KarmicTools Forecast • Monthly Podcast

2021-23 TAURUS/SCORPIO Eclipses & Nodes ~ Overview & Activations

Kelly M Beard Season 2022 Episode 12

This is an Overview of the Energy & Activations that will occur with North Node in Taurus, including the Taurus/Scorpio Eclipses.

GOOD Prayer/Ritual Days:
4.7.2022 ~ Jupiter in Pisces ~sextile~ NNode in Taurus

Set intentions around expanding the vision for your life & life path, for your purpose & direction

4.25.2022 ~ Saturn in Aquarius ~square~ NNode in Taurus
Set intentions around clearing blockages, cultivating strength & creating order - in your body, life, environment & relationships
You can also set intentions around all New Roles & Responsibilities

6.16.2022 ~ Venus ~conjunct~ NNode in Taurus
Set intentions around renewing your values & priorities in your relationships & finances
And think long-term: 20-year cycle that moves in 5-year increments
We just spent the last 5-years closing the cycle 2002-05 through 2021-23
We will spend the next 5-years initiating the new cycle 2021-23 through 2040-42

8.1.20222 ~ Mars ~conjunct~ NNode in Taurus
Set intentions around your purpose & Sacred Masculine: the part of you that negotiates on your own behalf, gets your ideas in the world & holds good boundaries
As you re-set your personal desires and the choices that follow, will be with you for this cycle going forward

8.3.2022 ~ Uranus ~conjunct~ NNode in Taurus
Set intentions around your physical freedom (get healthy), around your sovereignty (stay free) and around your independence (activate inner authority)
As you make the clean break with the past, the New Path & Purpose will unfold organically

RELEVANT Reflections ~ discussed on audio/video:

Saturn ~conjunct~ NNode in Scorpio = 9.16.2013
Pluto ~conjunct~ NNode in Scorpio = 2.20.1994
Jupiter ~conjunct~ NNode in Scorpio = 10.1.1994

BONUS Tools ~ Include Issues, Areas of Life,
Questions to Contemplate, Breathwork & Rituals

TAURUS New Moon Basic Lunar Tools

TAURUS Full Moon Basic Lunar Tools

SCORPIO New Moon Basic Lunar Tools

SCORPIO Full Moon Basic Lunar Tools

#taurus #eclipse #scorpio #shamanicastrology #astrology #transits #kellymbeard
#cycles #patterns #lunarcycle #eclipsecycle #shamanism #earthmedicine #nodes
#asabovesobelow #change #evolution #revolution #nextlevel #venus #pluto 

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