Overwhelm is Optional

Transform Overwhelm into Calm

Heidi Marke Season 1 Episode 205

A fast and effective way to deal with overwhelm.

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  • 🎧 The One Minute Marke: Need a quick reset from overwhelm? Download my free one-minute audio here: The One Minute Marke.
  • Welcome to the Overwhelm is Optional Podcast
  • This is the podcast for big-hearted, highly driven professionals who want their life back.
  • Each week, we explore ways to gently rebel against the idea that overwhelm and exhaustion are just the price you pay for success. You don’t have to push through—it’s time to work with ease, reclaim your energy, and create the life you want.
  • 💡 Meet Heidi Marke
    I’m Heidi, a Coach, Teacher, Podcaster, and Author. Having painfully burned out—losing my career, confidence, health, and financial stability—I discovered a better way. Now, I quietly lead The Gentle Rebellion, helping you to:
    1. Stop pushing through overwhelm.
    2. Redefine success on your own terms.
    3. Reclaim your time, energy, and life.
  • More Resources to Support You:
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    🎧 Curious about my free audio? Try it here:
    The One Minute Marke.
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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Gentle Rebellion, where overwhelm is optional. Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to this week's episode. The fastest way I know to get out of overwhelm is this Move your attention from where the overwhelm lives, ie your head. Move your attention to your feet. Why? Because your feet are the furthest part of you from where the overwhelm lives. It's particularly helpful if your feet are on the ground. Why? Because then you can literally feel the ground beneath your feet. Feel the ground beneath your feet and feel strong and stable and held.

Speaker 1:

Overwhelm is a trickster. It's going to convince you of all sorts of nonsense. You can't see the wood for the trees. Your mind feels like a shaken snow globe. Move your attention away from all of that into your feet and feel the ground beneath your feet. Allow the snow globe to start to settle. Don't try to make it settle, though. That makes it too hard. Just allow everything to settle.

Speaker 1:

Feel your feet on the ground. Maybe wiggle your toes to help draw your attention down to your feet. Feel held by the ground. Maybe allow your belly to soften if it wants to. It might not want to, that's okay, just notice. Notice your belly softening or not. Maybe allow your shoulders to move away from your ears if they want to, maybe allow some space between your teeth, tongue resting lightly on the roof of your mouth.

Speaker 1:

Let the overwhelm be. It is not you, it's just passing through. You can choose to push through it like normal or you can choose to allow it to move away. Feel your feet on the ground. Allow your belly to soften if it wants to, allow your shoulders to move away from your ears or not. Just notice, notice how you feel in this moment. Notice the overwhelm and the ease. The overwhelm and the ease coexist. The overwhelm draws your attention. It tricks you into thinking that if you just get this impossible list of things done, then you will feel ease. But the truth is the ease is always here and it's easier to get out of the overwhelm first. Then all of the things that you need to do will be easier, because you will be able to prioritise and think clearly, just scanning your body for anywhere that now feels even the slightest bit of ease. Sometimes you have to search harder for the ease and sometimes it's easy. It gets easier with practice. Feel your feet on the ground, know that you are safe, grounded, loved, welcome, loved, welcome. Allow your belly to soften if it wants to, and if it doesn't, that's okay, just let it be. Maybe allow your shoulders to move away from your ears if they want to. Maybe allow space shoulders to move away from your ears if they want to. Maybe allow space between the teeth and the tongue to rest slightly on the roof of your mouth. Scanning your body for any ease at all.

Speaker 1:

Keep drawing your attention back to the ease, keep inviting it in. Allow it to spread throughout your body just for a moment longer, and then just notice how you feel. And then notice how you feel neutrally. Drop the judgment. Drop any shoulds, oughts, musts. Let the pressure go before you start to move through your day. So, either whether you're starting your day or you're restarting your day, allow the pressure to go for a moment and see how that feels. Notice any ease, because it's ease that you want Ease and joy, safety, appreciation, love, appreciation, love. And when you're ready with that feeling of ease, however small, I invite you to become aware of your surroundings again and then to start. Whatever it is you wanted to do with a little bit more ease.

Speaker 1:

This is the fastest way I know to get out of overwhelm. If you want this as a one minute audio to use any time you want. Then please click the link below this podcast episode or go to my website. You're looking for the one minute mark free audio. Save it on your phone, your desktop. Use it between meetings, use it before you start looking at your to-do list. Use it before you switch on your laptop, before you grab your phone and disappear. Use it throughout your day until you gain the skill of being able to move out of overwhelm into ease at will.

Speaker 1:

And then notice. Notice how it makes you feel having this skill. It makes you feel having this skill. Notice how nice it is to know that you can let things settle before trying to focus or before trying to listen to someone, or before trying to do any of the things that you want to do, feel you ought to do or feel you have to do. Notice the choices it gives you, the clarity it gives you, but, most of all, notice how good it makes you feel and that you can have that before doing the things. The overwhelm and the ease coexist, but your mind is drawn to the overwhelm and the ease coexist, but your mind is drawn to the overwhelm all the time. If you want more ease, you're going to have to deliberately train your attention onto the ease that's always there and is often hidden by a blank of pressure and overwhelm. Blank of pressure and overwhelm. I hope that helps. It's a very short one this week, but a very powerful one. Have a great week For more resources to help you gently rebel.

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