Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

Astrological Forecast September 2024: Eclipses, and Zodiac Insights

September 01, 2024 Jill Jardine

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Ever wondered how the potent energies of retrograde planets could reshape your life this September? Join me, Jill Jardine, on Cosmic Scene as we navigate the astrological turbulence of September 2024, a month charged with transformative power. With Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto all in retrograde, we're primed for significant personal and societal shifts. September slides in with 4 major planets retrograde after Mercury transited direct on August 28. Uranus undulates back into Taurus on September 1, joining the retrograde pack of Saturn slinking backwards in Pisces, and Neptune promenades Pisces retrograde, and Pluto pulsates back into Capricorn from Aquarius on 9/1.  
Pluto retrograde back to Capricorn: September-November 2024. There’s going to be some big surprises in September - November 2024 thanks to the outer planets being retrograde including Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, and then Pluto retrograding back into Capricorn,. Also, throw in the eclipse window of mid-September through early October and there will be some disruptions and disturbances in the political arenas and collective consciousness.  Pluto is stirring up the pot bringing the old dregs to the top.  Be patient, stay calm, do your inner work as the  brave new world begins to emerge from Plutonian phoenix rising from the ashes of the Capricorn deconstruction. Pluto, purifier and purger, planet of death, rebirth, and transformation, will get back to unfinished residual work in Capricorn, taking care of business, reconfiguring the world economy and financial realities.

Get ready for the fall eclipse season, punctuated by a transformative full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 17th, promising a rollercoaster of surprises and upheavals, particularly for Taurus and Aquarius. As the U.S. presidential race intensifies, these cosmic influences portend a tumultuous and unpredictable period ahead. Tune in for tailored sun sign forecasts that offer detailed insights for each zodiac sign, from Virgo’s vibrant birthday month to Capricorn’s deep purification journey under Retro Pluto.

This episode also provides a celestial roadmap for managing your emotions and financial opportunities, especially for Cancer and Leo. Discover how Mars in Cancer, Mercury in Virgo and Libra, and Venus in Scorpio will influence your sign, and identify your lucky days to seize opportunities. Cancer, this is your time to re-establish healthy boundaries and manage deep emotions stirred by the Pisces full moon eclipse, while Leo can look forward to financial opportunities and unexpected blessings during the fall equinox. For deeper insights, consider booking a personal reading through our website.
Embrace the cosmic currents and planetary pleasures this September and enjoy the journey with us!

Here are the Key dates in September 2024:
9/ 1- 1/30/25: Uranus retrograde in Taurus
9/1-11/19/24: Pluto retrogrades into Capricorn
9/2: Virgo New Moon
9/4-11/3: Mars transits Cancer 
9/9-9/26: Mercury transits Virgo
9/22: Fall Equinox in Northern Hemisphere - Sun transits in Libra
9/22 -10/17 Venus transits Scorpio
9/26-10/13 Mercury Transits Libra

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Speaker 1:

welcome to cosmic scene with jill jardine. I'm your host, jill jardine. Masters in counseling, psychology, long con professional astrologer, psychic healer and yogi. In this episode, I'm going to share the astrology update for september 2024. Get ready, we're in eclipse season. Stay tuned until the end of the episode when I give my sun sign predictions for each zodiac sign. Hey listeners, I want to remind you to support Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine podcast. You can do that by going on to wwwbuzzsproutcom. Slash 958-528. Slash support. This will be in the show notes.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the September Slapdown as one of the most active astrological months of 2024. There's astro antics to keep you glued to your astrology app. Stay tuned to the end of the episode when I give my sun sign forecast. For each sign. I will share the key dates and astrological activities during the month of September 2024 and then go back and give more details. Go back and listen to my podcast Cryptocurrency Forecasts for September 2024 through December 2024 for more insights astrologically, especially with cryptocurrency trajectories.

