Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

Declutter Your Life and Mind: Minimalism and Sanskrit Mantras for Happiness

May 30, 2024 Jill Jardine Season 14 Episode 239

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Could shedding excess belongings truly unlock the door to happiness? Discover how embracing minimalism can transform your life as we share personal stories, inspired by Fumio Sasaki's "Goodbye Things" and Marie Kondo's "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up." We'll unravel the profound mental and emotional benefits of letting go, from financial freedom to reduced stress, leading to a lighter, happier you.  Swedish death clearing reveals how parting with unnecessary items, such as clothes and books, can be a powerful act of self-liberation and environmental responsibility.

Ever wondered how ancient mantras could influence modern happiness? Join us as we explore the Sanskrit concept of "sukha" or "good space," guided by wisdom from the Dalai Lama's "The Art of Happiness." We'll discuss how acceptance, love, self-care, and gratitude are keys to a joyful life. Plus, learn about the transformative power of Sanskrit mantras like "Om Guru Raja Sukha Pradaya Namaha" and "Om Sharma Dayinye Namaha," and how they can rewire your mind and clear energy blockages. Chant along and start your journey towards a more content and joyful life today!


(Ohm Gu-ru Rah-ja Sook-ha Pra-da-ya Na-ma-ha)
"Salutations to Lord Ganesha who is king of the Gurus who brings happiness."

(Ohm Sham-buu Shan-ka-ra-ya Na-ma-ha)
"Salutations to Shiva who brings happiness." Invokes Happy Shiva

(Ohm Sham-ba-vay Na-ma-ha) Shiva mantra for happiness
Obeisances to the Shiva who exists for our happiness

(Ohm Shar-ma Da-yin-yay Na-ma-ha)
"Salutations to the Mother who is the Giver of Happiness."

(Ohm Sha-ra-va-na Bah-va-ya Na-ma-ha)
Mantra to Subramanya, the brother of Ganesha, son of Shiva and Durga.  This mantra brings good luck and levity, as well as successful outcomes.  Just chanting it makes you feel good.

(Ohm I'm Kleem Saw Saw Kleem I'm)
Lalita Mantra that makes one happy and freer   - Natural healing through light therapy- good for easing inflammation, insomnia and enhancing the body’s innate regenerative energies 

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Speaker 1:

welcome to cosmic scene with jill jardine. I'm your host, jill jardine. Masters in counseling, psychology, longtime professional astrologer, psychic healer and yogi. Welcome to the episode where I talk about minimalism and happiness. Stay tuned until the end of the episode, when I share Sanskrit mantras for happiness and levity. Welcome to the episode on cultivating more happiness and levity in your life and the benefits of minimalism. Sometimes, when we travel lighter through life, we create space for good things to happen and to receive more positivity and feel happier. We can make space by releasing all that no longer serves, whether it is physical things, people or situations and just living simply. This episode is inspired by recent personal experience which I think everyone could benefit from.

Speaker 1:

I recently had to make a home move that required downsizing. I immersed myself in Swedish death clearing, which is a form of clearing and getting rid of things so that your descendants won't have to deal with them when you're gone Not that I plan on leaving anytime soon. So I immersed myself not only in Swedish death clearing, but also I read a book Goodbye Things and Marie Kondo-ing it up. It was then I discovered the benefits of minimalism and discarding, courtesy of books by Fumio Sasaki called Goodbye Things and Marie Kondo's the Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. I listened to Goodbye Things on Audible and said goodbye things as I went through years of stuff including clothes, books, belongings and other things and got rid and discarded. I became so motivated by the philosophy of minimalism and living life with less stuff. I moved mountains of old energies and donated about 50 bags of used things to thrift shops, to charity organizations like the Salvation Army. I gave friends things that I once thought were valuable and uplifting, which they were very happy to receive. I gave spiritual trinkets, deities and Shakti-filled items to my spiritual friends. I donated yoga and spiritual books to my local yoga center. I also threw things away in the recycle and garbage bins in my community.

