Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

7 Planetary Retrogrades and Their Impact July-December 2024

Jill Jardine Season 15 Episode 246

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Can you imagine a time when seven planets retrograde simultaneously, shaking up the cosmos and our lives? Join me, Jill Jardine, as we navigate the astrological turbulence from June to December 2024. This episode unpacks the retrograde journeys of Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, Mercury, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars, revealing how these celestial shifts influence different zodiac signs. You'll discover why these retrogrades are golden opportunities for introspection and completing unfinished business using "RE" words like review, revisit, reassess, and reconnect. Specific retrograde dates and their potential impacts will help you harness these energies to address unresolved issues and re-evaluate your path forward.

Explore the spiritual dimensions of these retrogrades, particularly Neptune’s impact on dreams and spiritual practices, and Mercury’s effect on communication and decision-making. Learn how Jupiter retrograde in Gemini can shape personal growth and societal dynamics, and how Mars retrograde may compel you to reconsider your actions and energy levels. This episode offers valuable insights on optimizing your health and energy, especially during the winter months in the northern hemisphere. For a personalized astrological roadmap, I recommend booking a reading through my website. Tune in as I send retrograde healing through the quantum field to support you during these transformative times.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine. I'm your host, jill Jardine, master's in Counseling, psychology, long-time Astrologer, psychic Healer and Yogi. In this episode I'm going to discuss the major planetary retrogrades occurring from June through December 2024 and what it means for all of us. Hey, listeners, I want to remind you to support Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine podcast. You can do that by going on to wwwbuzzsproutcom. Slash 958-528. Slash support. This will be in the show notes. Welcome to the episode on major planetary retrogrades during June through December 2024 and how we may be impacted by these transits. Listen up, because you will be personally affected if a major planet is retrograding in your sign. So heads up and guess what? Pretty much everybody's going to be affected because we have planets retrograding through Aquarius, pisces, gemini, virgo, Leo, cancer. So listen up, especially if you're one of those signs. From June 2024 through December 2024, we will experience seven planetary retrogrades, with these planets Pluto, saturn, neptune, mercury, uranus, jupiter and Mars all going retrograde, which is more than half of the planets in our solar system and zodiac universe reversing direction, forcing us to retrace our steps and rethink our life In general. The rule is, when planets travel retrograde, it's a good time to practice the RE, r-e words related to the archetypal energies of a specific planet. For instance, if Saturn is going retrograde, which it is in the sign Pisces, then that means that we have to think about karma, and the karma is not just I did something bad, they'll do something bad back. It's in Pisces, so it's spiritual karma. So you may have done something earlier in this lifetime which might come back to bite you. So it's really setting the karmic ledger straight. So, especially if you're Pisces or Aquarius and Capricorn, which are Saturnian signs, aquarius is the traditional ruler, as his Capricorn has been the ruler, and still is, of the planet Saturn. And then it is transiting retrograde through the sign Pisces. But everybody's affected and sometimes things from the past blasts from the past. Ex-husbands, ex-wives will show up because you have karma with them, and that's Saturn. So that's an example of how the planetary retrogrades can be affected by the archetype of the planet which I'll go through all that. So during planetary retrogrades, we implement all those re-re words such as review, revisit, reassess, reestablish, reunite, reconnect, research and, most of all, realize and perhaps have realizations.

Speaker 1:

Retrogrades may not be the best time to begin something new, but they can be a good time for tying up loose ends or giving a waylaid project a second chance to succeed. So use the retrogrades to your advantage. Here they are, the retrograde cycles from June through December 2024, in chronological order of when they are occurring. Pluto has been retrograde in Aquarius since May 2nd 2024. Saturn has been retrograde in Pisces since June 29th 2000. And Neptune went retrograde in July 2nd. So at the time of the release of this podcast, all three planets have been retrograde. But let me go through the whole list now. So Pluto is retrograde from May 2nd through October 12th 2024. Pluto will be retrograde in Aquarius from May 2nd to September 2nd, at which time Pluto will retrograde back into the sign Capricorn from September 2nd to October 12th 2024. Saturn is retrograde in Pisces from June 29th through November 16th 2024. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces from July 2nd to December 7th 2024.

