Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

June 2024 Astrology and Sun Sign Forecasts

June 03, 2024 Jill Jardine Season 14 Episode 240

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JUNE 2024 transits: 6/3: Mercury transits Gemini-6/17, 
6/6: New MOON in Gemini
6/9 -Mars in Taurus - 7/20
6/17-7/11: Venus transits Cancer
6/17-7/2:  Mercury transits Cancer
6/20: SUMMER SOLSTICE (4:51 pm)
6/21: Full Moon in Capricorn/ Sun in Cancer
6/29:  Saturn retrogrades in Pisces until November 15, 2024

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Ready to unlock the secrets of June 2024's astrological landscape? Join seasoned professional astrologer, Jill Jardine, as she navigates through a month filled with dynamic celestial shifts that promise to enliven your social circles, sharpen your communication skills, and bring clarity to your personal and financial realms. Kicking off with a vibrant Gemini stellium on June 3rd and leading up to a potent New Moon on June 6th, this episode will guide you through the astrological highlights, including Mars' move into Taurus on June 9th, and the dual transition of Venus and Mercury into Cancer on June 17th. The summer solstice on June 20th ushers the Sun into nurturing Cancer, culminating in a grounding full moon in Capricorn on June 21st. With Saturn retrograding in Pisces on June 29th, expect a month of karmic resolutions and profound reflections.

In our Zodiac sign forecast, discover how these planetary movements will influence your sign, from Gemini's celebratory solar return to Cancer's organization spree and Taurus's financial renaissance. We'll touch on the lucky days and challenges for each sign, providing personalized insights to help you make the most of June's celestial energies. For Taurus, there's a special focus on personal values and finances, spotlighted by Uranus's surprising influence. Don't miss out on this enlightening journey through the stars—subscribe, share, and leave a five-star review to stay connected with Cosmic Scene and transform your month ahead into one of clarity, growth, and celestial guidance.  SUN SIGN FORECASTS FOR JUNE 2024: HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEMINI!
The birthday kid is activated at the Full Moon on June 3, seeking fun and excitement.  The party continues through the New Moon in Gemini on June 18th with some unexpected gifts from Jupiter & Uranus in your 12th house giving good karmic return. Extended transit of Venus in Leo lends loving aspects to your solar self.  You got a taste of Pluto in fellow Air sign Aquarius opening up portals to possibilities and new realities.  Lucky days: 6/5 & 6/6

CANCER: Cancer is clearing their clutter in early June.  Release as much as you can to make space for a new Solar year at the Solstice on June 21 and continuing into July.  Don’t give away your energy.  Saturn and Neptune turning retrograde in fellow water sign Pisces, offers relief and relaxation.  Look forward to a summer of swimming in soothing subconscious surges. Lucky days:  6/7, 6/8, 6/9, 

LEO: Leo is lit up at the Full Moon in June, with lunar Sagittarius rays throwing some big love!  It gets even better when vivacious Venus vaults into your sign on June 5th for an extended venue. Visitation from The Goddess of Beauty and Love in Leo’s Lair until October, gives plenty of time to get your groove on.  Fun and frolic follow.  Rock on Leo! Lucky days:  6/10 & 6/11

VIRGO: This is your summer of socialization Virgo. It’s time to renew and forge new connections with your like minded tribe. Jupiter is grounding you in Tauren terrain, giving some financial gain. You can accomplish even more than expected.  Stay focused, get shit done, and still have time for fun.  Jupiter &  Uranus from Taurus grant good luck in unexpected ways. Lucky days: 6/12 & 6/13.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine. I'm your host, jill Jardine, master's in Counseling, psychology, longtime astrologer, psychic healer and yogi. In this update I'm going to share the astrology for June 2024. Stay tuned till the end of the episode when I give my zodiac sign forecast for each sign, when I give my zodiac sign forecast for each sign. Hey, listeners, I want to remind you to support Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine podcast. You can do that by going on to wwwbuzzsproutcom. Slash 958-528. Slash support. This will be in the show notes. Welcome to the episode on the astrology of June 2024. Stay tuned till the end of the episode when I give my sun sign forecast for each zodiac sign. I'll share the key dates and astrological activities during the month of June and then go back and give you more details.

