Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

Cosmic Changes: Embracing the Aries-Libra Nodal Transition

June 23, 2023 Jill Jardine Season 10 Episode 181

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Book your session with Jill to find out how this Nodal Axis shift into Aries and Libra will affect you personally in your birth chart!

Get ready to unlock the mysteries surrounding the lunar nodes in astrology as we investigate the upcoming nodal axis shift on July 18, 2023, with yours truly, Jill Jardine! Together, we'll dive into the fascinating story of Rahu and Ketu from Vedic scriptures, to understand the energies behind the North and South Node.  Jill explains how this monumental shift – North Node entering Aries and South Node transiting into Libra in Western Astrology– may influence our collective karmic lessons and individual lives until January 11, 2025. 

On July 18, 2023, we finish the lunar nodal cycle of South Node in Scorpio and North Node transiting Taurus, which affected the economy.  We saw fluctuations with financial markets, including real estate markets, interest rates, and the world economy.  Cryptocurrency, a promising alternative currency when we entered the Taurus/Scorpio Nodal shift in January 2022, but began faltering in the last few months of that cycle during the first half of 2023.

Join us on this enlightening journey as we navigate the potent Aries-Libra axis, discussing potential challenges and opportunities, including volatile situations, relationship breakups, and finding balance between our own needs and those of others. Aries is ruled by Mars, the warrior, and Libra is ruled by Venus, the lover.  So the Aries/Libra axis in astrology, is the polarity of War and Peace.   

We'll also delve into the eclipse patterns affecting Aries and the self-actualization work required for our personal evolution during these transformative times. Jill will discuss the significance of the South Node transiting through the sign Libra for the next 18 months and how that will affect all our relationships. Don't miss this engaging episode that will help you prepare for and better understand the cosmic changes brought about by the nodal axis shift in astrology.

Here are the previous cycles of North Node transiting Aries and South Node transiting through Libra:
December 27, 2004-June 22, 2006
April 7, 1986-December 2, 1987
August 20, 1967-April 19, 1969
January 27, 1949-July 25, 1950

Think back to what was going on in your life during those years.  This is a karmic return for situations in our life during 2005-2006.  If you were born during one of these previous North Node in Aries/South Node in Libra cycles you are experiencing your Nodal Return which is very significant to you on a personal level.  You are returning to your SOUL an Soul mission.  If you haven't fulfilled your "Dharma," this is a wake up call and circumstances, situations, and people in your life will change to get you on the right path.

Would you like more wealth, prosperity, and love in your life?  Would you like to develop your intuition, so you can make better decisions in life?   Check out Jill's New on-line courses for Wealth, Prosperity, Love and to Develop your intuition!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine. I'm your host, jill Jardine, master's in Counseling Psychology, longtime astrologer, psychic healer and yogi. In this episode, i'm going to discuss the nodes of the moon changing signs. The nodes of the moon are changing signs on July 18, 2023 to Lieber South Node and Aries North Node, where they will travel until January 11, 2025. The lunar nodes are a karmic axis in astrology and when they change signs it sets the tone for the collective karmic lessons for you next 18 months. You're going to want to tune in to find out how this will affect us. Welcome to the episode of the nodal axis shift in to Lieber and Aries and how that affects all of us, and especially those who have that placement in their natal charts. In this episode, i'm going to discuss the significance of the lunar nodes in astrology and why it is important to know when they shift signs.

Speaker 1:

On July 18, 2023, the North Node enters Aries and the South Node transits into Lieber up until January 11, 2025. The nodes aren't actual planets or asteroids. They are points where the moon moves into the northern ecliptic hemisphere the ascending North Node and where the moon enters the southern ecliptic or descending South Node. They are always opposite each other six signs apart on the astrological wheel. They progress counterclockwise and their transit is an axis like Aries-Lieber and it lasts approximately 18 months. Also, the sign that the nodes transit indicate what signs the eclipses will occur in for the next 18 months. We just finished the cycle of eclipses occurring in the money signs of Taurus and Scorpio, which began on May 2022 and will end on October 28, 2023 with a full moon lunar eclipse with the sun and Scorpio, moon and Taurus. We are not quite finished with the eclipse cycle and the money signs, and Taurus and Scorpio are still feeling the effects of the eclipses hitting their natal sun. We just left the nodal cycle of the North Node and Taurus and South Node and Scorpio that went from January 19, 2022 through July 18, 2023. I predicted that during this transit, there would be collective conundrums with the economy, which did happen. We saw that there would be fluctuations with financial markets, including real estate markets, interest rates and the world economy, all of which happened. Cryptocurrency, a promising alternative currency, was doing well when we entered the Taurus Scope Bureau nodal shift in January 2022, but, however, faltered in the last few months of this cycle during 2023. Before I explain what it means to have the lunar nodes traveling through Aries and Libra. I will give some insights into the lunar nodes in general.