Speaker 1:

Mercury retrogrades coming during August. Get ready Mercury is going to be retrograde from August 5th through the 29th, first of all retrograde in the sign Virgo from August 5th through 14th, and then revisiting Leo from August 15th to 29th. Uranus is retrograde in the sign Taurus from September 2nd through January 30th 2025. Jupiter is retrograde in Gemini from October 10th through February 4th 2025. And Mars jumps into the retrograde redox in Leo on December 7th 2024 through February 23rd 2025. It will be retrograde in the sign Cancer from January 6th to February 23rd 2025. I'll explain what each of these retrogrades mean later in the episode, but first let's talk about retrograde planets in general.

Speaker 1:

Planets traveling retrograde, or what looks like reverse motion astronomically, is a common phenomenon in astrology. Astrologically, a retrograde is when a planet travels backward through a zodiacal sign. Since retrograde motion is so radically different than the norm, it's not a surprise that many people often experience it as disruptive. Retrograde planets change our perception, direction, attitude and trajectory. When a planet passes the Earth in its orbit or vice versa, it is said to be going retrograde. From our vantage point on Earth, it's almost as if the planet is moving in reverse. This is an illusion, but it's a bit like two trains passing at different speeds. One appears to be going backwards. As I mentioned earlier, when planets travel retrograde, it's a good time to practice the RE words. So during planetary retrogrades, we implement those RE words such as reflect, re-strategize, review, revisit, reassess, reconnect, reunite, realign, re-establish Some different RE words from what I mentioned earlier.

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Retrogrades are generally not good times to launch new projects, especially when the planet is just beginning its retrograde motion. Retrogrades are periods of reassessment and redoing. They frequently will bring up last from the past so that you can look at things differently and even, if possible, make changes. It's time to rewrite the script. By the way, retrogrades are very good for doing inner work or internal work. I'm also a certified hypnotherapist for 30 years, and so I noticed that people have very profound experiences doing modalities like hypnotherapy and breath work in clearing past, especially past karma, but things like childhood trauma and other traumas, as well as past life trauma. So if you're interested in a session, contact me at wwwjilljardinastrologycom. Backslash shop. I'm more than just an astrologer Multi-modality here for many years, so you can't get this just off the internet. It's good to work with an actual person who knows what they're doing, so hit me up.

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Anyway, it's time to slow down when there's a retrograde period, do some personal reflection and review the trajectory you've been on. Make an effort to really check yourself and learn from the past so that you can move forward with more clarity and confidence once the retrograde is over. And during retrogrades, issues that we've tried to bury or ignore could come back to surface to haunt us, forcing us to deal with them and find some level of resolution forcing us to deal with them and find some level of resolution. Even situations that we thought were finished could bubble up again in some way, requiring us to come to new conclusions or learn lessons. I think at this juncture in the second half of 2024 this is just so, so on point for what's happening with people, especially with the pl Pluto retrograde, it's really stirring up a lot for people to do some inner work and to clear shadow, and I'm talking personally as well as collectively. Lots of shadow is coming out to resolve, to resolve, and you also may know, when you hit retrograde cycles there can be roadblocks coming up on projects, running into issues with relationships or face personal crises and confusion. It's the universe trying to help you learn from past mistakes or get in touch with a situation or relationship before you move forward.

Speaker 1:

What does each retrograde planet mean for us? When planets go retrograde, entire populations will experience the RE aspect of the planet, meaning revisiting a situation personally or collectively. Each of the planets in astrology rules over a different part of our lives. It's within those parts of our life that we'll experience the retrograde-fueled effect while a planet is backspinning. Each planet's retrograde has something different to teach us, and they offer us opportunities to pause so we can review our decisions differently, assess where we're at and make adjustments accordingly before moving forward. So here we go. Chronologically, I'm going to go through each of these retrogrades that are occurring from June to December 2024.

Speaker 1:

Pluto let's start with our friend the great transformer, purger, purifier, forcing us to release what no longer serves. Pluto went retrograde in Aquarius on May 2nd 2024, and we'll backtrack into Capricorn on September 2nd 2024, where it stays retrograde until October 12th 2024. When Pluto retrogrades, we get to revisit our transformational process, look what is dying or leaving our lives and perhaps rebirth ourselves. Pluto is the planet of death, rebirth and transformation, so retrogrades subtly affect our relationship to slow moving changes taking place in society. Pluto retrograde allows times for a population to integrate big shifts in situations and consciousness and perhaps wake up. Sometimes groups of people will wake up to power plays that the governments, military media or other groups who hold power have implemented.

