Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

Astrological Forecast September-December 2024 with renown Astrologer Hilary Harley

Jill Jardine

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Curious about how the stars might shape your fall? Join me on Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine, where I sit down with esteemed international astrologer Hillary Harley to decode the cosmic roadmap from September through December 2024. We  discuss the impactful eclipse season from September 17-October 2. Radical Uranus moves backward in Taurus and Pluto's return to Capricorn highlight a transformative period where setting realistic goals and leveraging organizational skills become crucial. 

October brings an exciting discussion about the Libra eclipse, poised to influence international diplomacy, personal aesthetics, and more. Hillary Harley provides valuable insight into the lasting effects of lunar events, including practical tips for enhancing your environment through cultural activities or home makeovers. We also dissect the astrological shifts with Jupiter retrograding in Gemini and Pluto turning direct in Capricorn, focusing on their impact on communication and long-term ambitions. The full moon in Aries is another highlight, promising a time of heightened intensity and profound revelations.

As we transition into November, we explore the celestial events that could sway the upcoming U.S. election and signal broader societal changes. With Venus entering Sagittarius, anticipate a lighter, more optimistic energy. However, a full moon lunar eclipse in Aries might stir up tensions, especially as Scorpio season begins. We delve into themes of transformation and the unveiling of hidden truths, particularly around the Scorpio new moon on the Day of the Dead. Significant cosmic shifts like Saturn going direct and Pluto moving into Aquarius are discussed, with an emphasis on their potential to reshape collective values, societal structures, and technological advancements. Tune in to harness these cosmic currents, make informed decisions, and navigate the profound changes ahead.

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Speaker 1:

welcome to cosmic scene with jill jardine. I'm your host, jill jardine masters in counseling, psychology, longtime astrologer, psychic healer and yogi. In this episode, we have a treat for you. My guest is hillary harley, international astrologer, and my colleague, and together we're going to share the astrology of September through December 2024. You're going to want to hear what those key dates are, so stay tuned. Hey, listeners, I want to remind you to support Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine podcast. You can do that by going on to wwwbuzzsproutcom. Slash 958-528. Slash support. This will be in the show notes. Welcome to the episode featuring my guest, hillary Harley, professional astrologer. She's been on Cosmic Scene before and we love her astrological insights.

Speaker 1:

Hilary Harley is originally from Pittsburgh, pennsylvania, and has been in Boston since 1987. She now lives out in Western Massachusetts. She began her astrological studies in 1998 with teachers Dietrich Pessin, monique Pommier and Dorothy Oja, and she founded Harley Holistic Healing in 2001. She became a certified Reiki master in 2016 and certified to read the Akashic Records in 2018. Reiki and the Akashic Records are integrated into all her readings. In addition to being a holistic healer, she authored Ring of Truth, a novel which traces the life of dancer at the Paris Opera Ballet during Second Empire, france. She is a student and practitioner of Kundalini Yoga since 1991 and holds BFA and MLA degrees from Southern Methodist University and an MPA from Suffolk University. Hillary is a member of the International Association of Reiki Professionals, as well as the National Council for Geocosmic Research, a professional organization for astrologers. If you want to find out more about Hillary and book a reading with her, check out her website, wwwhillaryharleycom. That's spelled H-I-L-A-R-Y-H-A-R-L-E-Y, hillaryharleycom. It is my honor and pleasure to welcome my guest today, hillary Harley astrologer. Welcome Hillary.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much, Jill. It's a joy to be back talking with you about the stars and what to expect on Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine.

Speaker 1:

And, as always, it's our pleasure to have you back to give our listeners the scoop, give our listeners the scoop, and there's going to be a very busy fall season coming courtesy of mercury gone direct at the end of august and eclipse season shining in in september. So we'll do a synopsis of like key and then we'll go back and kind of fill in the blanks. But from what you've been looking at, what do you think are going to be the highlights or red flags or alerts for the fall of 2024?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so there's psyched about, but just a couple days later, his big brother, radical Uranus, change agent.

Speaker 1:

I love that His erratic big brother, Uranus change agent.

Speaker 2:

I love that Erratic big brother Uranus. You know it's like the big brother is the change agent, ready to stir things up and we typically don't feel the outer planets turning retrograde or direct, but it's worth noting because Uranus is a disruptor. So because Uranus is a disruptor, so you know you want to have your wheels in place for a few days before you start really booking those plans. I'd say waiting until the 6th or 7th just to let the energy settle down. Plus there's a new moon in Virgo right on Labor Day itself, the second. So you know, just lay low, enjoy yourselves over Labor Day weekend and then shift in. You know, ease into your first year. You don't want to get off to the races that first week. Back to school and back to work.

