Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

Pluto's Profound Transit Back into Capricorn: Cosmic Shifts, Personal Growth & Zodiac Insights

June 22, 2023 Jill Jardine Season 9 Episode 180

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What profound implications will Pluto's transit back into Capricorn on June 11, 2023, have on our lives and the world around us? Get ready to explore the cosmic shift this event will bring and its impact on each of our individual sun signs. We'll take a journey through the past 14 to 15 years of Pluto's transit of Capricorn, examining the lessons we've had to learn both as a society and on a personal level. We'll also discuss the flawed power structures of the world and question if they can continue in their current forms, all while looking ahead to the exciting Pluto transit into Aquarius in 2024 and the brave new world it promises.

Join us as we dive into the transformative RE words of Pluto retrograde - death, rebirth, renewal, and release - and how they relate to our business, life, and retirement during this transit. We'll explore the shadow side of ourselves and learn how to use this cosmic transition to work on our inner selves through energy practices, meditation, spiritual insights and personal growth. Plus, we'll break down the impact of Pluto's transit on each zodiac sign, offering insights on how you can bring more balance, healing, and empowerment into your life during this transformative period. Don't miss this eye-opening and introspective episode!

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Jill Jardine:

Welcome to Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine. I'm your host, jill Jardine, master's in Counseling, psychology, long-time Astrologer, Psychic, Healer, hypnotherapist and Yogi. In this episode, i'm going to discuss the implications of the planet Pluto transiting back into the sign Capricorn. You will want to stay tuned until the end of the episode to find out what this means for your zodiac sign. Welcome to the episode on Pluto transiting back into the sign Capricorn. After a small sojourn in Aquarius from March 23, 2023 through June 11, 2023, the purging and purifying planet, pluto swings back into the sign of the mountain goat to continue the deconstruction of societal structures that no longer serve. Stay tuned until the end of the episode to see how your sun sign will be affected by this big planetary shift. Pluto has left the building of the Aquarian Freeform frolic and is retrograding back into Capricorn, beginning June 11, 2023 until October 10, 2023, when it goes direct in Capricorn until July 20, 2024. As of January 20, 2024, pluto launches into Aquarian airspace until September 2, 2024. Pluto will enter Capricorn once again late next year, for a brief bout from September 2, 2024 through November 20, 2024.

Jill Jardine:

The transit of Pluto back into Capricorn will have us focusing on mastery and self-discovery Instead of fearing the plutonium purging in the realm of karmic Capricorn. We should look at this as an opportunity to clear and release even more baggage that we have not yet disposed in the previous years of Pluto's transit through Capricorn during 2008 to 2023. For the collective, this means more restructuring or even collapse or flailing of existing structures in our societies, such as governments, economics, education and healthcare systems. The focus is back on these larger institutions that govern our world and consider whether they are too flawed to continue in their current forms. Interestingly enough, in the United States and politics, the political or financial elite who held power, even those who misused their power during the recent Pluto and Capricorn transit of the past eight years, are trying to come back for another round for the 2024 elections, trying to regain dominance. It may look like their comebacks will have some traction behind them, but wait until Pluto goes back into Aquarius in January 2024, giving them setbacks, as they are not equipped for the Aquarian Plutonian Parade. The brave new world begins to emerge from the Plutonian phoenix, rising from the ashes of Capricornian deconstruction. Pluto purifier and purger planet of death, rebirth and transformation will get back to unfinished residual work in Capricorn, taking care of business, reconfiguring the world economy and financial realities. Remember when Pluto first entered Capricorn in 2008, the world experienced the worst financial crash in years and the mortgage bubble in the US popped and unemployment increased as well. This affected much of the population.

Jill Jardine:

Pluto likes to make a powerful entrance as well as a potent exit when it leaves a sign. This even holds true in individual birth charts. When Pluto enters a new house transiting through one's natal chart, and when it leaves, for example, when Pluto enters someone's second house of resources, they may lose monies, but also it makes way for earning more money than ever before, and usually, by the time Pluto exits the second house of resources in a personal chart, a person may have made more money than ever before in their lives. During the roughly 14 years that Pluto transits a zodiac sign or personal natal house, the person will go through the process of loss or death, transformation and rebirth in the arena which the house or sign rules, and it can be in no particular order or it can all be happening at the same time the loss, the death, the transformation and rebirth that plutonium energies bring. However, pluto transits can still have a powerful ripple effect on our reality, slowly shifting the foundations of our innermost psyches and society at large until something emerges completely anew. Pluto, retrograde as it will be in Capricorn from June 11th through October, is working quietly in the background to revamp and rewire all that's going on above ground. Pluto recently entered Aquarius for the first time in more than 200 years, in March 2023, which is ushering in a new era of transformation, but that was not enough time for us to feel the full Aquarian age flowing in. We'll feel that starting in 2024.