Speaker 1:

Pluto backspins once a year for about five months at a time. When Pluto retrogrades, those born during the sign it is retrograding in, as well as Scorpios, will be impacted because the sign Scorpio rules Pluto, so that's Aquarians and Scorpio heads up and the other fixed signs of Leo and Taurus Going to feel it, as will everybody. During the retrograde of Pluto and Aquarius from May 2nd 2024 to September 2024, aquarians felt the Plutonian tides pull back, forcing them to go internal and begin processing shadow From September 2nd through October 12th. Capricorns and Scorpios are impacted during the Pluto retrogrades especially around the time it goes direct, which is October 10th through 12th 2024. The day that a planet transits direct tends to bring a whirlwind of energy forward with it. We can expect some big news to break around October 12th 2024. Only about a month out from the election, it's going to be an interesting bait and switch and the financial markets will be affected in some way.

Speaker 1:

Pluto is the lord of death, rebirth and transformation. So during Pluto retrograde cycles we can see society experiencing. So during Pluto retrograde cycles, we can see society experiencing change and metamorphosis. Pluto is like the Vedic archetype, shiva the destroyer breaking things down, releasing all that no longer serves and storing up the cauldron of transmutation and transformation. Pluto retrograde brings up the dark underbelly of death, violence, abuse, misabuse of power, control agendas and all the wrongdoings in society.

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In an individual's chart when transing Pluto retrogrades and aspects, a natal planet. It can bring unexpected and deep health issues. Personally, it affects people's subconscious and can bring up shadow content from one's psyche and from the collective unconscious. Sometimes, when Pluto retrogrades or goes direct, there can be an uptick in violence. So again, that was May 2nd and it goes direct on October 12th. So Pluto retrograde and Capricorn will bring revisions in laws and governmental edicts. Sometimes when new laws are passed during a Pluto retrograde, they won't stick, especially if Saturn and Jupiter are retrograde at the same time, which will be the case for July through October 2024. Whatever's trying to get pushed through may not stick. That's probably going to be good news. So listen up.

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The next planet that went retrograde was Saturn in Pisces, from June 29th through November 16th. Saturn is the planet of rules and restrictions, so its retrogrades affect our sense of responsibility. When Saturn retrogrades, societal dictates and rules can be reversed. What is done can be undone when rules or edicts are enforced. When Saturn is retrograde again, they won't stick. Saturn backspins once a year for 140 days, the sign that Saturn retrogrades through. As well as Capricornians are affected by its retrograde cycle. So this time Saturn retrogrades through Pisces and Pisceans and Capricorns will feel the transit stronger than most and also need to be alert around the time Saturn stations direct on November 4th. Hmm, pisceans will feel acutely because it is the sign it is retrograding through, going back through where it went for the last six months. Everyone will get to revisit what was being implemented or seeded in their life earlier in the year and get to reformulate their plans getting ready to launch in November.

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Saturn naturally rules, boundaries, limits, responsibilities, discipline and authority. Saturn is considered the karmic lord in astrology, so sometimes we can see karma come home to roost during its retrograde. Whoever thinks they have the last laugh may be duped during a Saturn retrograde. Also, as I mentioned with Pluto retrograde, what is done can be undone with Saturn retrograde, including laws and other mandates that courts or governments are trying to impose on a population. Also, health issues that one might have gone through and thought were gone can reappear under Saturn retrograde In one's personal life. Saturn retrograde can help one go back and review plans, revisit structures they want to implement in their lives and maybe redo plans that can be launched when Saturn goes direct November 16th. During any Saturn retrograde transit, we may get momentary reprieve from the typical effects of Saturn transit, which include pressure, sensation of burden, fear or frustration. Similar to all retrograde transit, saturn retrograde periods are excellent for reviewing what we have learned thus far with a view to continuous improvement. Saturn retrograde periods are also ideal for revisiting form or structure in your life and understanding how something may be best built to stand the test of time longevity.