Speaker 1:

My takeaway was that I felt lighter, brighter and happier. I was less attached to my past, very much living in the present moment and looking forward to a future unhindered by the past. I was also surprised by how appreciative everyone was to receive my gifts of goods to which I no longer held attachments. I also lost some weight, figuratively as well as literally. I felt happy and clear when I moved to my new place. I brought the things that I felt were still valuable and held quality for me. I had released the quantity and the past, I realized that minimalism is rapidly becoming a way of life that many people are now embracing. The Japanese seem to know a lot more about it than we do in the West. It is freedom from materialism and consumerism.

Speaker 1:

There have been academic studies done on the connection between minimalism and happiness. The Journal of Positive Psychology published an article, and they discovered there are definite psychological advantages to adhering to a philosophy of minimalism and voluntary simplicity. The authors of the study speculate that the link between minimalism and psychological well-being has to do with the fact that minimalists are better able to control their desires to consume. That minimalists are better able to control their desires to consume. Minimalism may also encourage people to focus on psychological needs such as autonomy, competence and relatedness that have all been shown to promote psychological growth. According to a survey by the Simplicity Institute, an organization that surveyed 2,500 people across various countries who self-identified themselves as living with fewer possessions, 87% of respondents indicated they were happier now than when they own more possessions. Possessions Minimalism can bring many benefits, not only psychologically but physically and in living your life.

Speaker 1:

So here are 21 powerful benefits of pursuing and living a minimalistic lifestyle One you spend less Choosing. To accumulate only the essentials often results in financial freedom. Spending less on things you don't really need will cut your financial expenses and increase your savings. Two less stress. A minimalistic home is significantly less stressful. Being able to freely move around and enjoy your home is a huge weight off your shoulders. Three it's easier to clean. With fewer things in your home, there are less things to clean. It also gives more freedom. The sense of freedom that comes from minimalism is truly refreshing. You will no longer feel tied to the material possessions in your home and you will feel a new sense of independence. In his book, goodbye Things, fumio Sasaki talked about how we're actually paying rent or a mortgage for not only housing ourselves but our things. And when you start getting rid of things, you don't need as much space. So you're going to save with a smaller abode and so you're not paying rent for your items, for your belongings, and that would give you a sense of more freedom, more freedom to do things like travel.

Speaker 1:

Minimalism is good for the environment. The less we consume and buy, the less damage we do to the environment. Because our possessions consume time and taking care of storing them, organizing them, that that is time that we could be used to doing more productive things like working. It also shows the younger generation, like people's kids, that they don't need as much, that they don't have to fall into the consumerism and materialistic lifestyle. They can look for what really matters in life, which a lot of people would rather. Substitute experiences for things, ie travel or doing something like whitewater rafting or skiing or hiking. When you don't have so much that you have spent money on and that you have to keep in your space, that frees up money which you can use to support other causes. Money is only as valuable as what we choose to spend it on.

Speaker 1:

The other interesting thing, which is what I've noticed, is that, instead of owning many things, when you do buy something, you get something of higher quality. Again, this is the whole quality over quantity. More is not better, better is better. And again, as is the theme to Swedish death clearing, it's less work for someone else If you were to pass away and you have a house full of things. What a drag on the people who are left behind to clean it up. So it creates a less stressful life today and lessens the burden on the descendants who have to clean it up if you pass, and it has been proven by many studies that minimalism does make people happier.

Speaker 1:

Owning fewer possessions does make one happier and because of that it frees up a lot of time and energy. So own less stuff and you can do work that you love. You also are free from the comparison game or keeping up with the Joneses, the culture around us in the United States. More, more, more. You can break free from that cycle. It frees up time for things that matter the most. The more stuff you own, the more stuff owns you, and the actual presentation of your home may look better because you have less clutter, which is really bad for the mental state, psychological and emotion state. So then the home becomes more visually appealing.

Speaker 1:

What I noticed was it helps to clear the past and you're not tied to the past, so you release the past to create a better tomorrow. It also allows you to feel more relaxed in your space and again, less clutter, easier to find things, find stuff quicker and there's less psychological stress with clutter around. You end up living in a smaller space so that costs less financially as home expense a mortgage or rent tends to be the highest expense that people pay in their lives and you also surround yourself with not a bunch of stuff but those things you value. So there's very interesting when you start shifting to this mindset. And again, the Marie Kondo book helped me quite a bit, called the Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, where she gives you specific hints on how to discard and get rid of things and how to qualify what is important, what's not, and other helpful tips.