Speaker 1:

It's a kind of mellow month after Manic May, so enjoy and play during June. Here we go. We start off the month June 3rd with Homeboy Mercury back in Gemini. From June 3rd until the 17th we start off with a Gemini stellium triggered at the new moon in Gemini on June 6th. June 9th Mars goes into Taurus until July 20th. June 17th busy day Venus transits into Cancer and stays there through July 11th and the same day, june 17th, mercury transits into Cancer until July 2nd. Here comes the sun. On June 20th it's the summer solstice kicking in at 4.51 pm on the East Coast. On June 21st we have a full moon in Capricorn. The Sun is in Cancer, so we've got a solar and then a lunar ceremony June 20th and 21st, and then a lunar ceremony June 20th and 21st. On June 29th, karmic lord Saturn retrogrades in Pisces until November 15th, 2024. June's Gemini Jubilee, with a stellium of planets in the sign of the twins, including the Sun and benefics, venus and Jupiter. The Sun and benefics, venus and Jupiter, joined by Mercury on June 3rd, and then the Moon at the Gemini New Moon on June 6th.

Speaker 1:

The planetary party in Gemini is buzzing and celebratory, fostering fun, communication and socialization, especially at the Gemini New Moon on June 6th. Initiated by a full house of active and antsy planets, gemini June augurs an easier and less challenging month than May, when eclipse, fallout and other intense energies took us by surprise. Summer solstice ushers in the Cancerian equinox on June 20th, followed by the Capricorn full moon on June 21st. The month ends with Saturn retrograding in Pisces on June 29th. Cosmic Taskmaster takes toll through November 15th, collecting karmic debts, while swimming through the subconscious seaweed of Piscean pools and ponds, purging patterns and clearing the collective consciousness, the collective consciousness. Jovial giant Jupiter dug himself out of Earth-bound Taurus on May 25th and immediately began spreading Gemini joy, convorting with the Sun, venus, while harmonizing with Pluto. In early June, mercury joins the party and then we have the new moon. So expect news flashes, revelations and surprises. Continuing to pop. Jupiter in Gemini brings heightened aspirations, generosity, benevolence, confidence, reverence, charitableness and kindness. So make the most of the jolly giant transit in Gem, enhanced by four other planets. In early June, mercury and the Moon join the Gemini Jubilee and it's party time.

Speaker 1:

Gemini New Moon on June 6th turns up the volume, providing incentive to follow through on new ideas and inspirations. Our neural networks and social outreach are making great connections. The excitement is bubbling over, with potentials and possibilities popping up everywhere. Luminaries, sun and moon are conjoined, with Venus on the new moon, shining light on your love life, on your love life, self-love, divine love, personal relationships are all highlighted and being given the green light to go to the next level Find time to socialize and spend time with those who give you joy, whether they are neighbors, friends, family or acquaintances. Communication and self-expression are enhanced and this offers an opportune time to begin a journal or writing project. With this potent Gemini energy, we have a chance to make important changes in our lives. This lunation squares Saturn and Pisces, which may expose some blocks, obstacles or self-sabotage that has interfered with forward movement. The desire for more harmony, love, pleasure or better relationships can really motivate new beginnings and enhancement in life.

Speaker 1:

The Sabian symbol, an archetypal 360 degrees description of each degree of the zodiac by Dane Rudar of this Gemini moon. For 16 degrees, gemini is quote a woman activist in an emotional speech dramatizing her cause. The keynote is a passionate response to deeply felt new experience. Hmm, interesting. So perhaps, with Venus, conjunct this Gemini new moon in early June, there will be more news and developments regarding women and their rights. No more putting baby in a corner. Women will unite and stand up, stand up. Stand up for their rights, including reproductive rights in the US, among other things. Heck if a porn star can affect national outcomes. Women who are educated and advocating can move mountains. Now Remember, historically, with Pluto and Aquarius, women do rise to power and Pluto is harmoniously aspecting this new moon in Gemini. God is back and boy is she pissed.