Speaker 1:

So let's pause here. Saturn's not going direct until after the United States presidential election. It's not going direct until November 16, 2024. Ruh-roh, I think we're going to have kind of a confused situation going on, but that's my prediction. Again, we're going to see some changes happening after November 16.

Speaker 1:

Let's move on to the next retrograde, which is Neptune. Neptune has been retrograding in Pisces since July 2nd 2024, and will continue going retrograde until December 7th. Neptune is the planet of dreams and illusions, so its retrogrades subtly affect the way we perceive our realities. Neptune is a transpersonal planet that can affect groups of people when it retrogrades, sometimes waking populations out of a collective thralldom or illusion being perpetuated by the media or government or wannabe government people. Neptune backspins once a year for about five months at a time when Neptune retrogrades, the sign Neptune is transiting through and Pisces, the sign Neptune rules, will also be affected. So in the current case of Neptune retrograde Pisces, you're it. It's transiting through its own sign, pisces. So double whammy. Pisces are extremely impacted by this Neptune retrograde cycle because our friend Saturn is also retrograded in Pisces.

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When Neptune goes retrograde, it helps to integrate our dreams and visions. We will find out where we have deluded ourselves or where we've been scammed and deluded by others. Where in life are we wearing those rose-colored glasses of illusion and delusion and where have we been led down the garden path? Neptune retrograde is a good time for deep spiritual practices and connecting to source. Meditation and spiritual retreats are enhanced. Getting away from the mundane as well as pursuing creative activities are favored. So you got a long time to do that.

Speaker 1:

July, august, september, october and November Full on Neptune retrograde Drum roll, please. The next planet everybody's familiar with this retrograde Mercury retrograde. Here we go, august 5th through the 28th. Mercury will be retrograde from August 5th to 28th, in Virgo from August 5th to 14th, and then it goes back into Leo from August 14th to 28th. Leos, geminis and especially Virgo the signs that Mercury rules will be impacted by this Mercury retrograde. Virgos get a double whammy because Mercury is also their ruling planet and is going retrograde in their sign. Mercury is the planet communication, thinking, timing and technology. Its retrogrades can cause all sorts of mix-ups, scheduling snags and tech glitches. Mercury retrogrades three to four times a year for about three weeks at a time. If you are a Virgo or Gemini or Mercury is going through your sun sign, you'll be affected more than most signs by a Mercury retrograde. Virgo and Gemini are always impacted by Mercury retrograde cycles because they are the signs that Mercury rules.

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As the planet of communication, mercury retrograde tends to breed a certain type of confusion. Mercury rules our lower mind, how we perceive and interpret information that we receive from our environment and how we relay that information to others. Mercury has rulership over such things as speaking, negotiating, buying and selling, listening, formal contracts, documents, travel, the mail and shipping, and so forth. All of these areas of life are affected when Mercury is functioning slowly. Decision making is challenged during Mercury retrograde. It is not advised to sign contracts, engage in important decision making or launch a new business. I always tell my clients delay from buying, put off, if you can, buying something like a house or a car during a mercury retrograde, especially a car, because mercury rules transportation. Delays and challenges are more probable with mercury retrograde. It's a time when being careless with money or our personal information or paperwork can prove costly.

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There's a positive side to Mercury retrograde it's best for reorganizing, reflecting and all the RE words. Mercury retrograde periods can be times of heightened inner awareness, when meditation is more powerful, such as dreams or keeping a journal, whether a dream journal or just a life journal, reworking old plans and reviewing past work or favorite. Mercury retrograde is powerful for studies, particularly for returning to old studies, or for relearning or refreshing knowledge in a subject already taken. Studies or for relearning or refreshing knowledge in a subject already taken. Mercury going retrograde in Virgo from August 5th to 14th we have to watch that. People might be more critical. You might look at past decisions and ideas from a new, possibly enlightened, perspective. We may be returning to past projects or refining or tweaking them, seeing things clearer. In some ways it's a good time for reviewing recent work, as long as you don't get caught in a loop of perfectionism. You might discover new ways of doing work that has become routine, or might consider renewing old self-care health or fitness programs. Or I might consider renewing old self-care health or fitness programs. When it goes retrograde in Leo from August 14th to 28th, of course, leos will be affected, but we might want to go through our wardrobe and do a Marie Kondo, getting rid of those clothes that no longer give us joy or don't fit or are outdated or have sentimental value. Chuck them. Leo, is all about how you're going to present in life. So, again, clean up the wardrobe, clean up your presentation, get your health in order and trot yourself out in the new, refined shape after August 28th when Mercury goes direct in Leo.

