Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

Spiritual Healing with Michelle Phillips and Pineal Gland Activation

August 26, 2024 Jill Jardine

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Unlock the secrets to navigating higher dimensions with the extraordinary intuitive healer, Michelle Phillips! Michelle, an internationally acclaimed speaker, teacher, and author. Learn how her spiritual guidance has given rise to innovative healing techniques and modalities, incorporating divine energies like Jesus, Yeshua, and Christ, Sananda. Discover the transformative potential of these energies in our current shifting timelines and dimensions, offering a fresh perspective on spiritual awakening and healing.

Experience the power of activating your pineal gland in a way you've never imagined. Guided by Jesus and supported by crystal beings, Michelle leads us through this transformative practice, complete with a guided meditation designed to elevate your spiritual connection. We touch on her personal journey, including a life-altering encounter with Mother Mary's energy in Bosnia and the poignant story of her son's passing and transition into a spirit guide. From clearing Akashic records to channeling divine messages, this episode is a treasure trove of spiritual insights and profound healing practices that promise to elevate your spiritual journey.

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Speaker 1:

welcome to cosmic scene with jill jardine. I'm your host, jill jardine. Masters in counseling, psychology, long-time astrologer, psychic healer and yogi. In this episode I'm going to introduce you to my guest, michelle phillips. Michelle phillips is an internationally renowned intuitive healer, speaker, teacher, author and workshop facilitator. She has so much to share with us in this episode, so stay tuned. My guest today is Michelle Phillips, an internationally renowned intuitive healer, speaker, teacher, author and workshop facilitator. She has appeared on various radio and TV shows worldwide For over five years. Michelle was the host of the very popular live call-in spiritual television show Soul's Awakening. She was the co-host of the radio show Soul's Purpose Salon and, while living in Northern California, she started the monthly Spiritual Connection Breakfast.

Speaker 1:

Michelle is known as the healer's healer. She has been referred to as an intergalactic shaman because of her knowledge and ability to travel through many dimensions light, dark, shadow, above and below. Many dimensions, light, dark, shadow, above and below. Many people come to Michelle as a last resort when everything else has failed, and from her work they experience life-changing transformations. Michelle was born conscious of her gifts and always had a direct connection to the source. She began her conscious spiritual work after healing her son from a severe kidney ailment. Since that spiritual awakening she has dedicated her life to her spiritual purpose and mission, assisting others in their soul's awakening, self-love and purpose, co-creating heaven on earth in all life forms. All of Michelle's work is the embodiment of the Christ creator, God, source, energies, male, female, integration as one consciousness. Michelle's various modalities were given to her from Christ and downloaded through her own healing process. She refers to Christ as her main man. He made contact with her at a very young age and has always been her spiritual teacher and confidant. Her techniques are constantly evolving and expanding as human consciousness opens more to releasing epigenetic patterns and unconscious memories carried through the DNA. One of her most common requests is to shift patterns around relationships to others and to prosperity.

Speaker 1:

Michelle is the author of five books the Creator Speaks, the Creator Teaches, the Creator Heals. The Creator, Archangels and Masters Speak on the Cosmic Ascension and the Light at the End of the Tunnel. The Cosmic Ascension gives us hope by explaining the larger picture of what is happening on our planet now that we are in a collective dark night of the soul and that there absolutely is a light at the end of the tunnel. We are shifting dimensions and coming home full circle into oneness from which we were first created.

Speaker 1:

Michelle's most recent book, Surfing Through Heaven's Doorways, was written with her son, Frank, after he left this world into the higher heavenly spiritual realms. Following Frank's passing, Mother Mary appears to Michelle and, with a loving embrace, says to her I know what it's like to lose a son, I lost mine. And it doesn't take long before Frank makes contact with Michelle. With him is Jesus, and together they take on an incredible mystical journey through multiple dimensions of the spiritual world, revealing information about the death and rebirth of souls. Frank also starts showing up to assist Michelle in her workshops and spiritual work, and soon she realizes that her son is a master, healer and teacher. Frank now assists works with Michelle in her private sessions, workshops and has become a spiritual guide for many. I am honored and pleased to welcome my guest on this episode, Michelle Phillips. Michelle, welcome to Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, I'm so excited to be here with you.

Speaker 1:

That was quite a biography that I shared with our listeners. You are involved in so many things and you've had so much experience in your time as an intuitive healer, speaker, teacher, author and workshop facilitator, and your main guy, Jesus. I want to open it with Jesus, the Christ, because you have a very special connection with the Christ energy when you work and I'd love you to share that with our guests.