Speaker 1:

So as I was going through this process, I discovered a big connection between minimalism and happiness. Why is that? Well, we are more happy when our mind is at peace and calm. With less stuff to think about, look at or organize. Our mind can relax and a big key to happiness is to still the mind from negative or repeating thought forms that sabotage our happiness, joy and positive outlook on life, or old thought forms reoccurring memories from the past. So if we get rid of the stuff that might trigger that, we're less likely to look around and have that memory triggered. So more happiness becomes available.

Speaker 1:

The word for happiness in Sanskrit is sukha, s-u-k-h-a, which literally translates to good space, coming from the Sanskrit su good and ka space. So when we create sukha in our environment good space we'll have more contentment. Sukha means happiness, pleasure, contentment, ease, joy or bliss in Sanskrit, or the sweetness in life. So as we create more good space, we can have more sukha, or contentment. Speaking of happiness, the Dalai Lama has written a book called the Art of Happiness. In that book the Dalai Lama says for a happy life, physical well-being is important, but the wellness must include a happy mind. Here we go again with the mind and mental state. Some keys to happiness shared by the Dalai Lama are acceptance is key of good or bad.

Speaker 1:

Find solutions to your dilemmas. Recognize the positive. Fill your life with love. Make every minute count. Practice self-care. Engage in activities that make you feel good and help you recharge. Engage in activities that make you feel good and help you recharge. Seek out exciting experiences. Set goals that give you purpose and motivation. Express endless gratitude. Be calm.

Speaker 1:

Mind is important. Find ways to ease the mind. Mantras will help with that. And then more on happiness.

Speaker 1:

Research from the Happiness Research Institute says happiness is good for our health. Happy people are less likely to get sick and they live longer. Happiness is good for our relationships. Happy people are more likely to get married and have fulfilling marriages, and they have more friends. Happy people make more money and are more productive at work. Happy people are more generous. Happy people cope better with stress and trauma and happy people are more creative and are better able to see the big picture. So much research has been done on how being happy also is very healing to the body at a cellular level, how being happy also is very healing to the body at a cellular level. Organs and cells respond to happiness and happy thoughts at the physical body level. So how can we cultivate happiness? How can we calm that mind?

Speaker 1:

In addition to creating sukha or good space, we can chant. Chanting in Sanskrit rewires the mind and that is a way to don't worry, be happy and just to remind listeners about Sanskrit mantras. They are sacred formulas passed down through the years from the original gurus or rishis to help humanity. Sanskrit is a vibrational language, meaning it affects our body, mind and spirit. Sanskrit mantras help to clear blockages in our physical, emotional and mental body. In our spiritual physiology we have 72,000 subtle pathways called nadis and seven major energy centers called chakras. These pathways and chakras can be occluded, meaning blocked, not allowing life force energy, known as kundalini in Sanskrit, to flow through. We can do yoga, get acupuncture, massage, do qigong or other practices that move these blockages. But we can also chant Sanskrit mantras. These sacred, sound formulas evoke change in our mind and, in this case, helping us become happier. So, as I mentioned, a big key to happiness is to still the mind from negative or repeating thought forms that sabotage our happiness, joy and positive outlook on life. And positive outlook on life.

Speaker 1:

Stay tuned for when I come back and share five mantras to induce more happiness. Welcome back to the part of the program where I share Sanskrit mantras for happiness. A few reminders Remember to chant these 108 times, each on your own. I'm going to chant each mantra 27 times. I'm going to say the mantra, give you the definition, what it means, and then chant it 27 times. Mantras there's five of them, so you can do them individually or you can do them one after another 108 times. That's what we call a stack of mantras. So be ready to receive the mantra transmission that comes with my chanting through a lineage that I was initiated in, and so here are some happiness mantras. The first one is Om Guru Raja, sukha Pradaya Namaha. There's that word, sukha, meaning contentment. Om Guru Raja, sukha Pradaya Namaha. Salutations to Lord Ganesha, who is the king of the gurus, who brings happiness. So this also removes obstacles to happiness. Due to the honoring of Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, join me in chanting Om Guru Raja Sukha.