Speaker 1:

September slides in with four major planets retrograde. After Mercury transited direct on August 28th, Uranus undulates back into Taurus on September 1st, joining the retrograde pack of Saturn slinking backwards in Pisces, and Neptune promenading Pisces retrograde, while Pluto pulsates back into Capricorn from Aquarius retrograde on September 1st. Lots of outer planet retrograde activity. Here are the key dates in September 2024. From September 1st through 1119, Pluto is retrograding in Capricorn. It goes direct on October 11th but stays in the sign Capricorn until November 19th. From September 4th to November 3rdrd, mars transits through the sign cancer. From september 9th through the 26th, mercury transits virgo. On september 17th we have the first eclipse of the fall season. The full moon lunar eclipse in pisces with the sun in Virgo occurs on September 17th. On September 22nd it's the fall equinox in the northern hemisphere, spring equinox in the southern hemisphere, as the sun transits into the sign Libra. From September 22nd through October 17th, Venus transits Scorpio and on September 26th through October 13th, Mercury transits Libra. Although Mercury retrograde madness ended on August 28th, it will still feel like we're in the cosmic blender. You ain't seen nothing yet, says September sparking the fall eclipse season and with kickoff, new moon in Virgo. I hate to tell you, Virgo, nothing is under your control. This month. September 1st slams in with two outer planet retrograde shifts Uranus backtracks through Taurus and Pluto parlays into Capricorn, retrograding from Aquarius. The shit show is about to begin. Make sure you have front seats this September to the Cosmic Clown Show in 3D Circus.

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With Uranus the planet of chaos and surprises retrograding, we can expect the unexpected. Much will be revealed and there can be shocks and surprising revelations. Uranus is the great awakener and when he goes retrograde, this is a time of integration. During Uranus retrograde, we can figure out how to implement changes in our lives and society. There will be powerful wake-up calls and necessary change is inevitable. Also, for individuals who have strong Uranian signatures in their birth charts, unexpected health issues can be revealed. This retrograde cycle affects Taurians and Aquarians. Uranus is now retrograding in the sign of Taurus. Taurus get ready to be flexible and make changes before the Uranian throwdown. Uranus is the rule of Aquarius. So, Aquarius, just when you thought you were getting off the hook with Pluto leaving your sign, your ruler is going backward bonkers.

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As I mentioned in the previous episode, Pluto retrograde back to Capricorn September through November 2024,. Quote there's going to be some big surprises in September through November 2024, thanks to the outer planets being retrograde, including Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, and then Pluto retrograding back into Capricorn. Also, throw in the eclipse window of mid-September through October and there will be some disruptions and disturbances in the political arenas and collective consciousness. Pluto is stirring up the pot, bringing the old dregs to the top. Be patient, stay calm, carry on, do your inner work as the brave new world begins to emerge from Plutonian Phoenix, rising from the ashes of the capricorn destruction, pluto purifier and purger planet of death. Rebirth and transformation will get back to unfinished residual work in capricorn, taking care of business, reconfiguring the world economy and financial realities. Unquote.

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Uranus and Pluto, retrograde in Capricorn, is really shaking things up. In September we will certainly see antics and fireworks in the presidential race in the United States. It won't be over until the fat lady sings, which in this case is when Pluto goes into Aquarius on November 19th 2024. This is not going to be a by-the-book election cycle. Get ready for crazy and crazier and perhaps dumb and dumber too. So the day after Uranus, the shocker and awakener, goes retrograde, the Virgo new moon blasts in at 9.56 pm Eastern Time on September 2nd. Good luck, Virgo, as you try to control and rein in Uranian chaos. At 9.56 pm Eastern Time on September 2nd. Good luck, Virgo, as you try to control and rein in uranium chaos.

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But do use the Lunar Labor Day launch to your health awareness advantage, Even though it is a holiday in the United States, take a lunar leap and break out of boring routines or regimes. Get your health house in order and set intentions to release those things that interfere with optimal health. Dedicate more time to self-care, exercise mental and physical well-being. Stock up on those fresh from the garden, harvest fruits and veggies and start that diet that you've been trying to do all summer long. Health and organization are priorities. Set them in motion so you won't be sidelined at the powerful full moon lunar eclipse on September 17th. Reorganize your life so you can be on remote control, especially during this ecliptic time. Apply health regimes, including streamlining diets, health and nutrition, for the changing seasons. Also, tweak your supplements and food regimes, as well as seek out new healers or revisit previous practitioners to upgrade your energy. You'll be glad you did by mid-month.

