Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

Connect With Your Inner Guide: Awaken Your Intuition with a Guided Meditation

April 09, 2024 Jill Jardine Season 14 Episode 231

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Join host Jill Jardine, M.A. Counseling/Psychology and certified Hypnotherapist on a meditative journey to connect with an inner resource that can help you in your life. Embark on a profound exploration of your inner landscape and discover the wisdom that lies within you. All the answers lie within. Our latest episode takes you through an immersive alchemical hypnotherapy meditation designed to connect you with your inner guide. Whether they appear as an ancient elder, your higher self, a noble spirit animal, or a mythical magician, these wise beings are ready to share their insights and enrich your intuitive prowess. As we journey together, I'll lead you into a tranquil state of mind, and we'll traverse the metaphorical terrain that's been keeping you from fully accessing your subconscious wisdom. Overcome these obstacles and find yourself in a sacred clearing, the perfect place for this powerful encounter.

Feel the embrace of love and acceptance as you visualize and interact with your inner guide, who awaits to bestow upon you a symbolic gift to amplify your intuition and personal healing. Each step of this meditative voyage is crafted to deepen your connection to the guidance you carry within, empowering you to bring back a piece of timeless wisdom into your everyday life. When the journey ends, you'll resurface into consciousness with a sense of clarity and an open heart, rejuvenated and equipped to revisit this sacred space whenever you seek direction or support. Join us for an episode that promises not just a moment of peace, but a lasting transformation in how you perceive and navigate your world.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Module 1 Experiential Peace. This practice will help you connect to an inner guide. That will help you become more intuitive. What is an inner guide? An inner guide is an aspect of yourself that is wise and knowing. An example of an inner guide could be an old man or woman, who could be indicative of your higher self. You could have an animal inner guide. You could have an inner healer or an inner artist or an inner teacher, an inner magician, an inner alchemist. You could also have a guru or a saint as an inner guide. So you never know until you do the practice.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to be leading you in an alchemical hypnotherapy meditation to connect with your inner guide, to connect with your inner guide, and I invite you to do this inner guide meditation more than once, because you may have more than one guide. So set yourself up to relax, whether you're laying down or seated, and I'll give you a moment to set yourself up before we begin the process. So, finding yourself very relaxed, whether you're laying down or sitting, it's easy for you to relax and go inside. Maybe you're ready to go inside and meet that part of you that is wise. Maybe today you are ready, in your own way to go inside and meet that part. So I'm going to ask you now, whether you are laying down or sitting, to allow your eyes to open and just stare out straight ahead with your eyes open, letting the rest of your body be still, letting the eyes stare open. I'm going to ask you now to look past your eyebrows and find a spot on the ceiling or wall. Stay focused on that one spot. It's easy now to remain focused on that spot, letting the rest of your body be still, giving yourself permission to let the rest of your body be still. And as you lay here or sit here, staying focused on that spot, allowing the body to be still.

Speaker 1:

And in a moment I'm going to count down from ten to one. And with each number you hear, your body can be very relaxed. With every number, every cell can remember what it's like to feel soft and relaxed. And with every number, your eyelids can become more and more relaxed and heavy, more and more heavy and drowsy. Just focusing on that spot, with each number your eyelids will feel a little heavier. So by the time I count to 10, you know your eyelids will be firmly shut. Your body will be deeply relaxed. Stay focused on the spot and the sound of my voice and go deeper. Ten your journey has begun. Nothing for you to do. Nine Relaxing. Eight, just letting go. Seven Eyelids even heavier. Six Deeper inside. 5. Your body likes to let go. 4. Deeper now. 3. Deeper down. The eyelids are heavy. 2. Your eyelids are closed. Two your eyelids are closed. One relaxed Eyelids are closed and you feel even more relaxed and sink even deeper. Now because you're so relaxed.

Speaker 1:

It's easy to find yourself in this natural, relaxed place. It's easy to see yourself and feel yourself somewhere in nature, maybe among the trees, maybe you can feel the sunlight filtering through the trees and notice you're walking along a path, a gentle path through the trees, a path where you can feel comfortable. Today, and as you walk along the path, I'm going to ask you to feel the way your feet touch the ground, to feel the air on your skin and smell the scents of the trees and the flowers, and to look around in this place. And as you walk around this place, hearing the sounds all around, you feel good in your body.

Speaker 1:

Moving along the path, moving further along the path, there's something like an obstacle, an obstacle that has stood in the way of you meeting your inner wisdom, your inner guide, which in the past has been something like a barrier, turning the bend and seeing the obstacle Maybe it's a person, maybe a symbol, an object or even a word Seeing the barrier to you, meeting your inner wisdom in your own natural way. You know that you can overcome this obstacle, because today is the perfect day to meet your inner guide. All the resources you have can overcome this obstacle. Using all the inner resources now to overcome this obstacle. And you have the strength to overcome this obstacle. And as the obstacle dissolves or melts in front of you, it's no longer there. You can now move deeper along the path. Now you have overcome the obstacle, your body feels even more and more relaxed and more detached. There's a peaceful feeling over your heart.

Speaker 1:

This is the perfect day to meet your inner guide. A kind of magic coming is in the air, becoming aware of something like a clearing. Step into that clearing now. Step into the clearing and looking around, this is a very beautiful place, a very sacred notice, a deep sense of trust in your heart. This reminds you of all the times you felt safe. Looking around to see how you feel in your own inner sanctuary, in this safe, sacred space.

Speaker 1:

I'm becoming aware now of another presence here, another presence that accepts you, a presence which loves you and allows you all your freedom and can see your life in a bigger perspective. You may become aware of this presence as a feeling in your body or you may see a being right now in front of you. In a few moments you may become aware of a physical form. Become aware now of your guide in a physical form. Greet your guide. How does this presence feel to you? You may ask your guide what is your name? You may feel very good in your body as your guide transmits healing and listening.

Speaker 1:

Now you may hear that your guide has a message for you and listening now, listening to that message from your inner guide, and you can ask your guide whatever questions you have about yourself, about your relationships, your work. Just ask your guide, whatever you need to ask, and listen to the response, allowing your guide to give the answer, to give the reply, and hearing your guide now and seeing if there is another question you need to ask in your heart and hearing the response and feeling any healing and energy transmission from your guide. Perhaps seeing or feeling colors. Perhaps there are colors that connect you with your guide and your own intuitive abilities colors, images, symbols, noticing feeling, seeing. Noticing feeling, seeing Continuing to receive these colors, these symbols, images, messages from your guide.

Speaker 1:

And now your guide has a gift for you, a gift that will allow you to connect with your guide when you need additional information, as your intuition blossoms. Take the gift and put it somewhere in your body, knowing when you need to access your guide. You can find this gift anchored in your body and your guide will come to you to answer your questions, for healing, for transmission, to enhance your intuition. Taking that gift from your guide and anchoring it in your own body and now allowing yourself to merge with your guide, becoming one feeling, this healing energy, as you merge with your guide, knowing you can go out into the world together, empowered. You have this wisdom now part of you and you can access it at any time.

Speaker 1:

Allow this merging to happen and now getting ready to come back into waking consciousness, refreshed, relaxed, knowing you can return to this connection with your guide when it's appropriate and you'll remember what's transpired. Getting ready to return refreshed, relaxed and able to remember coming back. Now, as I count up from one to 10. When I get to 10, you'll be wide awake, feeling refreshed and energized. One, getting ready to come back. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, maybe moving your fingers, your toes, your hands, your legs. Eight, nine, feeling your body and ten, opening your eyes, staring at that point on the wall, fully refreshed, relaxed and back. Welcome back, thank you.