Speaker 1:

Right, although the Virgo new moon will try to, you know, inspire people, get organized, get focused. The other thing that's worthy to note too on the first, on some ephemerises, on the second, on others is that Pluto, who has been transiting backward, is going from the Aquarius into Capricorn, the final, last hurrah in Capricorn in our lifetime. I have it from the 1st through the 19th of November. It's going to be going through Capricorn retrograde until the 10th, 11th of October, but, yeah, it's still revisiting karma in Capricorn. What's your take on that? And, weirdly enough, coinciding with election season in the US, so that between the Uranus retrograde and Pluto back in Capricorn, it's really going to stir up the pot.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was really taking a look at that because it is on the same day as the new moon. So there is this concentration of intense activity on Monday of Labor Day weekend and Pluto is about transformation, it's about power and when it moves back for this last hurrah in Capricorn and, as you noted, this is not going to happen again for definitely our lifetimes, but even our grandchildren's lifetime that it will be back in Capricorn and it's an emphasizing, drawing stark contrasts in our lives what works, what does not work, and this includes all sectors of our life career, lifestyle, relationships, goals. So it pushes us to set limits and boundaries, along with establishing realistic goals and making a plan. Really, it works well in terms of the new moon in Virgo, because they're both earth energies. So it's making a plan focusing on healthy habits, practices, routines to get the most out of them in terms of your health and wellness, and prioritizing your goals.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that's a great point. It's very earthy. Here in the beginning of September, uranus is retrograding in Taurus, an earth sign Watch out Taurus. And then we've got Pluto in Capricorn, another earth sign, at the Virgo new moon. So all earth sign, people, physicality, your body, as you said, your finances, the business of your life, all the practical things. It's not an airy-fairy time. It's no time of really getting back to brass tacks and figuring out your earth plane reality and how to improve it. And you're going to be given some chances to backtrack and reevaluate and figure things out. So when these planets Uranus and Pluto go direct, you have something to run with.

Speaker 2:

Right for sure, yeah, that those are key words when you're talking about the beginning of September and they really do align with this return. You know we're out of vacation season by and large and we're focusing on the practical and the pragmatic, the business of our lives. I couldn't say it any better. And Thursday, september 5th, mars also does a gear shift. It's nothing bad, nothing, you know. I don't like to frame things as bad or good, it's just a you'll feel this energetic shift. It moves into nurturing Cancer, the crab. So coinciding with this new moon is going to prioritize self-care, family home food, family home food, your ancestral heritage, through early November. So it's the same window of time that we're talking about.

Speaker 1:

So love yourself up for sure yeah, and I think it's going to be a relief from what was going on in the summer, with Mars carousing through Gemini with Jupiter, like being very manic for people, especially in August, and stirring things up and people freaking out about whatever is showing up in the, whatever national convention you're watching or anything out there in the media was was very much stirring people up and, uh, the amplification of Jupiter with Mars and Gemini made people really believe everything they were hearing, so luckily that is calming down quite a bit too in September.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so it's. You know, it's really going back to the basics, if I had to sum it up the first part of the month. Back to basics, back to what you can count on, going back to what works for you. And then, as you noted earlier, we move into eclipse season, because the full moon on Tuesday, september 17th, is in Pisces, opposing the sun in Virgo, to kick off the first of three eclipses that we have this fall. And you know, as I'm looking at this, it's variations on a theme this year, which is control what you can and surrender what you cannot.

Speaker 1:

Right, that's the Pisces piece.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely but you cannot. So that's the Pisces piece. Yeah, absolutely, the full moon in Pisces is just. You know it's emphasizing and amplifying what Saturn and Neptune and Pisces in the sky have been really pushing us. And you know to let go and let spirit. You know. Watch your perfectionism Go and let spirit. You know, watch your perfectionism be real with what you can accomplish. Set realistic, manageable expectations, particularly where others are concerned. The big caution around this eclipse is getting sucked into details and losing sight of the big picture.

Speaker 1:

Right and I have a theory of what might be playing out too around this full moon on September 17th. With the full moon in Pisces, sun in Virgo eclipse, I think there's going to be another health scare, because Virgo tends to be that. Virgo Pisces is kind of a health access, virgo ruling like traditional medicine, pisces more energetic, spiritual medicine. So yes, and Pisces also rules things like contagious and, uh, no boundaries so something viruses, things that don't uh, you know, obey boundaries.

