Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

Two Astrologers discuss the Key Astro Activity from May-August 2023 with Astrologer, Hilary Harley

May 04, 2023 Jill Jardine/Hilary Harley Season 9 Episode 173

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This episode is on the Powerful Violet Flame Meditation which begins at 13 minutes into the episode.  For the first 13 minutes, Jill explains the significance of the Violet Flame and St. Germain.

Also called the “Flame of Transmutation,” the “Flame of Mercy,” the “Flame of Freedom,” and the “Flame of Forgiveness,” the Violet Flame is a sacred fire that transforms and purifies negative “karma” or blockages.

The violet flame is a powerful symbol and form of imagery that can be used as a catalyst for our spiritual journeys. The reason for this is that it creates the space necessary for healing any soul blockages.

St. Germain is an ascended Master. Ascended Masters are spiritual beings or guides who have ascended to the Higher Dimensions to assist Humanity’s evolution from the higher spheres or lokas. They have incarnated on earth previously and now exist in higher realms to help humans. Jesus Christ, Buddha and Krishna are all considered ascended Masters. According to Theosophy and other esoteric spiritual teachings, such as those taught by the late Elizabeth Clare Prophet, there are seven Ascended Masters responsible for the Seven Rays of Evolution, or the Seven Paths to God. According to Elizabeth Clare Prophet “The Seven Color rays are the natural division of the pure white light emanating from the heart of God as it descends through the prism of manifestation. The Seven Rays present seven paths to individual or personal spiritual evolution.  Seven masters have mastered identity by walking these paths.  These seven masters are called the Chohans of the rays, which mean lord of the rays.  Chohan  is a Sanskrit term for lord.

ST. GERMAIN, the Chohan of the 7th Ray, is the Ascended Master of the Aquarian Age. 7th Ray rules freedom, mercy transmutation and ritual.  The pulsations of the violet flame can be felt from his retreat of the House of Rakocsy and Transylvania and from the Cave of Symbols in the United States.  

St. Germain had many Earthly incarnations including Merlin, the famed magician of Arthurian times in the 5th century, Roger Bacon, Christopher Columbus and Francis Bacon. He was best known as the“le Comte de Saint Germain,” a miraculous gentleman who dazzled the courts of 18th and 19th century Europe, where they called him “The Wonderman.” In that incarnation he was an alchemist, scholar, linguist, poet, musician, and diplomat admired throughout the courts of Europe. 

In her book, Saint Germain: Mystery of the Violet Flame, Elizabeth Claire Prophet gives this message from St. Germain:

"Allow for the Violet Flame that I have released this night to move through your bodies, to transmute all of the tensions of the solar plexus, and allow for the integration of your heart with your own SOUL Presence. And be of Joy and Happiness to know that you have a SOUL Presence that looks after you, that adores you, that is who you are. . . . “

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