Jill Jardine:

But this Pluto retrograding back into Capricorn is allowing people and society to reexamine and work with the former energies of Pluto that have been going on in the past 14 to 15 years in Capricorn. So what are those lessons that we've had to learn as a society or personally? Let's think back over the last years since 2008. Well, as I said, when Pluto first transited Capricorn, we had the collapse of the mortgage bubble and the economy faltered and the market went way down And it soon recovered. We have had different political regimes around the world go up and down And Capricornian buffoons taking power in different places around the world, in different countries, and holding on to power in sometimes unscrupulous ways. Allah, capricorn. So there has been an old way on the planet of those in power, holding on to their power, usually through money, and being able to hoard their power over the masses. Well, aquarius is more about the masses than the power brokers. So we're going to see a very big shift in how the world operates once Pluto goes into Aquarius in 2024 and is more long term in there until 2044, 20 year transit.

Jill Jardine:

Go back and listen to my podcast on Pluto and Aquarius for more details and how that will affect us. And for now, we have to revisit the Capricornian realms, which is the sign of karma. So what karmic lessons have we learned as a society and individually? I invite you to look back in your life and see what's come up, especially in the last eight years, which would take us from 2016 through 20, what will be 2024, the beginning of 2024. Just any themes that have come up in your life, personally and professionally. I will go through each sign and explain how it's going to affect or what are the specific arenas that one should be looking at for their sun sign. But just take a moment and think about what have been my big lessons for the last eight years. Specifically, look back to 2020, which was a big Capricornian cluster of Pluto, saturn and Jupiter together in the sign. Capricorn started the year 2020 and brought us a pandemic during that year and the aftermath. So that was going on in the collective and here we are in 2023, really just finally coming out of that, as life got back to normal and travel and things like that.

Jill Jardine:

So how has your world been rocked And what have you learned?

Jill Jardine:

What have been the lessons? What is the karma? and karma not in a punitive way, but how have you grown? How have you maybe released a way of viewing yourself or your life? How have the structures in your life changed? for a lot of people, this is the way they work in the world. We went from a model of working in offices and remote being a minority to the opposite, to where remote work is predominantly accepted as okay and even the desired mode of work among those born in the 1980s and 1990s. So this has been the Capricornian reset, or restructure, specifically around government's work, but also let's look at systems such as healthcare, education. They haven't really gotten their restructure or reset. If anything, we've seen the failings of those structures in our society. Healthcare couldn't keep up with a pandemic that arrived, and then the aftermath, and then the forceful intervention of a medical intervention that, in retrospect, people are finally realizing wasn't really tested and really was it effective or did it bring a host of other medical issues? And regarding the economy, we are still seeing the ups and downs and instability of the world economy. We saw crypto taking a hit, cryptocurrency taking a hit being affected and a wild card economically, and that will probably change when Pluto goes into Aquarius, which will rule new ways of financial systems. And regarding education, we certainly haven't heard much about that in the mainstream or on the news, but that will become increasingly more of a focus as we go into Pluto and Aquarius. We have to have an educated and formed populace in order to succeed with the future of the planet.

Jill Jardine:

Would you like more wealth, prosperity and love in your life? Would you like to develop your intuition so you can make better decisions? Well, i have developed online courses to help you. I have applied my years of experience of helping clients to experience more successful, prosperous, happy and fulfilling lives with metaphysical techniques, tools and powerful positive processes. I have created a series of empowering workshops. Check out my new online courses on Sanskrit Mantras for Wealth, prosperity, love and to Develop Your Intuition. Check them out at JillJardineAstrologycom. Backslash capital M, as in Mary C, as in Cosmic S, as in Seen. That is JillJardineAstrologycom backslash MCS.

