On The Air with Acumen

AGGS Sessions: India’s Global Citizens – the role and global impact of India’s students With Sandeep Chakravorty, Ministry of External Affairs, Joint Secretary, India

Acumen (Sannam S4 Group)

Join Mr Sandeep Chakravorty from the Ministry of External Affairs, Joint Secretary, India, as he takes to the stage at the 2023 Acumen Global Gateway Summit to speak on the subject of India’s global citizens and the role and global impact of India’s students.

In an interconnected world, where ideas traverse boundaries and cultures blend seamlessly, the role of students in shaping a nation's destiny cannot be underestimated. India, with its rich history, diverse heritage, and unwavering spirit, has always nurtured a tradition of education and learning. Today, this tradition continues to thrive as India's students venture forth into the global arena, leaving a lasting impact on the world.

As Joint Secretary at the Ministry of External Affairs, Mr. Chakravorty has played a pivotal role in engaging with countries across the globe, fostering partnerships, and representing India's interests on the international platform. With his vast experience and profound insights, expect a compelling discourse on how India's students have emerged as torchbearers of change, pioneers of innovation, and ambassadors of harmony, enriching the global community with their talents and intellect.

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