looks like chaos in there. You can see these charcoal drawings all over the place. You see lots of lines, looks like some creatures, somebody was keeping track of the days that they spent in here. You see dots or lines and slashes all over one wall, but another wall has what looks like an outline of a city and a bunch of creatures and and just random drawings all over the place. For those of you that are in the room, actually just Monty and nines, because you're on autopilot and Glenn's outside. Monty and nines, each of you give me a nature check.

Speaker 4:

Nature boy, ooh, plus two.

Speaker 3:

Monty, you're nature at advantage.

Speaker 4:

I rolled a 17 for 19.

Speaker 6:

I got a 19 as well.

Speaker 3:

Okay, yeah, so you both, uh, you both start, start. You're both, uh able to decipher these as some sort of tentacled creatures? Um, tentacle creature drawn over and over again, um, and there's a coastal city which skylines suggest the size, this area of the safe haven. It seems like the creature is drawn, shown trapped in a deep chasm or an underwater pit of some sort, with its tentacles wrapped around humanoids who are being dragged down into the inky dark around it. The tentacled creature seems to be shackled humanoids who are being dragged down into the inky dark around it. The tentacled creature seems to be shackled by a collar attached to a chain and the chain is held by another creature resembling a kind of multi-tailed fish. Monty and Nines, each of you give me an arcana check.

Speaker 6:

You said it's shackled to another creature, a fish.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, a multi-tailed fish. A multi-tailed fish.

Speaker 4:

Oh boy. So I wouldn't be able to see any of this from looking in from the outside of the room.

Speaker 3:

No it's drawn on the wall facing the door or on the same wall as the door?

Speaker 6:

You said arcana check correct.

Speaker 3:

Arcana correct.

Speaker 4:

I rolled a 19 plus 2 for 21.

Speaker 3:

Okay, great, nines gets it, Nines gets it, nines. You keep, as you're looking at this, you recognize it as a creature that you've heard about from some of the monk masters, known as an Avalith.

Speaker 4:

Nines will relay that information In a very long and drawn out way. He's going to go on and on About how he knows this information. Okay, so one day back to the temple alright, so sorry, is the aboleth the tentacled thing.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, is the aboleth the tentacled thing or the thing holding the tentacled thing.

Speaker 3:

The multi-tailed fish.

Speaker 2:

Is the aboleth.

Speaker 3:

Is the aboleth?

Speaker 4:

yes, okay, so the aboleth is holding the multi or the uh, the tentacle thing correct on on like a chain or a leash or something yep so, as nines is describing it, glenn will um kind of walk in to try to see the drawing.

Speaker 2:

He's now confident that well, he's still not confident, he's still worried. He's only using half of his attention. He's coming in but he's paying attention to the door to make sure that Dr Trantor doesn't shut them in here.

Speaker 3:

Okay, yeah, so.

Speaker 2:

As he's describing. As Nines is describing the drawing and his life story about how he learned about this aboleth. He will be Glenn will be looking at the pictures okay.

Speaker 3:

so as you, as you're all looking at these pictures and Nines is describing what an aboletheth is, he starts to fill in some details about Aboleths being extremely evil creatures. They typically live in subterranean lakes or rocky depths of the ocean. They're surrounded by ruins of ancient fallen cities. An Aboleth spends most of its existence underwater, only occasionally surfacing to treat with visitors or worshippers of their various cults, and they're known for charming and taking control of other creatures or individuals. Any idea what the thing it's holding is. Roll me a Nature or History.

Speaker 2:

Your choice.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, because it matters. Sam is in now too. Can I help with any of that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, nature or history. I had a 14 on nature.

Speaker 3:

That's pretty good.

Speaker 2:

That's different than what I would have gotten had I used it for history 10 minus 1 for a nine.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

that A nine. So, yeah, you're able to put together that this is some sort of large squid looking creature. Neither of you can exactly place what type of creature it is, but it is some sort of multi-tentacled squid or cephalopod.

Speaker 2:

So Glenn will look at Monty, his resident nature expert. He says have you ever seen a cephalopod grabbing people like that and being tamed by an aboleth?

Speaker 6:

I mean, Monty spent some time on the seas. Has he heard of this? I guess I don't know if I know or not. Can I do a roll for this one?

Speaker 2:

What's your background.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, give me a nature at advantage, Monty.

Speaker 6:

So after Monty's father died, he was hanging out with pirates for many, many, many years.

Speaker 3:

About pirates.

Speaker 6:

Maybe you say do that at advantage.

Speaker 3:

At advantage correct.

Speaker 6:

Let's see that comes down to 14.

Speaker 3:

Okay, yeah, you, let's see that comes down to 14. Yeah, you know, there are very large squid and octopus or octopi out in the oceans and this looks like one of those types of creatures quite frequently these kind of things live in the deepest of darks and we never quite know what they are up to.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 6:

I mean I rolled a 14, so Hopefully Monty's answer matched the dice roll so anybody else.