Speaker 2:

Okay, thank you. Well, I always call Jesus my main man. He's been with me ever since I can remember, not through a church or religion, he's just always been with me and he's taught me my work. So talking to him is like I'm talking to you. You know, step by step, he would guide me. We'd have these great conversations. You know whatever was step, he would guide me. We'd have these great conversations. You know, whatever was going on in my life, he'd assist me through it. And go here, do this. You know the next step. So, and then, as I continued to evolve and heal, he would take me through processes that were incredible and as I shifted within myself, then I had the tools or the techniques to assist people in my workshops or private sessions from what I had just gone through. So I call him Jesus because he's been with me ever since I can remember, you know, as a little girl. So he's, you know, it's kind of like calling your mom, mommy or daddy or whatever you know.

Speaker 1:

So he's my main man yeah, he's amazing and we talked off mic about how there's so many names. There's Jesus, there's Yeshua, there's Christ Sananda. The truth is one, but many are the names, but they're just different vibrations in which he can come through. But it's all the same.

Speaker 2:

It is the same Absolutely, and I feel like, as we're shifting dimensions, right now, we are integrating with all those different names and all the different frequencies of it, because everything is collective right now, right, and we're through so many timelines. It's amazing, right.

Speaker 1:

And Christ, for some is Krishna in a Vedic or Hindu tradition, but it's the same energetic of the divine that is here to help us navigate through these changing times, as these dimensions do open up and some of this is phenomenal and we have access to such higher dimensions. But you mentioned off mic about how some of these other dimensions coming through may not be so kind and gentle and even dark, and this is where Christ can really help, protect and navigate.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely so. One of the things I feel is so important right now for people is to really be conscious of what you're watching, because the creator talks about. We're always, always, always matching and merging with our environment, and I know so many people are researching researching and that was going on with my daughter. So as you research some of these, you know podcasts or whatever's going on. Um, of course, they might be light, but you're also going to have energies in there that maybe aren't so light, and that's the intention of it.

Speaker 2:

You know it's like it's space and it wants to pull you into whatever those dimensions are, and because of that, people have horrific stuff coming in right now, horrendous shadow stuff.

Speaker 2:

So I was working with my daughter and because she was one that was researching everything and she had a lot of dark energy around her in her yard, in her house and I do a lot of work with the shadow, but I was thinking and working with her, I don't even know if I can do this, how do I do it and then Jesus showed up and his whole being, his presence we saw his face and his whole presence just filled up the whole sky and both of us are going, oh my God, oh my God, you know.

Speaker 2:

And then, with that protection, I was able to, you know, with him and the rest of the team, to clear her out. And then what we both saw these beings of light they're called the light warriors came in on Pegasus, you know. So we're opening up to all these dimensions. You know, I've read Pegasus or heard about it, but I really experienced it. Where they came in, they surrounded her and protected her and me so that nothing that wasn't the highest light could come in. I mean, it's amazing the assistance and help we have going on now with us.

Speaker 1:

Right, because these veils or these portals between the dimensions are thin. And you bring up a very, very good point, michelle, about discernment when people are looking at all or dabbling I call it dabbling in new age, or you know whatever is out there these days, it's been around for years, as you and I know, but because of the internet now there's so much of it and people think that anything that purports to be spiritual or holistic or metaphysical is of the light and, as we know, it's not necessarily so.

Speaker 1:

Having tools such as you share with people and you use when you're working with people is of utmost importance to have the discernment. I always say a phrase when I'm doing my work I call my higher self, I call my guides, angels and masters from the highest vibrations of love, light and will, which is sort of an invocation. I think when people are dabbling or doing this work, they should always have some kind of protective prayer. I also invoke Sanskrit protective mantras as well, but some people just jump blindly in and that does bring in what we call hitchhikers or, like you know, little dark energies that can jump in. So I'm sure you this is what you're speaking of.

Speaker 2:

Oh, absolutely. And you know people are watching TV or watching news and all this. It's so negative then your whole system's opening up to it and because there's no past, present, future, what I'm experiencing in people is other lifetimes or lifetimes of the same pattern might be coming up for people, and as that happens, then it can also open the door for energies that aren't the highest like and as I speak of this, it's not to frighten anyone, it's just so people will become conscious of it. It's so important right now.

