Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

Cryptocurrency Trends and Predictions for Late 2024 with SL369

August 18, 2024 Jill Jardine/SL369 Season 15 Episode 250

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Can astrological events really influence the cryptocurrency market? Join us on Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine as we welcome back the ever-insightful cryptocurrency clairvoyant and influencer, SL369, to explore this intriguing idea. This episode delves into the astrological trajectory of the cryptocurrency market from late August 2024 through the end of the year. We examine how key celestial events like the Aquarius full moon on August 19th and the Mercury retrograde period might shape market trends. Discover potential rallies and declines, particularly around pivotal dates such as the beginning of eclipse season on September 17th, and gain valuable insights into the promising cycles expected in late October into early November.

Our conversation takes a deep dive into the astrological influences affecting Bitcoin’s performance, including significant past events and upcoming alignments. We review the rapid rise in March driven by Pluto's conjunction with Bitcoin's Mercury, and similar alignments projected for February 2025. From now until December, we highlight key periods such as mid-September and early October for potential downturns, followed by a promising recovery in late October and early November. Notable market shifts are anticipated in November with movements like Pluto, Neptune, and Saturn going direct, but tread carefully around Thanksgiving and early December due to Mercury and Mars retrogrades.

In this rich discussion, we also provide an astrological forecast for various cryptocurrencies, including XRP, Solana, Dogecoin, Shiba, and Polygon. Learn how XRP's Jupiter return and alignment with Saturn in November could signal a significant rise, and how Solana’s interaction with Pluto and Jupiter's alignment with its natal Venus contribute to its resilience. Dogecoin's cyclical ups and downs, Shiba’s potential positive movement in October, and Polygon's promising year ahead are all covered. Plus, SL369 discusses the potential of short term pump between August 2024-January 2025 with coins like XRP, Bitcoin Cash, Near Protocol, Solana, Injective, TAO, SUI, Aptos and Arweave. Don't miss SL369’s expert predictions on the best crypto coins to watch in the coming months.

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Speaker 1:

welcome to cosmic scene with jill jardine. I'm your host, jill jardine, masters in counseling, psychology, professional astrologer, psychic, yogi and healer. In this episode, my guest is sl369, cryptocurrency clairvoyant and influencer. We're glad to have sl back on cosmic scene and she has a lot to share with our listeners about the crypto trajectory in the coming months. So stay tuned. Hey listeners, I want to remind you to support Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine podcast. You can do that by going on to wwwbuzzsproutcom. Slash 958-528. Slash support. This will be in the show notes. Jill Jardine and SL369 are not financial advisors. Jill Jardine is an astrologer who watches cycles based on planetary and astrological patterns, and SL369 is a crypto clairvoyant who has information from her spirit guides. This podcast is for informational and educational and entertainment purposes only and not to be used as financial advice. We're excited to welcome back SL369 to Cosmic Scene. In this episode we will discuss the upcoming trajectory of cryptocurrency from late August 2024 through the end of the year, so that's going to include September, october, november, december. Did I forget to mention we're heading right into eclipse season as well, so I'll pipe in with the astrological energies that will be affecting cryptocurrency in the next few months. Stay tuned until the end of the episode, when SL369 shares the crypto coins that are good bets, professional astrologer Gilles Jardin will read the chart of some of the crypto coins and give astrological insights. So here we go.

Speaker 1:

If you missed my previous episodes with SL369 that have been recorded since 2021, let me reintroduce her. Sl369 is a cryptocurrency clairvoyant who has been channeling visions about cryptocurrency coins since 2018. Sl369 has an 80 to 85% accuracy with her crypto visions. Sl stands for star seed and light worker. The number 369 was inspired by Nikola Tesla's theory that these numbers are the key to the universe. You can check out her information, her crypto visions, on her website, wwwsl369cryptocom, and also on all her other social outreach, including youtube, telegram, twitter and more. So here we go. It is my honor and pleasure to introduce my guest, sl369 back in the hood. How about you? Hey, it's been a while. I feel like we haven't done anything in about six months. It was probably March or April, yeah, yeah. And here's the sleepy summer. We were talking about the crypto sleepy summer.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it has been a wild ride. So July 4th and 5th, I think no, july 4th we had a major dump. Yes, yeah, bitcoin dumped to like 53.4K. And then August, a few days ago, august 5th, btc dumped again, went all the way down to 49.4. So some people think that the bottom has hit, some people think that we will drop some more, and this summer has been a little bit wonky. The market's supposed to go up, everyone expecting to go up, but it hasn't done anything Right, just not.