Speaker 1:

Okay, next retrograde we got coming up is Jupiter retrograde in Gemini, from October 10, 2024 through February 4, 2025. Through February 4th 2025. Gemini, sagittarius and Pisces are all impacted by this retrograde cycle. Jupiter is a great benefic in astrology, bringing blessings, knowledge, abundance, good luck and wisdom. Jupiter signifies the inner or outer guru or teacher. Jupiter expands consciousness, bringing new experiences and allowing us to journey inwardly or outwardly to new areas of life or far horizons. So when Jupiter does transit retrograde, we will see shifts in religions and governments and the area that's trying to mix both of those. We're going to see that there's going to be some rehashing and revisiting all those issues related to religions, governments and, as I said, trying to mesh both of them Jupiter retrograde we can see revisions made in government policies and reversals and abuses of those in power or spiritual leaders, religious leaders. There can be re-evaluations about abuses by government leaders and other people in power. Jupiter is the planet of growth and expansion, so its retrogrades relate to our personal evolution. Jupiter retrograde can limit our reach and scope and also may pop the balloon of something that was expanding too big or too fast. Jupiter backspins once a year for 120 days at a time. The sign that Jupiter retrogrades through, as well as Sagittarius are always impacted by Jupiter retrograde cycle. So Gemini and Sagittarius opposite signs are going to feel the squeeze. And then the last retrograde we have in 2024 starts at the very end of the year, on December 7th 2024, and goes retrograde till February 23rd 2025. And it's going to retrograde in Leo and then go back to Virgo from January 6th to February 23rd 2025.

Speaker 1:

When Mars retrograde sets in, people may feel less excited. They may want to weigh their options, less impulsiveness. People will be more neutralized, maybe less aggressive. There may be slowness or obstacles. Actually, people will get maybe mad traveling because it could be disrupted in some way, and that is around the wintertime in the northern hemisphere. So delays and obstacles could create anger, especially where they weren't there, and then they appear. So there can be also discouragement. People may feel worn out. It can really do a number on the physical body, especially the adrenals, which are ruled by Mars, where there may be these martial obstacles. Also, on a positive note, it could delay or change the trajectory of warlike situations or wars that are occurring on the planet, or maybe keep conflicts from arising.

Speaker 1:

With Mars retrograde. It's not having the juice, so it's best to take advantage of Mars retrograde to slow down and reflect on your life's desires. It's also a good time, personally, to think about events that made you angry and upset and maybe rethink of how you're going to act next time. Find simple ways to calm your mind. Also, you know, if there are things you haven't finished, mars retro will allow you to maybe complete them and follow them through.

Speaker 1:

Probably not a good time. In fact, astrologically, it's advised against starting new projects because there could be part of you that's like, yeah, that's a good idea. I fact, astrologically it's advised against starting new projects because there could be part of you that's like, yeah, that's a good idea, I'm going to start it, but with Mars compromise, you might not have the energy to follow through. So you should look at the phase of Mars retrograde as how can I change my health and personal life so that my energy is more coherent and my energy is more consistent, and so that would relate to your vitality and health. So finding ways to get the health to a new level is always good during Mars retrograde and, by the way, it's occurring during winter in the northern hemisphere, in the northern hemisphere. So maybe tweaking things like vitamin D and other amino acids, minerals, vitamins, getting your physical body house in order under Mars retrograde.

Speaker 1:

So that's it Seven planets retrograde in the second half of 2024. Get ready and use them to your benefit. It's a great time to book a reading, so check out my website, jilljardineastrologycom slash shop, and pick the kind of reading or service you would like. I hope you enjoyed this episode on retrograde planets in 2024. Make sure you subscribe, download, share and give us a five-star review. This is Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine signing out, sending retrograde healing through the quantum field.