Speaker 1:

Yes, awareness is key and then act accordingly in bringing in their protective beings and a lot of people do work with the Christ energy. I remember a long, long time ago, before I even got into Sanskrit mantra, that I had learned that saying the Lord's Prayer 15 times in a row is very, very protective and will clear out any negative energy that's trying to come into your field. So that's just helpful little things like that, but yeah, it's so of utmost importance to be aware of. As these dimensions open, the light and the dark can come in Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

So I feel like within us right now, the light is so high as we're ascending, you know, multidimensionally, and all these higher aspects of ourselves, and as that's happening, it also activates the shadow aspect of ourselves, you know, the ego, the part that needs to be cleared out. So, as I see this going on within us, it's also going on in the world, like we're in a collective dark night of the soul, and it's because so many people are waking up spiritually and as we look at the world. People don't think so, but I mean in my work and I'm sure in your work, I mean I see so many people that I never, ever thought would wake up. You know, the light bulbs are going on. It's like they just got it and because of that there's so much light in the world. Again, it's activating everything that needs to be healed Right.

Speaker 2:

So, it looked like it's doom and gloom, but I also believe the other side of it is the gift of it, because we can take our power back from all of this now.

Speaker 1:

Right, and that speaks to some of the work that you do with DNA. It seems like, with people waking up, there's past life, there's deep subconscious patterns, there's ancestral patterns that are deep in the subconscious and the DNA. Can you share with my listeners a little bit about that work that you do, michelle, and the benefits of it for people?

Speaker 2:

Well, I started doing DNA work, you know, about 15 years ago when I was diagnosed with cancer and I had two biopsies that said I had cancer. It was uterine and I was getting ready to go on a tour and this person where I was said your cancer spread, you need to get back and take care of yourself. I was living in Hawaii at the time, but when he said that, I started looking at my life like who in my life has had the health problems that I've had? And I could see it was my father. So I thought, huh, I'm going to see if I can go into his DNA, which I did.

Speaker 2:

And although we know, you know we are our parents and we're playing out the karmic agreements, contracts, dna, whatever that were given to us. You know, I always say I married my dad twice. Twice was enough. But when I was in there it was a different experience. It wasn't from the mind, I mean, I really emotionally experienced it. So then I started going in, I was in there and starting doing soul retrieval, disconnected from the emotions, the DNA patterns, whatever, and brought the aspects of me that were stuck there back into me now. And then I thought if I can do my father's DNA, I can do my mother's. So I go into mother's DNA, do the same thing. And I decided to have surgery because it was uterine and I thought, well, I don't need it and I felt like I didn't want my life to be on hold for so long, you know, to heal it. So then, of course, I changed my diet and everything, but when I went in for cancer surgery, not a trace of cancer was found.

Speaker 1:

So you didn't even have to have it, because you had already healed it through the DNA. Well, I had the surgery, oh, okay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but then when I went in for the cancer surgery they didn't find any cancer. You know, yeah, it was amazing. So then I started doing DNA work with others. So in all my workshops, like, we always go into the DNA and it's just profound how it shifts people's lives because they're really clear out of the patterns of it. Where I had a woman one of the workshops were in the DNA and her mother had died when she was very young and the mother in the DNA came through. It was such a healing for her. It was incredible because she'd never really communicated with her mother. So it's just amazing what's within us.

Speaker 1:

Right. So we have these multi-dimensions within us and then we're experiencing them universally dimensions within us and then we're experiencing them universally, galactically, planetarily, on all levels. But that's something for people to understand.

Speaker 1:

We have universes or dimensions within us that need to be explored and healed and activated, so your work is fascinating in that way of being able to do that which would lead me to another question with speaking of activating, that you have a process, or that you discovered a process of activating the pineal gland which even explain what that is, because I don't think everybody who's listening, tom, my engineer, doesn't know what a pineal gland is, so maybe you can explain to our listeners.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so again, all the work I do is guided.

Speaker 2:

You know Jesus has guided me and then the creator works with me also and the whole source like there's this team of crystal beings that work directly with the creator. So I don't know how many years ago it was, but Jesus and the creator wanted me to start activating the pineal gland, so the pineal glands in the center of the brain and it and the creator wanted me to start activating the pineal gland, so the pineal gland's in the center of the brain and it's the DNA connection to source, to mother, father, God, creator's energy. And as you go up to the pineal gland and set intentions because everything's intention right now so you set the intention for what it is you'd like to have in your life or whatever, and then you give thanks that it's done, because in the higher dimensions it is, and from that you're downloading that intention into all of your bodies and systems and cells and tissues and organs. So what I'd like to do is, you know, if you don't mind, maybe just take people through a quick process of that. That would be wonderful.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, instead of talking about it. We can understand, but they're tough, you know. Sure, the whole team. Oh my gosh, there's so many here with you, with me, around everyone. Oh, there's so many. They're still coming in, okay, can you feel them?