Speaker 1:

Even both the crypto market and the regular financial markets have taken a dump. It's been pretty scary for a lot of people, but we like to remind them on Cosmic Scenes, since we talk about energy, vibration and frequency, like Nikola Tesla, that remember don't let what's happening out there affect your inner peace and your inner equanimity. This, too, will pass, and we see some interesting cycles showing up in the coming months for crypto. But remember create your own reality. Create your reality where you're doing fine, whether crypto is up and down or not nice.

Speaker 2:

So right now we today is like august 13th. I'm very curious um between now in august 28th, do you see anything going on, like this week and next week, that we need to be concerned about?

Speaker 1:

Well, yes, we have a very big Aquarius full moon coming on August 19th, which generally that tends to be as my theory. My thesis is that when there's Aquarian energy more than one going on, it tends to help crypto, and in this case we're going to have the moon and Pluto in Aquarius, so there might be a little. I think there's going to be another news drop or new shock, like at the other full moon. I predicted that there was going to be some decisions made politically, and there was. That's when Biden dropped out. So I also think this full moon on the 19th of August is going to bring some news that could affect the markets.

Speaker 1:

Now, as far as crypto goes, we are in a Mercury retrograde as well until the 28th, so there could be a slight rally from the 19th, 20th and 21st. However, with Mercury still retrograde, nothing is going to be as it seems. We're going to see it start going down again at the end of the month, and I have a whole forecast here for September, because here we go eclipse season starts on September 17th, so so it never does well. Crypto never does well under the eclipse energies, and this is no exception okay, I see.

Speaker 2:

How. About from now until like the 19? Do you see that? How will the market perform?

Speaker 1:

I just think it's more of what it's been doing. There's not going to be any market difference. There is going to be some kind of shift around that full moon 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd and then we're going to have the sun go into the sign Virgo, which can be a little restrictive, and that's why I think we're going to see, if there was a little bump up, that it may just go down again. I don't think we're going to see a really good cycle again until we get past the eclipses and I saw a really good cycle, if we want to just give the overview at the end of October into early November. That looks like there's going to be something that infuses energy into the crypto markets going to be something that infuses energy into the crypto markets.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so basically you're saying that November and December the market will perform better than August and September?

Speaker 1:

Well, late October into early November is really really good. I think November is going to be interesting. We haven't had a good November in years because it's been an eclipse month. In this year it's not, and we're going to have a really powerful full moon in November. On the 15th it's the Scorpio full moon Well, taurus, scorpio, you know, the companion moon to the Wieseck moon, so that always affects markets, and then I think we do pretty good. And then Mercury goes retrograde on the 25th of November through December for three weeks till December 15th, which is also a full moon. So that cycle could be a little weird, but I do think we're going to end the year on a high note at the end of December.

Speaker 2:

I see.

Speaker 1:

Boy. So what do you tell me now SL? What's been happening? What do you see happening? Because you saw that maybe August not so good, september not so good. What do you think with more specific crypto speak?

Speaker 2:

In terms of BTC or in terms of the overall of the market?

Speaker 1:

Actually, both would be good to hear.

Speaker 2:

So BTC or in terms of the overall of the market? Actually, both would be good to hear. So BTC, my spirit guide said that it will have no drops. The price range is between 43.5 and 38. But I don't. So what I have noticed is that the market maker has been since like March. So March went up to like almost $74,000. And then every single month, the market dropped like stayed stepping down.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Dropped like this yeah, so the next drops it would drop a little bit lower than the previous drops, so it won't drop like from $61,000 all the way to $30,000.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't do like that, so they do a little bit every single month Incremental, like $10,000 a month, something like that, yeah, so it has one more drop.

Speaker 2:

Right it could be either in August or September or, yes, either August or September. They won't do like $20,000 drop, they do, like you know, $10,000 or whatever. It is Just incremental drops. That is what I have been noticing, and then each time it drops, it impacts the whole crypto market.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And the altcoin hasn't been performing, hasn't done well for the past six months. The only coin like there's two sectors that are doing well. The community know that the AI and the meme coin.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So meme coins you know everyone has been really impatient with waiting for the altcoin. So some just put a lot of money into meme coin and hit pump and there's thousands of meme coin create every day. You know, sometimes you make money, sometimes you don't make money. So that has been what's going on this cycle. This cycle has been really weird. It doesn't right.

