My Dog Hunts - Upland Birds

"Hell-Hole Roosters" - Kansas & Nebraska Double Limit of Pheasants

Randy Shepard

I was fortunate to have hunted Kansas and Nebraska when both states had a lot of pheasants. At that time, and for decades to come, I believed this hunt was the epitome of pheasant hunting. I only surpassed this day one time, on a hunt most of you have listened to in an earlier episode. 

Back in 1981, with two young dogs, Critter, a female, liver & white springer, and Woogie a female yellow lab, we took the four rooster limit in Kansas and the three rooster limit in Nebraska, seven roosters, in the same day! The three of us were fortunate to be together at a time when all species of birds in the mid-west, and private access, were plentiful. Back then, a guy could hunt anywhere from Iowa to Minnesota, and North Dakota to Kansas and find a lot, of any of the upland birds, those states allowed. 

You still can in certain years, and for short periods of time, find hunting like I experienced. If you're smart, you'll make the sacrifices I made to enjoy it to the fullest. As many of you already realize, the very best, goes away, very fast.