Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

Enhance Intuition with Sanskrit Mantras

July 30, 2024 Jill Jardine Season 15 Episode 247

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Unlock the secrets of heightened intuition through the ancient practice of Sanskrit mantras! Imagine tapping into your higher self, free from ego and subconscious clutter, and discovering an elevated state of awareness. Explore the profound energies, frequencies, and vibrations encapsulated in these sacred sound formulas. This episode isn't just informative; it's a transformative journey that can clear both internal and external blockages, making you more receptive to spiritual truths and intuitive insights.Host, Jill Jardine, is an initiated and certified Sanskrit Mantra instructor, so there is protection and power in the transmission through her teachings of Sanskrit in this episode. 

If you want to connect to the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” as Nicolai Tesla said.  We have to break through the denser vibrations that are coming at us from the lower vibratory types and channels. 

Chanting in Sanskrit is an ancient Vedic practice sometimes in modern times referred to as the “Yoga of Sound.”  Sanskrit Mantras are sacred sound formulas that shift our spiritual physiology.  They clear blockages internally and externally, allowing us to be more receptive to our good.   By removing obstacles, known or unknown, in our body, mind and energetic fields, Sanskrit Mantras change our frequency so we become more magnetic to our good both on the material plane, as well as activating our soul powers and receiving spiritual fruits.

1) EIM (I'm): Seed (bija) mantra to Saraswati, goddess of creative wisdom and divine knowledge.

2) OM EIM SARASWATIYEI SWAHA (Ohm I'm Sara-swa-tee-yay Swa-ha):  The foundation or mula mantra to Saraswati, goddess of divine wisdom. Governs all spiritual pursuits, gives mantras their power. Good for education, musical and artistic endeavors and makes any project successful.

3) SAT CHID EKAM BRAHMA (Saht Cheed Eck-ham Brah-ma): Mantra to Brahma, the great Creator.  Sat=Truth; Chid=Spiritual mind stuff; Ekam= one, without a second; Brahma=This entire cosmos, with all its contents, sometimes also called Brahman, the state of conscious existence that is one with everything

4) OM GAJA KARNAKAYA NAMAHA (Ohm Ga-ja Kar-nah-ka-ya Na-ma-ha):  Ganesha mantra to remove obstacles. One can sit anywhere and tune this cosmic television (the body) with seven channels (chakras), and all 72,000 nadis, to any loka and be able to hear ancestors, angels, the voice of God, or the voice of the prophets.  (per Sanskrit Mantra Guru, Satguru Sant Keshavadas in his book, Lord Ganesha).

5) OM SHRIM SIDDHAYEI NAMAHA (Ohm Shreem Sid-dah-yay Na-ma-ha): "Salutations to the Divine Mother who is the bestower of supernatural powers."


Commit to chanting a mantra 108 times daily for 40 days and witness the transformative effects it can have on your meditative practice and intuition. 

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Speaker 1:

welcome to cosmic scene with jill jardine. I'm your host, jill jardine, masters in counseling, psychology, longtime professional astrologer, psychic healer, yogi and certified sanskrit mantra instructor. Wouldn't it be nice if you were more intuitive? It would be a great gift and talent to have to navigate these crazy times where we don't know when anyone's telling the truth. Well, tune into this episode when I teach Sanskrit mantras to improve your intuition. Welcome to the episode on Sanskrit mantras for intuition. These are crazy and precarious times we live in and it's important we tune into what is really going on.

Speaker 1:

Truth is a scarce commodity these days and everyone is peddling their own version of the truth through media, alt media and social media. But what if there was a way to discern the truth for yourself? Not through your own ego or subconscious, but by raising your vibration to a higher frequency that is, above all, the noise out there. If you want to connect to the universe, think in terms of energy frequency and vibration. As Tesla said, we have to break through the denser vibrations that are coming at us from the lower vibratory energies and channels. And, as I said, a lot of people even in the work that I do as a psychic of over 30 years people think that psychics have the truth, but what I have seen is a lot of people will bring what their psychic visions or their version of spiritual truth is through the lens of their cloudy personal subconscious, and that just doesn't work. I've even seen people who, you know, tout themselves as lightworkers, but yet we see that you're very much coming from a very ego or non-neutral place, and that's the key. The key is, in order to improve your intuition, you have to come from a place of neutrality. In other words, the personal ego or subconscious needs to have been purified, clear or at least neutral. To have been purified, clear or at least neutral, we have to have a neutral position as we develop our intuition, which means, by neutrality, not having a preference, especially with something like when it comes to politics or it comes to trying to predict or intuit.

