Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

May 2023 Astro Update & Sun Sign Forecasts

April 30, 2023 Jill Jardine Season 9 Episode 172

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We enter the lusty month of May with Mercury retrograde and in an eclipse window which opened at the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries on April 20, 2023, the day before Mercury went retrograde. The first two weeks of May are marred by Mercury retrograde in Taurus until May 14. Jupiter shifts from Aries into Taurus mid-month. Full Moon Lunar eclipse on May 5, reveals hidden agendas and could adversely affect economic outlook.
Here are the Key dates in May 2023: 
May 1: Pluto retrogrades in Aquarius
May 5: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse with Moon in Scorpio/Sun in Taurus (WESAK MOON)
May 7: Venus transits Cancer until June 5
May 14: Mercury Direct
May 16: Jupiter transits into Taurus until May 2024
May 19: New Moon in Taurus
May 21: Sun transits into Gemini

May Marches in as Pluto rolls retrograde until October 10, 2023, allowing us to integrate any transformation from the previous months. Mercury retrograde and eclectic ecliptic energies can make us feel destabilized, waiting for the other shoe to drop. That shoe may drop at the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on May 5 with the Full Moon in Scorpio opposing the Taurus sun.  This coincides with the annual Wesak Full Moon which occurs at 1:34 pm EDT on May 5. This Full Moon is eclipsed so it is more important than ever to invoke the spiritual energies available at the Wesak festival.  Chant, eat, pray,love, do something special at this Moon even though it is eclipsed.  

 Wesak Festival is really a five day period at the time of the Full Moon: the two days preceding the full Moon (May 3 & 4) , the day of the Festival itself(May 5), and the two succeeding days(May 6 & 7)-called the days of dispensation. 

The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is 15 degrees of Scorpio: Scorpio 15 (14° - 15°) CHILDREN PLAYING AROUND FIVE MOUNDS OF SAND to be interpreted as the FIRST STEPS OF HUMANITY'S SPIRITUAL BREAKTHROUGH.

Venus carouses into Cancer on May 7 until June 5th, bringing beautification to the home front and creating soothing scenarios. Venus in Cancer focuses on family, just in time for Mother’s day on May 14. It’s a Mercurial Mother’s Day as Mercury goes direct at 11:17 pm allowing the energies to now flow smoothly post-eclipse. 

Jovial Jupiter jaunts out of fiery Aries on May 16, to be tempered by Taurus until May 26, 2034. We’ll be feeling big shifts of energy when the Cosmic giant Jupiter plants new seeds and potentials in our financial life. 

Taurus New Moon occurs May 19th, gives us a breather, breaking free from frantic eclipse portal of the past month and fosters relaxation and rebirth.

A Plethora of planets in Taurus pushes pleasure-seeking agendas and physical body indulgences. The Sun and Moon late degrees Taurus, speak to finishing cycles, while Jupiter, the North Node, Mercury and Uranus in early-mid degrees of Taurus, urge us to plant seeds at this fruitful time for a fortutious future. although there can be some paranoia or fear-driven behavior involved.. The Sabian Symbol for 28 degrees Taurus is: " A WOMAN, PAST HER "CHANGE OF LIFE," EXPERIENCES A NEW LOVE. " 

The Sun shifts into Gemini on May 21st, amping activities of communication and socialization.  Get out there and have some fun! Make it a Summer of Love! 

Stay tuned for the Sun Sign forecasts at the end of the episode!

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