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The Sabian symbol for this Virgo new moon. At 11 degrees. Virgo is in her baby. A mother sees her deep longing for a son answered. The keynote is the spirit's answer to the vital needs of whatever became individualized out of its infinite ocean of potentialities. Quote from Dane Rudar, an astrological mandala book. I interpret this as a chance to rebirth or imagine the outcomes we want to have in our life. It is the degree that coincides with the new moon which symbolizes new beginnings. At this new moon, what is the life you imagine for yourself which hasn't been actualized yet? Ponder on this and do some creative visualization regarding it. Imagine the betterment of your individual circumstances and also how our collective situation may improve. It goes without saying this Virgo new moon gives us a chance to jumpstart our lives, launching into the fall season with renewed Virgo vim and vigor.

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Mars takes a two-month cruise through Cancer from September 4th through November 3rd. Mars is a fiery planet now out of air sign Gemini, into water sign, Cancer. So all that air will cool off Some of the inflamed narratives out there. In the current political hoopla which is the United States presidential race may simmer down. The focus could shift to protecting our mother cancer country. Yes, United States has a cancer sun sign founded on July 4th. Nationalism might be on the rise. The issue of how the United States spends money to defend other countries versus how those resources could be used at home will be up to be debated. People will be valuing how we protect our own resources while looking at those outputs that go elsewhere. In general, with Mars jiving with Gemini Jupiter during the summer and now shifting into watery cancer. Things that were manic this summer will calm down. Mars simmers down in water signs and it can be passive, but because it is a Martian planet, it can be passive-aggressive. Issues related to home and family can come to the forefront.

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Get ready Eclipse season is here, with a full moon lunar eclipse with the moon in Pisces and sun in Virgo on September 17th at 8 41 pm Eastern time. Be prepared for revealings and exposure of hidden information. The news will certainly be shocking. Make sure your boundaries are intact, as they will certainly be tested during this eclipse. With a Pisces full moon, Protect your field, seal your aura and don't let your energy seep out to those people, situations or media blasts that will be seeking your attention. Remember energy flows where attention goes. So we have to use Virgo vigilance and be very discerning where we put our time and energy.

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I predict that there will certainly be some kind of health scare, perpetuated by mainstream media at this time. Virgo and Pisces are the health and healing axis in astrology. Virgo rules physical health and medicine and traditional health interventions, but also nutrition and food, while Pisces rule spiritual and energy healing. As we record this episode in late August. There are already fear rumblings of new COVID strains blah, blah, blah and the EEE or triple E virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis here in New England, Be prepared, at this full moon lunar eclipse, for health alerts on new viruses being perpetuated in the collective.

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Pisces is a water sign, so there may be more water incidents such as drownings, boat sinking, water inundations, flooding and water related crisis. There may be news about water contamination as well. Not to be a Debbie Downer, but forewarned is forearmed. This is what we do here on Cosmic Scene. On a positive note, this is a highly spiritual time to tune in and tune out. This is the harvest moon, so see what you have harvested in the previous nine months of 2024.

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The moon is full in Pisces, a water sign, so this can be an emotional time, a time of romance, fertilization and relationships. The full moon occurs along the Virgo Pisces polarity, which is the service access. The access deals with the balance between day-to-day functions and routines, physical health and the need for order symbolized by Virgo, and the spiritual self, non-structure, the nebulous and potential enlightenment Pisces. Virgo rules the practical, how we deal with day-to-day life, while Pisces rules our spiritual or emotional life. The key to balance lies in identifying and expressing our spiritual needs while maintaining order in our everyday lives.