Speaker 1:

It's very different from 2021 yes, and and that's why, you know, I have been kind of hesitant to do podcasts, because I don't like to deliver bad news. We always want it to be good news with the crypto market. But to follow through on your thesis that there is going to be another drop between mid-August and mid-September, I concur and I think it's actually going to be around that full moon. It's the first full moon lunar eclipse in the new cycle which is activating the signs Pisces and Virgo. So it's a full moon in Pisces on the 17th, so probably the day before the 17th, 18th, 19th.

Speaker 1:

That could be a dicey week, the 16th, the week of the 16th of September, as far as that could be when the big drop or not big, but that incremental drop goes down because Pisces in astrology, is about it's a water and it's more about energy leaking. It's spiritual. Pisces is always considered a spiritual sign, but it also has to do with the leaky boat syndrome, uh, of of energy leaking. So it would make sense that a Pisces full moon, a lunar eclipse which tends to take things away, lunar eclipses being more malefic in our Western astrology where solar eclipses are more malefic in the Vedic. We have a solar eclipse coming on October 2nd, but this moon, I think, is going to pack a whammy, as far as you know, and kind of performing, as you said, the next big drop or the next incremental drop.

Speaker 2:

OK, I have some important questions to ask you. Sure, my group wants to know, so I don't know. You can backtrack a little bit March 14. I think March 14 is the day that BTC reached all-time highs, almost $74,000. So I want to see, based on the NATO chart of BTC, do you see from now until December? Is there any?

Speaker 1:

astrological aspects that have similar to what was going on back then.

Speaker 2:

Similar positive aspects to March Interesting, all right.

Speaker 1:

Well, let's see what was going on. It was, it's funny. It was during Pisces season, yes, and the 14th it was a moon in Gemini. Well, no, it was moon in Taurus, and we had just had a new moon in Pisces Interesting. So what's going to be happening? What's going on? So you're asking me which month Is there going to be a similar?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Performance. I don't. You know what's going to be interesting. There could be something going on, not in October, but yeah, not in September but in October, because it's that new moon, solar eclipse. I think that might help Bitcoin for sure, but I don't see a replication of the same astrology.

Speaker 2:

Performance Right. So yeah, march it. It was, the market was crazy. It went up by forty thousand dollars in a matter of six weeks.

Speaker 1:

Forty thousand dollars yeah, I mean the thing that was probably driving that. If I was to add something astrological, it really probably started in February. Pluto was walking hand in hand with the Sun, Venus and Aquarius, so we had some nice Aquarian energy kicking up Bitcoin's North Node and Bitcoin's Mercury was getting really. I think that's what it was. I know what it was. Pluto was coming over Bitcoin's Mercury was getting really. I think that's what it was. I know what it was. Pluto was coming over Bitcoin's Mercury as well, and I'll tell you when that's going to happen again. Oh sure, Go ahead. That's going to be in February 2025. We're going to have another stellium of planets in Aquarius, including Pluto conjuncting Mercury in Bitcoin's charts. That's what did it in.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, so what then? In fact I don't have my ephemeris with me. I can't tell you that's for an upcoming, that's for an upcoming podcast. I don't have my ephemeris to like track that exactly. But yeah, it's the Pluto Mercury conjunction, which I remember talking about that around this time last year. When Pluto conjuncts Mercury, that's going to be go time, so we have it going on next year early next year, late January, february. That that should be very interesting.

Speaker 2:

So six small month.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, there'll be some. There'll be some more boost. Like I said, I get a really good feeling in late October into early November. Granted, there's a lot of Scorpio, and Scorpio can sometimes you know, because again it's water it can indicate loss, but usually it can also indicate gain and there's no eclipses. That's why I think it's good. And there's no mercury retrograde at the end of October and early November, so that's going to be kind of interesting. And there's an election happening in the US, so the market might be reactive to whatever happens with that too.

