KarmicTools Forecast ~ Weekly Podcast
Kelly M Beard's Karmic Tools Monthly Update is posted around the first of every month and covers the general Energetic Support which affects people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Kelly loves to discuss how these energies tend to manifest, and share guidance on how to direct the energies on your own behalf. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social and Collective Story.
KarmicTools Forecast ~ Weekly Podcast
Special :: AQUARIUS Gate of Power :: Energetic Support :: Feb 4 - March 20, 2024
Special Update from Kelly:
We get together every 6-weeks, at the Turn of the Wheel, to Honor the Sacred Seasons as we move throughout the year, intentionally and as a Community. This is an EXCERPT for our FEB Gate of Power Seasonal Circle.
Join us NEXT time at SPRING Equinox on March 20th!
You can Register HERE to Access FULL Replay, Tools + Resources:
• Seasonal Overview + Energetic Support + Special Activations (30-min)
• What do we need to PURIFY? (28-min)
• How can we activate the SPARK? (24-min)
• What SHADOW to be aware of? (16-min)
• Community Oracle CARDS (40-min)
HORSE Medicine :: Replay + Tools ($25)
#gateofpower #crossquarter #sacredseasons #leo #aquarius #taurus #scorpio #shamanism #kellymbeard #shamanicastrology #transits #earthmedicine #energeticsupport #karmictools