Sourcing School by RecruitingDaily
The team and audience of RecruitingDaily discuss sourcing tools, news, need-to-knows, need-to-use, and a whole lot more. Class is in session.
Sourcing School by RecruitingDaily
A New Approach to Sourcing using AI with Britt Sanders and Adam Couch of Oleeo
What if there was a way to hire the best people faster, cheaper, and more effectively? Join us as we unwrap the future of HR Tech with Sr Director Britt Sanders and VP of Global Sales Adam Couch of Oleeo. These two professionals enlighten us on their mission to revolutionize the candidate and recruiter experience. This riveting dialogue is packed with insights on the changing HR landscape, AI's role in sourcing candidates, and innovative strategies to tackle the sourcing crisis.
Oleeo shares their upcoming developments, their approach to job distribution, and their commitment to promoting diversity in recruitment and enhancing efficiency through data-driven automation. Don't miss this engaging exploration into the future of HR Tech and the strategies to hire the best people faster, cheaper, and more effectively.
Special mini series recorded with Oleeo at HR Tech 2023 with hosts Ryan Leary, Brian Fink, and Shally Steckerl.
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Well, it's the end of the day and you are tuning in to the last episode of the day of HR Tech, with Ryan Leary and Brian Fink from the Talent Acquisition Content Lounge, which has been powered by Olio and recruiting daily, sourcing school Right we made it.
Speaker 2:We made it. You sound tired now. We did make it. This was a fantastic show. I think the buzz here was amazing and we have two special guests here to talk about it with.
Speaker 1:Yeah, two people who have truly experienced, or helped us experience, what it's like to be a partner. I want to welcome Britt and Adam from Olio.
Speaker 3:Thank you, thank you.
Speaker 4:Yeah, guys, hey, I just want to say this is, I think, my 18th HR Tech. We were talking last night and this has been the most fun we've had. I've had new guys here do this and bringing folks from practitioners to CEOs of other organizations and other partners here, so this has been great. Well, thank you all.
Speaker 2:As much as we appreciate that that's sad. That we are part of your best program.
Speaker 1:You know what's a really good program, adam Britt. It's two words. It's a really good program. It's a really good movie, it's called Star Wars.
Speaker 2:I thought it was Adam Britt. I thought that was the actual game of the show.
Speaker 4:Adam and Britt show.
Speaker 3:Britt, would you see this go around, not just outside, but the agenda that you guys put together with the amount of speakers that came in was amazing. I think I saw our booth nonstop. People were lined up wanting to talk, talk shop, talk about AI, talk about the technologies they saw. I mean it was really cool. It was probably my 15th show at HR Tech and definitely one of the funner ones, just being here with you guys and getting to see the many people speak about what they've seen.
Speaker 2:They're giving us yeti chairs.
Speaker 4:And we've done more podcasts in the last day than I've done in my lifetime, so it's good.
Speaker 2:I saw you on another podcast. I'm a little upset about that.
Speaker 4:Well, you know what are you going to do, ladies and?
Speaker 1:gentlemen, ryan Leary competing with one, william Tynko, I am upset about that.
Speaker 2:So what have you seen? This is for both of you. What have you seen on the floor or throughout the last couple of days that has really changed what you are going to think about moving forward in HR Tech?
Speaker 3:Well, the booths keep getting bigger.
Speaker 2:They do, they do and I almost think it's part of the sales team somehow, because I shouldn't say this on like probably they all got the same shit.
Speaker 3:They got like the lights they go around in the marquees.
Speaker 1:They got lights that go around.
Speaker 2:TVs on this side of it, like wall TVs and all that stuff. I think they're pushing them to go bigger.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I mean, the real estate's definitely gotten larger and you know, HR tech's all about networking, and so last night was a testament of that. I think we hit maybe four networking events bounced around and it was really cool. We had more conversations last night about what people were doing, what kind of technologies people were looking for at those networking events, and I think that's a big part of HR tech as well.
Speaker 4:Yeah, and I'm seeing well just what we're hearing is a lot about, obviously, ai, a lot about people, analytics, talent inventory, skills it's going to coming back into being a hot topic and skills, not of only today, but what the next skills are. But for me, at the end of the day, it's a pretty simple equation it's about hiring the best people faster, cheaper and of higher quality than you ever done.
Speaker 1:And that's what Olio does too, right? Well?
Speaker 4:that's what we do. I mean it's a simple mission. I tell people what do you do for life in a job. I chase kids and chase deals Pretty simple.
Speaker 3:It's difficult, but that's what we do.
Speaker 4:And so and a recruiters has never changed it's about quality, speed and time. That's it. Well, there's actually three quality, speed, and what's the other one cost, and so, but at Olio, that's what organizations do Britt, put you on the spot here?
Speaker 3:No, I mean you nailed it. I think we're trying to be hyper focused in certain areas, whether it's high volume recruiting. Definitely campus in the financial sector has been big for us. So we've. That's an area that's not slowing down. No, we were actually. We were in New York last week at Black Rock's headquarters, which was amazing, getting to speak there to the whole financial sector. So I think we're, you know, we are well known there. We're well known in the financial services.
Speaker 2:We're obviously expanding more in the RPO markets and so Talk about and this is Adam, for you or Britt, either Talk about where Olio goes in the next, say, six months, 12 months, can't go really too far out. But what are some of your prospects and customers? What should they expect? Go ahead, adam.
Speaker 4:Yeah, no, I was going to say so they should expect. I think one of our biggest focuses is obviously candidate experience but also recruiter experience. Great, and so, I think, the overall experience from all stakeholders involved in the hiring process. Through our technology, whether it's more mobile, whether it's better UX on the backend, you'll see that You'll see more distributions of jobs and different ways of getting the jobs out there to help in the sourcing crisis that some of our customers have today.
Speaker 4:And then also from an AI perspective I mean, I said this yesterday, but we've had data scientists on our staff for over eight years now, so we'd like to think that we were on the leading edge of that, and so they'll see the continued innovation of how do you going back to that, how do we help you find candidates faster, cheaper, better and more diverse than before? And so and they'll see some additional diversity tools coming out from the product set over the next six to nine months.
Speaker 3:I don't know how to follow that up. How was the sourcing?
Speaker 2:crisis. I was impressed with that.
Speaker 1:Okay, so wait a minute, so like you bring that up and like I feel that because there are a lot of sourcers, there are a lot of okay, so there are a lot of sourcers out of work. There are more sourcers out of work than there are recruiters. Recruiters are having to pick up recruiting responsibilities and sourcing responsibilities. How do they do more with less? And, to your point, how do they do it better, faster, cheaper than they ever have before to show ROI to the business? So they're not the next head on the chopping block.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I mean, if you look at what our sign says, is data driven recruitment automation right, and so how can you use automation to scale and use AI to get to the right people and we talked about this yesterday. Get back to having conversations, right. So to me, it's all about sourcing. Yes, you got to get to the people, but you got to get to have conversations, and so you use AI to pick up the phone, meet a person, do whatever it is, just to get in front of them and have human interaction.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Well about human interaction. I don't think that we could have interacted with as many humans as we possibly did in the past 48 hours. That's a lot. This has been an exceptional event. I want to thank the team at Olio for making this possible and for putting us here on the floor to talk to the good people that make up the community HR tech. Thanks so much, guys.
Speaker 3:Thank you, guys, thank you guys.