Speaker 2:

Okay, then my next follow-up question is similar questions, but my group wants to know okay, so July 4th, right, and then, exactly a month later, august 5th, the market tanked Crazy. So we want to know from now until December, are there any other weeks, days or months that have similar drops like July 4th and August 5th?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean I kind of I was kind of going over that, yeah. So I think we're going to have something around that week of the 16th of September, okay, and then we could have something around. It's not going to quite. It could even go down a little bit more the first week in October and then we might start seeing. Then we're going to see things coming back Like the last two weeks of October. It's going to be a fun Halloween and early November, november, yeah, that full moon in Taurus Scorpio could go either way. I mean I'm kind of seeing it as good this time. But there could be a weird thing the week of Thanksgiving where there could be another down, but not huge, not huge down, it's just that would be a Mercury retrograde week and Mars is retrograding too in the beginning of December. So we got a couple new retrogrades happening.

Speaker 1:

There are some good indicators, though, on the horizon, with major players going direct that could give a boost to the market, the first one being Pluto going direct on October 11th. That's right, a week after that bad time. I think that's gonna help. We're gonna have in November we're gonna have Neptune go direct and Saturn goes direct. In November we're going to have Neptune go direct and Saturn goes direct in November, which I think is going to help a lot. That's on that full moon on the 15th. That's why I thought that full moon on November 15th could help out the crypto markets quite a bit, and Pluto transits into Aquarius the following week, on the 19th. So that's, that's could be a very good cycle following week on the 19th. So that's, that's could be a very good cycle.

Speaker 1:

Um, mid, mid, I feel, like late October into early November, and then there might be a weird thing in that midweek, but then it kicks up really nicely in the second half from the 15th of full moon. Saturn goes direct, pluto goes into Aquarius within four days and it goes pretty well until mercury goes retrograde and, uh, mars goes retrograde. So the first, the last week in november and early december could be not so good. Hey, yeah, but, but there's going to be a big. I feel there's a really nice activity in the late october I'm sticking by it and and November, except for one week there and the second week. But November is going to be full of surprises in so many ways.

Speaker 2:

Surprise. Like positive or like negative.

Speaker 1:

I think both. I think when Pluto finally transits into Aquarius, it has that little retrograde cycle that's going from September 2nd till November 19th. That's why nothing is what it seems like it's going to be. We're finishing. We're finishing from 2008,.

Speaker 1:

Pluto going through Capricorn, karmic Capricorn, so that equals breakdowns. That's breakdowns, breakdowns of the old order, and so that's why it's going to be a cluster with the politics and the election. It's going to be a crypto cluster as well, even though I do think October could be kind of interesting because there could be a bit of a beginning, of a boost, like almost like a precursor, to what's going to go on in February, march of 2025. But when Pluto goes into Aquarius, it's party time, especially if you're an Aquarian Not really. You have to release, you have to purge, you have to purify. All the fixed signs are going to get ready for 20 years of purification, release, death, rebirth, transformation, as will our host society. But I've always said that crypto is an Aquarian technology and when we have a preponderance of planets in Aquarius, which will be in late January and February of 2025, we're going to see the markets rally.

Speaker 2:

Nice. So during Christmas this year, do you see, the market will give us a green rally, santa rally.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's kind of weird at the end of the year. I think it's going to be probably better than previous years, because December was kind of a deadbeat month right for crypto in the past.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes it's mixed.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I think it's going to be a little mixed this time, but there's a new moon. There's a Capricorn new moon on the 30th of December, which is going to have things get organized in a business way going into the new year. That could actually help, especially, I know Bitcoin. Bitcoin has some Jupiter in Capricorn. Well, bitcoin is a Capricornian, or planets in Capricorn. Actually, bitcoin is a Capricornian Four planets in Capricorn actually, so that new moon would be actually happening on Bitcoin's sun. So that actually is a very good indicator, a new beginning.

Speaker 1:

So, at the end of December and early January. It's good for the market. Yeah, I'm basing that on bitcoin's chart because it's going to have a new moon fall right on the natal sun of bitcoin and then, as we move into january, all these uh, the capricorn planets are going to come over jupiter and then again we get pluto on the mercury starting in late january february okay good, starting in late January, february, okay, good.

Speaker 1:

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Speaker 1:

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Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, so the market has been engineered to have this massive pump. A few months ago in March, it was engineered for whatever purpose. I don't know who did that you know the elite or whoever but that was engineered pump like. We have never seen $40,000 in six weeks.