Speaker 1:

By June 17th, the Gemini jamboree winds down as planets Venus and Mercury say bye-bye Gemini and move to mellow and comforting Cancer, joined by the Sun on June 20th, ushering in the summer solstice and a new season of light. The summer solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere shines in on June 20th at 4.51pm on the East Coast, marking the beginning of summer and the beginning of winter. Down under, the sun is at its peak and we are reborn. The ancients would honor the solstices at solar festivals, usually with fires, frolicking and food. In esoteric teachings, the summer solstice is considered a time to awaken spiritual inspiration and stimulate the development of conscious etheric visions of inner planes. It's a good time to create more harmony and unity in various areas of life. There is a greater opportunity to work and commune with the nature kingdom and those beings who work with humanity through it. The Devatas and flower fairies are in full form, so take advantage and connect. Energies are released that manifest opportunities for confidence, strength and hope and allows for greater expansion of intuitive faculties. We can light our own inner fires located at the solar plexus and make intentions activated by will and alignment to our inner sun or solar force. According to Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian philosopher, social reformer, esotericist and claimed clairvoyant, who also founded the Anthrosophy Society, who wrote many esoteric books and treatises. According to Rudolf Steiner quote In summertime, the spirits of the elements working through nature. Sprites work very hard during the summer days bringing higher spiritual forces into the earth. At night, the nature sprites get a rest from the work with the higher spiritual forces and do their own thing. So these beings from the fairy realm are busy at night doing their own rituals, dancing and giving a mystical feeling to summer nights. And Shakespeare captures this with the whole idea in Midsummer Night's Dream. Unquote Paraphrase Full moon with sun and cancer, and moon and Capricorn beams in on June 21st, bringing the focus on balancing home and work life.

Speaker 1:

Capricorn moon brings introspection on outer life, specifically business and money matters, while sun, venus and Mercury and cancer focus on the inner life and comforts. This full moon asks us to look at how we can feel more comfortable and secure in our life, whether it is from reorganizing the business and financial side to provide more security or looking inward for a sense of peace and stability from within. The Cancer-Capricorn polarity in astrology is concerned with the balance between the private life, domesticity, the need for a home base and nurturance, as represented by cancer versus the public life, career, reputation and accountability represented by Capricorn. This full moon is about balancing our commitment to our career and our families. This lunation forms a square to Neptune and we should watch for deception and self-deception. Everything is not what you think it is. Watch for delusion and disillusionment. Neptune will reveal what was hidden and you may not like what shows up. So probably not the best time to make major decisions, as Neptune can cloud our clarity and also show us what we want or continue an illusion or a glamour. So be careful when making decisions at this full moon.

Speaker 1:

On June 21st. This full moon occurs at one degree Capricorn. The Sabian symbol for one degree Capricorn is quote on a ship, the sailors lower an old flag and raise a new one. The keynote is a radical change of allegiance exteriorized in a symbolic act, a point of no return. Unquote. Dane Rudar goes on to say, quote this is a moment of crisis, a sharp turning point in the zodiacal cycle.

Speaker 1:

At the summer solstice, the northward motion of the sun what's called in decimation stops. The sun rises and sets as far north of exact east and west as it can during the year cycle. Its motion is now reversed Slowly. The sunset points move southward on the western horizon and the length of the day decreases In the lunation cycle from new moon to new moon. This is the first quarter phase On the ship, which symbolizes the ego consciousness floating, as it were, on the sea of the vast unconsciousness. The individualized will makes a basic decision, the dominant yang force allows the yin force to begin its six-month-long rise to power. The collective will gradually overcomes the individual and, at the end, the state will overpower the person. Now, however, the individual person enjoys his most glorious hour. He exults in his ability to make a free decision, to act as an individual who selects his life goal and his allegiance. This is a time of reorientation and at the end of June, saturn retrogrades in Pisces, from June 29th through November 15th 2024.