Speaker 2:

Okay so. So Glenn will look at anybody else. Okay, so in Glenn's head he will ask Arnold.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Arnold. Goodness, I'm having brain problems today.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

He'll ask Arnold Anything.

Speaker 3:

You do not get a response. I didn't figure Sam.

Speaker 5:

Did you mention that there was also cities painted on the wall and like other things besides the underwater stuff?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it looks like the skyline of a city that resembles the Styes, this portion of the safe haven that you're in.

Speaker 5:

Okay, but none of the cities that were listed in my brain.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 5:

Is there anything that stands out to Sam in particular, or is it all the same, like I don't know if there's anything that I saw that I'm missing. Am I as crazy as the dude who was trapped here? I don't know if there's anything. I saw that I'm missing this whole thing. Am I as crazy as the dude who was trapped here? Is Sam a machine?

Speaker 3:

monster. So you're trying to find out if Sam is crazy.

Speaker 5:

Is Sam seeing the same shit this guy was seeing? It sounds like maybe, but maybe not.

Speaker 3:

No, this seems to be unrelated.

Speaker 5:

Okay, sam's just normal, crazy we're okay with that, just normal, crazy oh yeah, she hears the voices that are supposed to be there so they're all supposed to be there anyway.

Speaker 2:

So, looking at all this stuff, is there any kind of code or anything that would have been a uh like symbology that glenn would have known from his exposure to thieves or gods or anything like that?

Speaker 3:

Give me a religion check, Glenn.

Speaker 2:

I need to boost my religion.

Speaker 3:

You are the resident religion expert.

Speaker 2:

Yep Ten Exactly.

Speaker 3:

Because of your book. Give me an advantage oh, okay uh 10, no change, actually worse, but it's advantage not disadvantage uh, so you do recall from your book of gods and deities that some cults do worship extremely powerful psychic creatures throughout the lands, and some of them are. There's a large percentage that are devoted to the creatures of the depths.

Speaker 2:

Okay, okay. So Glenn will look over at nines and say I might have missed it. Did you say that those amyliths are psychics? They have psychic powers or psionics or anything like that.

Speaker 4:

Nines- I'm sorry say that again. I was reading.

Speaker 2:

Glenn will look at nines and say I might have missed it. Did you say that Aboleths have some kind of psionic or psychic power?

Speaker 4:

Yes, I know that, but how much does nines?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I described that to you all what nines described, and he went over some psychic stuff.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So I do know that there are some peoples out there that worship psychic things, even though they're not deities. They worship them as deities, so maybe that's Is this in any way related to the Chained God? They're not deities, they worship them as deities, so maybe that's Is this in any way related to the chained god? He's kind of thinking out loud. Let's see if it sparks anything in anybody else, and it apparently does not. Alright, so I guess I don't know, glenn's got nothing else. I mean, he's kind of done.

Speaker 3:

Okay, dr Tranter says to you, if there's nothing else, I can lead you out. I'm sorry, I have a lot of patients that I need to see today.

Speaker 2:

So, glenn, how long would it take to clean the room?

Speaker 3:

Clean the entire room. I mean you can cast it every six seconds. I would say it would take you probably ten minutes. Ish, okay, okay, alright. So Dr Tranter waits until you all leave the cell and closes it, locks it and starts to lead you all out.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

As she walks towards the edge, that gurgle starts to become overwhelming once more. I need you all to give me a wisdom saving throw.

Speaker 6:

No, no, here we go that gurgle starts to become overwhelming once more.

Speaker 1:

I need you all to give me a wisdom saving throw.

Speaker 2:

No, no, here we go. Not again, except for you, sam 13.

Speaker 5:

I was looking forward to failing again.

Speaker 4:

Does a six hit?

Speaker 6:

Yeah, Monty got a six as well, too. That's a good thing, right yeah?

Speaker 5:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what I got. It's all thing, right. Yeah, that's what I got.

Speaker 3:

I didn't die. Monty Nines, you feel yourself drawn to opposite cells from one another across the hall. You both place your hands against these cells and you get several images flashing through your heads. I'm going to send you the same information. Yay, we get to get in the know. You get cities and city names, along with an image of a large crystal army and several artifacts that need to be collected that could be strong enough to destroy this army.

Speaker 6:

If only we had somebody that goes around collecting artifacts.

Speaker 5:

Here we were looking for Arcana and intelligence checks.

Speaker 6:

No wonder Mors is gone.

Speaker 3:

Okay for our listeners, so they don't think that I'm gaming the system. I gave Justin the choice during his long rest and he said yeah, make me roll for it. And so I gave him the roll and he rolled a one.

Speaker 5:

The dice have spoken.

Speaker 3:

So this specific instance would have been something that Moors would have shined on.

Speaker 6:

Well, honestly, after seeing all that, I feel like losing that roll was not a bad thing. We'll see.

Speaker 3:

Okay. So the images stop flashing through your heads and you're both shaking slightly, both sweating a little bit, and you look around and you're back in the asylum ward.