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I'm actually feeling it in my third eye right now. It's like whoo.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's amazing. Okay, so we're going to go through the root, up our whole core, through our body, through all of the chakras, straight up through our core and out the top of our head, like our pineal gland. And as we're speaking, the whole team is here, and so, for anyone or everyone that's listening, they're going into the pineal gland, they're opening it up, and when I first started doing the pineal gland activation, I could absolutely see DNA. It was just so amazing and beautiful. It was just opening up and going into the source. So, again, they're just opening this pineal gland up. They're just taking it higher and higher and higher, through all dimensions, through what we're calling the new world, the new earth, and into what spirit has been showing me lately, beyond the beyond. So beyond the beyond is beyond any story, it's beyond any belief, you know, any karmic agreement. It's just that source, the highest source, energy. Some people call it the holy spirit. So, as we are up into beyond any story and in karmic agreement, into the beyond the beyond, we're just going to say together now, mother, father, god, creator, the I am of all that is, or whatever your words are for source or god, I now set the intention and command that every cell of my body, that all consciousness, unconsciousness, collective consciousness, subconsciousness of my being, subconsciousness of my being, now awakens, knows and remembers that I am safe to release and clear all karmic agreements, lifetimes contracts. And I trust and believe that my heart is your heart, that my mind is your mind, all that you are, I am and I now experience all life through the oneness, the one soul, the one cell from which I was first created and then, thank you, it is done. It's done. It's done because in the higher dimensions it is and we're just bringing this energy back down to your whole core, out your root, the bottom of your feet and into the heart and soul of Mother, father, earth and out, and this energy from beyond, the, beyond the cell of god, creation, it's just coming into your cells and tissues and organs. It's like they're feeding them.

Speaker 2:

Right, and just get a sense of your whole spiritual team with you as your higher self, your hard higher self, is connecting to theirs and they to you, as your whole body is just matching and merging now with all this beautiful, beautiful light and color. Great, and again, just get a sense of the energy from creation coming down around you like a bubble of color and sound, and every color has a sound, as your body is becoming just this symphony of light and love great. So moving to that, christ, I am bodhisattva of all that is Beautiful. And for those that want more protection, of course, let's ask for Archangel Michael and his whole tribe. So Archangel Michael is just wrapping layers of blue around you and activating this protection within you, and his whole team is just downloading these beautiful aqua, turquoise colors. So your whole body is just becoming a protection as you become one with this protection.

Speaker 2:

Right, and so it is, thank you. So that's how I start my day, really, with spirit up through the pineal gland, the dna connection to source, and whatever your words are, you know whoever's listening, whatever your words are for god or source, or you could just do this short version you know I now trust and believe that my mind is your mind, my heart is your heart and I now experience all life through the one source of God, of creation. But the more you do this and it's very easy to do pretty soon the cells in your body, your tissues, your organs, your DNA start just opening up to that frequency. You know it's like the subconscious. You're reprogramming your subconscious. So once you start to say it, immediately your subconscious can open up and download those frequencies with the source.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, michelle. That was so powerful. Have you ever wanted to learn astrology? This is your chance. Jill Jardine, master Astrologer, is offering a course. It is a online Zoom class once a week for six weeks from September to October 2023. It's time to decode your life purpose. Know thyself, get the tools to become the master of your life. Wisdom is freedom. Join me for an astrology course in September and October 2023. Stay tuned for more details and how to sign up. Welcome back. My guest is Michelle Phillips, who just shared a beautiful meditation for the pineal gland. And, michelle, a big piece of your story revolves around the passing of your son, Frank, and how, from spirit, he's been a big part of your work with Jesus. Can you share more about that please?

Speaker 2:

Yes, when he left this world, I actually didn't know if I was going to get through it. You know, and I've worked with many people that have lost children, but when it's your own, it sure is a different story.