Speaker 1:

So I also was kind of looking at that and being like, yeah, there's going to be some kind of disease factor going on, or some kind of looking at that and being like, yeah, there's going to be some kind of disease factor going on or some kind of illness virus that's going to pop and you know there'll be some fear mongering around it. But also, pisces is a water sign. I think we're going to have a lot of water issues like inundations, flooding, maybe more sinking of ships or drownings of prominent people.

Speaker 1:

I just think there's going to be a lot of water activity that will make the news, and then there's also some health scare or health issues coming into the media that will be touted out to everybody. So just forewarned is forearmed and do what you will with the information.

Speaker 2:

Right now. I couldn't agree with that more. All of those themes are playing out, and then are you ready to move into October?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean it's noteworthy to know that then we go into Libra. So some of this, all this Virgo heaviness, will kind of calm down a little bit on the fall equinox on the 22nd this year. It comes a little later and the mercury will go into libra too, from the 26th of september to the 13th. So we get, you know, we cut a little bit out of that virgo, you know, focus on details and intensity of the physical plane and start bringing things into balance. And that leads us into October and drum roll please.

Speaker 2:

What's the big event?

Speaker 1:

that kicks off right in the beginning of October, Hillary.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's cutting right to the chase. The second eclipse, just as a reminder for everybody eclipses come in either pairs or sometimes trios, and so this is a trio round. And the second eclipse occurs on Wednesday, october 2nd. It is a new moon solar eclipse in Libra. So, just as you noted, jill, the heaviness, the density of all of this earth from September is moving into giving way to Libra, where our focus is drawn to relationships and balance, balancing all the myriad facets of our lives. And, as a reminder, remember your primary relationship is with yourself. So, like the cog in the middle of a wheel, all of our other relationships extend from the one we have with our own self. So watch how you balance your own needs with everybody else's agenda, because Libra tends to forget about itself. And you want to remember also, in your quest for harmony and peace at any price usually leads to no personal peace for yourself.

Speaker 1:

That's right. Lots of demands coming in from others. I also think that there may be some kind of either breakthrough or crisis with international diplomacy in some issue, because eclipse will, of course, reveal it, bring it to the surface, something that's been brewing. Eclipses like to say here it is and bring it up to attention. So yeah, and Libra is diplomacy, peace, negotiating peace, so there will be some issue around that somewhere in the world.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, totally agree with that. Mediation and international relationships for sure. So brokering deals definitely going down. And you know, Libra also has to do with art and beauty, and beauty tends to be sort of maligned in this day and age or just distorted, and I just want to remind everybody to take yourself on an artist's date to either a museum or cultural event. You know you might find that. Just buy. It doesn't have to be expensive or breaking the bank, but freshen up a corner of your own home with some new decor, buying yourself a new lipstick or a pair of shoes that you've had your eye on. And look around, because bargains abound, whether free museum tickets at your local library or just rearranging the furniture in your apartment can offer a fresh living space.

Speaker 1:

What a great suggestion to use that Libra new moon because and again we got to remind people when there's like a lunar event, whether it's a full or new moon, amplified by an eclipse, that energy is lasting until the next lunation, but with eclipses they tend to last for six months, so that energy gets sparked at the actual lunar event, the lunation, in this case October 12th, but it's pretty strong for the two weeks following it and then it can have an effect up to six months when it's an eclipse, if it's like oh, I have something that day, I can't do that. Well, you have some time to like.

Speaker 2:

Take care of your Libra needs for beauty, take care of your Libra needs for beauty, right, right for sure. And then, one week later, after that eclipse on October 2nd, generous Jupiter turns retrograde in Gemini on Wednesday, october 9th, and again, we do not tend to feel these outer planet gear shifts as we might with inner planets such as Mercury, mars and Venus. But if you do need to launch any projects or make any big announcements, because Gemini is about communication you want to plan to do this earlier in the month or, better still, wait until after the third eclipse on October 17th.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it's retrograde for a while. I mean, it's going to be retrograde until February 4th, 2025. So, but again, like you noted, when they stationary, retrograde or direct, those tend to be like think of a wave pulling all the energy with it. So, generous Jupiter and Gemini, like that. Jolly Jupiter and Gemini, gemini, jolly Jupiter. We like to use our alliteratives here on cosmic scenes, so I'm glad you're in that groove with us today, hillary. Yeah, so that I think that's going to focus again. If, if a planet is retrograding or stationary or doing something in your sign, for instance, when uranus goes retrograde and taurus on the first of september taurus, you're it pluto is going to, you know, going retrograde in capricorn, september 1st, capricorn, you're it. Gemini, guess what? You're it. On the 9th of october, when jupiter retrogrades in gemini, and then two days later, what happens? Hillary, again, capricorn, you're it. On the 9th of October, when Jupiter retrogrades in Gemini, and then two days later, what happens? Hillary, again, capricorn, you're it.