Speaker 6:

Monty will say we need to leave this place. There's a lot of bad going on here.

Speaker 2:

So Glenn will look at Monty Nines and Sam and just shake his head and say what part of don't touch the stuff do you not understand?

Speaker 6:

If you touched it, you would understand as well too. We need to leave.

Speaker 4:

Nines will look at his betrayer of a hand and say I didn't mean to I rolled a six Come on.

Speaker 2:

So Glenn will look at Nines, looking at his hand, and reach down to his belt, where his axe used to be. He traded that right.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Oh, womp, womp.

Speaker 2:

That's what I needed, that for. And then he'll continue walking out, okay.

Speaker 3:

Uh, dr Tranter did not seem to notice any of this. And uh, she walks you out to the front of the building.

Speaker 2:

Good thing she's there. So out of the front of, Are we not going to his room?

Speaker 3:

She did say that you're not going to find anything there.

Speaker 5:

I trust her.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 5:

Would Glenn push for it? He probably would.

Speaker 2:

If it seems like she's trying to steer us away from it, then yes.

Speaker 5:

Well, yeah, try to get a read on it. Can you do a?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, if you talk to her about it again, I'll give you an insight check.

Speaker 2:

So Glenn will ask hey, can we real quick, can we just swing by his room?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Jarmie's room. God, I can't remember names.

Speaker 3:

You mean the room prior to the isolation chamber.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I mean he has two roommates in there. I don't think you're going to find anything.

Speaker 2:

Oh, people to talk to.

Speaker 3:

They are people.

Speaker 4:

They're non-verbal. I just decided.

Speaker 5:

One of them has no tongue and the other one has no eyes or ears.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, let's go check out the room.

Speaker 3:

I'm sorry, I really don't have the time to take you to the room. I really must insist that you leave. There's nothing there. I promise you that.

Speaker 2:

So Glenn will reach into his pouch and hand her the note from the counselor saying that we have permission to investigate okay, she looks at the note and she says I've shown you what you need to see.

Speaker 3:

Give me an insight. Check, Glenn. Twelve or ten.

Speaker 6:

Uh, you think she's telling the truth. Madame, are you sure there's not possibly a way that we could the quickest tiniest of peeks into his room?

Speaker 3:

If I take you to the room, you wouldn't even be able to enter it. There's two people in the room right now and I don't have the people to take them out safely.

Speaker 6:

You would have to just look from the outside. I think we could manage just a couple of inmates to this place, or patients, I don't know what you call them here.

Speaker 3:

It's against protocol to release them without trained personnel here.

Speaker 6:

Ah, madame, we are very well trained, if you know what I mean. Monty's gonna get a, he's Well, he's trying to figure out if she's, he really wants to know as well, seeing how she interacted with Glenn, if she's trying to hide something or not. So I'll do. Are you trying to persuade?

Speaker 3:

her, or are you trying to get a read on her?

Speaker 6:

I'm trying to get a read on her, but I'm also Depending on the outcome of that Shoot, that's a 12 or 13. But then on the outcome of that, he's trying to persuade.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you're trying to you believe her, I believe her.

Speaker 6:

Okay, then he wouldn't be trying to persuade anything. All right, madame, we understand, we can go now.

Speaker 3:

Anything else.

Speaker 2:

No, okay.

Speaker 6:

I guess we leave.

Speaker 3:

Alright. She walks out to the front. Bray sees as Monty passes Bray. He looks at him for a second and then recognition comes across his eyes and he waves at you.

Speaker 6:

Bray, you keep it real okay.

Speaker 3:

There's us some gang signs.

Speaker 4:

Keep it real dog.

Speaker 3:

Keep it real dog.

Speaker 3:

Dog Woof, woof Alright so you're outside of the asylum now. Alright, that's what we're going to call it for the night. I want to say thank you once again to everybody following us like this, giving us ideas. It means a lot to us. I'm having a good time. Based off the amount of laughter in this episode, I hope you're having a good time as well. Make sure, once again, you follow us on facebook at facebookcom slash ADNDstory. Follow us on X at ADDstory2. And make sure you check us out on Instagram at instagramcom slash ADNDstory. Finally, make sure you check out our Patreon at patreoncom slash ADNDstory. Justin is the DM over there Much better DM than we are, than I am. Maybe we'll play another game eventually.

Speaker 5:

Maybe if we're lucky.

Speaker 3:

If we're lucky. And finally, if you like all the sound effects and noises you're hearing, make sure you check out Syrinscape at Syrinscapecom for all your tabletop needs and sound effects noises you're hearing. Make sure you check out Sirenscape at Sirenscapecom for all your tabletop needs and sound effects. I use them for my in-person sessions as well, to set the mood Matty. If you want to take us out tonight.

Speaker 6:

Well, everybody, it's been nerdy, it's been nerdy.

Speaker 5:

Nerdy, nerdy.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

A bunch of nerds, nerdy Nerds, a bunch of nerds, thank you,