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In Vedic astrology, these are called Rahu, the North Node, known as the Dragon's Head or the Demon's Head, and Ketu, the South Node, which is the Dragon's Tail or the Demon's Tail. What is their meaning and influence in a birth chart and further in the life of an individual? Very important, however. I'm talking about the nodal shift via Western or tropical astrology. Vedic astrology is a form or system of astrology called side reel, but we can still look at the meaning of the nodes from Vedic astrology to understand what's going to happen. The nodes in astrology represent the karma we bring with us in this lifetime and show us what we need to work to develop as we progress in life the North Node while making use of the qualities and challenges we are born with. Now. This karma isn't just randomly loaded into a birth. It's a result of your actions, cause and effect, cycles from previous lifetimes. And let's say you don't believe in past lives. Well, it's the karma that your soul has accumulated on previous soul, soul and journey through, whatever dimensions it's been traveling in. The eclipses occurring in the next 18 month's cycle will also affect the signs of Libra and Aries. The lunar nodes are always involved in eclipse patterns as they swallow the Sun or Moon. In Vedic astrology, the North node is called Rahu and the South node is called Ketu, and during eclipses, rahu or Ketu swallow the Sun or Moon or both, as in a solar eclipse. Eclipses are shadowy times and Rahu and Ketu are the shadow archetypes of what lurks in the subconscious of a person or in the collective unconscious. To understand the lunar nodes, it's important to know the story of Rahu and Ketu in Vedic scriptures, as it throws some light on how the lunar nodes are subconscious elements that lurk in the background. Here's a brief synopsis of the story of the lunar nodes from Vedic scriptures, so sit back for story time.

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When the Asuras demons and the Devas, the angels, goddess, gods, churned the ocean, amrita was produced. Amrita is the divine nectar of immortality. Demons sold this Amrita, so Lord Vishnu took incarnation in the form of a beautiful damsel, mohini, and tried to please and distract the Asuras, the demons, in order to take back the Amrita. On receiving the Amrita, mohini came to the Devas to distribute it to them, the Devas being the gods and angels. Svarbanu, one of the Asuras demons, changed his appearance to a Deva angel to obtain some portion of the Amrita. However, surya, the sun, and Chandra, the moon, realized that Svarbanu was an Asura, a demon, not one of the Devas angels. Knowing this, lord Vishnu severed Svarbanu's head with his discus, the Sudharnashana Chakra. However, even though his head and body became separated, they remained immortal as a separate entity. Before his head was cut off, he had managed to drink a drop of the nectar from the Amrita. The head of the demon Svarbanu became known as Rahu and the headless body is Ketu. Since then, rahu and Ketu constantly chased the sun and moon for revenge. As they are the cause of separating the head and body of the Asura Svarbanu, it is a popular belief that when they succeed in catching sun and moon that's Rahu and Ketu they swallow them, causing a solar or lunar eclipse, but they can't hold them for long. Eventually, the sun and moon emerge again intact, as they also had the nectar and are immortal.

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We find that it is through myth or storytelling, or as they call it in India, harikata, that we better understand phenomena in astrology and other sacred sciences. So now that the lunar nodes are switching to Libra and Aries, we're going to see them affecting the eclipses by swallowing the sun and moon in those signs. So, libra and Aries, you're it In the ecliptic game of tag. Now let's discuss the nodes. In mathematical or astrological science, the lunar nodes are a mathematical point between the sun and the moon. The nodes rest along an axis, giving us a north node and a south node, which are a polarity, meaning opposite signs. As I mentioned earlier, there are always six signs apart, creating that polarity in astrology.

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In Western astrology, the north node represents our destiny in this lifetime or our mission or what we incarnated to achieve in this embodiment, sometimes viewed as our future, our growth edge and what we are working towards. The south node represents our past strengths or weaknesses, karma from past lives, our default position or what is easier for us to maintain and the foundation on which we are building. In Vedic astrology, the symbolism of the north and south node is a bit different. The north node, rahu, represents what we are here to learn in this life, forcing soul growth. Rahu tends to be more worldly or material in nature. We take on the physicality or embodiment, and this has to learn the lessons of being in a physical form. With Rahu's cycles or doshes in our chart. We have to remember we are spiritual beings having a material experience, lest we get swallowed by Rahu's constant urge for more, more, more. Rahu can be competitive, materialistic, looking for worldly gains and values. Ketu, or the south note, on the other hand, is more spiritual in nature, seeking moksha or liberation, and rejecting worldly pursuits like relationships and making money. Ketu is more myopic, led to single-mindedness which can lead to fanaticism. Ketu wants enlightenment. If the Ketuvik impulse connects with a religion-culture group, it can make for a true believer in a cause or group, which can lead to fanatical or even violent behavior for the cause.