Speaker 2:

Pradaya Namaha. Om Guru Raja Sukha Pradaya Namaha. Om Guru Raja Sukha Pradaya Namah. Om Guru Raja Sukha Pradaya Namaha. Om Guru Raja Sukha Pradaya Namaha. Om Guru Raja Sukha Pradaya Namaha. Om Guru Raja Sukha Pradaya Namaha. Om Guru Raja Sukha Pradaya Namaha. Om Guru Raja Sukha Pradaya Namaha. Om Guru Raja Sukha Pradaya Namaha. Om Guru Raja Sukha Pradaya Namaha. Om Guru Raja Sukha Pradaya Namaha. Om Guru Raja Sukha Pradaya Namaha. Om Guru Raja Sukha Pradaya Namaha. Om Guru Raja Sukha Pradaya Namaha. Om Guru Raja Sukha Pradaya Namaha. Om Guru Raja Sukha Pradaya Namaha. Om Guru Raja Sukha Pradaya Namaha. Om Guru Raja Sukha Pradaya Namaha. Om Guru Raja Sukha Pradaya Namaha. Om Guru Raja Sukha Pradaya Namaha. Om Guru Raja Sukha Pradaya Namah. Om Guru Raja Sukha Pradaya Namah.

Speaker 1:

The next mantra is Om Shambhu Shankaraya Namah. It's a Shiva mantra, it's salutations to Shiva, who brings happiness, invokes happy Shiva, and it has a really nice vibe to it, so remember to chant 108 times.

Speaker 2:

Om Shambhu Shankaraya Namaha. Om Shambhu Shankaraya Namaha. Om Shambhu Shankaraya Namaha. Om Shambhu Shankaraya Namaha. Om Shambhu Shankaraya Namaha. Om Shambhu Shankaraya Namaha.

Speaker 1:

The next mantra is another Shiva mantra for happiness, which means obeisances to the God who exists for our happiness. Another Shiva happy mantra.

Speaker 2:

Om Shamba Ve Namaha. Om Shambhave Namaha. Om Shambhave Namaha. Om Shambhave Namaha. Om Shambhave Namaha. Om Shambhave Namaha. Om Shambhave Namaha.

Speaker 1:

And the next mantra is to the goddess. It's a divine, feminine mantra Om Sharma Da'inye Namaha.

Speaker 2:

Salutations to the mother, who is the giver of happiness. The mantra is Om Sharma Dayinye Namaha, om Sharma Dayinye Namaha, om Sharma Dayinye Namaha, om Sharma Dayinye Namaha, om Sharma Dayinye Namaha.

Speaker 1:

And the last mantra for happiness I'm going to share today is actually to Subramanya, who is the brother of Ganesha, son of Shiva, and divine mother Durga. This mantra has a really nice vibe to it. It's Om Shadda Vana Bhavaya Namaha mantra to Subramanya, the brother of Ganesha, son of Shiva and Durga. This mantra brings good luck and levity, as well as successful outcomes.

Speaker 2:

Just chanting it makes you feel good. Om Shalavana Bhavayanamaha. Om Shalavana Bhavayanamaha. Om Shalavana Bhavayanamaha. Om Shalavana Bhavayanamaha. Om Shalavana Bhavayanamaha. Om Shalavana Bhavayanamaha. Om Shalavana Bhavayanamaha. Om Shalavana Bhavayanamaha. Om Shalavana Bhavayanamaha Shalom. Om Sharavana Bhavaya Namaha and remember.

Speaker 1:

the mantras are all written in the show notes, with pronunciation and meaning, so check it out. And meaning, so check it out. I hope you enjoyed this episode on happiness, minimalism and Sanskrit. Mantras for happiness. Make sure you subscribe, download, share and give us a five star review. This is Cosmic Scene, with Jill Jardine sending happy, shiny vibrations to all you shiny, happy people out there in the quantum field.