Jill Jardine:

So between June 11th and October 10th, when Pluto retrogrades in Capricorn, we have to think about what we do during a retrograde cycle of a planet. I've talked about this in previous podcasts, specifically around Mercury retrograde, but it applies to any retrograde planet. So we're going to do the RE words where it comes to Pluto. Pluto, again, is transformation, death, rebirth, renewal, release. So we will revisit what we need to release or renew in our lives. We will reanalyze, reassess and, because it's in Capricorn, it's certainly related to our business, life, the business of our life or our life's business, what we do to earn a living, and for retired people, it's even the business of how you spend your day. You may not have a job to go to, but you may have hobbies or you may have group obligations or you may have other outlets, such as creative outlets that you attend to. So all of the work of our life is up for reassessment and reanalysis. And so we do get to revisit and everybody gets to revisit that house according to your zodiac sign that Pluto will be transiting.

Jill Jardine:

Based on solar astrology, retrogrades are a time of reflection. With Pluto retrograding, we will inspect our relationships with our ego, power, control, obsessions, fixations and basically our shadow side. That goes without saying. Pluto retrograde is a very good time for psychotherapy or any inner work or inner process, so do take advantage of that. And there's been a lot of talk and work and public awareness about shadow work. Well, what is shadow work? It's about how we self sabotage, or it's basically another name for psychotherapy going in and seeing what you can't see with your conscious mind but operates in the background and can get in your way in achieving goals, whether in relationship, career success, resources and other key elements of life. So Pluto retrograde will give each of us a chance to go back and look at what is in my way of moving forward Because, as you may have realized, when Pluto was going through a query it's from March until June 11, things felt accelerated.

Jill Jardine:

Things were moving. It's air, it's very heady. It can help lift us up into the higher chakras, which are the crown, the third eye and the throat, where Capricorn is an earth sign. Pluto and Capricorn dumps this right back into our body. So we have to be very aware of our physicality. We're inhabiting these temples of flesh and we need to be very present in them. So we might have to become aware. How do we check out and not participate fully in our lives or in our body? So that will bring a focus on to health and health interventions. And how can we feel healthier and have our body be that temple that's aligned with the higher energies of spirit and source while walking our earth? walk Because once Pluto goes into Aquarius, we'll have the opportunity to become multi-dimensionality, being in the world but not of it. So let's do our work while Pluto is in Capricorn so we can make the most of the 20-year transit of Pluto and Aquarius, the higher mind sign, when our reality can really feel embraced by our higher self. So if we look at the signs of the zodiac and what signs might be more affected by this Pluto and Capricorn, or who may have more work on their plate, certainly the cardinal signs that do include Capricorn and its opposite, cancer, and Aries, the fire cardinal sign, and Libra, the earth sign. So people who are born during those sun signs will certainly have a lot on their plate to sort out. So if you want to get more specific, you can go through each sign.

Jill Jardine:

Welcome to the part of the episode where I explain what this Pluto retrograde and Capricorn means for your sun sign. So let's start with the Capricorns Pluto's retrograding in your first house itself. This is your personality, your appearance, your outlook on life, the window through which you view the world, everything that affects you. The first house is everything It looks out to all the other houses. So it is an amazing time for you to do self-improvement, anything you haven't gotten to in the last 14 years. This is your chance, really really work on yourself, all aspects of yourself, and see honestly where you can have an overhaul and what you can improve, and I mean where Capricorn is the ruler of work. You certainly will be focusing on the Dharma or what you're here to do, or how you use your time and energy in your life. So, capricorn, tag your it in the Plutonian game of Capricorn. Are you ready for it? You're going to be asked to look at how you hold power and also how you may be sabotaged by your subconscious. So get real and do the work, capricorn, and take advantage of it, because again you'll be launched into Aquarian airspace and some of these things that you have left to their own devices could overtake and sabotage you. To do your work.

Jill Jardine:

Aquarius, pluto is back in your 12th house of karma. After having it enter Aquarius for the very first time in your life, you're going to be undergoing major transformation in the coming 20 years. People aren't going to recognize you, so take advantage of Pluto backtracking into your karmic house to look at. What did I come into this life to do? How can I create positive effect in the world? How can I learn how to have more compassion for other people and not create additional karma in this past life? And what can I do? How can I use Pluto to release the karmic issues that are presenting for myself? This is a preparatory time for you, aquarius, and I would really take advantage of it. You have until January to get your act together and clean the slate and release so much from your past, this lifetime and other lifetimes. And don't be surprised if Pluto presents past life karmic dilemmas or issues that show up in your current life through people that you connect with.