Speaker 1:

That was not an organic pump at all Not organic nor natural, and that's why sometimes the astrology doesn't see when something like that's going to happen, because it's not a normal cycle.

Speaker 2:

I want to know XRP. So you predict last time that starting from May, xrp will shine or have returned to run a debt. It pumped, I think, shortly after our podcast to like 70 cents or 90 cents, shortly after our podcast to like 70 cents or 90 cents, and then a pump again a few days ago because the case with the SEC is about to settle. So I want to know how is XRP will perform from?

Speaker 1:

now until December? Yeah, that's a great question, sl. First of all it had its Jupiter return, which is what I think I was reading how it was going to pump. Now Jupiter, it's going to go retrograde and go back toward the natal Jupiter of XRP, which is in its second house of money. So that's going to happen and we'll start feeling that in November.

Speaker 1:

And the other thing is, all these planets and the new moon on the 1st of November is happening on the Saturn. So that restriction and you know legal stuff is considered Saturnian Saturn. So that restriction and you know legal stuff is considered Saturnian. So it's amazing that the new moon on November 1st is happening right on XRP's natal Saturn. So that means something karmically it's been dealing with is getting cleared. So I see it doing very well in November. Xrp, you know, kind of having a nice pick me up, a nice, you know, kind of coming back up and then probably continuing through next year. So that's something exciting to look forward to. But I think there's the the karmic clearing is happening and a Jupiter return to boot is good news for XRP.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's good. It seems that everyone's waiting for XRP to move in, which means it'll go to $3, $10, and beyond, but it's not here yet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we'll start seeing it moving up in November. And then that Capricorn New Moon that happens the last week. The Capricorn new moon, which is going to be on December 30th, that falls on the degree of XRP's Pluto. So again, making the way, releasing and clearing, making the way for success in 2025 for xrp nice, so you know the coin that have been doing really well this season is solana okay solana has uh pumped from 20 like 18 18 dollars um, from 2002 up until a few months ago it went up to like almost $200,.

Speaker 1:

I think, yeah, you always have your eye on Solana. It seems like in every one of our podcasts you always ask me about it. So I do have it here somewhere. There it is Okay, so Solana should do really well it. Also, what has been going on with Solana should do really well it. Also.

Speaker 1:

What has been going on with Solana is that its Saturn is located at one degree Aquarius, and so Pluto has been first of all went over it earlier in the year, like January, and then it retrograded back over it this summer Again, even though it was going backwards over it in June and July it was doing similar thing Pluto over Saturn, clearing major karma. So it's making the way for some birth rebirth happening in early 2025 for Solana. But this has been a good transit for it. And also Jupiter benefic planet was over the natal Venus of Solana in Gemini. Whenever the two benefic come together, it always is good luck. So I think they've been getting a boost up because of the Jupiter. Jupiter will continue harmonizing with the natal sun of Solana as we go into September and October, so I think it will be doing all right. I think it might survive better than some of the others when the eclipse knockout punch comes.

Speaker 2:

Do you see that it will continue to outperform? The previous few months, so in March I think probably, it went to like all the way above $200. Yeah, do you see that.

Speaker 1:

I don't, I wouldn't say it's going to outperform, I just don't think it will drop as much.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I agree with that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so what? Who else are we looking at?

Speaker 2:

So Dogecoin has been at like one or two pump, but it's nothing compared to 2001. So I'm just curious is this the end of Doge for the cycle or there's like more gas in the tank?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so it's funny because Doge I always get like a, you know like, hmm, this is a short-lived coin, but give me a minute, because I had it up. I don't know where it went. So doge, dogecoin does have an aquarium moon though, so I think it. The thing with dogecoin is that goes up and then it goes down, and it goes up and then it goes down. So I think next year is going to be good for it. It's going to get a little bump up, with the Mercury and Sagittarius being harmonized by Pluto, and then, toward the middle of 2025, pluto is going to get kind of close to its moon, which is going to help bring it into a new cycle of growth. And then we got to look at Shiva too.

Speaker 2:

If we're looking, at oh yeah sure.