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The signs that the lunar nodes travel and the connections they make while transiting two signs influence the collective unconscious and worldly affairs for the next 18 months. While the nodes in our own natal chart can carry a personal meaning, the position of the nodes also can indicate our collective karma and the lessons we are working through on a global level. So to get an idea of what we might expect while the nodes travel through Libra, the south node and Aries north node, let's look back to when they previously traveled this karmic axis. So here are some previous time when the lunar nodes translated with the north node in Aries and the south node in Libra, most recently north node in Aries. South node in Libra was from December 27, 2004 to June 22, 2006. The cycle before that was April 7, 1986 through December 2, 1987. Before that was August 20, 1967 through April 19, 1969. And the earlier one is January 27, 1949 through July 26, 1950.

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So think back to what was going on in your life during those years if you were alive. This is a karmic return for situations in our life that were going on between 2005 and 2006. And, more importantly, if you were born during one of these previous North node in Aries, south node in Libre Cycles, you are having your nodal return and this is very significant to you on a personal level. You are returning to your soul or soul mission. If you haven't fulfilled your dharma, this is a wake-up call or circumstance, and situations and people in your life will change to get you on the right path. This is sometimes a very auspicious time, when the unrealized potential bursts forth and opportunities arise out of the blue or in a predestined way.

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The nodal return years are truly a time of destiny and soul revelations. They occur at approximately 18 and a half to 19 years old, between 36 and 37 years old, between 55 and 56 years old, and between 74 and 75 years old. It goes without saying that both those with sun signs in Aries and Libre will also be affected by the lunar nodes transiting over your natal sun between July 18, 2023, and January 11, 2025. Also, there are many who have other planets located in Libre, aries. So this is a good time to check with your favorite astrologer, jill Jardine, to see how you will be affected in the next 18 months. Wwwjilljardinesstrologycom.

Speaker 1:

Would you like more wealth, prosperity and love in your life? Would you like to develop your intuition so you can make better decisions? Well, i have developed online courses to help you. I have applied my years of experience of helping clients to experience more successful, prosperous, happy and fulfilling lives with metaphysical techniques, tools and powerful positive processes. I have created a series of empowering workshops. Check out my new online courses on Sanskrit mantras for wealth, prosperity, love and to develop your intuition. Check them out at wwwjilljardinesstrologycom. Wwwjilljardinesstrologycom.

Speaker 1:

So now let's talk a little bit about the North Node in Aries. Remember it's going to be there from July 18, 2023 through January 11, 2025, so we need to get acquainted with that energy. The North Node in Aries indicates the energy we are striving to cultivate in our lives as a collective. Aries is a fire sign, symbolized by the ram moving fast towards its goals. We may feel waves of energy that inspire us to take action and discover our individuality and life's passion. When the North Node moves into Aries, we are encouraged to be patient and not rush into things without thinking them over. The tendency may be to act impulsively and make rapid changes, but we need to ponder if taking action is the right thing to do at any given time, and perhaps we need more of that Libra South Node to balance ourselves before making decisions On a collective level. The North Node moving into Aries means it's time to make changes and move into a new cycle.

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Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, so we can embrace new beginnings and leave the past behind. Aries is a fire sign, so watch for the inspirations and new ideas popping up that may bear fruit in the future. Think about how can we give ourselves a fresh start and move into new realms of experience in life. Aries is ruled by Mars, the warrior. Are we willing to go after what we want in life, especially those things that allow more creative expression? Do we truly know who we are, or are we defined by who we were told to be or what our relationships demand.

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There's something very important we all need to know with the nodes being in Aries and Libra, the North node in Aries and the South node in Libra, aries is the sign of the war, symbolized by Mars, the planet of war, and Libra is the sign of love and peace, symbolized by Venus. So when the nodes go into the war and peace axis in astrology, we might see more potentially volatile situations arising, worldwide skirmishes and potentials for war. However, with the South node transiting Libra, there will be more negotiations to keep the peace, the return of diplomacy and perhaps even more compassion for each other. Although Aries tends to be the sign of the self, we will see a balancing between the needs of self and others. Relationships can certainly take a hit, as the North node in Aries can get impatient and impulsive in relationships when needs are not being met. We will see many breakups in relationships of marriages, partnerships, alliances and other types of relationships.