Speaker 1:

Consider pursuing a spiritual or energetic practice more deeply. Saturn retrograde and Pisces will allow you to go within and also give time to integrate, to see how you may need to grow emotionally and spiritually. Pay attention to mental, emotional health and wellness, as well as dreams, visions and ideals. Take advantage or manage or squeeze in downtime and time to rest, reflect and meditate. Look at your empathy and compassion and how can you increase that for yourself and perhaps others. It can certainly be a time when we are more conscious and careful in our spiritual or private lives. New ways of approaching times of rest, reflection and downtime can be in order. We're doing things differently because of a new perspective on these matters, and so take some time to go within and discover new methods that you can apply in your outer life, and always for the collective.

Speaker 1:

As Saturn goes retrograde, we find out some things that have been hidden, especially in Pisces. Again, pisces, which is ruled by Neptune, is a sign where there can be glamour, delusion or disillusionment. So, again, this retrograde Saturn can bring some things up that we didn't notice, see or hear about prior, and usually these are big things in the collective. So pay attention for the next few months, but take advantage of the downtime and look at what needs to be restructured. Saturn is the planet of structure. However, in Pisces it becomes quite formless. So what is it that you've been trying to bring into form and what is it that needs to be released and cleared? Let Saturn retrograde and Pisces help you. Stay tuned for when I come back and I share my astro forecast for each sun sign.

Speaker 1:

Would you like more wealth, prosperity and love in your life. Would you like to develop your intuition so you can make better decisions in life and you know what the truth is and not the narrative that's being run out there in the media? And alternative media and social media? Well, I have developed an online course to help you. Media Well, I have developed an online course to help you. I'm applying my years of experience of helping clients have more successful, prosperous, happy and fulfilling lives with metaphysical techniques, tools and powerful, positive processes. I have created a series of empowering workshops. Check out my online courses on Sanskrit mantras for wealth, prosperity, love and to develop your intuition. Check it out at my website jilljardineastrologycom. Slash M. As in Mary C. As in cosmic S, as in seen. Jilljardineastrologycom. Slash MCS. Welcome to the part of the episode you've been waiting for.

Speaker 1:

Zodiac sign forecast for June 2024. And lucky days. So write it down. Gemini happy birthday. The birthday kid is activated like nobody's business in early June, and especially at the new moon on June 6. You've got a party happening in your sign with the sun, venus, jupiter, mercury and the moon. It's a party of five and it's not only bringing some good things to you but also affecting every other sign for better or for worse. But for now the Gemini party is strong until the sun goes into cancer on the 20th. So make the most of it. Make hay. It is your solar return. So plant those seeds for the coming year and you're getting some love still from Pluto in early Aquarius harmonizing with Jupiter in your sign. This is opening up some portals to possibilities and new realities. So take a risk, have fun and you're the birthday kid at the Gemini Jubilee.

Speaker 1:

Your lucky days are June 5th and 6th. Cancer Cancer is clearing their clutter in early June. Release as much as you can to make space. When your new solar year blasts in on June 20th, you might be a little frustrated by all the Gemini action going on in your karmic solar house and some gossip or words may catch up with you from the past. So be very prudent what you say and you may be focused on bygones being bygones, saying bye to what hasn't worked out. Saturn retrogrades in water at the end of the month, which is a nice release actually, as the planets start coming home to Cancer Mercury and Venus on the 17th, hallelujah. It's time to come home to yourself, relax and receive Cancer. To come home to yourself, relax and receive cancer.

Speaker 1:

Your lucky days are June 7th, 8th and 9th Leo. Leo's getting love from Gemini planets, throwing a harmonious aspect, five of them in early June. Has you a Twitter and a Flutter and you got your social hat on again, going out there looking for love in all the wrong places. Leo, use some discernment. But you're ready to share some big love. Where can you have fun? Taurus energies during April and May were a big Debbie Downer for Leo. So rock on now and make the most of the Gemini whirlwind. You can ride it. You can harness and ride that energy, leo, and direct it where you need to. Your lucky days are June 10th and 11th. Virgo gets no love from the Gemini planets in early June as they square your sun, you have to recoup and reboot and rework some things. It feels like it's all work and no play for Virgo when everybody is out there having fun. It will be your time soon. Wait until planets start shifting into cancer on June 17th and then the sun going in at the solstice on the 20th, and it will be your time. You got to stay focused, get shit done and get ready for fun at month's end. Your lucky days, virgo, are June 12th and 13th.