Speaker 1:

So Shiva is gonna probably do okay here in October. Pluto's coming very close back over its Saturn, in retrograde close to its Saturn, so that again there's some blockage or some kind of issue that I think is going to get cleared with Sheba so it can start prospering again. And then Jupiter is actually going to get very close to its Venus here in October too. So there is something about Sheba going on in October. I don't know that it's going to get a big bump up, but we're going to see something, or there could be something in the news that there's going to be something about shiba where it gets like a really nice rebirth in the spring of 2025 hmm, yeah, shiba shiba, shambo shiba.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I have polygon oh yeah, sure, yeah, you can talk about. Hmm, yeah, shiva Shiva, shambho Shiva. Okay, I have Polygon.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, Sure, yeah, you can talk about that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so it's funny. It's in a similar situation with the Saturn there, polygon Saturn in the very beginning, oh, similar to Solana, where Pluto has been going back and forth over its Saturn, removing some kind of blockage or obstacle. I think it's going to get a pretty good year, next year actually, I think it's. I've always see it as something like that it's going to surprise people for some reason, and then Dot. Something like that it's going to surprise people for some reason and then dot yeah, I, it's not the one that's going to become the super highway.

Speaker 2:

Well, this year a lot of people haven't been paying attention to them. So jupiter's on its venus um, in september.

Speaker 1:

So there could be a really nice. Wow, a lot of these guys have Venus and Gemini. Jupiter is going to conjunct its Venus and Gemini in September. That should be very nice. We might see, we might hear or see some some you know something where it's? It's becoming more in the forefront or it's starting to you know, increase Again anything. The problem with early September anything that shows up in early September will get cleared by the eclipse cycle in the second half of September and early October. So it's really going to be in later October that we'll get more of a clear picture of how they're going to be moving forward, what kind of trajectory upward trajectory they'll go on.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, we're talking about Mike. You said that next year the market will perform better than this year.

Speaker 1:

For sure, because we have Pluto going direct all year in Aquarius and there's other astrological indicators, like I said in February and March, that are going to boost it. Plus, I just feel there's going to be a lot of consciousness shifts and a lot of more people getting into crypto, because there will be some weird activity with the regular markets and so people will want to find out what crypto is about and start maybe transferring funds into crypto. People who are skeptic are going to see that it's going to perform really well in the first quarter and they're going to be like well, the regular market is all over the place. So I think that's what's going to help give crypto a boost is the number of people getting into it. Where a lot of people have been divesting because they haven't liked the volatility, we're going to see more people questioning the volatility of regular money markets and seeing crypto as perhaps a solution. That's why 2025 is different.

Speaker 2:

Okay, that's awesome. That's better this year has been, oh Lord.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I want to ask you, sl, what are your picks for coins here as we go to the last months of 2024?

Speaker 2:

okay. So when the market drops similar big drop like july and august, my spirit guy told me that my group and I should get xrp before 2025. Yes, um, that's all they said get xrp before 2025. They told me this about six to eight months ago and then. So all this coin is like short-term pump from now until December. Right, I'm not talking about like 10x, I'm just talking about that. It will, you know, have a nice pump.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So XRP Arweave BCH Nia Protocol, tao Injective Solana Sui, sui is SUI and Aptos. So it's XRP Awe. Bitcoin Cash Near Protocol Tau Injective Solana Sui and Aptos. So it's like short-term pump, nothing like crazy pump like 10X, but it's just a nice gain. If the market drops and if people want to see short-term gain, those are the coins that I have my eye on. Oh, ai coins AI Anything has any hint of AI. Those coins will rebound pretty good after the market dropped.

Speaker 1:

That's what I was told okay, well, thank you, and some of these are new to me and they might be new to the listeners. So Injective and TAO, t-a-o and AWEAVE, a-r-w-e-a-v-e, and then there's Near Protocol that you've talked about before, but there's some new ones that are showing up on SL's radar, so check it out.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's new to your listener, but it's not new to my community. So, Near and TAO Protocol, they both have an AI narrative going on. Anything that has AI, it's just like boom. So all this I have been tracking and they do rebound quickly and give people a little nice pump.

Speaker 1:

Well, thank you for that, SL. Thank you for that, sl. Thank you for joining us today. My guest has been SL369, sharing her cryptocurrency insights. That will certainly help people as we go forward, so make sure that you download, you share, give us a five-star review. This is Cosmic Scene, with Jill Jardine signing out sending healing crypto currents through the quantum field. Da you.