Speaker 2:

You know, so the day he passed, mother Mary came to me and just held me. I mean, I was just heartbroken, sobbing, and she said I know what it's like to lose a son. She said I lost mine. But what's really interesting, the year before I'd been in the Bosnia pyramids and I was in the tunnel and Jesus came to me. You know he's with me all the time and he wanted me to go through this doorway. It was an energy doorway and I saw this huge picture of Mother Mary and before that, you know, I'd always thought well, mother Mary's with the Catholic Church or whatever, I wasn't connected to her really. So then her energy came out into me. It was just incredible and in hindsight I believe that, you know, because my son was leaving, I'd made the connection to her so when he left she could really be there with me. But when he left he immediately started making contact with me.

Speaker 2:

And Frank had a great sense of humor, which he still has, you know and I was told the day after he passed, I think it was, that I was going to write a book and I received the title of it Surfing Through Heaven's Doorways, because Frank was a surfer dude, you know the surfer. Oh yeah, and he'd surfed all over the world and um, so, anyway, then I started because I was so much grief, I just started um writing down every day what I was going through and then I had the book of it.

Speaker 2:

But he immediately started making contact with me with his great humor and laughing and um. So I went back to Sweden, I was doing a tour there, and he started showing up my workshops and so I was taking people through a process and they'd say, well, frank said, and I went, what? So I could see him, but everyone else could also. So I really started working with people and he does now. So then he with jesus, they took me into the higher realms.

Speaker 2:

Um, what it's like when you leave this world. You know you go through the um karmic board. I mean all of it. So as I was going through the process of him leaving, they were also taking me up in so many other dimensions. And now he works with me all the time in my private sessions and workshops and he's become a spirit guide for a lot of people, I mean independently of me. You know people that read the book or whatever they go. Oh well, frank is with me. You know I feel him with me and yeah, so he's. It's really a gift for me. I'm so grateful and yet I really miss him. You know, on the earth playing here.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, wow, so grateful, and yet I really miss him, you know, on the earth plane here. So, yes, yeah, wow.

Speaker 2:

So he's got a universal outreach, though, from spirit helping people and doing his role in the non-physical and, what's interesting, when he passed you know he lived in Hawaii we had a paddle out. A real Hawaiian service took his ashes out to sea and my daughter took his ashes to the bottom of the ocean and as she did, I saw him ascend out of his body and I'm like, oh my God. Oh my God, you know, I saw this huge light of who. He was dressed in white, with a light around his neck, and then his whole service, his energy, was with us and people would walk by. Is this a birthday party? We said, yeah, it is. But then he and Jesus were I mean, they just kind of like high-fived each other. So as soon as he got home, he didn't have to go through all you know, everything we go through when we get there, because he'd already done it on the earth. So he, like my connection to Jesusesus, was his also.

Speaker 1:

so they're really buds buddies, it's beautiful, beautiful exit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yes, it was what a gift to witness that yeah, it was a gift and is a gift really warms my heart and I'm grateful. But, what's interesting also, before he left, I was getting ready to go on my tour and he called me and was talking about what an amazing life he'd had. He goes look, mom, because I've lived all over. You know, I've surfed all over the world, you know. Look how much I've traveled, all the amazing places I lived, and his daughter was just the light of his life, you know, and I was kind of chuckling to myself and I thought I hope he's not getting ready to leave. You know which he was, which I didn't know at the time. But yes, I'm so grateful that we had that conversation and that he really felt like his life was one that was really well lived.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it's like he did a spontaneous life review on some level on some level he knew and he needed to share that with you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm very grateful that he did. But anyway, he definitely is my assistant, along with Jesus and the team. He works with me, so and he works in the heart and goes into the center of the soul and starts clearing out a lot of our Akashic records. And when they clear it he and the team they pull it out of the heart, center of the soul, they start clearing it out of all of the bodies and systems. And what I've been shown is some of those records are so far back that they can't even be read on the earth plane at this time.

Speaker 2:

Wow you know they're records that we carry with us.

Speaker 1:

So that he has like a specialty with the team where they're going in and they're clearing people's Akashic or soul records.

Speaker 2:

Yes, right, a lot of the karmic stuff, absolutely yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's pretty phenomenal Wow.

Speaker 2:

He definitely has a specialty?

Speaker 1:

huh, that's amazing, he does.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he does.

Speaker 1:

Which then leads me to your ability and, working with Frank and Jesus, your ability to bring through the information in your books. Starting with your first one, you had shared that it just started to come through and you basically were receiving it.