Speaker 1:

Libra fellow air sign. Gemini planets are sending you good vibes, healing and upliftment, especially at the Gemini new moon. So take advantage of it and use early June to take care of business and get things done and reconnect with people. You are amped up and looking forward to the summer season. At the Gemini new moon, remember to stay balanced and not overextend, and watch for others taking advantage of your generosity. You may feel so light and open that you can be gullible. So be careful, libra, and give back to yourself first. Fill your own cup. Your lucky days are June 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th.

Speaker 1:

Scorpio you're breathing a breath of fresh air and totally decompressing after the stellium of Taurus planets during April and May, and it's sort of a hallelujah time for you. You can now make plans and money worries may have passed. You're looking at your financial situation. It seems a little bit brighter and you're taking some stock of your accomplishments in the past six months and being kind of proud about what you've done. So stay the course. Don't worry about money. Jupiter out of Taurus, freeze up your mind and you are thinking in more positive ways, thinking in more positive ways. Use that mental juice to make some great strides wherever you want to direct it Scorpio. Your lucky days are June 18th and 19th.

Speaker 1:

Sagittarius not getting much love from five planets opposing your sun in Gemini. Be patient, sag. Your time will come, but there could be some little delays, frustrations and other hiccups that are getting in the way of your smooth sailing. You want to jump into the sun, but Gemini will keep you on your toes until the solstice. Use this time to get in shape to prepare for a firestorm of fun in late July and August when you are lit up by friendly fires from Leo. Your lucky day Sagittarius June 20th and 21st.

Speaker 1:

Capricorn Things were really moving for you and you were making some great gains with all those Taurus planets, but now you have to take a pause, rework, rewire and figure out a new strategy. Saturn going retrograde and Pisces will help you with that. At month's end, review and rethink your career and work life. You get a nice bump up, though, at the solstice, the 20th and 21st. It's a full moon in Capricorn on the 21st, 22nd, 23rd and your light can shine. And your light can shine. You get clarity and you're looking forward and maybe feeling more positive. Take care of your health seriously and implement new regimes. Your lucky days, capricorn are June 21st, 22nd and 23rd. Aquarius you're back intact after Taurus initiations in May. Gemini Jubilee ignites Aquarius into action and offers and options fall into your lap.

Speaker 1:

Gemini New Moon in early June triggers rebirth and rise to power. As you ride the Aquarian waves into new frontiers, jupiter extends money luck, paying off debts and making way for financial freedom. Your lucky days, aquarius are June 24th, 25th and 26th. Pisces Gemini planets in early June feel frantic and manic to peaceful Pisces. Gemini planets in early June feel frantic and manic to peaceful Pisces. Stay out of the fray and find other ways to enjoy your day. As planets carouse into cancer after June 17th, your soul is soothed and you find comfort and coziness again, while receiving insights that inspire and enlighten. Your lucky days Pisces are June 27th and 28th.

Speaker 1:

Aries you feel some Jupiterian joy as the jolly giant in Gemini and his cohort send nice aspects your way and it's time to play. Aries revs up and is reborn in early June, enjoying the frantic, fun and exciting escapades. Saturn, transiting your house of karma, spins the wheel of fortune up and down. Keep moving forward. Let go of the past. Your lucky days, aries are June 1st, 2nd, the 29th and 30th.

Speaker 1:

Taurus You're reeling and still peeling off layers. After the Taurian takedown of April and May, when a plethora of planets transited your sign, uranus in Taurus surprises with an unexpected boon. In June, gemini Jubilee celebrates your solar second house, enhancing all those things you value in your life. Take advantage of rebirth in your money house. Saturn, retrograding in Pisces, regroups and reboots you to prepare for future gains. Your lucky days, taurus are June 3rd, 4th and 5th. It's a great time to book a reading, so check out my website, jilljardineastrologycom slash shop and pick the kind of reading or service you would like. I hope you enjoyed this episode on the astrology of June 2024. Remember to subscribe, share, download and give us a five-star review. This is Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine signing out. No-transcript.