Jill Jardine:

Pisces, capricorn. Pluto's retrograding through your 11th house of groups, association, friends, plans for the future. So perhaps you have to purge some friendships and associations and maybe you need to get very discriminating where you put your time and energy regarding groups. Your focus is going to be on the future, so use this time to eliminate and clear anything that is distracting or demands too much time and energy from you and doesn't feel as if it's in alignment with your big plan. You're having to go back into the caverns of your subconscious and clear out misperceptions and delusions that will not be based in reality or haven't shown proof in the pudding in the past 14 years.

Jill Jardine:

Aries, it's time to pay attention to what you want to do in your career life, professional life, or what your soul's mission is. It's time for you to get really, really clear how you want to carry through your authority and leadership in your own life and perhaps help influence other people to take on their power as well. You could become a very good coach for people. So what do you need to learn about yourself? How do you need to be coached yourself? Aries, use this Pluto and Capricorn to get that groove. On Torres, you have had massive change in the last year because of Uranus and Jupiter recently going into Taurus, so you can bring some things down to Earth. With this transit of Pluto through your ninth house of higher wisdom, higher knowledge travel, perhaps you will have a chance before January to take some very powerful trips, both on the outer level and inner, journeying through practices such as meditation or any practices that allow to see the big perspective of your life. You're reshaping your philosophies and your belief system to come into alignment with the reality that you want to live.

Jill Jardine:

Going forward, gemini Pluto is going through your eighth house of the subconscious and shadows, so you have a lot of work to do, still releasing, releasing How do you give away your energy to other people? Do you have good boundaries? Also, how are your thoughts or your mind, because you have that strong mental body, affecting your health? How can you be physically, mentally, emotionally healthier? Use this time to get very clear and watch out for sabotaging thought forms that tend to cycle through continually. Time to let those go.

Jill Jardine:

Cancer Pluto is transiting through your seventh house of relationships, so you're really navigating that realm. You have to learn to be more trusting and open relationships and understanding power dynamics in your partnerships. Again, the issue of boundaries will come up. Have you set the proper boundaries? Are you giving in too much or are you taking too much in relationship? So relationships are going to be a big test. Anything you've learned in the preceding 14 years, you want to learn how to be more aware and perceptive in your relationships and learn the balance of giving and taking.

Jill Jardine:

Leo Pluto has been going through your sixth house of health and service. So you really are being asked to look at your health and how can you implement new regimes, take new routines that will bring in more health and vitality and help you to feel empowered in your body. Virgo Pluto has been going through your fifth house of creativity, of recreation. Virgo, you're known for working really, really hard, so maybe you need to balance that with having some fun and finding ways that you can recreate and create and get pleasure out of that.

Jill Jardine:

Libra Pluto has been going through your fourth house of home home and family. So thinking about if you want to start a family, how you can connect more with your family, what you need to do around the home. Home improvements are very much on the agenda. If you are unhappy with your home, or have been, it may be a time to start looking around to move before the end of the year. So home improvement, family comfort all of things are very important to you, libra.

Jill Jardine:

Scorpio Pluto has been transiting your third house of communication, work, education.

Jill Jardine:

So think of how you communicate. Speak your minds, speak your truth. Your words and your presence can have so much power. Do the inner work so that you can speak your truth and perhaps use your words to heal and not hurt Sagittarius. Pluto's going through your second house of resources and money, so you really need to get your act together with your financial and economic life. Wherever you feel there is a lack, you might want to look at how can you bring healing into that, how can you feel worthy? So you're going to be working on issues of self-worth And how can your outer life reflect your inner worth? And if you are feeling that's an issue, well, you have these six months to really work on that. So by the time that Pluto goes into Aquarius, you will be manifesting value and resources out in the world. I hope you enjoyed this episode on Pluto Transiting into Capricorn from June 2023 through January 2024. Remember to subscribe, download, share and give us a five star review. This is Cosmixie with Jill Jardine, sending plutonium of positive vibrations into the quantum field.