Speaker 2:

So Pluto turns direct motion on Saturday, October 12th. Do you have the 11th? It showed up as the 12th on my.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, 834 pm East Coast time on the 12th on my yeah, 8.34 pm East.

Speaker 2:

Coast time on the 11th Right after Yom Kippur starts at sundown.

Speaker 2:

Oh, interesting. So then, friday October 11th, pluto turns direct motion in Capricorn, and this is just a few days before the final eclipse of a full moon in Aries, so there is a heightened intensity of energy, and you know, when Pluto and Capricorn is underscoring what we mentioned earlier, what works and what does not work. It's really about, okay, get it together. You know, or you know, you want to go up to the top of that mountain. How are you going to get there? What people, resources, equipment do you need to achieve your goals? And so just pay attention to that around, as you noted the end of the high holidays. Friday October 11th.

Speaker 1:

It's a great time to book a reading, so check out my website jilljardineastrologycom slash shop and pick the kind of reading or service you would like. Yes, and so then there's fallout. And this is again guess who's it? It is aries. Full moon and aries, so do diligence and be ready for something to be revealed, as always at a full moon eclipse, and then it gets. It's pretty chill for the rest of october. We can start celebrating halloween early after the eclipse. The spooky stuff is going to come out through the media, of course, too. So that's less than a month before the election in the US, but I think Venus on the same day goes into Sag, so that might lighten things up a little bit.

Speaker 2:

Oh, wouldn't that be nice? Yeah, we welcome that. Sagittarius, wouldn't that be nice? Yeah, we welcome that Sagittarius. Generous, expansive energy and, as we wind up, libra season, where we're hopefully learning to balance our needs in equal measure to everything else this month. But you know you want to watch that full moon lunar eclipse in Aries because it can have us stirring up or looking for trouble, you know, ready for a fight type of thing. So just, you know, take a beat. You know, just lay low around that weekend and don't rush in where angels fear to tread, as they say right and and spooky.

Speaker 1:

Scorpio season starts soon enough, on the 22nd of october, leading into november, with the big event right on the day of the dead. And what is that?

Speaker 2:

so the new moon in Scorpio is on the Day of the Dead. It's really interesting, and this is just a few days before the presidential election in the United States. So can you say change is at hand. I mean, scorpio rules transformation and it also rules the shadow and it also rules the shadow. So what has gotten swept under the rug of our lives? What is hidden is? You know, that's really a play, and by the time of the full moon on November 15th, secrets are definitely revealed. So this is a loaded full moon, as it is conjoined to radical Uranus and Taskmaster Saturn on the 15th, and Taskmaster Saturn is turning direct motion the very same day. All to say, change with a capital C is here.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you know, those first three weeks of November are quite spooky, because then Pluto leaves the Capricorn building on the 19th. I kind of predict that it's going to be one of these elections where we won't know the winner on the 5th of November, where we won't know the winner on the 5th of November. I think there's going to be so many things in the mix that we won't know until the fat lady sings.

Speaker 2:

I agree.

Speaker 1:

Especially with these heavy duty. Like you said, we lead into the month. Three days before the election we got a Scorpio new moon bringing everything to the surface, popping the proverbial cosmic zit, as we would say. And then the other volatility thing showing up is Mars is going to go into Leo on the 3rd.