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The Sabian symbol for this full moon lunar eclipse at 25 degrees Pisces is quote a religious organization succeeds in overcoming the corrupting influence of perverted practices and materialized ideals. The keynote is the power of the soul to intervene in the personal life and to induce necessary catharsis. These transformations are necessary to break up exclusivism, pride, jealousy, greed for power and wealth. Every man is a church that has the soul as its God, but most men forget the soul and live according to dogmatic rules and habits which not only have become empty or of inner meaning, but very often have been perverted by the demands of the senses and the emotional nature and by the ego with its rationalizing intellect. A purging or catharsis is needed to restore not only fresh and creative spontaneity but even more the contact with the soul and the God-ordained Dharma. The word is purification, End quote. This all comes from Dane Rudar's Unastrological Mandala. So, as I see it, this Sabian symbol relates to what is happening in the collective. We see people awakening to the control dynamics of the power elite, whether it be not only in religion but also political arenas, both national and international, business and other arenas where there is exclusivism, greed for power and wealth and control of the many by a few. This lunar eclipse will reveal certain control agendas and how they are manipulated for the masses by the media and through other channels. And through other channels, the sun transits into Libra on September 22nd at 8 44 am, marking the fall equinox in the northern hemisphere and the spring equinox in the southern hemisphere.

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People have celebrated the fall equinox for centuries. In the northern hemisphere the September equinox coincides with the fall harvest and many ancient harvest celebrations take place on or around the fall equinox. On the equinox, day and night are of nearly equal length across the planet. Archaeologists believe a number of prehistoric sites were used by ancient peoples to track the position of the sun and predict equinoxes and solstices. Some of these sites include Stonehenge and Newgrange in the UK and the Majorville Medicine Wheel in Alberta, Canada.

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To the ancient Greeks, the September equinox marks the return of the god Persephone to the darkness of the underworld, where she is reunited with her husband Hades, or or, as we know him, Pluto, shadow planet. There were harvest festivals in Great Britain. The people of the British Isles have given thanks at the fall harvest festivals since pagan times. Harvest festivals traditionally were held on the Sunday nearest the harvest moon. Early English settlers took the harvest festival tradition with them to America. These traditional festivals, once celebrated around the equinox, formed the basis of American Thanksgiving, which we now celebrate in November, and modern pagans God bless them they still celebrate a feast called Mabon on the autumnal equinox. The harvest festival is a time to celebrate the gifts of the earth.

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Through this energy of the Libra sun, which shines through October 22nd, we become aware of the need for relationships and all that comes with maintaining them, compromising, negotiating, graciousness and balancing. Focus is on diplomacy, balance and fairness. Venus links into scorpio on the equinox september 22nd, revealing the shadow side in relationships and finances. Relationships at this time could get steamy and sensuous, with virtuous venus donning her garter belt and fishnet stockings, though it is too soon soon for Halloween, but something hot is brewing. Ooh la la. On October 26, Mercury moves into Libra, seeking peace, justice and equality, bringing to light where things are off balance or untruthful. Stay tuned when I come back with the sun sign forecast for each zodiac sign for September 2024.

Speaker 1:

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Speaker 1:

Sun sign forecast for September 2024. Starting with the birthday kids Virgo, Happy birthday. There's so much celestial vestal Virgo action happening in September. The sun is transiting your sign and the Virgo new moon on 9-2 starts the month with fun in the Virgo sun. Mercury joins the Virgo party on 9-9, amping up activities and social life. Lunar eclipse in Pisces reveals hidden information and your boundaries are tested. Make the most of your five lucky days in September. Virgo your lucky days are September 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 29th and 30th. Libra lots is happening behind the scenes due to Virgo activity in your 12th house of karma and endings. Take this opportunity to tie up loose ends and leave the past behind your chart ruler, Venus, vibes through your sign, bringing blessings. Lay low at month's onset and get ready to launch at the fall. Equinox your lucky days are September 5th and 6th.