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Here are the times when this North node in Aries will be very activated due to the eclipse patterns. So three eclipses happen that will affect the Aries North node or Aries in general from 2024 through 2025. We have a lunar eclipse on March 25, 2024, with the Aries Sun and Libra Moon. On April 8, 2024, we have a solar eclipse for new moon in Aries, with the Sun and Moon in Aries, but it's an eclipse. And then on March 29, 2025, we have another solar eclipse in Aries, activating the Sun and Moon in Aries. So when we have these eclipses, think about this What are you being guided to work on with your feelings of self-worth and self-esteem?

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What do you need to feel more secure in life And what self-actualization work or self-realization do you need to do to keep up with your current life or to advance your level of self-evolution? That's the North node in Aries. Now let's look at the South Node in Libra. It's easy to dismiss the energies of the South Node, as it represents the past and what we are moving away from. However, there is much to be said for working with the energies of the South Node.

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The South Node in Libra is not just about the past. It represents what we have mastered and what we have to remember in order to fully accept and integrate our destiny. So what have relationships taught us? What have we learned in a current relationship, whether it's satisfying or not? What do we need to learn about ourselves through all our relationships with other people. While the North Node is where we are heading Aries self-individualization the South Node represents what we can't forget and what we have to honor in order to achieve this next step of our destiny.

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The South Node in Libra invites us to honor the ways that we have changed in regards to our relationships and the changes in relationships that have unfolded in our lives. It asks us to take these changes and to think about how the issues are mirroring back to us. What issues are we going through, regardless of what relationship we are in? What are our triggers that are being mirrored back to us through all our relationships? We have to bring peace to all that has changed and all that has transformed, and to recognize that it is simply part of the ebb and flow of life. By bringing Libra and peace to the changes that have unfolded, it can help us to find the structure and stability we need in order to move forward.

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Under the South Node in Libra energies, we may also see a shift in what we need from relationship. Libra's ruling planet is Venus, the planet of love. How can we live a more love-centered life and have compassion for the other. How do our relationships reflect back the good parts of ourselves and also reflect back Our shadow side? More shadow work is required under a South Node transitioning through Libra. We have to balance both the South Node in Libra and the Aries North Node. So here are some things to think about with an Aries North Node and Libra South Node. Are we quick to assert Aries North versus taking time to reflect and integrate the Libra South Node? Looking at issues of anger versus peace, impulsivity versus analyzing before acting, me Aries versus the other or me versus them, libra Competition, aries versus cooperation, libra. As I said earlier, war Aries, peace, libra, action Aries, diplomacy, libra Impatience, aries versus Libra, tolerance, aries, bluntness versus Libra, politeness And Aries subjective view versus Libra's objective view.

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Here are the trigger times when the eclipse is where the South Node in Libra will be activated during this 18-month transit On October 14, 2023, there's a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra, with both the Sun and Moon in Libra. On March 25, 2024, there's a full Moon Lunar Eclipse, with the Sun and Aries in Moon and Libra. On October 2, 2024, there's another New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra. All these times, the South Node in Libra will be activated. So at these points. Think about how you're being guided to bring acceptance to the changes that have occurred in relationships and how you interact with others since 2005 through 2006, the last time these nodes were activated. What have the changes of the past taught you and how can you make them work for you and where you stand today?

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Libra is an air sign, so we may continue to see erratic weather patterns and scattered energy throughout.

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Turbulence will continue to be a common occurrence during air travel and, with the north node in Aries, we will continue to see more wildfires and maybe realize how they contaminate our air. So there will be many shifts and changes societally and also personally, as the nodes transit through Aries and Libra, and being prepared an understanding through information such as this podcast will help you navigate this time And again, it's essential to know if you have any planets in Aries or Libra that will be affected by these transiting nodes, because then you will know that that planet is somehow getting eclipsed or actually being activated. And in astrology we have 10 planets and the two lunar nodes and they sit maybe late in our chart, unless there is a transiting influence, and so when the nodes transit over personal planets in our natal chart, there is certainly karma being stirred up. I hope you enjoyed this episode on the nodes of the moon changing signs. Remember to download, subscribe, share and give us a five star review. This is Cosmic Scene with Jill Dardin signing out sending healing nodal vibrations through the quantum field. Yeah,