Speaker 1:

If you already are leaning one way or you have a preference, well, that's going to really taint your clear vision, your clairvoyance, your clairaudience, your clairsentience, which are all ways that intuition comes through, or feeling and clear cognizance, which is clear, knowing. But you have to have done work, some work on your subconscious and you also have to, as I said, be in a place of neutrality and not having a preference. And the other thing about intuition it's like a muscle you know you have to work it, you have to practice. You have to work it like any muscle, that muscle, professionally, for over 30 years and getting a very high accuracy rate, as reflected back from clients I've read, for I think I have some insights on how to work and develop intuition in a way that it works for the people you're trying to read for, as well as yourself. And some people do admit that one of the hardest persons to do an intuitive reading for is yourself, unless you step aside with ego, subconscious blocks, because, of course, people will always bring their preferences through. So this episode is going to share some sacred formulas to help rise above your own subconscious ego, mind, personality, the formula that will help break through the barriers of your ego and subconscious blocks so that you can hold a high vibration.

Speaker 1:

I'm speaking of the ancient sound formulas of Sanskrit mantras. If you haven't heard one of my previous episodes on Sanskrit mantras, let me review what it is. Let me review what it is. Chanting in Sanskrit is an ancient Vedic practice, sometimes in modern times referred to as the yoga of sound. Sanskrit mantras are sacred, sound formulas that shift our spiritual physiology. They clear blockages internally and externally, allowing us to be more receptive to our good and, as I was talking about earlier, allowing us to become neutral, clearing the mind, clearing the subconscious of preferences. By removing obstacles known or unknown in our body, mind and energetic fields, sanskrit mantras change our frequency so we become more magnetic to our good, both on the material plane as well as activating our soul powers and receiving spiritual blessings.

Speaker 1:

The Sanskrit language is a tool for working with the subtle energy potential represented by the hundreds of chakras within the energetic body. Sanskrit is known as Deva Lingwa, the language of the gods, or the mother of chakras within the energetic body. Sanskrit is known as Deva Lingwa, the language of the gods, or the mother of tongues, and linguists also ascribe these descriptions to Sanskrit because it provides a root tongue for many languages. But it really is a vibrational language, meaning that until recently it was only spoken by those Brahmins and priests who were initiated into these ancient formulas. It has come to the West with the gurus bringing this wisdom, for starting around the time with Yogananda about 100 years ago, and then in the 1960s and 70s, when my mantra guru came to the US, satguru Sankeshavadas. I studied with his devotee, thomas Ashley Farrand. Namadeva Acharya, who was learning Sanskrit from Satguru Sankeshavadas in the 70s 1970s. And there was another wave of gurus, such as Yogi Bhajan, who brought in Kundalini yoga and the Gurmukh mantras, different from Sanskrit. Muktananda, who introduced Shaktipat, or transmission of energy through the sacred energy called Shakti, through touch and mantra transmission, and many other gurus that came to the West.

Speaker 1:

So to remind you how this works, we have something called the spiritual physiology or energy body, the closest thing people can understand about it. It is like acupuncture the 12 meridians that you cannot see on an x-ray but still can be affected when they are activated through needles or touch, and it moves energy and helps the health and well-being in the body. In Vedic spiritual physiology we have the seven main energy centers known as the chakras or wheels of light, but we also have 72,000 subtle pathways called nadis that can be opened and cleared when we chant to remove soul samskaras or blockages. The Sanskrit alphabet has the 50 letters, which is the same number of petals on the first six chakras or energy centers located along the spine. When we chant Sanskrit mantras, many magical things can happen. We may feel physical healing in our bodies, illumination of consciousness and other sensations such as energy goosebumps or spiritual confirmation or Kundalini rising.

Speaker 1:

As I've mentioned before, we must be discriminating where and who we learn Sanskrit mantras from. It is advised not to find them willy nilly on the Internet or YouTube, because the source of the information is sometimes sketchy or not known, and it's very important. And so, as I teach mantras in these episodes, you're getting it through a lineage, through a known source, through a guru transmission that has come to me and goes to you through me. So, regarding intuition, these mantras in this episode that I've curated have been known to help increase intuitive awareness. And again, intuition can be defined as clear cognitive energy or clear knowing, clear sentience or clear feeling, clear voyance or clear seeing, clear audience or clear hearing and empathy or feeling things very deeply. So everybody thinks intuition is seeing that movie or just seeing visions. That's not the only manifestation of intuition. It is knowing of things that are going to happen for you personally or out in the world. And so I have done these mantras for years and I have been getting a lot of information lately with the current situation in the US regarding the upcoming election.

Speaker 1:

But again, when we do get this information. We do have to discern where do we share it? Do we share it? How do we share it? Are we supposed to share it? So all of that has to be taken into consideration as well. And if you are a healer or a psychic, obviously it comes in very handy when you're working with clients. But again, the best is to become the conduit or channel and not own it or let the information, feelings, energy come through you. And again, it's always good to gauge and discern when it is appropriate to share. Sometimes this information is just for you and sometimes it's to be shared. So use your intuition to figure that out as well.