Speaker 2:

Do you want to tell our listeners a little bit about that process in writing the five books that you wrote? Yes, and what's really interesting is I'm dyslexic, so I don't even read. So, you know, when I was younger I always felt like I was stupid, you know, because I had a hard time reading. So I feel like, also, the gift of these books coming to me is to show other people that we have so many gifts within us. They're just waiting to be awakened. You know, I mean, it's an amazing time to be here and as we clear out more and more who we're not who we are just start showing up. So I was working on a book about a dark night of the soul. I'd gone through and I just thought I've got to get this, this book, finished. And I'm not an author, you know, I wasn't at the time. So I sat down to finish it and I just started automatic writing from the creator and, because I'm a channel, I knew it was God or source, or creation, but I didn't know what I was writing. And then, when I stopped that day and I read it, I went oh my god, oh my god, you, because the information was so far ahead of its time, and now it's a lot of what's going on in the world. And then. So every day I would sit down, more information would come through, and even the cover of the book the creator showed me exactly what they wanted on it. It's incredible. So in the Creator Speaks, the creator talks about how his heart opened to the feminine and he calls her Sophia.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, and then after that, just the other books started coming through me. So, and then Frank's was the last. So the book that came through me, the Master's Archangel Speak on the Cosmic Ascension. I was standing in my kitchen, so that was the fourth book, and I decided I'm not going to do any more books because it takes so much time and energy to do, you know. And Archangel Michael came up behind me and wanted me to transcribe something. Well, of course you know. So I sat down to do it Next day, same thing, of course I sit down. And then all of these masters and angels I just start writing their name down and the title. I went, oh my God, this is a book, you know. So they came in kind of through the back door, but the book came through very quickly and it's really the larger picture of what we're doing here, so there's no doom or gloom in it at all. You know, it's like the shift of consciousness that we're moving through.

Speaker 1:

So that's the book that creator, archangels and Masters speak on the cosmic ascension. Correct, michelle? So how can people find your books and information about you and how to book a reading?

Speaker 2:

They can go onto my website and they can also email me. Like I said, my store right now is being revamped, where they used to be able to book a session on the store, but right now it's not quite working. So so they can also email me and they can also order my books on Amazon.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's good, good to know. So you are doing sessions and a little bit about what people can expect in a session, if they, if they want to work with you, what like how long is it? What can they expect to happen?

Speaker 2:

the session lasts about an hour and a half and the first thing we do with spirit they go in and clear the whole etheric body, out, the energy body, because the creator says the energy body has a collective DNA and we're always, always, always matching and merging with the environment.

Speaker 2:

So they go and clear that out out of the spine, the nervous system in between the bodies, the brain, so they just clear your whole system out. They just clear your whole system out. And then that's also when Frank comes in with his beloved and they go into the center of the heart, the soul, and start clearing all that karmic stuff out. And then we reconnect to people with their higher self. And I always do a lot of past life work because I believe this is a lifetime we've agreed to come full circle, so anything going on in this lifetime has a frame of reference elsewhere. So when we go into the lifetimes, clear them Once again. We do soul retrieval and bring the aspects that were stuck there back into now. And then it just starts closing the door to the past, present and future.

Speaker 2:

And people always say to me oh my God, that's what's going on in this lifetime, because it's the patterns that we're clearing out now. And then we reconnect again to your higher self and the little girl and little boy inside of us, because your childhood is your roadmap to freedom, because everything we came through in this lifetime that we're playing out, we received in our childhood. We received, you know, when the sperm hit the egg and we took on our parents ancestral dna, what we were going to play out, and then it just accumulates and then we have those patterns or insecurities or whatever from the childhood. So we always bring the inner child to people so that they can start reparenting the child inside of them and giving to them everything they wanted and didn't get. So when the child starts feeling loved and safe and secure, then the adult within us does. So I call it cleaning house. We just clear out a lot in a session.

Speaker 1:

Wow, it's very comprehensive, going back to past life, to DNA, to reparenting the inner child. That is a very profound piece of work that people can receive from you. Thank you for sharing that, michelle, and thank you for sharing all your wisdom and gifts today. That meditation was phenomenal. We are so honored that you came on Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine. I was so happy to have you as a guest.

Speaker 2:

Well, thank you, jill, for asking me to be on. I feel honored. You're doing great work. I'm grateful, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. You can contact Michelle at her website, soulsawakeningcom. That's S-O-U-L-S-A-W-A-K-E-N-I-N-Gcom. I hope you enjoyed this episode featuring my guest, michelle Phillips. I hope you enjoyed this episode featuring my guest, michelle Phillips. Remember to download, subscribe, share and give us a five-star review. This is Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine sending healing vibrations through the quantum multidimensional field. This is up, thank you.