Speaker 1:

So Mars in a fire sign letting loose the day before the election, and it's there for a long time because it's also going to retrograde at some point later in the year, and so it's there. So that's going to stir up the pot. And then the full moon. You know, the full moon on the 15th, the same day, saturn goes direct in Pisces, and then a few days later, pluto into Aquarius. So we're going to have kind of an action-packed November.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 2:

Even though there's no eclipses, it's actually going to be the month that takes all that eclipse fallout. Precisely, that's exactly right. I mean, all of that eclipse energy, as you noted, is definitely in place for a full six months and you feel it, the immediacy of it right in November, with all of these cosmic gear shifts. And I just want to remind everybody that Scorpio is about transformation, power. It's the big guns, sex, death, shared resources, joint finances, the metaphysical realm, and it's about you know what we have collectively together. So it's a time we're really being pushed to take stock of our values, who and what we value in ourselves, our lives. What is our time, energy and talents and skills really worth? How do we want to spend, you know, the deeper cosmic questions, existential questions? How do we want to spend the currency of our lives?

Speaker 1:

That's. That's beautiful information that people can can work with, and thank you for sharing that about Scorpio, who's always given a bad rap, but there's so many positive aspects of Scorpio. It's really good to dive into those deeper realms of the unconscious and psyche, and Scorpio can help you with that.

Speaker 2:

Right, right, and, as you noted, you know the ruler of Scorpio, you said this earlier. Pluto is finishing its cycle in Capricorn for once and for all and will not be back in this hardworking sign for over 240 years. So the gravity of November and you know, definitely September, october leading, you know, with the eclipses going on, really cannot be emphasized enough. Pluto moves into Aquarius for good on Wednesday, november 20th, and Aquarius is technology, groups, networks. I mean, you're an Aquarian sun, so you can speak to this even better than I, so Right, it is the dawning of the age of Aquarius, which has been coming since the 60s.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, so Aquarius, we're going to have. It's more about interconnectivity. It's not me versus them, it's like we're all in this together. You know, we've been using the phrase unity consciousness for the last 20 to 30 years and now I noticed it was grabbed up by some of the politicals. But it really is that you know, if you win, I win, not like the top 1% winning and everybody else getting the trickle down. So it's going to really shift our society as we know it, life as we know it is going to change. It's a focus on the group. What better is the group? That being said, it's not necessarily socialistic or it's more about future orientation and the whole planet. I see a lot going on with the greening economics, eco-environment, you know, eco-friendly, all of these things. Certainly, technologies are going to be enhanced even more, but it's also getting back to consciousness. That is not necessarily coming from ego, but from soul. That's what I see. So we'll have awakenings, basically in the collective. And then how do we end the month? With a nice Thanksgiving present.

Speaker 2:

Hillary. So just after Thanksgiving, Mercury turns retrograde on Tuesday, November 26th.

Speaker 1:

No, right before Thanksgiving. I have it on the 25th at 9.42 pm East Coast time.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so my ephemeris isn't giving me the exact dates, but you are correct, it is definitely Monday, november 25th, and so you know, heading into the holiday season, it looks okay. Travel, because Mercury governs all kinds of travel. So your travel should be okay during the Thanksgiving holiday. And if you need to buy presents, holiday shopping, you either want to do it before Monday, november 25th or after December 15th, because Mercury returns direct after December 15th.

Speaker 1:

So, in other words, thanksgiving travel may be a cluster, but Christmas travel won't be as bad as last year.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Well, tell the airlines that right.

Speaker 2:

I know for real, but it sounds like we're getting now. We get rebates or refunds. I think that was part of this new travel deal with airlines, that if we're really delayed more than a certain amount of hours, we can get a refund from the airlines. So that's a bit of a breather. But yeah, and then moving into December, are you ready?

Speaker 1:

Yes, drum roll.

Speaker 2:

Okay, again, we've got these new moons right on the first, right at the outset of each month. So there's a new moon on Sunday, december 1st, in Sagittarius and it is really closely tied to messenger Mercury. And, as a reminder, sagittarius rules the law and the legal realm, so post-election, it's going to be really interesting to see how this goes down, how this goes down. Sage also rules truth, freedom, foreign travel, all manner of education, including life experience. So it is safe to say, all of us are being schooled in specific aspects of our lives.

Speaker 1:

That's right. And again, I know it's quite interesting that for the fall, all the new moons are at the very beginning of the month, the first or second of the month. So it's quite interesting that for the fall, all the new moons are at the very beginning of the month, the first or second of the month. So it's take advantage of the new beginning as you launch each month, and I mean this could be pretty hopeful too, because Sagittarius tends to be more of a glass half full than empty sign. So it's kind of cleaning up some of the scorpionic dread and fear's, like okay, we can be happy again. Happy holidays, yes. And then there's some other notable activities. I mean there's actually three lunations in the month of december. So, um, yeah, it starts with a new moon and ends with a new moon, which is kind of fun. But what?