Speaker 1:

So stay tuned for the five mantras that I will share today that can help enhance your intuitive abilities. The first mantra to develop your intuition is a very easy one. It's called the seed or bija mantra. In Sanskrit it is the mantra I'm, spelled E, I M. This mantra I'm is the seed or bija mantra to Sarasvati, the goddess of creative wisdom and divine knowledge, and this goddess in the Veda, pantheon, can help us with intuition, inner knowing, spiritual truth and so much more. And it's a very simple mantra. I'm going to chant each of the mantras today 27 times, but as always, I suggest you chant them 108 times each and find one that really resonates. But again, we're going to start with the easy one, so everybody's able to do these. One syllable Bij Mantras, I'm.

Speaker 2:

I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm I'm.

Speaker 1:

The next mantra has the seed aim within it and it is om aim saraswatiye swaha. It is the foundation or mula mantra to Saraswati, the goddess of divine wisdom. This mantra governs all spiritual pursuits. It gives mantras their power. It's good for education, musical and artistic endeavors and makes any project successful. It also helps with developing intuition, and the mantra is Om Aim Saraswatia Swaha. Om Aim Saraswatia Swaha. Om Aim Saraswatia Swaha. Om Aim Saraswatie Swaha. Om AIM Saraswatie Swaha. Om AIM Saraswatie Swaha. Om AIM Saraswatie Swaha. Om AIM Saraswatie Swaha. Om AIM Saraswatie Swaha. Om AIM Saraswatie Swaha. Om AIM Saraswatie Swaha. What do you say? Ha? Ohm, I am Sarah Swati Yay Swaha. Ohm, I am Sarah Swati Yay Swaha. Ohm, I am Sarah Swati Yay Swaha.

Speaker 1:

The next month Is sat cheat Ekam Brahma. It's a month to Brahma the great creator. Sat Sat. The next mantra is Sat Chid Ekam Brahma. It's a mantra to Brahma, the great creator. Sat means truth, chid is spiritual mind stuff. Ekam, one without a second, and Brahma, this entire cosmos with all its contents, sometimes also called Brahman, the state of conscious existence that is one with everything. Thus, chanting Sat Chit Ekam Brahma will make one more enlightened, intuitive and in touch with the truth. Sat.

Speaker 3:

Here we go Sat Chid Ekam Brahma Satchit Ekam Brahma Satchit Ekam Brahma Satchit Ekam Brahma Satchit Ekam Brahma Satchit Ekam Brahma Satchit Ekam Brahma Satchit Ekam Brahma Satchit Ekam Brahma.

Speaker 1:

The next mantra is a Ganesha mantra Ganapati, the remover of obstacles, and the mantra is Om Gaja Karnakaya Namaha. It is a Ganesha mantra to remove obstacles. One can sit anywhere and tune this cosmic television, our body with seven channels, chakras and all 72,000 nadis, to any loka, and be able to hear ancestors, angels, the voice of God or the voice of the prophets. Per Sanskrit mantra, guru Guru Sankeshvadas in his book Lord Ganesha. And the mantra is Om Gaja Karnakaya Namaha Namaha. Om Gajah Karnakaya Namaha. Om Gajah Karnakaya Namaha. Om Gajah Karnakaya Namaha. Om Gajah Karnakaya Namaha. Om Gajah Karnakaya Namaha. Om Gajah Karnakaya Namaha. And the final mantra I'm sharing in this episode is Om Shreem Siddhayay Namaha For developing the intuition. It translates as Salutations to the Divine Mother, who is the bestower of supernatural powers Om Shreem Sada.

Speaker 3:

Ye Namaha Om.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Siddhai Namaha.

Speaker 1:

Om Shreem Siddhai.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Om Shreem Siddhai, namaha, om Shreem Siddhai.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Om Shreem Siddhai.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Om Shreem Siddhai, namaha. Om Shreem Siddhai, namaha. Om Shreem Siddhai.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So these mantras were transmitted to me by my mantra guru, namadeva Acharya Thomas Ashley Ferrand. Have some fun with these mantras to develop and enhance your intuition and it goes without saying it would be a good practice to do them prior to meditating and see if you have a deeper meditation. And again, as always, try each mantra, chant it 108 and see which one really, really resonates with you and perhaps do a discipline with that chanting it 108 times for 40 days in a row and see the magic that happens in your life. Enjoy so I hope you enjoyed, this episode on Sanskrit mantras to develop your intuition. Remember to subscribe, download, share and give us a five-star review. This is Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine signing out, sending high vibrational sound formulas Sanskrit mantras through the quantum field.