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Scorpio Virgo energies in early September assist you to analyze, dissect and reflect. Virgo new moon on September 2nd helps you organize things and to become more focused. Get your finances in order and find ways to fine-tune your budget. With retrograde Uranus opposing your sun, you'll be re-evaluating and retracing your steps. The seeds you planted in the past months come to fruition at the harvest moon on 9-17. Your lucky days, Scorpio, are September 7th, 8th and 9th.

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Sagittarius Virgo planets squaring your sun create delays and frustrations, so it may feel like Mercury is still retrograde. Do your inner work, with focus on health and improving your vitality. Eat or drink your greens, Appreciate nature and go for hikes, basking in the early autumn sun, with focus on health and improving your vitality. Eat or drink your greens, appreciate nature and go for hikes, basking in the early autumn sun. You'll get your groove back at the Libra Equinox and everyone will be seeking you out. Your lucky days, Sagittarius, are September 10th and 11th.

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Capricorn Retro Pluto pushes up past patterns for Capricorn, seeking deeper purification of body, mind and spirit. Shift your attitudes regarding scarcity and get your money house in order. Embrace the pluto retrograde cycle to be in the present moment without worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. Take advantage of this time to complete a 14-year cycle, allowing yourself to become lighter and freer as Pluto finally exits the building in November. Your lucky days, Capricorn, are September 12th and 13th. Aquarius Pluto has left the building for you so you can come out and play and make hay under the harvest moon.

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Virgo planets activate your solar eighth house of resources from others and unexpected means, so get ready to receive Pisces full moon lunar eclipse on September 17th reveals new sources of income previously hidden or undiscovered. Libra equinox improves relationships and everyone is seeking your Aquarian insight. Your lucky days are September 14th and 15th. Pisces Tag your it Pisces as eclipse season beams in under a Pisces full moon lunar eclipse on September 17th. Stay clear of drama, as things may get volatile. However, any stagnation or delays from early September are freed up.

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You have entered the Pisces-Virgo eclipse cycle, which continues through 2027. Observe what shows up in your life now, as it is your homework for the next few years. Your lucky days, pisces are september 16th and 17th. Aries even though you may feel the urge to act quickly, resist the impulse. Step away from fear and frantic thoughts and take a moment to relax, ground yourself and listen to your inner wisdom. Use the September slipping sunlight to spark a renewed pursuit of health and well-being. Your lucky days, Aries are September 18th and 19th.

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Taurus you're energized by a strong influx of Earth energies, with the sun, moon and Mercury in Virgo, Pluto backtracking in Capricorn and Uranus undulating backwards in your sign. Virgo and Capricorn planets drive you to work harder, while Uranus urges fun and freedom. With Mercury traveling direct, you might receive some positive news. The lunar eclipse Pisces full moon sends a boon. Your lucky days are September 20th and 21st. Gemini you are relieved that your chart ruler, Mercury, is moving forward, allowing for smooth sailing and clear communications. Balance all that heady energy by connecting with your body under Virgo skies. Pisces lunar eclipse may stir up drama, so keep good boundaries. Watch what you say, as it may be taken the wrong way. Your lucky days Gemini are September 22nd and 23rd.

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Cancer you might find yourself needing to re-establish healthy boundaries with others. Once you have that space, you're able to get things done, establish functional systems and complete tasks. However, the Pisces full moon eclipse may catch you off guard, stirring up deep emotions. You're beginning to notice the link between unintegrated feelings and your physical sensitivity. Seek out healing waters to calm your spirit and restore your balance. Your lucky days cancer are September 24th, 25th, 26th. Leo, Virgo planets and the new moon on September 2nd. Light up Leo's financial house. Show me the money. Honey Squeeze in some late summer fun under the abdominal sun. Fall equinox in late September offers unexpected blessings and healing energies to Leo Lucky days are September 1st, 27th and 28th. It's a great time to book a reading, so check out my website, jilljardineastrologycom slash shop and pick the kind of reading or service you would like. I hope you enjoyed this episode on the astrology of September 2024. Remember to download, subscribe, share and give us a five-star review. This is Cosmic Scene, with Jill Jardine sending September astrological cosmic currents, planetary pleasure through the quantum field.