Speaker 1:

else what else is going on?

Speaker 2:

in the sandwich. What's between the?

Speaker 1:

sandwich of the month of December.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the middle, the beef, as we say. Friday, december 6, mars turns retrograde. So Mars is like the gas pedal in the chart it's a kick in the pants that gets you out of bed in the morning. It's about pushing forward. So when it turns retrograde, this is particularly challenging and it's in look at me, Leo. So you know there is a lot of churning and burning, should we say. And the very next day, neptune turns direct motion and again, we don't tend to feel these outer planetary gear shifts. So it could be pretty bumpy around the 6th, 7th and 8th and heading into the holiday and early part of 2025, it's best to plan, to take this time to research the direction you want to go. It is not a great time, when Mars is retrograde, to launch anything.

Speaker 1:

That's right, especially when it's in Leo. I think we're going to see a lot. It's the end of the year and you remember how all those celebrity deaths tend to show up at the end of the year. I think there might be, uh, quite a few or more than usual people saying exit stage right at the end of the year thanks, sayonara.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for sure. Yeah, because leo rules celebrity, um creativity, neptune rules fame. So that could really be true. And this is definitely relevant for creative and romantic pursuits, you know, trying to launch something creatively or romantically, because Mars is the fire starter, it's about launching. So this is it's like spinning your wheels in Alabama mud. It's going to be hard to get yourself going and you may notice that there are a bunch of false starts. So I just want to highlight, because Mars is in Leo, which is a fire sign, you really want to take caution because we're using fire pits, fireplaces as the days get colder, so candles as well. You want to take caution around fire. The end of December, any mechanical or heat-borne devices, including chimneys, vehicles, heat-borne devices, including chimneys, vehicles, appliances not a great time to take major risks or leaps of faith, which coincides with the winter solstice, which is drawing us inward.

Speaker 1:

What about the full moon that happens in the middle of the month?

Speaker 2:

So that's in Gemini and big announcements, so I'll let you talk about that.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean, it's interesting because it's actually the same day that Mercury goes direct in Sag. So Mercury is going to spill the beans Mid-month, the 15th. And it's interesting because you know that Mars retrograde from the 6th and then Mercury is still going to be retrograde till the 15th. You're right, there's going to be a lot of false starts and there's not going to be a lot of forward movement if people are trying to jumpstart something. But then on the 15th Mercury goes direct. It's the Gemini full moon, mercury and the sun are in Sag. So yeah, there's going to be all kinds of things breaking, all kinds of hotlines going on and a lot of information. I think it might be stuff that was hidden that's now coming full front because Mercury is in.

Speaker 1:

Sag. It's also international news, breaking news internationally around the middle of the month leading into that winter. And that will probably go on, you know, for the last two weeks of December.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, A Christmas surprise maybe.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, christmas isn't heavily aspected this year, you know. Luckily, mercury isn't retrograde through Christmas like it was last year. Mercury isn't retrograde through christmas like it was last year. And then we have, at the very end of the year, on the 30th, that last lunation of the year, which is actually a new moon, the capricorn new moon yeah, so you know, winter, this is deep, dark days of december, um, wool gathering, pull yourselves inward.

Speaker 2:

It's about constructive and productive activities and it's a great time, you know, the day before, two days before the new year, to really think about intentions. You want to set practical, pragmatic that Capricorn and it's real deal energy. So, as you mentioned earlier in the discussion, getting back to brass tacks, that is a real theme through the fall. You know it's not airy-fairy this fall at all and it really ends with that lunation, the new moon in Capricorn, on December 30th.

Speaker 1:

Right and it's going to launch people into 2025 with their feet running into their business lives. Or if people have been wanting to make changes in their job situation or careers, actually January this year is a good time to go for it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for sure, for sure.

Speaker 1:

Wow, four months we covered a lot, hillary, and I think we did quite the flash dance through it, through it, but people can um take it, put these dates in their notebooks and their calendars so they're aware when these major astrological events will occur. And, as always, it's such a pleasure and we appreciate you so much on cosmic scene, contributing your wisdom and your astro insights so that everybody can listen. Thank you so much, hillary.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, Jill.

Speaker 1:

I hope you enjoyed this episode with astrological news you can use with my guest, hillary Harley. Make sure you download, subscribe, share and give us a five-star review. This is Cosmic Sea, with Jill Jardine sending cosmic currents into the quantum field. Da you.